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.: . ,,. <br /> �' ;,�:,�;-;�`, � . ., � . .. ,;:::•; <br /> • ' a ,, i <br /> ; - <br /> ..i <br /> . � . • ,. "' „ „ .. , " . ; <br /> � ; . :4; �. . .. . �• , „ ., . ,..,.... <br /> tP3�oi�-t��9 D��� O(� 'P�U§'� �z°`'• '° �aQo 8 <br /> � } l.�mn No �63��Z (C6PitIRUOd) ..g�� �Q��°��1 <br /> ._--._�_ _. ---� —�� — ... <br /> � Ymcoa. Tho Tdbvsinp�hall conslitute toxe5 to whioh thls sao�on appila�: (n)u spccl�a tax upon this lyp�of Dcted of Tru9t or upon ai or anr <br /> � pad ot iho InEobtddnesa scjcurod by this OQed ot Trust; (b)n spcaciflo tex an Trustor whkh Trustor is autho�iwd or roqulrad to dcOucl trcai • . <br /> c <br /> paymonts on fhs Indebtedness oacurod by this typa of Oeod ot Trush, (o)a tax on thls type of Dood of Ttuat ohargeabto ag3inst llre l.ondnr a t���•;:: <br /> •� tAo holdor of tho �toto;nnd (d)n spcd90 ttvt on uit a nny porNon oi iho Indobtodness or on pnymonts of prirtclpa�and Intorost mndo �j . <br /> :;: T�ustor. � . <br /> ` Quba�quent Taxoa. if any tax to whieh Ihis seotlon ripp�es is 9naoted subsoquent to tho dato of lhia Qaod of Trust,thlu ovont shntl hnvo 1M - ' <br /> samo oHat cie an Evont of Oolault(as deflnod boiow)pand Londor mny oxorciso any or eY ot Ita avnllnbto romedlo9 tor nn Evant of Oolnul9 u *"-- <br /> orovidod below unless Truator e8her (a)pnys the tex belore It bocomas delinquen�,or (b)cqnteste tho tox as providod nbovo In thp Tazo�cmd ,.;;;, <br /> "�;�� L�ens cecEOn and daposlts wlth Lsnder caeh or a suYiclent corporate surety bond or dher seourity aallstaotory to Londer. `�.,�;- <br /> S�G1.tA1TY A�RE�tdEHT;FINANCINQ STATHMEN7S.The(oliowing provi�lons relating to thb Deed of trust as a aeoudry tsgreomonl aro a pnTt d ' r�' <br /> �`�, <br /> ` i,' thls qeed of Trusl. �rz,:�= <br /> 4� SacurlLy Agreeman4 Thi�inatrum�n4 sheU constitwte n securiiy egreemont to the extent any of tho Properly consHtutos fbtturcts or otAar �y� <br /> pereonai properly.and Lender shaN have slt of tho�igAls of a seoura�i party undar the UNform Commerclal Code as amonded from 11mcf M �-�, <br /> ' time. ���_ <br /> I''���''r';� SccuriQy Interoat. Upan roquest by Lendsr,Trustar shau exeaute tinancing statemonts and takA whatevor othor actlan Is roquagted by landa �_,;,:;;. <br /> � � to psKed and contlnua lenders seouriry intere3t In the Renls and Pe►sonat Prop�rly. In addltlon to rocording this Deed of Tnqt In thp real �.�.. <br /> •��` `��; '' �' properry record�,Lender may,at any Hme end wlthout fiuthsr autharizaAon from T►ustor�fils exocut�d oountarpnris,coptoa or reproducUOtrn d �.. <br /> ``�,'�" � tAis D�sd or Truat ae a Anancing statement. Trostor sheli reimburse lender for ali e�eraos Incurted In pe�fea8ng or eontinutng thfu eoat�ly - <br /> � •';,:,:<?�: <br /> •� •�l.' : interesi. Upon doteNt,Truator ahell pssemble the Personal Pro arry In a manner and at a placo reASOnabty convonlont to Trustot nnd LonQar :i.'-Y <br /> �...;.:;- - : <br /> a and make It ave�aBle to Lender w8hin three(3)days after receip of written domand irom Lender. <br /> L��. <br /> ,i`• AdAresaee. The melling eddresses of Trustor(debtor)and Lendsr(seoured party),hom which intonn811on concerning lhe security Int��e� _-- <br /> prontsd b�thlsDeed of Ttust may be obtelned(each sa requlred by the Unitorm Commerclsl Code),are es alaled o�thn flrst pbye ot thfs D.uad "�`": <br /> '' ot Ttusf. <br /> 0!:'.. •. <br /> � .;r• ;�;�� FURT6lER A8&UiiANC�B; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. The folbwing provislons relaHng to lurther assurances and attorrtey-ir►-fact aro a part of 1N1 -- <br /> ,`�':.�. ..: Omad otTrusl. '�" ' <br /> �;,:;, ,�, ; �"' <br /> .,; FuBAO►Aeaurutcea At any eme,end fom tlme to time, upon request ot Lender.Trusta wili mako,c�xoouto anst deliver,or wiq enuso to ho __ <br /> '��' � rtwda. axCOUtod or dolivered,to Lender or to Lendefs deslgnes,and whon requosted by Le�dar,causo to be Nod,rocordad, roRpd,a _ <br /> ' rorocordod,ae Iho oase may be,at sueh tlmes and in euoh offlces and places es Lendor may deom approprfato�any and a�l aueh modpa8o�, �_ <br /> � deods af Irust,seourity desds,seoudly upreementa,Nnencing statemenls,eontlnu�Uon stntemonts,instrumunts of tuAhnr asauranco,co�tiP.4at�, — <br /> .1 .�'t. and other documents as may,in the sole opinlon of Lender,De necessary or dosirebie In wder to eNeotuate,camptoto,poAcsot,conUnuo,a __ <br /> A , � presorve(a)Uie obtlgadons ot Trustor undar the Note,U�IS Ooed oi Trust,and the Retstod Doaumento,end (b)the 11ons nnd sor�urity It�tora�b <br /> ;., <br /> craeled by thls Raed of Trust on the Property.whether now owned or herenfter saqulrsd by Tnutor. Uniess prohlbited by Inw or aprood to 14 <br /> :...3�.i.1 conirr.ry by LondBr in wriGne,TitiSiid Si'«'f�ietAlbtit"oo t.�i�t0!8!I C0.l.8!!�S.'�°n!�I!!@��m?�1 It�CnnnrcHnn wHh tlt�mntUld te d o h. , ,_ <br /> thls pategraph. <br /> � , Altor�ey-in-FCCt. If Trustor talis to do any of 1he thl�gs referred to fn the preceding Reragraph,Lendor moy do so for and In the namnot — <br /> --=-:°E:-;��-. Tnsto�and elTrustors expense. For such purpose�.Trustor horoby Irtevocabty appolnb Londor as Trustors aftomoyNMaot Por tho purRO» <br /> !,'..���;s%� � o}making,axecuting, deYvedng,filing,recording,and dofng all other things as may be necessary or desirablo,In Londors so.o opidpn,b <br /> ���;; � accomplish the matters referrod to in the precedin8 pa►eO►aPh. <br /> •• ' R4LL PEFiFORMANCE. If Trustor pays atl the Indabtednes�,Including without IlmllaUon eA tulure advancus,whon duo,nnd olhorwico poAonnap <br /> � thn obll�aHons Imposod upon Truator under tNS Oeod of TNSf,Lender shali exoaule and Eeiiver to Tcusteo a requ¢st tor fuli rnconvoynnw and 4ta1 <br /> N, onnauto nnd deNver to Trustor auitable statementa o}te�minaMOn ot any flnancing etatement on fila evidancing Lendote suourity Intec�nt In tho Rudo <br /> � nnd tho Pcrsonal PropoAy. Any reoonveyance lee required by taw shalt be paid by Trustar,H permitted by epplicabto�aw. <br /> ' ���f� QGf�A1�T. Eseh oltho tollowing,ut th0 opHon of Lender,aheli constltutn an event ot deinult('�vsnt ot Qotault")undor this Oood of Ttush -- <br /> ,�, G <br />- tfoMulf an Irtdebtedrtesa Falluro of Trustor to mske eny payment when due on the Inde�btodnos9. <br /> • •.�•. Oetwtt on 01her Peymenta Feilu�e ot Trustor wiihin ihe tlmB requfred by thls Deed of Trust to mateo nny payrtsant tor texos er In�uranasi,a <br /> �5 � ' any othor payrrAnt nece�ary to preveM�Ing of or to elbct discharge o!any Iton. <br /> ��� �i, � Cam�iftencc DetaulG Falture ot Tngtor to compty wiM nny other term,obligatiorl,covonnnc or conditlon contalned In this Oood ot Truo4.Ga ` <br /> :',�,�);.�!�';"' Nata or N anyot the Reiated OoCUmenta <br />. .brr;� , , , ___ <br /> , f_ ,� Fetae S{ater�fanta Any werrsnty,representaUOn oc staterttent made or tumishod b lanEer by or on behalt ot Trasta unQer thta Oea�oi 11'ousl,l, <br /> tha Note a tSU Raiated Doeuments 14 fatsa or misieading in nny mate�ial respeot,etther novr or At the umo mnd�ar tumished. <br />_. i�; -- <br /> DaTeCttve CoMO2srallzation. This Oe�d of Trust or any of tha Retatvd Ooeuments ceas�s t�bo In fu►i toreo and eHeot(InGuding fauuro ot eiy <br /> ; =���� coilateml daeumonb ta croate a valld and perfeoied seeudry interost or tlen)tst any flme and tot&ny reason. -- <br />�a'" Oeatb or tR�ohreriey. The desth of Tnqtor,the IrtsaNereay qt Trustor,ths eppolntrtrent of s recelver fo�nny paA of Trostars propodf►,mry <br /> ji• , asslpnment ta tha berretit ot creditors,any type of aedttor workout,or the commereoerrtent of any praceedinp urtder ony banfcmpipya �_. <br /> �;, insotvonoy ic�ws by a ageinst Tru�tor. <br />'� � ~'::. '�' Foreatosure,f0�ttlture,etc. Commonoement o?loredosure or fortelturo prooeedings,wAethor by Judicint proa�atling,cnit-h¢Ip,ropo�u,us�n � <br /> or any olMsr mnlhod,by nny credltor ot Trustor or by amr govemmenW aponay agNnst ar�y c}the Properly, Howover,this subsucllon ahull�1 <br /> : '� . ;; e�pply In Ihe evont of a good falth dispute by Tnistcr oa to the valldity or rciasonabtonoss of ths daim wNtoh Is tha basis ot U»toroc�aourua _ <br /> . foret�fture proouodinp.Drovldad thnt Trustor givos Lender wriiten noUce ot suah dalm and Pomtshos ro�orvos or n sterery bond tor Ihn esltlm _ <br /> .. '� , at'strictay tolender. - <br /> ercac�ot Othcr A�racmont. Any breuch by Tn�sto�under th0 tem►s ot any other agreamsnt beiuroon Trustor und Lcndar that is not mm�tl�d �_ <br /> wiWn am gmco poriod provlded thereln,Inctudlrt�wlthout Umitatlon any agreomont conraning nny or other obpgnUOn ot Yr i�Or _ <br /> . '°; ;'� to Londa,whelhor exisUng now or tator. ��- <br /> � EronEs AftErstln (ivarantor. An of the reoedin events xaurn v�lth►o:,poot to any Duartsntor of eny of tho indcbtadn�n or nny Qunrudor ��� <br />= ' • :}. ' 9 9 P 9 1�': <br /> r=, dl�s or becamns incomp6tent,or revokes or disputes tho valldliy ot,or tUiCilNy urtdor,nny�uamnty of tho InQcbtctdne�. Laes��r,at Ib option, <br /> ;.; . • mny, Oul she�not bA requlred to,Remdt the�uaredor's estate to assume unconditionNly th�obligu8ons nrt3tng unda tiu g�tstmnty N a �°- <br /> ��•, <br /> �::_. <br /> �i*'•., <br /> .:i. �'-'.` <br /> _-'-_ -�`_-� w�..� Q�rtsll�n��1^�tTl�i-'•�- <br /> -- -- <br /> ---�-`--_._. . __...__-_ _---- --------' �--•� --- -- � ---- -- - --� . _ . <br /> - ---- ---- --- <br /> .l�- ,� - . .. �" ,. . .� 1�ji..-----•-r--. <br /> .;i �l . ' ., .� - . -� .. . - � . ��-:;j. .. ., .., <br /> - - li . � . � . ° ` - .'�?�!•.. . <br /> ;+ .. . " . ., . : � '`,� <br /> . .� <br /> . . � . . -- _ �.y� <br /> � , .,'� q .. - ' . o u .� .. . `.� q <br /> [� ,�1 . . „ ' I' . <br /> • _ ,h;' , - o � � . .. ' b '. ' ' ' . '. .,: . . <br />.. � , . �� ,, . . _. ., . .. i. .� , i. •. . N..'" <br /> ... � �If � . , rl . .. ' V .. .. . <br /> . �' '• M .. _ - ' i <br /> . ';� • • U . V .. ... . <br /> �! .. . <br /> ' � • ''� <br /> � . � <br /> , . <br /> ;� , �, , „ ° Y; . � <br /> ` . �- <br /> , <br /> . ` _ ....,�, <br /> . <br /> :, .. � -- -- <br /> _ 1- <br />