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� 1 <br /> � � . � <br /> � <br /> � ..AU� � . ` - ' . _ . � . <br /> � y .. -� '' <br /> , � <br /> , • .. .. <br /> , .. : „ .. - . „ , <br /> .._. <br /> . .. �,�, .W�w....,•. � � .�. . . . , .. , .. .�,._._:.�,_s <br /> . ,;. .. ,._ __...._.._._. _.. __.._...--------......�.. <br /> .. . .. .._..._ <br /> .,, <br /> . . ,.,._... .... _., .----.�._..,. _....__. - - .. <br /> _ .r����^���s-�=.--......_____..._._._.._ ..�.. . _.. <br /> • '• �,uh�tuntiully equividGnt niortQu�e insurcune caverr�Be lti not uvailuhle.B�rrower shall puy tu l.ender eucli month u sum equi�l to � <br /> unc-twt�fth«P thc yecirly�nortBcillc Insurnncc ptemimn bcin�;�iid by Borrc►wcr wizcn tlic in�urunce rovcruge lupsed��r ccu+cJ ta .�_ <br /> " �c in cffcct.1-ender wit!ncccpt,uh�urtd reuiin these paymc»tR ac u loss reserve in licu ��f nu�rtguAe insurunce. L.�ns rc4erve <br /> puymentti�mny no lur��;er ba required,nt the c+psic►si oi l:ender,if murt}�ugc Insurunce coveruge(in the umuunt and for the pericui t� <br /> �; <br /> thpt I.cndcr rcyuircy)pr�vidcQ by un insurcr npprovcd hy Lcndcr u£uin bcc��mcti uvi�iluble i�nd is obtnincd.Borr�wcr sha puy ��, <br /> thc premfumw requircd t���nnhunin m��rt�►aBc Insu�uncc in et'fcct, ��r to providc u I��sx rescrvc,until thc rcyuircment fi�r mort�uQc � <br /> in�t�mce en�s in uccordiuire�vith uny tivritten uarcement bet�vesn Barrower and Lender��r upplicuble luw. ��;�. <br /> t 9.ittxprctlan. l.endcr or its��gent muy mukc reusonubk entricti upan und inspcctions uf tfio Pruperty. [.ender shull givc � <br /> qarn�wcr nodc�ut ihc dmc of or prior to im in++pertion sperifyinII rcusonublc cuu++c fc+r thc lnspectian. � <br /> - !0. Cu��deu�uutlun. The procecds uf,my nwnrd or ciuim for dnmuges, direct �►r eonseyuentinf, in connectian �vtth nny � j�, <br /> • � condemnutioi�ar olher taking of any pun of the Propeny. or for comcyunce in Ucu of candemnution, urv l�arrby us+i�nuf auJ � _� <br /> � ` tihal!bc putd tn I.endcr. ` <br /> ._ ; In the event of u tutul taking of the Praperty.the procecds�hnU be upplied to the sums secuted by thls Security Instrument. �F- <br /> �"•=•-�i� whether nr nat then due, with nny cxcess paid to Bormwer.In the cvent of u partiul tukinB af the Property in whtch the fuir � ��, <br /> � �=��°' etorc the tnking is equal ta ar grcuter than the amaunt of the sums secured by ti�is � ?�� <br /> . :,� � market vnluc af the Aropcny immcdiutcly b ' �;�_�- <br /> Security Instrument immediutcly beforc the taking,unless�orrower and Lender othcr�vise agree:ln writinB,tha sums secured by ���_ <br /> ' � thi�► Secur�ry Instrument shnll be reduced by the umuunt of the procecds multiplied by the following f�nction: (A) the total � __-. <br /> ` R. iunount of the sums sccured immediately beforc d�e taking,divided by (b)the fair murket valao of thc Property immediatcly =_ <br /> ', before ehc taking. Any balance shull be paid to Borrawer. In thc event of u punial taking of the Proparty in which the fuir _ <br /> ' i mnrket value of thc Property immediutely beforc the taking is loss thun thc nmount of thc sums secured immcdiutely beforc the <br /> ` �° t�1:Mg,unless Borrower nnd [.ender othcrwisc ugrcc in writing or unless applicable law otherwisc provides, thc proceeds shall <br /> h: , be applied to thc sums s�ecured by this Security Instrumcnt whcthcr or nat the sums ure then duc. <br /> if thr,Property is ubandoned by Hurrower,or tf.aflcr nottce by l.ender to&�rrowcr thut the cundciunur��ffers w mal:c un <br /> � '' , award or settle u claim for damnges, Bonower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 days ufter the dutc the notice is given. . <br /> ::� Lcnder is uutliorizcx!to�ol(ect and apply the praceeds,at i�s option.either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> �� .___� . sccured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due, _- <br /> =- -- - L'c�tcss I.�.r.d�r �nc! &�riower orh�rwise ugree in writinR, anY application of proceeds to principul tihall not extemd or ` <br /> � �Y postpone the due date af the monthly payments referre,�to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amoum oi xuci�puyuicais. � <br /> . .. �,� 11.Bonrower No�Releusedt Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver.Had;nsion of the tima for payment or madificatlo�� �• <br /> +�,,,, r of iunurtizaUon af the su��secured by this Security instrument granted by Lsnder to uny successar in inte� of Borrower sha;1 -r <br /> �•:•, not operu4e ta release the liability of the original Born�wer or�o�rower's successors in mterest. I.ender shall not be requiacd to <br /> ;���:,... <br /> r <br /> � '��'•'�� commence proceedings n�ainst any suceessor in interest ar refuse to cxtend time for pbyment ur othcrwise modify amorsizatian <br /> •'•������•-'�"�����'� of the sums secured by this Security Instrumen� by rea.con af any demand made by the originul Harrawer or Barra�er's <br /> ;' `.j•'1'' successors in intere.5t. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shnll nat he a waiver of or preclude thr. _ <br /> ,`�':� exercise of Ar►y rlght or remedy. <br />� ''.�'`+• � iZ. Suc¢essors and Assiga4 Bound; Jofnt and Several l,ia611ity; Co-signera. The covenants und agrcements of this <br /> •'•�•`�''� Security Instrumont shall bind and benefit the successon end assigns of L.ender and Borrower. subject to the peovislaru of <br /> _�,�.=c� <br />. ; ,,.,,,;.,;,: p�B�p}� ii, gu,T�Wa��b car�tastt: 3ns! agreem�ntc shu11 be iuint and several. Any 8onower wha co-signs this Secudty <br /> Instrument but does not executa thv Note: (u) is co-signtng thia Security Instrument only to mortgnga. grant ond�v��Y�y tnut <br /> ' � Borrower's interest in thu Proporey under the tcrms of thih Secudty Instrumcnt;(b)is not personully abliQuted to puy the sums <br />-.�' • • secured by this Security Instcument;nnd(c)agrcea chut Lendc�und nny other Sarrawer muy u ree tn extend.modify.forbear or <br /> ;�;. .,,;, �•: make nny uccommodationa with reBard to the terms of this Security tment is+ub ectlt Nu luw�ich�ctsBm►ximum laan charge:+. <br />'.� • 13.Loan Churg�.If the Iaan secured by thiti Security Instru <br /> . ,.. <br /> ;•,.:., �. and that luw is finally Mterpreted su thut the interest or uther loun rhurgcs co lected�r to be collectui in cunnectt�m with the <br />'"�" ` � ' lo:u►exceed the pc:rmittod limitx,thcn: (nl uny ruch loan char�e whull bc ecduccd by tlie umount neccssury t��reduce the charge <br /> ����+� ��N-:•� <br />�r,.,w�,�• .;, to thc permitted Hmit:und(b)uny suma nlrc.udy coltc�ct��l from Borrowcr whicb exccccicJ permitted timitx will hc refundcd to <br /> Bs�rrawca Lendcr may choosc to muke thig rcfurtd by ralucing ttic princfpc`rc��u�4c� thc Nut�or by mukin� u din:y <br /> �,,�r mw� paymcnt to Bonowcr. If n refund reducc� principu{. thc ratuction will b partiul rcpt►yment �vith��ut nn <br />'�;•-;,:;;:c•_r� prcpayment chutBe undcr the Notc. <br />- - - 14.Nottccs.Any notice to&�nower provlded for in thi4 Securlty Instrumcnt sha{I be given by delivering It or by maii ng <br /> °�-�`�--• It by first cluss mail unlcss npplicable inw requiccs use of anothcr method.The notice hhull be directed to th�Propc�ty Address <br />�F�,.,�.►�::�R- <br /> �_� or nny other addcess Borrower designntes by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lsnder shull be given by first class ma to <br />?""`°°"°�"�`�'�� Lcndcr's uddres�s su�ted herein or ony other address I.cnder dc.gignutes by not[ce to Bormwer. Any natico provided for in this <br /> - �w:�c-� Sccurity Instrumcnt ehall be deemed to huve bcen given to Horcower or Lender when given us providai in this puragcaph. <br />�=.�;�7`�.� 15.Govcrning Iatv�i Severnbflity. This Securiry lnstcument shail bc governed by fedorai taw and thc law of the <br />���+�:� Jurisdfctlon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />'' �` �`"� � �conflicts with upPlipble law,sued wnflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstcument or the Tlota which can bz <br />,f,1 xv <br /> .1L:'�.,%. <br />�+'�='z;;e��: �iven effect wtthout the ea�flieting provlslon.To this end the provisions of this Secudty Insuument and.the Note uce decinr <br /> �";'��;�-..�� to be severable. <br /> `�;_:i t'�;;, 16.Borrower's CoPy Borrower sliull be given ane conformed copy of the Note und of this Security Tnstrument. <br /> ='�°":"•;,;`.*�'. 19.'11rsu�fer of the Prope�tY or o licmeficloQ Interc:tit ia�Bonower.lf all or uny}�urt of the Property or any inter�t in it <br />_ -�::��'',�� is sold or tnnsferrei!(or if a Urnaficial ir.tcrest in i3orrower is snld or transferra!and Burrowcr is not�natur�l person)withont _. <br /> �-��^�',;��' Lender's p r�or wri tten co n s e nt. Lender ma y, at its option. uire immediate payme�it iu fult of all sums securet� by this <br /> -�=�'r��^'� Secudty Ynstrume�t.Efowever,thi's uption stiall not be exr,rcised�y[.ender if exercise ls prohibited by f e dern l�aw as o f t h e da t e <br /> .�„�,�.� <br />-��•��=-;�nY�:�.,... of this Security InStrument. <br />-- • :��.•t IB Lender exerctses this optton.Lender shall�ive Borro�ver notice of acce�eration.The notfce shall rovide n perio o not <br /> - -��- less than 30 days from thc datc the nottce is delivcred arrnnded within wMch Borrower must puy al <br /> sums socurc�d by this <br /> ' ` 3ecurity instn►ment.If Borrower fails to pay thae sums prior�o the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke�ny remcdPes <br /> `��! permitted by lhls 5ecuriry imtrument without further notice or demand an Borrowcr. <br /> .�. 18. fiorrower's RiQht to ReEnstnte. If B��rrowcr meets certain conditions, &�rrowcr shull h•rvc the right to ha�'c <br /> � ' ' enforoement of this Scxuriry Instrument dissontinuud at ony time prlor�o �ursunnt to�sna�Sower�of sale contuitted in�this <br /> _ � • ' � npplicable luw muy specify for re[nstntement)before snle of the Praperty p Y P <br /> � Securlty Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment entnrcing this Secudty Instrument.Thnse conditions are that Dorrower: (a)pays . <br /> , � L,ender nll sums whlch then woutd be due under this Securjty Instniment and the Note ns if no acceteration had occurn�d: (b1 <br />° � ,., ��� � cures nny default of any other covenants or agre�nunts;(c) pays ull expenses incum�d in enforcing this Security Jnstn�ment, <br /> - , ° including,but not limited to,reasonable attornoys' fees:artd(d)tukes such nctton as Lender may m:�onnbly eequire to assure <br /> -- ..-;;�-., ihni chc:iicn vi t��i��:�:ur�t3:n;ta�s�zt.,l:ad����t!t i i Y.��n•pnc�ntrteinent�bv Borrowerb�thts� �c�cuary insttvmen�ar�iic <br /> - - -.- - tltis ��CUl7t�l InSZiUIRY1ii atibn i.�muuu. ........»..a�-. —r° ---- <br /> � ' � obli�uttunc s�xucrxi hcreby shull remain fully effective us if no ucceleration hud occurred. Hnwever. this right to reinscate snaii <br /> � � � ' � not apply in the case of ucceleration under purngntph t7. <br />� ' '%���`� ' 19. Salc o6 Notet Ctu►nqe of Lo�n SPrv[cer. Thc Note or u particil interest in the Note (wgethcr with tliis Security <br /> � �� � Instrument)may be sold one or�nore times without prlor noiice to Borrower. A ssile muy result in u chnnge in the entity(krtov�n <br />� ` � ' c►�the"l.uan Serviccr")thut collects monthiy puyments duc under the Notc a��rtd this Security Instrument.?here ulso muy be on� <br /> �����ii;'��; <br /> ,,, , . or moK changes of the I.n.u►Scr�+icer unrcluted to a sale of thc Note. If thers is a changc of the Loan Sewicer.Borrower v�ill be <br /> �''���11 • � Qiven�vritten notice of the change in uccordunce with paragr.aph 14 ubove ru�d applicabQe if»v.The natice will stute t}�e name end <br /> — �;,;,„ , <br /> ''"' :uidress of the tte�v Laan 5ervicer und the uddress ro which p�yments should be mude. '1'he notice will also cantai�n uny other <br /> � informatinn required by upplicuble la�v <br /> �� 20. Mi0L.1P�I0tL4 SUI1SlDItCI.W. Borro�ver ehn�' �w�hhall not do.tnorullo anyoncdcl�to�do, an thing af#ectfng the <br /> �� „ , H:unrdous Substances on or in the Property. <br /> � Property that is in violatton uf nny En�ironment:a!Law.The preceding two scntences shull not apply to t e presetica,use.ur <br /> ' storage on the property of small 9��`he Pro H��ous 5ubstnnces thut are generully recogniud td be upPrnPriate co normnl <br /> -- residentiul usey und to muintenunre P��Y• <br /> r�a o�a Fotm 3028 8190 <br />