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' . � „ <br /> a . <br /> � - � . � . _ ., � .. t . <br /> .. , t - . u .. �� - <br /> , � , _.,.�rp,rn:f' - , .. , �, o „ , �� - <br /> . <br /> , •� <br /> , , � , <br /> - ' ::...:tirw.�.•_.�. . � . ., <br /> . .<. ��.� _ �..'- . , �. . �., � ,....•t <br /> n . <br /> .. -' „ -. . ....n ' . "_' <br /> . . <br /> , . ...-.."-.._.....'-'--..".........._ .._.._.... <br /> � --�.-""—."- '-_--'--._.__.. ._. <br /> i _....-_'-.'-- ., <br /> �. . ' • • 1 � • �� .-. <br /> 03�1��9flfl0 ���� �� Y�ll�ir � •��-'-'��a� �t►6�7 <br /> . �� ,,., <br /> (Conti�iued) �' ° <br /> L.00n tJo 783132 _ � ' ' ` <br /> ,,� �----=���.�__--..._.�-,��--.-s--�__--�----.__�=,__--�..:_...�._____.._._... _____...—..�-� <br /> proJudlao tho par1�E tlpht7 Olherwl�o to doronnd atdol compllartca r�ith thsl prov�:ion pt Any o!her proviston. Elcotlan by Londor lo purouo any ' . <br /> romody provldod in lhi�Dc�d of Tru3t,thn Noto,ln nny Retntod nocumant,or provldod by lav�ohaR nat oxctudo puroWl cl any alher romady, <br /> nnd en oleotlan to makooxpondlturas or to tako cotton lo p6dorm an abLgatlon o!Trustor undc�Ihla Ocud of T�usl nfto�talluro uf Yruatar Io ,,;: <br /> ' pcAorm ahaA not nftect londer'o d0A1 to dec�are a doinuD and to oxorelso eny of Ite romedies. p���-_�° <br /> �, �• � AttomoY�'Feea;�ttpaneea. If Londor ins►Itutey ony autl ar nctlen to cntarc�nny of th�tcrm�01 lhls DcoA of Trua1,4.onda►ah�il b�onuttad lo t, r , L <br /> " �ecovor suoh 4um aa the court mny ndJudge�oaaonabta as attor�reye'teo�at tAnl flnd on any appet�L Vlhothot'or not any aourt notlon Is �,�_,y_•'� <br /> Invotved,ali raaeonnbte oxpensos Inourrod by Gendar whloh In Londe�e opinlon ero nacessnry af any tlme tor!ho protooAon et Ite Interest or the �-�•- <br /> antorcoment ot Its riehta sha9 b000mo n pnr9 ot tha indobtodnu�s pnynbtn on domnnd and ehyl baar(ntorost at tNo Noto roto hom tho dnto ot <br /> �+���r �� <br /> :'_;�;, oxpondituro untu rapald. F.xponses oovarod by lhla peragrapb Include,wlthout umltatlon,howover oubJoot to an Ilmlq undor applicabto Inw, e,.;,,;.r,- <br /> - Londar's attornoys'tras whalhor or�ot thoro is n lawauit,Indudinp atlomoyn'foos for bankruptoy proxodlrtp9�Including ettorts to modly or ���:-- <br /> va;.•�.. <br /> � "�'„ vacato nny automntio slny a InJunotion),appaats und nnY antloipatcd post-Judgm3nt coltoctton soMcas,tho cost o4 aoarching raoorda, �R:.;�.�'. <br /> ° obtnlning titlo ropoRs(tnctuding toroc�osuru ropo�ts)�aurvoyore roports,uppratsai t�as,tltlo insuranco,nnd taos tor tho Srusto�,to tho oxtont �=�...,_. <br /> � �• pvrmlttod by appttoable Iaw.Truslor etso wllt pay any court casta,In nddldon to eA othw oums pravidod by Inw. - <br /> Riphta of TNOtee. Trusico ehali havo all of iho dphts and duliun af 4ondor us sot forth in this eootlon. -�--� <br /> � POWERS MID OEi1.�raAT10N8 OF TPUBTEE. The foltowing proNaions�oiatlng to th�powuFS nnd abllgations ot Trustao cvo part ot this Oatsd ot - _ <br /> � ' � Truet. <br /> ;`.��;; ' <br /> ''��,;r.;' t� Powers et Tru�tt�e. In addlUon io all powere of Trustoo adslrtg ns a muttor ot lar�,Trustoo shall havo tho powor fo tnkv tho toliov�ing aoflons �_-- <br /> with respsct to the PropeAy upon the wdtten raquast of lsndo�and Trustor. (e)Joln In propadng and flung m m�p or ptnt ot tho Roni Ptoparty. - <br /> ' :. � Inciuding tho dedtcatlon of slroets or other dghta to tha publto; (b)loin in granting eny oasement or arer�Ung uny restriodon o�1ho Reat Proparly: �:^ <br /> �:•�,: end (o)Joln In any subadinntien or athar ngroamont aHaating this bcad of Trust or tho Intorest ot londor undor this Oeed ot Trust. _'__ <br /> ,, �,}.i Trv8te0. Truateo shali maet ali qusliBcaHons required lor Trustee undur applicabte taw. In addltion to the dghta and remedlos set to�th abow, ___ <br /> .;,,.� !� d wlih respecl to atl or any part of iho Property,the Trustee shell havo the�ight to foreGose by�oHce and sale,and Lender ahalt havo tho�tght to ��� <br /> , iweciose by Judicisl foreciosure,�n elther caso In ao�ordsnce wRh and to the tull extent provided by applicab�e�aw. �-,- <br /> �,�,. Suceestor TNStea. Londer,at Lendor's opHon,may hom tlmo to time appoint a su�or Yrustee to any T�ustao appolntud hereander by an =____ <br /> instrument oxeeuted and acknowladged by Lender and reaadBd In the otflce of tha recordor of HALL County,�tobrc�3itn. Tho Inshumunt shnti <br /> contaln,In addiflon to all othor matto�s requlred by slate law,tho names ot!ha orlpinal Lender,Trustoo,nnd Trustor,tho book and pngo(or _ - <br /> � computer eystom referenco)where thia Deed of Truat Is reoorded,and the nama and address of the succc�saor tr.asteo,nnd!ho Instrumont o►uUl - <br /> bo exeauted and acknowtodged by all the beneflalaHeS under tho Osed of Trust or thelr suxesso�s in intetost. Tho 3uoCBSSOr httstoe,without _� <br /> ''�'`�' oonveyance�f tha Proporty,shnll auceeed to ell!hp Ude,power,and duHes contertCd upon tho Trusteo In thls Dood of Trust and by appi.eab�a <br /> �""• � law. Thb pracoduro tar subsNtuHon of husteo shalt govem to ths ezcluslon ot eU other provisions lor aubstltutton. --�_ <br /> NOYICES T01'RitSTbA AND OTMER PMTIEB. Any notico undar tht�Do�d of Trust shstl be In wrlling, may�a sent by teletacsimtto(unbss <br /> otherwise roqdred by Iaw),end ahall be�Neollve whon aotually tlelivered,or when depaslted with n natlona�ly rocngniaed ovEUnight couder,a,lt <br /> mnttad;ahax be deomad eltectivo whan deposBod In tAe Uni�sd States maii 8rat cinss,ce�dHed or roglstered matl,pa9tape propatd,dirooted to 1hp <br /> addresses 9howo near the beginoing ot tn�s Ueed ofi'irusf. A�perty��ay cha�1�add�hx ra1�un�1!�h+L�+!!�qt Trust by¢INng farmnf .._ <br /> ''���;+i! w8tton nolice to the other parties,epecityln81ha11he PurPos�o11�e nottco la to ohango tho part}�s address. Ail aopies of notloes of foreatesure trom <br /> ��•'� ' tho holder of any Iton whioh has priorlty over this Oeed ot Trust chaU be sent to Lendera addreas,na shown noar tRc�baglnning ot thl�Doed at Trutt. <br /> • For ootice purposes�Truator agrF�as to koep Lender un d Tros fes In formo d a t u t l 8 m e s o f T n�s t o�'e ounaM addross. <br />�, ��,s;� ,' MI8CQIJ�NEOUS PROVISIONS. 'fho foilowing miscotlansous provislons aro n paR of tht�Dood of Trusl: <br />=�. . �ti;,•�: .� IUr�endmentw This Daad of Trust,togetAar wlth nny Rotatod Oocumonb,consUtuta3 tha enUro understandU nnd agreemor�of tha partlos as <br /> t uativo unlesa 8 <br /> i,,,. �, to tho mnttars sot foRh In thls Oesd of 7rust. Na ultcmNon o�or emendment to this Oeod of Trus shatl bo of qtven In wntln and <br /> �;,_„_�„ ,� slgnod by tho party or padlos sougM to be ohargod or boun0 by tho alteraUOn or umondmant <br />_- .,. ,;•, �pp►►Gpls�,aw. Thie Daed o4 Truat has hoen dellverat!to Lendev and ctetptcd by Lender!n the btaM o!Nebraf W. '�hb D�ed ot Tntst _ _ <br />��:r . ' ' • shetl be�oramed by end conatrued tn accordar�ee w11h the tawa of the State ot NeGreeica. <br />�-�'.'="';;'�°�`'` Upn►{�adinpa, C�ptlon headings In thts Dead ot Trost are Por convonionce puryoses onty and aro not to bo used to Interpret er dsflne lho = <br /> .:r�.-'it�xww�� �P <br />-„v�.-:���� proviston3 ot this Oeed of Trust. <br /> • '° ° _��°�� 11lerper. Thoro shatl ba no mtrger of the Interest or astate created by this Oaed o!Truat wlth any othar Intnroat or ostnto In the Propert�l at any <br />=�y.i�,�^�-� ryme hald by ar for the besnoftt ot Lender In any capndty,wilhout the writton com.ont ot Londar. <br /> -'"�'�':'�M' �lultipte Part�aa. AI�obllguUans of Trustor undor thts Oeod o!Yrust ohell bo Jolrtt nnd severat,and ali�eterenaus to Ytuator�hN1 monn esoh nnd <br />��� "��"�;� QvOry TNStor.Thts r�qens lhnt eaCh ot the peBOns etpninp Detovi is rosponsib!e for e1)obi!QaUOrrs U lhla DBad o!Tntst. <br />--°i:'-� -. <br /> ;,.;�;;r,�,';r 8everaDilily. If a court ot compotenl JurlsdioAOn Nnds nny proN�lon of thia Dood ot Trust to bo Invulld or unentoroeabio a3 o uny purGOn ar <br /> Yti,� ;�,:•::;��,.., ., cireumstanos,such flnding Bha�not rondor fhat proNsfon Invnlid or unentoreeablu ss to nny othsr poiuono or clroum3tnneus. If foasiblo,nny _- <br /> ��,�;'{f�;�;;�;" � suah oHondir�piovislon shall be deemed to bv modifled to be withln tho Uml�s ot ontorcc+3biifiy or valldlty;howevor.if tho oflondin8 provlslon _-. <br />-- ..:�x��• oannot bo 5o madi88d,it shali be aMekon and ufl othor proNStore of this Doad ot TNSt In alt other rospeats shnU�6mnin valid and onforcenhie. <br />---•�•!p;t ._...,�� gun..,����d�.tlnna. Subject to the Iimitations 8tntod in thts L'80d Of Trus!on Vt►�tor of Truslor's intsceat.ihN�Ocod ot 7rust b€► L_ . <br /> �:..�,'4 i_�- <br />-.�,F�µ;t, binding upon und inure to th9 banOflt of the perUes,tM3tr successo�a and nssfgn�. it own�rGhlp ot tha f'rOps�9y becomes ve9t9d In a po�son `_ <br /> oMer tDan Trustar, lendor, withvut �o11co to 7rustor, may deel wlth Trustofe sueeossors with roteronee to Mts Dood of Tntst and tho <br /> yF'$a��:�:�y�,.:� Indobtadnoss by way of 1o�oaranco�r oxtenston withouf�leasinp 7rustor trom thti obltgndons of thio Deod of Tntst ot Iiab((t9y undor tho <br />�:;�k�.. Ind�bU3dnos9. -- <br />_ ... .: .;?_.. .� <br /> Tlme Is o!the Eeaance•11mo Is of tho essance In tha porformnrtc�of tht�D�ot Tust <br />:� ° . ; � WdvCta mtd�Dnsenta �andot ohall noi D�deemed to havo waivod any d9h1a undor this Dnod ot 7tt�1{4rr under the Rdated Oacpmanb) - <br /> untoss sttch wuivnr!s in wrlHng pnd stgned by Lender. No dotuy or omis�ton on Iho pat!of lOnder ln o�ce,tCt9ing flny dpht flhsil oparato a�n <br /> � b uratver of sucA dght or uny n4Rer right. A wslvor by any pMy ot a provt..�ton of thl�Doad ot Tni3i slisill not ao��atltute e wNvor ot ot pr�eJudioe!ho �_, <br /> pary/g dp�t oth�nvtso to domand aMct compllanCO with that provlsion or uny othcr provt�lon. Nu pAor�vallor by Londot,aor Ony cours0 ot ���;, <br />- " ' doaiing botvroon Londar and Ttustor, sh¢li con,Ututo a watver of nny o!lortdnr'o�tghts or any of Tttx�lnrs ob�:Q1t►ons as to nny luturo �;;;_ <br />� y, tra�nctfons. YVhonovor consent by Londcr Is►cqWred In this Deed ot Tntsf,tR�flr�ntinp of suoh conaant�y lar�dCr in nm►InsTnnoo shEU nat �_. <br /> _ t � ���: <br /> _ , t� . - <br /> _ (I �^' <br /> - --�.,�,:- <br /> • - — � , � .......� <br /> r----------^-- <br /> .. <br /> _ ., T�"i l.._...........,,..r-- -_ _- ---- - ,, „ <br /> - -- -- -- - - - - - - -- -- <br /> -- -- - -- <br /> _ .,-: _ _ --- ._-- - -.- --- --_- ,-- _- .—� --- -- --- -- .. ,- <br /> ._ <br /> , • ., � .. .. ,:: ,,t, '.;� ,;`„ <br /> _ „ . „ „ . � �. � , � � . � _ . <br /> - . �' �, � , � ' . , � . . . <br /> . . . �,., _ „ , <br /> , . ., �, . � . , • <br /> _. .� .. .. „ ., , � „ ., , „ . ,,. <br /> „ . ., �, . • ' , � •, �' . ., �, , <br /> _r.. „' .. ., , ,. . �, .� . , � . . ', � .,- '� <br /> � ° - - - � _ _ <br />