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� . E) " <br /> . �.4�; S , <br /> ., <br /> . . <br /> -,,,v....� . � .. <br /> , i,. , <br /> �. .. , �. ... . ,; . ., . <br /> . .-,�...Js,,,.,�. <br /> . ,. . _ ....._----- <br /> , ., <br /> , 4�.«.�t ,. . - <br /> . ._�, �_ , _.. ...,.. ... .... <br /> ��;tre..,,_._... ._ ....---._. <br /> _. .._._ .. . .... <br />_ � � 9�p ����� � <br /> Thc Futt�l� ++hull hn c�ld in un instiwtian �vhrnc dc{�ntiftti urc iutiurc�l hy u fcdcrul ut�cncy. Intitrumcntidity. ur cntity • <br /> . • . (includin�i.endcr.if I.enacr is suct�un in*�ItuUunlor in nny 1'cdcrul Hunu la>un Nunk. lAndcr yhull upply tlw Fund.ti t��pny tho <br /> „ � F.scrow Itcn�y. l.cndcr muy nnt chnrgc Bnrrrnvcr far h��Winp�und cipplying thc Fundti.imnuolly�hw c,crow uccaunt.or ,.,,y,,.. <br /> vcrif'ying thc Esrruw Itctns,unless I.cridcr pays Borrawcr intcrest on thc Fwuls imd upplicublc law permit�:L.cndcr to mukc tiuch <br /> u churge. Hawever, l.ender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge far an indepcudent re�d estut�tux reporting�ervicc <br /> uscci by l.end:r in connectiun with thi� laan. unless applicublc luw providc� othcrwisc. Unlcsti un ugrecmcnt is madc ar ��'�?���� <br /> .,' upplicab�c law rcquires intcrest to be paid, Lender shull not bc required to pay Borrowcr uny Intcrect or enrnings�m thc Funds. ,�;;. <br /> Aarrowcr and l.ender muy u�rcr, in wrlting,howevcr. that interest shall bc pa�d on the Funds. L.ender shull gtve to Bnrrower. t <br /> � wtthout eherge, un Annuut accaunting of the Fuudh. �huwing crulith anci debits to the Furnk and the purpose for whicii euch �,�,.��-. <br /> • debit ta the Funds wnR made.The Funds are pledged us additional security for aU sums securecl by this Sectirity Tnstrument. �.L - <br /> � If the Funds held by Lcnder cxcced the umaunts permitted to bc held by appltcablc luw. L.ender shuq account to Hoaawcr ...� <br /> • .,---1; for the excess Funds in accardancc with the requircments of applicuble Inw.If thc amount of the Funds held by Lender nt any �,�.';:;�� <br /> :c:�'`�" ' timo is not suffcient to pay the Esemw Items when due,Lsnder may so notify Bor�awer in writing, such case Barrower ;='� <br /> •-� _ shalt pny to Lender the amount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower�hull malce up the deficiency in no mare than w�b�,�;-_ <br /> " ` twelve monthly paymen�s,at Lender's sole discretion. —_ <br /> Upon payment in futl of ali sums securtd by this Sccuriiy Instrument, l.ender shiill promptly refund to Borrower any ` <br /> '� of the Properyty.�shuil apply any Funds h Id by i.ender tilhe rimeraf acqaisiti nro salc as u credipt r�gainst thee nm.s�secured by -- <br /> •�; �, <br /> •��;:% ' this Seeudty Instrument. <br /> ';,`v` � '�` 3.AppNcatlon of PoymenYb.Untess applicable Inw provides othcrwisc,ull payments rcccived by I.,endcr under parngraphs _.. <br /> 4.�.,. . <br /> ';;y�;�.'� ;�� 1 und 2 shull be applied• first, to any prepay�ncnt charges duc under the Nota: sccond, to atnounts payablc under purugraph ; -� <br /> '� � th;rd,to interest due; principal due;and Iust,to any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> � .5�.. A.Churg�i I.iens.Borrower shall pay all taxe.c,assessments,charges.Gnes and impositions attribn4Able to the Property <br /> �,.:��44:;ti .. iF: - <br /> '•;+�,� which may attain priority over this 5ecudty Ynstrument, �nd leasehotd paymcnts or groand rents, if any. Borunwer shall paY - <br /> ' sheQe erlfg?ti�ns in the menncr provided In parugreph 2,ar if not paid in that manncr,Bonower shail pay them on time directly �, <br /> �-.,., <br />-• •. � to the person owed paymcnt.Borrower shall pramptly turnish w ixu.icr�i1 aaiic�ot'�s:ount�to F+e SAid under this para�i'uPh• �.; <br /> If Bocrowcr makes these payments direcdy,8orrower shull prompdy tumish to Lendcr receipts evidencing[he payments. ,�}i�. <br /> ��.:.•-, <br /> �;� } Borrower shi�ll promptly dischar6e any lie��vhich has prioriry aver¢�nis Securiry lnstrument unless Bonowcr: (a)ogrees in - - <br /> �; ----- <br /> � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by d�e Ijen in u mnnnor aoa;�cable to Ixnder;(b)camests In good faith the lien __ <br /> `•;%' by. ar defends aguinst enfarcement of the lien in. legal praceedings whic:� in che Lender's opinian opernte to prevent the �,;,`_ <br /> ��,',;.l�;j;a�,• '��` ' enforcement of thc lien• or(c) secures from thes holder of the licn un satisfactory to Lendcr subordinuting the li�n tu �,,:, <br /> s'����'•� , thls Secnrity Instn�ment. If I.ender detcrmines tdnt any pAn of thc Propesry is subiut ta a lien which muy nttain pr�odry over �;;., <br /> •'""'� '`'' this 5ecurity Instrumcnt.L.endcr may glve Borrower a notice identifying thr laen. Borrowcr shall sutisfy the lien or take one or �__ <br /> ' " more of the actions ret fonh nbove�vithin 1�days of tho�iving af notice. <br /> • .���: �` S. �y��d or p�,operty I�surance, Borrower fihnll keep the impro��ements nc�w existin� nr hereafter crccted on the �^ <br /> < i }�� . Pm perty insurai against loss 6y fire. huzurds included within the term"extende�cavera;e und anY other hazards. including � . <br /> �� <br />� "`�':��-��;;�'.; , floods or flooding. for which Lender rcquires insuran��e. T l�i,i n s u c a r��:.s l:a:i�e s n�:•"•?a'•'s='!! �n the am�unts nnd fot thC petiads _. <br />� ' �''"��''� '; �� thnt i.ender requires. The insurnnce ca�erler providing the insurnnce shall b:chosen by Borrower subject ta l..�nder's epprovul <br /> �� � � which shall not be unreasonably wlthA.dd. If Horrowcr fails to mairitatn coverage described above, Lcnder muy. at I.ender's <br /> 2�'. ' option,obutin coverage to protect l.ender'e rights in the property in accbrdance with paragrnph 7. <br /> All insurw►ce policies and renewuls sh:ilf be ucceptuble to Lender c►nd shall mctude c� standard mortguge clause. l.ender <br /> `." � shall hnve d►��i�ht to hold the policics nnd tLnc�vals.If L.endcr requires,Bamower shall promptly�ive to i.ender all receipts of <br />-_ ° paid premiums nnd renewul natices.[n the evem,:''�oss, Barro�ver xhull�ive prompt nouce to the insurunce currler nnd l.ender. � <br /> r-"�"•'� - L.ender may make pmof af loss if not made pnmiptly by ioora��veR. <br /> ,„�n ,s. Unlcss I.endcr and Borruwee athcrwl�c u�rce in�vritir.g.insueimco pro:coda shull bc nppliaf to restorntion��r repair of the <br /> •:�:�,y Praperty damabcd.if thc restarution or rcpair iti c�i�ne�mia►{ly fci�sibtc imd I.ender'w sccurity iw not Icssened.If tho restomtton or <br /> .'�� rcpnir is nut cc�mnmicully fcu+iblc ur l.endcr'.r•security wuuW be Icssened,thc intiurnnce praceals shull be uppllcd to the suros <br /> ;+; n�� ' secured by this Security instrument. whether ur nnt then dtte. �vith nny exccys puid ta�nuwer. If Batrower ubandonti the <br />"'�"":��' Property.or daw not answer withfn 30 days u nutire fmm l.endcr thut the tnsurunce cnrrier hati offered to settic u clulm.then <br />-�`��—'�`°`�� Lender muy collcct th�insumnce proceeds. Lender muy use tho prc�ccals w rc air or.restum dae Pmp�rty or to pay sums <br /> •�..:�;'���=�� <br />�;�,.,�,�,�„^� secured by thia Security In�trument,whethec or not then due.The 30-day period w�►beBin when the rtotire ls given. <br /> Unless Lender und Bornnwcr otherwi�c agn:e in writing. any upplirntion of proceeds to principul shall not extend or <br /> -"�-"'"�'-'° Ewstpone thc duc date of the montttiy puymentx refcrced ro in pur.�graplis i nnd 2 or change the umount of the payments. If <br />�p�T�yy� undec paregmFh 21 d�e Property is acquii�6y Ixnder, Borrower's righc tn any insurance policies rued Prooeads resuldng from � <br />_:;�_;...t�.,��.. <br />"���,��`r;. damage to the Propecty prior to ehe acqui�ition shull puss ro Lcnder to the extent of the sums secured by tNis Security strument <br /> ;�Y:,�a��;:.: ' imn 6 iapealc�pancy�tPreS�uttota�Muinteiueace und Pcotection of thz Peopwty;Borruwe�'R l.oun A�►pltcntton:I.eusQkolds. __ <br /> �:,���:.r� Bornower shall occupy.estublish,nnd use the Property us 8orrower's pc�ncipsl residertce within sixry dnys atter the execution af <br />_':�.T'l�_'="-C.=�S ��_.. <br />.--,r..;,s,.�; tiiis Sacurity Instn�ment nnd shall continae to oocupy thcs Property us 8ormw'cr's princ�pal residence far at least one yes►r�.cr �_ <br />_':_���;,�� the dute of axupancy.untess Lender utherwis�;agr�:cs in u�riting.�vhich rnnrent shalt not he unreasonubly withheld,or unless �_,: <br />_��= �.-=-_�� extsnuatinB circumstances ex�st which nn: bnyu►xt Borrower's rnntrol. B�rrower shall not destroy. damaSe or impair the - <br /> i',�w..•�. property. ai�ow the Property to deteriorntc. or commlt wastc on the Pro}serty• Borrowcr shall be in defuult iT any torteitu[e <br /> `"�'�'�:'` uctian or pn�a�eding. whether civil or cdminul,is begun that in L•ender'�good faith judament oould result in forfeiture af the <br />���•-,. <br /> - _��;�:'�: � pro rty or otherwise mater�s�lly impair tho lien ec+ented by this 5��cudry lr►guurnent or Lertder's sccwrity interest. Borrower may <br />_t"':' �-��`i'' cure esuch a default and providcd in paragraph 18,by causing ttrs action or procceJjn�to be dismissed with n rulin� <br /> `"''��""�' diat. in Lender's gnod fpith detertnlnation. precludes forftiture of the Barrower's interest in thc 1'rnperry or ather rnnterial <br /> ' ''�'�' '' '� , impnirment of the lien crcutect by this Securiry [nstn�ment or Lender's sctiurity interest. Borrower shall ulso be in default if <br /> �....i;��c:.. , k; - - <br /> � • t,r>;� Borrower,during tho loan appllcation pmcess.gAVe mntedaliy false or ina��:urnte ini'ormutlon or statement�to I.ettdcr(ar fail <br /> �.:. <br /> � _.��,,s(,t. <br /> , y ���,.;,i:x, to provide L.c�nder with uny muterinl informntinn) in connection with!h:lo;ui cvidcncEd by the Note, Including,but not limitcd Y <br /> ' •r�'•� to.representuttans concemtn�Borro�ver's occupancy of the Prope�ty as u pnc,cipul restdence.if thid Secudty instn�ment is on a <br />• ' ' �'` le:�ehold. Borco�ver shall comply with all tho previsians of the IcaFC. If&�rrower �cquires fce title to the Propeny. the �_ <br /> -- .•., ' - leasehold und the fee title shull not mer�e urdess Lender agrees to the mergcr in wdtinB. <br /> ' 7.Protectton o8 Lender's ltiRhts in th¢Praperty.If Borrower fnils to perforn►the covenants:►nd agrcements contaittecl in <br /> � ._ �; this Security Inytnmient.or there fs u legal pr000s�lin�thnt may si�nifiau►tly nffcct Lender's rlghts in thc Froperty(sucl�us a <br /> • �'• proceading in bankruptcy.probate, for rnndemnatton or forfeiture or�tot�R�����htsrin gtl ea['roye theLe deres uctiun.g may _ <br /> ,-"-_-.-i�r±% n•rv fnr�vh3tever is RCCCSSIIry to ptvuxi ii�c taltlC uf th� Pro�'!'!)' - _ .�:_ oY..�... r..�.....u,...: p�annu m wutt. D�YinS - <br /> ° �ttclude paying any sums secured by n Iten wnicn nas prioniy o'vc� uua w�.....� ••...•----- -rr-- - <br /> ' � � rensonable uttorneys' fces and entering an the Property to mukc repairr:. Although Lc:ndcr may wkc uctiatt undar this paru��ph r�. <br /> �'°-�;�,t; ' � 7.i.ender docs not have to do so. <br /> 7��;�;,.; � Any :unounGs disbursed by Lendcr undcr this pnragrnph 7 stwU becom� s�cS�titionul debt of Bonower secand by thts <br /> �:'�•, �:i:�� Securiry Instrumcnt. Unless Lender agrce to other terms of payment, th�e sunounts shail bear intercwt from thn ;.; <br />- ''•�;�.'., date of disbursement at the Note rste ursd shnil be payuble, witt� +rr.,;rest. ugon notice from L,ender m Borrower requesting "'" <br />��.':'1; ., ' payment. �5.:_. <br /> ;�:?' " ;, S.Mort�a�e Inwcance.If L.ender required mortg:►�e insurunce as a rondition of makMg the luan secureca by this Securiry ;`. <br />- . tastn►ment. iiorrower shall pay the premiums rc.quired to maintain the mort���e insurance in effect. If, for. any reason, the <br /> _ • mostgage insurnnce coveru�e requir e d fiy L en der lu pses or ceases ta be in effect.Borrower shall pay thc prern6ums requircd tu � : <br />�' � obtain covera�e substantially equivalent to the�reortgu�e insurnnce�tEViously in effc:et,nt a cost substuntinlly cx;uivnlent to the <br />: . cost to Barrc►wer af the morcgage insurnnce previously in effect, t'm�rn a»alternatc mon�aIIe insurcr approvcd by Lendar. If _ <br /> . t � __. <br /> � • Poga Y ot 4 Fom aoas srso ai <br /> .d . <br /> � .�---,�? <br />