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<br /> �'.
<br /> � y aorrower xi�atl pramptiy �Ivc I.cnder writtc� noticc of uny invetiti�utf��n.clidm,demund. Imvsuit ��r othcr n�tlnn by any
<br /> �� , a, �ovcrnunent�d�r rc:Bulutury uf�ency nr p�ivutc parry Invniving�he PropertY and any Hur�►rdoun Substunce r�r�nviroE�mciunl Luw �;.-�-
<br /> ' of whtch Burmwcr hiis ustuu�knowladBc.If 8orro�vcr lcums.i�r is notit3�l by uny govcrm»cntul ur n:�ulutc►ry u►athnrity, ttmt �:;^,_
<br /> ' nny removul ar nther rcmediution uf uny 11aia►►'dnuw Substunce nffectin�Nte Pruperty i.q ncecsu�ry,Harrower shull p rum��tlY u�ke �_:-,•,.�.
<br /> all neces�ry eemedi►►I uctions in nccordunce witl��Tnvirnnmentnl l,u�v. '�c,x;,:•
<br /> - � Aa uxul in tl�i�paru�r►�ph 2Q, "Hiu.nrduur; Substunccy" ure tNost su6stnnces defincd ug tc�xic or I�ura�rd•�us�:ubstunces by �,,�._
<br /> '. �„ Gnvironmenusl Luw und the fi►U��wing tiubsta�rcr: gutinlinc, kcroseno. athcr flummuNlc nr toxic petr��lcuxn prc�ducas,tiixic �......._:
<br /> pc�ttcidcs und hcrbicidcs,valatilc solvcnts,mutcriuls cuntain{ng usbestus ot formnldchydc,und rudivactivc mutcrlid�.A-+uyLd in ' _
<br /> � " t h l R p u ra g r ap h 2 0. "E uvirun►mut:� I.aw" m:� fcdcral lanvti i+nd I��w� of thc Jurlsdictinn wherc thc Property id la:.�tcd thiu E�-"°`_
<br /> „ , �''� � rciato to heu lth.r�fety ar cnvironmcntnl protection. ��
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borro�ver und I.ender further covenunt and;�rea as fallowa:
<br /> � � xl. Acc2lerntloni Etcmedic.�.i.ender shalt alve noticc ta Burrower p�rlor to accelcrnttan follawinp Bvriwa.r��r'��Areach F,=
<br /> !"� $ of any covenmM or agreement in thia Security Instrumcnt (but rtot pr!oe to accelerntlan under uraRru�ah 17 unles.9
<br /> .�� �
<br /> •,,,,,�„y„�j@�' uppita►ble In�v pro��idc9 athenvise).The nottce�shall specl6y: (a)the default; (b)the action rcyutrc�to cure tqe defAUlt; � _
<br /> _. �� � i (c)a�ate,not le�s than 30 days tt�oim the date thc nottce is�Iven to Sorrnaer,by�vhich the default must h�curcdt And tr�
<br /> • . 3�� �; (d) tl�nt fallure to cuce tha defi�uit an or befornthe ProGeM ciTh na Iee hall f'urttiern form[iorrowetr ofr he dg t1to � �
<br /> secured by thia Sfcurlty in�trument and sule of (s y
<br /> • � �' ' reinstate mfter accelerntion und the rlght w bring u court actton to assert the nau-exis4ence oe n defuult e�r any other
<br /> � . deQense of Brerrower to uccelerutian artd sale. IP the dsfautt is nat cured on or�fom the date gpeci�ed Isi th�nntice, �R
<br /> Lender, nt ita optlan, may require immedtntc Puyment in full of uil sume secured by this Security In.�;tn�rnmt �vit out
<br /> • further demurtd und may i�svoke tke po�ver of enle und any other remedics pP imitA�b� �Zlt�inctudi e but nwt i�t d �
<br /> entltlerl to oollect all expens�s iacurred in put:sutnR the remedtes provided in th p R P
<br /> - '��'� to,rens�nable attornays'fees und cosY�of titic evtdence. _
<br /> • , .Ktm It thQ pnwee pY snle te fe►�vokt'�3, '15�a�tc^. ehull rccard a anl��c oP deYault !n e�cd county in whicti uny pnrt of the � ---
<br />..�,,;•`���: ���j?;,.; Proper�.y ia oocateA�nd ehull mail oa�lea�of such nottce ln Ehe nunner prescribed by upplicnble taw to t3�r�nnerand tu
<br />. 1.'Y.:...11.—._"
<br /> �� 5�:, ..o jrqh6a law.Ai'ter tRe time rcrlaai¢�ed by appficAbla taw,Trustee shuU gfve public not ce
<br /> th$ofhcr,P�r�u�w�i�lst�b, ..��! -
<br /> � `5�'�+ oi sale t�the peraaus und in tho manncr prescribed�y applicnble law.'1'roseec,wiu�uui dei��a���i aa E:rm�t�, shp���p� �^
<br /> „,�t y��, �,��¢ � the Prc►pBrtY at public�ucNan to the highest bldder at the tim�and place und und At�hne sale of�u�i or�any parcel tnf he �r;;
<br /> '�1j ����`� ��` ' sole in one or more parcels und in s►ny ordar Truetee determines.TruRtee may po pu
<br /> '•;r{:�; .;?.,• .
<br /> 4�4i�
<br /> •�•�•�� ; ��!; • property by public uAnouncem�nt ae the time t�d pt�ce of s�ny previoualy schedulc�l�Ale. Lend�er or its ilc�i�nee may �;_.::
<br /> 4.;,.���!�ti��(,�;,s;t purchase tha Prol�erty nt any snle. __
<br /> +': s •. Upon mceipt of ps►yment a�¢Q�e price bid, Tru�tee shuli detivcr to the purchaser Tnutee's deed�un�c9�nB�ho _
<br /> � property.The recttals in the Trustee's deed shuA be prtfna facte evidence of ihe truth of tla�stcttementa�ade themin. �.
<br /> �;�`b =
<br /> .W �i .;.
<br />�%°`<•:*Y ``' Trustce shap apply tice proceeds of tho stale in the following ordcrs(u)to ell wsta end expenAes of exercisin�tbe power of
<br />,Y�.w����"�..f-�•�
<br /> sale,and tha sale�includtng the payment a[the Trurtee's fees nctuully Incurred,r+ot to excer�ti the o f$5 0.OOor�`�a
<br /> � "`` oT;;ta�.;n�:y�s!ar.zauu!uf!!��e at the time of the declarntian of de�ault,nnd reASOnaDIB ntto eys•te�a pecxnttted
<br /> ���'�� by 1n�v;(b)to n!1 sume socured by thEs�ocurlty Instrument;and(c) uny excess to the person or persons ieRsii�cm`i��:t�
<br /> ,. ..� :1;
<br /> i ;
<br />,�u.���i�,.,. it.
<br /> —_' 22. Reconveyunce. Upon payment of all �ums ficcurr.� by this Securlty Instrument. I.ender ehall reqaeu ru�tee to
<br /> m`�-'```Y'"�`'� reconvcy the Property urtd shnil �urrender this Sccurity lnxtnimont und cll notes evidcncing debt secured by�his Securlty
<br /> =_"--- Instrument to'fnixtec.Tmstec rhnll rcconvey tho Prapcny without wurrnnty mld withaut charge to the petsa�ar�rsons legnily
<br /> --- e�tt4led to it.Such persnn ctr persons shnll pay any recordution coste.
<br /> �+��� 23. Suintttute 7rustce.l.endcr. ut its opiion. mny f'rum timo to tlme re�ttovo Tn�stee und uppofnt a succassor tn�stee to
<br /> �•���''���� any Ttvstee appulntecl hercunder by an instrument recorded in Uio c�unty in whichw rKA d ducicw canferreA iupanQT�tee h�rein
<br /> " ..-°�'-'"?� eo»veyunce of the Propeny,the succcssor trustee ahall Rucce�to aU the title, po _
<br /> �-.••���-� and by applicablc law.
<br />--"_`=`�"'`�� ?A. Request�or Nuitce�. I3orrawer requests thnt copies of tha notices of defuult and sale be sent to Dorro�er'e¢ddress
<br /> --`—���� which is dtr+P�perty Address.
<br /> ��m�--� 2S.Riders to thdn Security Instcument. if one or more rldure nre executtul by Borrower and recorded togc�her wjth this
<br /> - tShe wvereuus andna�r ements of his Security Instnim nt assif t e rider(s)werei c�ptnrt�af this 3ocurity Inst�me�ni�supptement
<br /> -----�--a- [Cbeck upplicnble box(cs)� ,
<br /> ----- Adjustubl�Iiute Etider ._ Cortdominlum Ridea� ❑ 1�4 F+umily Ricaer
<br /> __ _-- �]Cimduated Payme�t Etider Plunned Untt Dcvclopment Rider [�Biweekly Pnyrnent Itider
<br /> - Balloon Rider Rsste Improvemant Rider CJ Second Horac RidC� _
<br /> i
<br /> --- �...,,� V.A.Rlder Uther(s)[�Pe�tl�rl }�p�ACtP��l.i.�a..Q.idtox � -
<br /> ___...__.�,s�.
<br /> - �_;� �
<br /> J.-�.t�����.. .
<br /> -•-==��-� SY SIONINO IiEtAW,���ver ecaepts nn���rees to tha terms and oovennnts containod in this Secudty lnstn►ment nnd
<br /> ='�+ '� in nny ri�er(s)execut��d by Bonnwer und recorded with it.
<br /> _;..Ji�x�.� h.�� W�tR�$�: Vi
<br /> , �3, (SP.aI)
<br /> '� :��+ � R g@�D. LEOnard -Bormwer �,-
<br /> - t ��'1'7�. . � � � 1 • v i ' n ' '
<br /> ._��T:�¢'�::�_� - - - — .. , .-"• � ���� �--
<br /> -':�`•'� �7i3Li L18 I Leonaa�8t�l� -�urNwc�
<br />-.;K:.,:.:-;,-�,� _ - - --- '
<br />_ ���;.:�:.:�; -
<br /> ,._,. . ..... ,
<br /> .__. _ —= rtnntl
<br />-- °..:y�.�`�.�r�.:�= . ($Cil�) — - •---• -.
<br /> _--�«s',--•�.•.: .
<br /> „ .::,d+�! -Dorcower _
<br /> , -Borro�rer
<br /> , �-
<br /> , a
<br /> .f � � –
<br /> • .. • �',.
<br />- County:�: Hal� y �_
<br />. :,;i;��;,�; � �r��s�;or•r�s�cca�, � 9�.� ==
<br /> ,�;.�.. : . �.
<br /> ;�•;;.•,...,, �:
<br /> `�,,`��i > '�'lie foregolnII inst�ument wns ncknowledgul before me d�ts 2 4th day o� Peb�uary, . _
<br />- :� ':�'-•�h � by Roger D. Loonaxd nnd Jan�11e I. Laonard, huebanc� mn� cvifa _
<br /> �`' Gra�d Island, NE in suid Courtty,t'�edatoufores��id. �
<br />.. •• Witness my hansl und nntnriul seal at _
<br /> ' '',,;.,'ta � � • ' r.�n D d f�ty'h"` `
<br /> ?il: My Cam�ission Expires: "►"""i6�'/'
<br /> �•;��fi�,��,s: Notary I�ublk -=
<br />.. ..,, � �s����� ' �g�p�y+;�Ndti�OrMs
<br /> ' p1Al+UL»l�F1.lOQf3 Form3028 91fJ0 `'
<br /> i ' r � IRy COlnm.Et�•ADL 10�YOt#� vaflo a o�e p..
<br /> • ' 1 • °
<br />