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. 7:.;,..,�,,};r :.;�� r.. ;;y�p ,�.. . . i <br /> . .'(,� . ' ' ` _, <br /> ,� i .. i . � � ` <br /> . .....� n . . .� . ' <br /> - . �� ,yc���i - � J. . ' �. ° .. .. " .. � ` .• - „ , rv� �. l <br /> ;t:� � . ._ . , �. � . <br /> . ... � . � <br /> ���� `, <br /> � ,, U�dii�18fl0 ��m � D�CIa �4�T�1J�1' �mga 6 ��• � <br /> Loan Wo 7G393� �• (Ca��lr3aied) <br /> .. .. —____�.. 'T —_Z —� .j <br /> , mnnnar antistnotory to l.ondar,and,In dolnp oo,o�cro lho Hvant of Ocinult. <br /> � „ Inaeou►Ity. tonder In good tNlh dnoma Itsoif Insacuro. = <br /> btlatlnp Inflcb4otlrtoos. A dotault ehnll ocaur undor pny F�clslind Indobtodnoss or undor nny InsVwnont on the Properly soourtng any Exisling p^���° <br /> • <� indobtodnoss,or eommoneomont ot nny eull a oiler ecllon lo Iorociose any exlsting Iian on Iho Prcparty. <br /> RIQh!to Cura. If suah p falluro is aurnbto und It T�ustot hos not bean glvon u notlee of t►broaah of Ihe seme provlslon of thl9 Oood of Trost =��J <br /> � wllhln tho prceoding twolvo(12) monlhs,II muy bo outod(and no Evont ot De}ault wlll havo oaurcod)it Truator,a8er Lender sonds writlon =- <br /> °, � notico dmm�nding ouro of euoh fa0uro: (n)curo3 tho fniture withln ten(10)days;or (b)if tho cure requlres more then ten(10)deys,Immodlately ��,;;� <br /> l'�;,�.�� Initiatos steps auNiciont to oure 1Ro tuiluro nnd thcroattor eonUnue;s ond compietos all reasonable and necessary steps sutNClent to produco �g;;�-• <br /> �"` ' compilnnCO as Aoon as roasonably praoticnt. <br /> , ;y> , r-,-: <br /> RIdNTB AND REM�DIHS OM DEFALlI.T. Upon th0 occurcen�a of any Evont of Qefnuit and at any timo thereafter,Truytee or Lender,at Its opAon. �,;�_�_ <br /> � may exorciso any one ar moro of tho followinp rfghia and remedlss,In eddldon to any othar dghts or romodles providad by Iew: �'-- <br /> Aceeterettes�upon De4nutt=ABdltlot�al Remedtw. If eny ovant of detault occu►s us qer the te�ms ot tho Note saeured hereby,Londer may �•�=• <br /> � '" � deCtare all InQobtednoss seourod by this Deed of Trust to bo duo and pnyablo end the esme sheN Ihoreupon become due and paysbte wUhout ���• <br /> .,., any prasentmant,domand,protest or nollce of any kind. ShEreeflflr,Lendor may: _-_=--... <br /> , �'•- <br /> . (a) Elthor in porson or by agont,with or wtthout bdnping any act;on or proceeding,or by a recelvor eppointed by e court end wllhout }_^ <br /> :. � reBard to the adoqusoy of its seourlty,enter upon and tnka possesslon ot the Property,or any part thereot,in its own name or in the namo ���'c_ <br /> of Ttuslee,und do any pcts whloh It deem9 necassary or desirtibio to pteti�ervs tho value,merketabllity or rentabllity of the PropeAy,or pArt --- <br /> •:� o}tho Property or Interesl in the Propsrty;Inarease the incomp hom tha Property or proteot theaecurlty of the Property;and,with or wilhout —� <br /> �� �::�;;t; taklnc�posaession ot iho Proporly,auo ior or oli�envt9e aolleoi tho rents,l5sues and prorit^.,ol tho ProQerty,Including thoso past due and �_- <br /> ��,; unp4id,and apply tho sama,loss costs and oxponsos of oporatlon end aolleodon,including attorneys isos,to any Indebtedness seoured ,r <br /> • ,`i,;����! <br /> ;,,,�;��� by this Qsed of Tn�sL eli In such�rdsr es Lender msy dotormina Tho ente�ing upan and teking possession of the Properry,the cbllecUan A <br /> •''�';`r°,, o}suah ronb,Issuos und prolib,nnd ih¢appdcation thoroof shflil not cure or waive eny defaull pr nottce ot default under thls Oesd of Tn�1 "',' <br /> ;iiF', <br /> �'`("•%'���';: or invaildafo any aot done In response to auch dofault ar pursuan!to suoh notice ot defeult; end, nolwithstending the continunnce tn �„'� <br /> r��•�`��" poss�salon of the Prope�iy or the co0eoliqn,recetpt end nppuCnUon ot renta, issues or pro8ts,Trustee or Lender shali be entltled to =_ <br /> �'��Yf'�'`�f� exarclae every�ight proNded for in 1he Note or ttro Relatod Documonb or by Iaw upon the occurronce of any event ot dofaNt,Inai�ding tha ��. <br /> ' P;:<:`; '"°- <br /> , .,:�� eight to exerc(�¢ihe power of auie; � <br /> '� "�' (b) Commence an actlon to foroctose this Dsed ot Trust as a modgage,appoint a receiver or speciflcally entorco any ot the cnvenants �.__ <br /> horeot;snd - <br /> (p) Oeliver to Trustee a w�itten daclarallon of detaWt nnd demsnd tor sate and a wdtten �otice of default and eisotlon to cause Trustor's -_— <br /> . ,�t Inferpsi In ihe Property to be sotd,whtoh noUca Truslos shtiU cause to be duly fi►ed for rocord in the appropriato utflcos oS the County(n -- <br /> , �,,. whtoh tho PropoAy Is toCated;and <br /> , ,e '� (Cj :Ytlh:o,.po..!!�oR sx sa;pss!o!!!e P�^_r!?�Pto�!�y.!e^d?►?Fu+n havs aii the�lahis end rsmedles ot a seCUrud pA�tY undAr the _ <br /> .°;i:". _ � � � Nebreska Unlform Commorclnt Code. - <br /> '`"'�:�.�',..°� Foreetosure by Paaer ot Sa�e. If Lender eleeb to torealaae by oxorciso of the Power of Sa�o hereln contained,lender�halt noti[y Trustao and Y- <br />_';���•�: -�:•:�:�.•��;� ahell deposit wtth Tru�iee thls Oead ot Tntst end tha Note and sueh racelpts and evidunoo of o�enditures mado and soourad by thls Ooud of <br /> `�• �•��:�` Trust as Trustee may requlro. ` <br /> . ..�r. <br /> � ��• (a) Upon roceipt ot¢uoh noUco hom Lender,Trustoe shnU Cauee to bo recorded,published end dellvared to Trustor euoh Norice of Detautt <br /> and Nobco qt SIIte tta thon requtred by Inw nnd by this Doed of Trust Ttustoo shall�withaut demnnd an Trustor,after such timo as may <br /> �1 fhon bo roqulrod by law nnd aftcer recordatlon ot euch Notleu of Doh�utt and aftor Nodce ot Salc►hnNng been given as requlred by inw,setl _ <br /> the Proporty at ttre tlms and piace ot sNe fi�wd by It In such Noweo o}3ale,either es a who's.or In sepa�ate lots or parcols or itemg as <br /> Trustea shalt deem expodlenl,nnd In such order as It m�y dotormino,ot publlo euotion to Iho hlphest bidder for eash In iev�tui mon�y of � <br /> the United States payable at tho tlmc�of saio.Trusta�shall do�ivsr to such urohaser or purchusere thareof ib good and sufeci��t doad or <br /> ' • deeds conveying tAo prop[tdy ao aoid,but without uny eovonant or warran�y,oxprc�ss ar imp�nd.The recltats in sueh dead of any maftors <br /> or tnats shall bo conciuslva proof of the trulMuln�tlmrool. Any person,inctuding wt4hart IlmltnUon 7rusto�,Trustoo,or Londor,moy <br /> • . purcheso at suah onlo. <br /> : x <br />:,�,��r. .. „r..�•� (b) A5 may b0 permitled t�y tuw,nHor deducUng Nl 0osb,teos and oxponsos of Trustee and o}this Trust,inctuding cosb of evldence of <br />;-.;.4�.„,:.:ti,,. tlUO In connootton wlth eolo.Trustoa sha�apply tha proceods of oslo to paymont o} (q atl sums oxpended undor the terms ot lhla Deed ot <br /> ;u,.,,,;,,,���,r�, TNSt or under tho ta►ms of tho Noto not ihpn ropaid,including but not Ilmited fo aCCruod{nterest and Into ohargos, (II)nll olher sums then <br />-°;:�-'r.��'• � r,� secured hereby,and �II)tho romnindor,It noy,to the porson or persons logalty ontllled thoreb. <br />_-:-r,N. ...f:4t'-�'t:�'. <br /> ;-'�,':, ,,, ;_�}; (o)Tructoe m&y in the mnnner proNded by Inw posfpona snlo ot aA or eny poRion ot the F►roperty. <br /> �.�.i._,, •..Nl'k� <br />��!:{�,�? •. Ftemed!ef►Not Exctustve. 1Yustoo nnd londor.and each o!thom,shNl bo ontlt►od to enforce peyment and pertormsnce ot ctny Indsbtodnsss ,,,, <br />,,-;.t ��n,_ or obliguflons soourod by thb Dosd of Trust nnd to ezoro`so all�i8hb c+nd pow9rs under thls Doed af Ttust,undar tho Noto,under nny of tha <br /> Retated Oacumordo,ur undor any othor ngro�rteoM or any Inwa now or horoaftor In forc,c�;notwlihstaeding,somo or ap ot auch Indebtedno� _ <br /> �_ � � and obllgeUorrs seourod by th�beed of Trust m�y nov�or heroaitor bo othe�wiso coaurod,whalhsr by mortgago,daod of hust,plodge,tion, <br /> nssignmAnt or Mhoro�ise. N�Ither tha eoceptence of thtc►Daod of Trust�or Ib ontacomon�wholMr by eourt aoGon or puraua�t to tAo power o! <br /> � •t��; Rnto�r athnr powero eontnined In ihls Desd oT Trosf, shtili preJud�o or In any manner attact Tntstoo's ot LOntiot'ti nght t0 teelim ttyon ut � <br /> �"��'�a:�e•�,•,�• t� � ' entorce any othot socudty nov+r a haroaftcr h�16 by Tnutoe or londer,It Odng agread thnt Yru�fav and Lsndor,and eaah at thom,�tu+ll Da _ _ <br />:,',„:�t;�'�,; '.�, enUtted to onforee ihts Deod of Tmst and nny oth:r ccaurlty now or hereattor hotd by Londor aTrusloo in suoh order and mnnnor as tlroy or <br /> �::.-.. <br />.:•' ,:. oithor ot thom mny In lheir absotuto dlscroBOn dCtormino. No reme d y con f urro d upon or re s o rv o d t o T r u s t e o o r L e n p a r,I s f n t o n d e d t o D o ry„_ <br /> �!?" �•.:�-�• .° " � oxdu3ivo ot any othor r�medy In thla Duod ot Ttust or by law providod'or poanittod,but eecA ehatt bo oumutaNvo and ahAli ba In nddNOn to ___ <br /> --� • ovary olhor romody glven in this Oeed ot Tnat or now or Aoroaffor o�daUng ut law or In eqWty or by stetuto. Hvory power or romQdy fl�vnn by tho ----- <br /> x Noto Or any of the Ret4tud Daoumonts to Trustoo or londar or to whlch olthor ot thom may bo othorwlse ontltied, may be ox0;cisad, _ <br /> �� � conourrenUy or indopondonUy. hom tlmm to Ume and tts otton ns may be daomod wqoodlont by Trustoe or Lender,and either ot tR�n�muy <br /> . � pursuo Irtconsist�nt ramodies. Nothing In Ihio Oos4 ot Ttust ehail bo eonstruod ns profdbf�ing Londer hom sooking a doT:cioncy ju@�mant _— <br /> . ng�irr�t tho trustor to tAS ex1eM uuch actlon Ia permtttad by law. ;�,.�.;•___. <br />='�'i�. . . ._: <br /> Requeat�or NoflCa. Ttustor,on bohulf of Trustor and Lender,hcroby roquosts th8t a Copy of any Notico ot Oofault antl a eapy ot uny NoUao r_. <br /> of Sata undar this Ceod oT 7rust bo mnlled to thom ut!ho addrossas sot torth in tho tirst parogrt�ph of thls Ooed of Trust. �,- <br /> • �4��er.�leatlon of Ae�eCl�a. A v�eivar by nmr parly of a broEeh of a provi5ton oi this Qoed ot Trust shnit not consUtuto a waiver o7 or �.�-. <br /> &r%` <br /> ,, '� �,,, <br /> • �,.' <br /> �'V': <br />. �_, <br /> ----�--- , <br /> _ . . <br /> -- - - —---- --"_�'_�=_.-,�,..�.�-.__�----^-•-^-..�-R--�-^ ,. • _ <br /> - - -- --- - <br /> -- -----_ _ __ . - - -:, - - - - -- _ -- --- - -- - --------- -- --��-_--• T-- � -• <br /> , . ` r' " _ c> ' . ' .--�.�.v'� ;' ,��:t'i5' . . •, .' - . ... <br /> � , � - , ' ��; • .� . ' , <br /> _ . . _ . . . . � . - � � . . . ., '_ .. . " ' -• .. . <br /> _ .. .. . - u . �� �� <br /> - .• - . . n � ' . . .. . . . <br /> . . _ .� .. . . , . , ,�' <br />_ i � .. . I ' � .• V . a. • . .' .. .. ' .i ` � G .� .V V <br /> ' ., .• � • •• U �. . �I.RI �. <br /> . ' . .. ' .. (1 � .. � . ' . .� I � -- .� . <br /> � .. . ' .. .. U . . . " , � <br />- . .. .. ' . . ' „ . �� .. 'V <br /> i <br />__ . . . <br />: . U. ' .. .. . - . ^ .. •�.J.' .. . ..._--•._.. �.. <br /> , - . • " . . _ U . q �1 <br /> �4 . . .._ ._'__----�— __��.�..- —_. . . _.. <br />