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<br /> ,� � „ .. . �.. .. a _ - � . y,
<br /> , 03-0�1999 D��(� OP� Y�U�Y Pu�o 4
<br /> �
<br /> • � „ L��� No 9a393� �� ��l►�Q�� (Ghn1lr�Und) -
<br /> a�us=.:�--^-�....._-.�s.==�-.=:��_-�:`.��--.�--:.—r..._��_..'__;�r��__��—•- ._., -'--- '^ .
<br /> Iha proccods of any Insurunca and 4pply tho prpasoda lo Ihp rnAuoUan ot tho Indnbtodnoas,puymont of nny I!un atk.ollap tho Proporiy or tho .�•,•�
<br /> •� rostomlion nnd ropalr of tho PropeAfr� U Londar claat0lo t�►Aty iha proaooda to ronturallon and repnlr, Truslor ohall ropalr or roplaco fho
<br /> damapod or dostroyod Improvomonla In e mannrtr oa11s1e�4ory ta londor. Londar ahnll,upon ea�atnotory proot of suah oxpandituro,pny or ��=F
<br /> " �Qlmburse Trustor hom tho proccado lor tt►o rnnnqnAbto ao�t ot ropalr or roslarn►lon Ii Truator Is nol in dofnult undnr this Ocod of Trust. Any �
<br /> � procaads vihlah hnve not boan dlsbursad wllNln tQ0 dnya attw thatr raaa1pt und whwh Londer hns not oomml►tod to tho rcpnlr or rostornUen�f
<br /> • lho Proporly sAnU bo u�od Qrai to pny nny amaunt ovAng lo Londar undor lhis Qnod o1 Truot,thon to pny aecruod Intetost,nnd tho romalndor,ft �y,,,r
<br /> 4ny,shnil bo nppliod lo tho prtnolpai bniunco ot tho Indcbindnxs. If Landar holda any procaods a�or pnyrc�ont in tu0 of tho Indabtodnoss,auch �;__.
<br /> � proCSt3ds ohall bo pald to Trustor ao Truatoro intorpstn msy c�ppaar.
<br /> "x�,:��'�"'�' Urtoxpl�ed Inauranae at�aio. An�o�hor�sa a'hoid undor tt►9'pt�9 ono otthl9fDee�d at Trust,o��at nny fo ce�o9urotsnlo of 9uch Propedy.y th�g u��
<br /> . Qead ot Trust at any trustao's oa a o
<br /> `�•,:
<br /> ComPtlance witb F]clatinp InAuqtadnnsu. Dudnp tho padpd In whbh any Exlsting Indabtodnos�doscdbod balow Is In eNoot,oomptiance wlth �,x,_
<br /> 0. : �
<br /> tho insuranae provlslona contnlnad In tha InsVUment eNds�raln4 suoh Exlsting UdeUtedness shall conslHuln compllancu with the InsurRncp aj._,Y_
<br /> provlatons undor thls Oaad of Trust,to tho oxtont compLanoo with thp lorms of thin Dood o}Truat would constltuto a dupucatlon of Insurance *
<br /> reyulremon4 If any procaeda from thp Insumnce beoomp paYabfo on los3,lhe provioionn In this Oood ot 7rust tor d1v131on ot proceeds shali �;..
<br /> nppry oNy to Ihut portlon of Ihe proceods not pnyabte to Ihs+hWdar of tho Existfnp Indoblodnoss. •._�;;.�-_
<br /> �� OtPEEiDITUAHB BV LENB�. It Trustor talis to comply�vilh nny provisfon of thls Doad of Trust,Inciuding nny obllgation to mainlain Existtng �__•
<br /> indebtodnoss In flood sWndlrt�ao roqufrod bo�o�v,or If nny acti�n or procouding la commencod thut woutd mnterlaliy aBoCt LendePs inlerests in the �;�:}�..
<br /> . � Property,Lender on Trastnr'9 anhAit may,but shull not bo requ'.rod to,tuke nny aetlon that t�c�nder deems approprlate. Any amount ihat Lender �"
<br /> .�, e�cpends In so doing wifl boA�Intprost nt the rnto proNdod tw In the Note hom tho dnte inourr�d or pnid by�onder fo the dato ot repayment by �
<br /> Trustor. NI suoh expansus,ut Lendera apflon,v+ill (n)bo ppyat�49 on demand, {n)be nddod to iho bolonco of the Note and bo apporUOned among �_„_
<br /> ..` � and bo pnynblo�vith any UretpUmanl paymonto to becomo duo durin8 olihor (q the lorm o}any nhpUcablo Insurartcu polloy or (Iq tho remalmng term �,w:-
<br /> , ��:_:
<br /> of the Noto,ar (a)be troated ao a bulloon pnyment whtoh wi-f ba due und peyabte at tho Nnte s metudty. TMIS Oeod ot Trust also wnl s�cura
<br /> pnymont ot ihasn smouma.TNe dtihlo providod Ier in ihia parngre,ph ahnll be in addlllon to ony oihor dghts or any remodies to whlch Lender m.�y Gs
<br /> , enUlled on accouni ol the doMult, Any suoh naHon by Lendaz SP�si!not be construed an aurtnp the delault so as to bar Lender trom eny remody fhat ��:;
<br /> , :."� it olherwlse wou�d have hed, �
<br />= 6'UAWRAN71,p�TFEN8L OF Y14I.ff. Tho toltowing provfsions refaln�to owner;�hip of the ProporiY nro a part of this Oeod of 7rust. � �
<br /> $ en�.,.,-
<br /> � .: '� � Tilie, Trustar warcanlu thaL• (a)Truator holds good and markotnble fllle ot record to the Properry M(ee simple,free and clear of all Hens end �'^'�
<br /> encumbmncea other than thaso sot torth In ihe Real Property desalptlon or in tho Hxiatln�Indoblodness saollon beiow or in any tl:le Insurana+ -•
<br /> � p�o�loy,tlUe report,or tine�t tllls opininn Issued in invor at,and acooPled by,Lender in aonnQOilon wllh thls Oeed ot'frusl,and (b)Trustor nes the f r�__
<br /> : ,�c,�. full dght,powor,and authority to exeecute and deHver thb Q�ed of Trust to Lender. -�,
<br /> %;�.�j•. "�'
<br /> ?j�ii'�i ; ,. /_'�•, �:__:
<br /> � �'k�1,; Qefeflts0 0!TIttB. SubJacl tu tho exceptlon In the pataprGph above,Trustor wnrtants end wlll forever defend the tltle to the Properiy a8ainst the �
<br /> ��� ,;�:' ,ti:s �a�U�u�mg o}��p��an�, In the ovent any aotlon a prooaeding ia commonced tha!questlons Trustofs title or the interest of Trustee or ��
<br /> ��"fy �tt�����Q�tn�at,'rrustnr shell petend th�oticn ut Tn�to�a expense. Truatar mny be thscourr�oi oi sada's��00cl�c:�.�s.� �'� ^�
<br /> .r Lendor ahait be oaAllBd to parddpate In M� roeewdl �nd lo be representee in tne praeeeang by .��..��--
<br /> , rA" ' ..
<br /> .,,,{;;,�i, Trustor wil�de�ivor.or cause to be deiiverod,to Lendar suoh inatramenta a�Lender moy mqunst from timo to tlmo to parmit suaN participat on. -
<br /> � t� Compltattao Wlth F.o�wsl. Trustor warranb that Ihe Praasdy and Truator'o use of tho proporry complles with nll exlsNnp applicabte laws,
<br /> � .�_�, ordlnances,und rcsgulaUans ot governmentnt authorides,
<br /> ?; . 0tI8TINQ�NOEB4E�NESti. The following provisiorts conoam�n8 cudstiag indebtedness(Iho'tHuistinp Indebtednossy ara a psri of thb Oeed ot _
<br /> � Tnwt.
<br /> F�QBltf1Q 4tRn. Tste Ilen ot thla Deed of Trusl securing tho Indobtednoss mny be socondary and Inlador lo ihe Ilon seauring paymeni of en
<br /> er1a11nq obtlgatlnn wHh an aecaunt numbor ot 472t 18a776 to Nonvost Mortgafle deacdbed as: Dead of Trust duted July 8,1990 and reaorded
<br /> � Jury t3,1883 a�3 Qocumont No.fl3-t05879. The existl� obl!gatbn has a ourrenl pdncipnl baluncu of npproxlmntory 947,100.00 and Is In tha �
<br /> ' odpinat pdnotpat smeunt ot g82,7QQ•00• The obllgation hs�tha lo!lowing paymonl lormu: 180 months @ 3T/7.00 monthty. T�ustor oxprossry _
<br /> • aovonnnts and agroo�ta pay,or see to the paymont of,th�s 8�dsting Indnbtodno^a and to provonl any dotnult on such Indebtodness,any default
<br /> �� • under ttro instrumoni�4vldnncing auoh indebtudness,a any deTault undor nny oocudty donumonb tor suoh Indobtadnoss.
<br />� �•n� CetautlG If tha payment of any inetallment of pdnctpai ot�ny intorest on tho F�d�tlng Indnbtodness is not mnde withln the tims requlrod by tfie
<br /> -•= 'T y�"�� nota evld�noing saoh Indebtodnesa,or ehoWd a dotdull 000ur under thn Instromont aoowin8 nuch Mdobtadnoss and not be oured during any
<br />_�^ �:�`t'°` appt(cablu graao porlod thsrnin,thon,nt the optlnn ot l.Ond9t,th�todobtodnoss ocourod by this Deed of Trust ehNl becomo Immodlatety due
<br />_ `•��� and payaple.snd thb Deed oi T�uct ahall bo In dofautl.
<br /> {-^:".,
<br /> �'i �' �`� No ModlfleaUon. Trustqr shetl nat antor into any agroertae�l with tha holdar of any moriqGge,dued ot trust,ar other seeudty agresme�t whleh �;.,�•
<br />'�_�.`.., .. . �r-
<br /> ..�k} hna pdod1y over this Deed of Truat by whioh that agreem��Is modifk+d,amendod,extondad,w renewed wlthout the pdor wdtten consom ot
<br /> ." Lender. 'I'iru8lor sh9U nBilhnr mquest nor accopt a�y future ndvancos under any ouoh onourlty agreement wlthout tho pdar written consent of
<br /> ;.:::.� Londor. _
<br /> 'y:�:-� _-
<br /> - CONDEMNA710td.'t'he following provlslono rotating to aondemnstlon proceadlnps nre a part of Ihia Dood ot Trust.
<br /> . .�.,,:i�. _
<br />� , � Appllcatton o4 Ne1 Proeeadn. It all or any part ot Ih� Rrop9rly Is condemnod by�+minont dOm�tin arousodings Or by any praceeding or
<br />_>�.I'._�_�__.� ..� purohnse in Uou ot aortdemnaUon,lender may w1!t�atos.�io��+v9ulro thot all or nny portien o!the not proeoods of tho award be epplled to tl+e L.
<br />=•;�- ;,,,�+.•, MdebtQdn05s ot tha r0ANr ar mstu�elian ot tho Ptcpsxty. 1'hs n9t p►oCeBAs ot tho awnrd shall m0an fhe award tifter p0yment of all reasanabie _
<br />�•:=�;'",�'-�, , costB,expensea,and EtHomeys'teos Incuned by Tr�ste�or 6endnr in connECNon with 1ho condemnarion.
<br />-••�° iProaedinQe. It any qrooending in condemnatlon fs f�ed,Trustor shall promptly nolfry Lundor M wdlinq,and Trustor chall promptty taho sikh __
<br /> :�'-• ��� " 'atops ns mAy be naoe�nry to dotond tho acdon end obtiiln tha nriurd.�Truator muy bo tho�ominni party in auoh proceoding,but l.onder ahall
<br />;;�i' „ ' „ �' be enNtled to pn�ldpate In tho procoeding ond to be ro�resonled in lha praxeodlnp by aounso�of Its own oholco,nnd Trostar wlll d�liver or _-
<br /> causo to be deitvoro4 ta 4andar suah Instrumonts a3 may ba roque:�ted by II from tlmu to tlme lo pormR suoh pnrQCipntlon.
<br /> � ,T� IINPt�81T10N GR TAXEB,F"C�li AIVD CM/1Rt��S DY QOVHFitJMHi�TAI.AUTiSOAITIUB. Thn totlowing provlstons retadnp to govcmmontel taxes, i--
<br /> ,��;� fc-os and charges nre a paA of this Qaod ot T�u�t: _
<br /> �� ;�;':��,�Xt Curront Tmcea,Faca tsnd C�tu(;ea. Upon roquoat by�ondar,7rustor�haA wcoculo auoh doeumonts In mddlHOn to this Duad ot 7rust atnd.take �
<br /> :1{ whntover othot actlon la mqueatod by 6andar to p�rtool�nd oonUnua l.undoPo Ilen on tho Roal PropuRy. 'trt�stor shull relmburse i.sndar for 6il �-
<br /> • ;i�; tmtos,8s descdbed helow, togeiher wl�h Nt oxpenses Iraurrod in racording, pt+tfsctfnq or cont.lnuing this Ooad of 7rust,including wlthout �*-
<br /> - � Ilmftatlon NI taxas,toes.dacumentnry atampa,nnd olhsr ohnrpas tav rocording or mgistorinc�1Mis Doed ot Trust. �,__
<br /> ,. . m[v`
<br /> .. ; �:
<br /> , � �;
<br /> '.
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