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. , .��;Yd,; , <br /> � • .. ...5 <br /> , - ; .. ..` -` ' ` .. - . <br /> � -' �, � .. ' . �� . � � .. . <br /> ..j -��r��-.. „ .. „ .. ..__..._ .... ..... .._ ... ..---- <br /> ,. . <br /> . . .. . . . ....... . . �'' . <br /> ��° ������ <br /> B. All futuYe advnnces fram Beneflciury to Trustor or ather tLture ublignttona of Trustor to Eeneflctnry under cu�y <br /> • � protNasory note,conuast. punrunry, or other evidence of debt exisdnII now or executed nfter thia Deed of Trust <br /> . whether or not tbia Dced af Trust ia speciRcnily eeferred to in the evldence of debt. <br /> C. All obligadons'['mstor owea to Beneflciary. which aow exiat or mny Inter arise. ro the extent not probibit�by . ��;,, <br /> ., luw. including, but �iot limltc�to. linbilities for overdruRs relating to nny depostt naxiunc nBreement betweea , . <br /> ' 1'tustor And EeneSclnry. �� <br /> n <br /> � p. Afl udditionat euma edvanced r�nnd expenses incurred by Bsaeficlnry for insurina.pmserving orotherwise pmtectiag .;,_;.. <br /> , ' _ -- thia De d of Trust�pluau interest at the blgkestArat in effect ef m tfinecto timebyas provid�In the Evidence of -"`' <br /> o n ' <br /> ;' :�� �:;�; �: <br /> , -� Debt. ' •:;��� <br /> " '� ' E. Tn�stor's perfom�snce under the tecros of Any instiument evldenc[nB u debt by Truator to Beneflciary and unY Deei1 <br /> of Tntst securinII,�unrantyG►II.or othetwise relating to the debt. =°� <br /> 7�li <br /> • If more than one person afgna this Deed of Tcust as T:usror. eucb Ttustor agrees that this Dced of Truat wiil secure ull �;_�' <br /> 4 future advaaces and li�ture obllIIations descrlbed above that are given to or incurred by any one or more Tn►stor.or any '::;;:: <br /> one or ucore Trustor and others. 'itis Deed of Ttust wlll not secure any other debt if BeneRciory fails,with res�xcc�o euch :,,';`" <br /> other debt.eo�e auy reQuired disclosure ubout this Deed of Tmst or if Bsneficlary faila to give auy required nodcc of ,--- <br /> � the riBht of rescission. ..�. <br /> ' .,,''�;,� S. �/��IN�N'1'S.Tcuewr aBrees co malce atl payments on the Scxured i�Pbt when due suuc�iu accordancc wich the terms of the <br /> " • � Fsvidence of Debt or tLis I)eed of Tn�st. �"'""` <br /> � � 6� �y�R�AN�y OE TlTL1E.Trustor covexea�ats t6at Trustor is lawfully seized of the estate wnveyesl by Wls Deed of Trust ' " <br /> ., �.��;::� <br /> ° $• and has thcs dght to irttwocubly grnnt�canvey ead sell to Trustee, in tc�st,with power of sale,tta��+npertY and warrants _. <br /> ` tliat the Property+ia uneucuim'bEred�exce�st for encumbrances of retord. �`'.- <br /> . �� � snr:: <br /> .. 7. CLAIIVIS AGAII�IST TiTLL�.Tmstor will pay atl taxes.assessm�nts,liene.encum?� paymeats.�aund rents, �_._. <br /> utilitles.aud other charges mlating to t�he PropErty wben due. Berzofic�ary may re4uire'1'iustor to provide to Bmeflciary <br /> � ` copics of uU aotices that sach amouats�due ead the teceipte evidencing TntsWr's paYmemt.lYsistor will defend tide to �i_;__= <br /> : �'. ece _.., <br /> • y � the pi,operty ugaiast eay claims thnt would impair the lien of thie Deed of Tivst.lYustor agrces to s�ssiga to _,:. <br /> � . , 1 s�s� �_ r.°�uested by Beneficiary, aaY,riglits,clsims or defenses which Tiustor may havF against partles who supply labor or <br /> ;;'• a�aAtedelo w improve or mtuntata the rrope�cy. --- <br /> .',�,� 8. PRIOR S�UItIT'Y AVT�R�1'�.With regard w any other mortgage,deed of uuat. securicy agrcement or other llen -- <br /> � docwnent t4s�c r e a t e d a p r ior s e c u r i t y i n t e r e s e o r e n c u m b r a n c e o n t h 7�r o p e r t l+a n d t h a t m a Y h ave pdori ty over thfe Deed <br /> oi Ttust,RYustor agre�s: d <br /> � A. To m.�+ke sll puy�ts�vhen due and to perform a�r comply wlth ail coveaants. <br /> { <br /> a. To ptomptly deliver to BeneHeinry sny notices that Trnstor receives fmm the hoidec. <br /> C� note;r agreem�at se�nred by,dth�e other�mortg ge�de�ofdausttor�urlty a�ment unless Beneflciary cons n� e_-- <br /> . . . .�``. it1 wtiting. - <br /> �'�'• 9. D�ON SALC OR ENCUIV�RANCE.BeneflclEUy tta opdon,declare txte eatlre balence of the Sesurcd]�eDt w . _ <br /> luy <br /> -- .o.,::�:. be iminedintely due and psayabls upon the creadon of any lien�encumbrance.tranafer,or et�te,or contract ior nny����e <br /> �``;-;�,;,;;:��;.�� oa the property. However,if the Progerty i nc lu dea T n i s tor's ces i d e n c e, t b l a ¢e c t i o n s h a i l b e s u b j e c t c o t h e r e s t�lctiona <br />- �>>:rt=i: <br /> Imposed by federa!Inw(12 C.F.R.S91).as applicable.For the�ui�pi Dses of thia sectioa.the teraa"PropertY° also ia�ludas <br />_�i,r�.����.:,...•�. any intezest to aU or any puK of the Property.lbia covenant shell run vv�th the PropertY aad shell cemaia in effect until tba . - <br /> ;�wfr;,, ;.„�. Secured Debt ie paid in Poli nttd tWs Deed of Tiust is released. <br /> �::-:... .. — <br /> - :`�.'i.�:= 10.TRAIVSFEIt OT AN IIVTL�REST iN Tl�GRANT013. If Tiustor is an entiry other than a nttturnl perso�(such as a = <br /> � �'�' .�' co:poration or other orannlzation). Beneflcicuyr may demand immediate puyment lf(1)a i�eaeReial intemst in'Pnw"wr is . -. <br /> "�:�:"-- `.:.::� sold or uansfemed;(2)there is a change in efther the identIty or aumber of inennbers of u partnershiP: or(3)there Is s <br /> ��•:�' �� �' ' chaage in o��nter'hip of m�►m thnn 25 perceat of the votln�swck of a aorportuion.�Iowever.Bes�efiCinry may not demnmd __. <br /> ��•`_�-=--�--� puya�et ia dse sbove eth!eNons if it is prohibited by law oa of the date of thie Depd of Tcust. � _ <br /> ._'�.d�.':�/lL4' . <br /> �N'�•• <br /> -Y�.'"- ,. .. l i.E N T I T X W A R R A P P f�S AND Rk'�RFSENTATIONS. If Tnistor is aa entity other than a nutural person(sttch ag a <br /> --�i:':`�: corporatton or other orgui►i7a.tion).Ttuator mnkes to Beneflclary the followina wt�rrranties und tepresentrtions w h t c h c!�,N] ' <br />_ . �. � be cantinutnB s�s long os the Sscured De bt r e m n i n s outstnn d i n g: _- <br /> : •,.,,�• ~ A. Tcustor is an entiry vvhich is duly orQanizeff and vniidly eacisti� fn the Trustor's stnte of iacorporation (ar _' <br /> •�����' orguniziulon).'IYustor ie ia good strmdtnB in nli states in wh�ch Tn�stor tr�nsacte b�alness.T�ustor has the power <br />- ;��°1;�;,J �d . and authorlry w ovm the Pmperty nnd to carry on ita bnain�s os now beinB oanducted and. as upplicable, is =' <br /> ' :;" ;_�� qraltfied to do so in e�ch state in whicL Tcustor operate3. Q=: <br /> • � B. Thv caecudoa, de1tvery aad performm►ce of tnis Dce�i o�9'rust by Trustor and the oblignflon evfdenaed by the �r <br /> ;�.,•,, Bvidence of Debi Are within tha Is�WQr of Trustor. h��LC bcen duly antliorizcd. Mve received all necesssuY ,�-. <br /> .;�;;�:f:� ,; �, Qoveramentni approvN.and will not violntc n�y proviaion of law,or order of oourt or govemu►ental�►acY• <br /> �':. <br /> '';,�"� C. Othor thaa disclesed in wridnB Trustor has n�2 chang�d ita name vrithin the last ten years aad Ia,s nat used any <br /> ' � otlter usde or Rctidous nsune.Without Beaeficiary's priQr written oonsent.Tcustos does�t and wy�i not use any , <br /> -- `�� :;.`„A a�:sd�a�i!!r:�e,•�P�e�a existing cr�n�s aad franchisc�until the gaut+ad Debt Is st{tlafted. : : <br /> [, �' <br /> _ _ —��- = 12.PROP��R'['Y COI�IDI'F'dON. AL'fCiWTIONS ANA INSfl���14�N.Truster wiil keep tbe Proporty in good oondicion <br /> and mahe n11 repsiirs tiu►t ane �sonably necessciry.Tcustor�v�ll �ive Aenefielary prompt nodae of nny loss or damnBe to <br /> r <br /> - , the Peoperty.'1'rustor will keep the Propemy fc+�of aoxiaus weeds aad giasses.Trustor wtll not inidate.3oin in or oonsent <br /> � �' co uny chnnge ia any privnYe resutctive oovenant, zoniug ar��nnnce or other gublic or pdvate restrlction 1i�itiaa or <br /> an <br /> deflnin�the usea which muY be made of the Prop�iy or any �¢atc of the Prop:.rty. �vttliout Benefteiary's prios writtat x <br />_- ' consent. Tiustor wtll noNfy Beneftciary of ell demands. Pmr.eedinfr,s,claims. and uctions r�a�Ont•3�rustor or any asher £. <br /> owner m�de under Inw or segulution re�nrdinQ use.ownersbip aad occupancy of the Property.'�ot t�ill'�o�itply�vith ulI � <br /> - leBai requicements and cesutctiona,whether public or prtvute.with respact to the use of the Property•'f'tustor also nareea �� <br /> . � ' that the�wriue of the accupancy+md use will aot d�mtge withaut Beiieflciary's prlor wrlttea consent. , <br /> - • " No Qortion ot the Property wiU 6e removed,demolished or ronterinlly nitered without BeneflatarY'e prior written consent <br />� .. � �xcept that Trustor has the rl�t►t to ceettove items of persannl proprrty comPr[BinII a Purt of the Fropetty thut becosne wom <br /> , • , �, pago Y o►Q <br /> �- . - . p 1093 Oankcro Svamma,lno..6t.CIpiO.MN It�OOOJ99•21Q11 Form A61C0-0T�NB tOBORi7 <br />-:� . . . . . . . . - <br />