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<br /> ,• ..�,•+�.�`'� � �S�.vrc A6ove This I.irt:For Recordl�Uata� � � _
<br /> ., . a s� `
<br /> � °;' I)EED OF TI�UST p0 Bax B np o -
<br /> ''� ��a'���(����� -
<br /> P ,: Amaha, h'L 63I03
<br /> . , � — .-
<br /> �;.
<br /> :,,=.s_;.,__ THIS DBED OF TRUST("Secucitylnstrument")is made on Febxuar}r 24, 1999 .The trustor Is ��,'',
<br /> -. — �g i�;� �.:
<br /> +� ' ��3kj;�� Roger D. Leonard and J�n�lle ][. I,eonard, husbanci and wife ��_
<br /> .;�,�s,�:
<br /> - � ,�.4a`re —
<br /> . :,;1.:,+;
<br /> � • {NBorrow•er").The ccustec is Norwes� Bsnk Nebraska, National Asaoeiation �:�
<br /> '� ��=
<br /> .:��.� I(;:,
<br /> i . -.
<br />:,,;,.,',...��f.�,,,.; ( Tcuscae°).Tf�e beneficiary is Norv�eat Bank Nebraska, National Assae�:ati.on ,
<br /> ��
<br /> � ���l -
<br /> S� ' � ,t� �;�}�_}�Qio�{��._rui exfctinu under thela�vaof u;�itat3 �twt�� �F �q�Qx�,�.A .and whose =:�::
<br /> �p�i-�#fV�� � .
<br /> �' �a�!'��`„ addre.gs is �:`,
<br /> f:.�,;;;,;`,�,,l:�l� 3A 0 4 West. 13th (°LeRder").Borrower owes Lender the prtncigal aum af
<br /> su,., ...',
<br />=;;� ;;?_�..;. �, Grand Island, N� 6�803
<br /> '` ".'�„ *f. Dollurs(U.S.$ 12 135.00 )•
<br /> '•-'s����'� %�� Twelve Thousand One Hundred Thirty Five-•------ ►
<br />�i5ij�1��5. �,• .
<br /> v,&t;,(.��,; Ti�is debt is evidenced by Horrower's note dated the same date us this Securiry Instrument("Note").whichpmvides or
<br />�`•,��";l�'`�y;� monthly payments.wlth the fuli debt. if not pnid earlier.duo and paynble on February 24, 2009 •
<br /> .-----""::'�� This Securlty Instrucnent secuve.g to I.endcr. (a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Nute.with interest.nnd all renewnis,
<br /> . �=�:�'� extensions artd madi�cutions of the Ndc; (b) thc puyment of ull other sums. wlth intcrest, udvnnoed under para�mph 7 to
<br /> -.,�'=�'��� pratect the securiry of this Securiry I�siniment: und (c) the perfarmance af Barrower's covenunt�ond agee�mcnts. Far thia
<br /> ��;�;:���+� putpose, 8orrowcr irrevocably grnnt� and conv�y�to Trustcc. tn trust. with power of su[e, the fallowing describad property
<br /> -- ^.��-°��� located iu H811 County. Nebraska:
<br /> --��m;�a�^=�
<br /> �"�`°"��s Lot 7, Block 7, West Park Additian, City of Gr�nB YslanB, Hall
<br /> ==-=-='��,�ri County, Nebraska.
<br /> �.N.A\5�tf1eYY�
<br />-_ _ _��-iTTi�i
<br />_.._..:i,i.'s.t4�
<br />``"`"""""��� which has the uddress of [snu�.ciryl. �
<br />--____. ._,'� 1119 l�ORTH SQ3�pN�AAY���„G�ND ISLAND'
<br /> _-,-;,,.�� Nebrssska 68803 •
<br /> _ ,;�e••��. (7.Ip Code�
<br /> .,.� -F�.-�.;�;�
<br /> ,�.��.:r---
<br /> "``'���'���`� T0f3B7'HBR WITH nil the impanvecr.:.n�s now or homnfter erected on die property.und alt eusements,ep utterumoes.und
<br /> :s•:....:-...yr,; . this Security
<br /> = •�_,;:•��.: . fixtuecs now or 6ereaRer u part of thc progerty. A�1 rep��cements and ndditions shull niso be covered y
<br /> �`� .K�:��`�x ' Instrurc.�nt.Atl of the fore�oing is referted to in this Security Instrument ati the"Prop�rty."
<br /> � g����F�R COVELYANTS that Dmrnower is InwCully seised of the estute hereby conveyed und has tha riIIht to�rant cuid _
<br /> -- `J:.i.�,�;'���. - convey tiys Property nnd that the P�perty is uneneambcc�ed. except for encumbrane�s of r�ecoi+d. Aurrower�vairants unci viill
<br /> s'''� defend acnerally the tlde to thc Peoperty o�ainst ull�Inims and demands.subject to uny encumbrances of r+cocrnl.
<br />_ .. . .:A�..J
<br />-"''' ''�`� ` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifanm covenan�g fur nnti4nul use und rtan•unifarm uovinanta�vith[imital
<br /> " " vuriutions by jucisdictton ta wnstitute n uniform security instnimerd covedn�mAl property.
<br /> - __• �. UNIFOItM COVBNANTS.Bornnver and Lender wvenant und Agree as follows:
<br /> i l. t�o y m e n i v i F r..n;3�! a n� :a t�s�s t; !'�?;���t nnd Lntc Char�tes. Borrower shall promptly puy�vhen due the
<br /> �=��+�r�'�� _.�_�.s.�.u.._...,�w.,��,N.,rp��a�v��n5vmenc nnd late chnrees Que under t i�e tvotc.
<br /> ,:-.�,,,�._. ' pltncipai of at�ini�iz.ii'v..u.�.N.......�....,.,....�..�..__�_ti � -. -
<br /> - • • 2. Fwidy [or Taxes c+.nd Insursmee. Subject to applirAblo law or to n written wutver by Lcnder. Bomnwer shnll pay to
<br /> �' . Lender on tlie day monthly puyments arc duc wtder the Nota.until the Note is pnid in full.n sum("Eunds')foc:(a)yeariy taxes _
<br /> •• and nssessments which may attuin prinriry over this 5ecurity Inswment us u licn on the Properiy:(b)yeariy I4cuchold payments
<br /> � �� • or Qnuund mnts un the Property.if uny;(c)ye�rly hazurd or property insurnnce premiums;(d)yearty flood insursuice Premiums,
<br /> � ���»(�,° if uny:(�D Y�rly mortga�c insurance prerniums,if cu►y;�nd(�nny sums payublc by Bnxrower to Len.der, in aa�rdunne with
<br /> �.;..�.
<br />- ��;,�J•. :he pwv�;i►�ms of para�a+�sh a. in Iiea�ot che payment of mortgu�e insurance premiums.'Chese items are caltod "Fscrow Items."
<br /> �'�t 1,¢nd�r s'nny. nt uny time. collect ant�hold Puc�c3s in un umnunt not to exa�ed the maximum amount a tender for a federaliy
<br />-:�. relut�ul mon�a c leae�rn�y requirc for Borrowcr's�eszrow nccnunt under the fcderal Real �state Sett(em�nt Fmceclutes Ac�t of
<br /> '' 1g7eb as amea�ed frntn ti•rne to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2(�1 et seq. ("RE5PA").unlcss unathcr law th�applics to she Funds
<br /> scts a l��er amount. If sn, Lender rnay. at any time. collect und hold �unds in an umount not to excced the Iesscr amount.
<br /> � . Lendcr m�ry estimate the umnunt of �w�due on the basis of cument daw and reasonable estimates of expenditures of futur�e
<br /> ' , . Bscrow Items or othenvise in accordunce with applicable law. •
<br /> NEBRABtfA•Singlo FnmuvFnnnto Qt�aalFrod�o tl7ao UNIFOR�p IN6TRUMENT Form 3028 flI9D
<br /> ` ' .. �Nt 12T97 R1T0 WN MORTqAGE i0RR1S-131912D3 8100•t0001G41 T201 PaDO 1 ot 6 • �1t1QI1dOd 8191
<br />