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<br /> .. ' 03-OS-q99� �{��D 0�1'RI�S�T �°d°' q.Q���� Pago 3 ; ��
<br /> Loon No 783938 (ContEnuod) • �� �
<br /> mnko nuoh Inspcat�lo�ns und tost�,at Trustnrs oxponso,¢�Londor muy Eo�m nppraprlato to dotormino aampilnnco ot tho Proparty with this
<br /> saotlon�t iho Qaod o!Tru�t. Any Inspoaitona or tost�msdo by Lsndor ohG�bo tor londcra purposos only nnd ohnit not bo construod to crunto
<br /> any rosponsiblilty or Ilabllity on tho part ot Londsr to Yruator or to nny othor porson. Tho ropresontations and wartnntlos coy{a)rotua os nnrd
<br /> banod on Trustor s dua dlilgonco In invostigniing Iho Proporty tor h�rdous w�ato und hoyardous oubstuncos. Truatot horeb
<br /> wuivos nny tuturo ciqims ngainst Lantlor tar tndomnUy or oonidbuUon in 1Pa ovant Trustor bccomos Ilabie for clennup or othor cosl�u�dor any _
<br /> ' suoh Inwa,and (b)ugrsp3 to indemnlry and hoid harmiess Lendet agalnst any And all claims, tossos,Ilabilltie9, domapes,penalttes,and
<br /> ozponsos whtoh Londor mny dlrootly or Indiroclly suataln or oufbs• rosUling from u bresaoA of this Heatlon of tho Oeotl ot Trust or as a
<br /> e
<br /> aonsoquonco ot any use,genorntlon,manufnature,storage,dlsposc!1.roloaso or throataned releeso ot s herardous waeto or eubutanco on the
<br /> propodios. Yho provislons ot thls seeHon of tho Oeod of Trost, Including tho obilgation to IndemniTy, shnll suMvo tho paymont ot the
<br /> ' �' indebtodnoss and the satisfuation and reconvoynnco of tho Ilen ot thln Onod ot Trust and ahnil not be affoatod by londers uoqulsilipn of any
<br /> int�trost in tho Proporty,whothor by torcctasura or othonvlso.
<br /> � Piulaanco.LVtatO. Trustor shall not cnuse,conduct or permll a�y nuteana+nor commit,permlt,or suHet any stripping of or wcuto on or to tho ` .,.
<br /> Proporty or any portlon�T tho Property. WNhoul Iim{ting the genera!ity of Iho torogoing,Yrustor wiif not removo,or grant to any othar parly tho :,,
<br /> �Ight to romove,any flmber,minersis(Including dl and gns),sott.gravei or rock produats wlthout th3 p�ior w�liton consent of Londw. y��,
<br /> Ftemovat of improveme�W. T�ustor ahuli not dsmolish or romove sny�mprovements hom the Roai PropertY without thA pdor wdfte�co�rsont 1:�;�;
<br /> of Lender. As n conditlon to ths removN of any tmprovomont�,lendar may reqWre Trustor to msko armngomonts snHsfaatory to Londor to �:,.,�;,
<br /> re.plece suoh improvomants wNh Improvements ot at Ieast equat vAlua.
<br /> � LendePa iilpht to Bnta►. lender and ib a8ents and reprosenteHvas may enter upon the Reat Properry at eli reasonabte tlmr�to nttond to ,._`
<br /> � � ' L�,ndors intorests und to Inspecf tha PropeAy for pwrposes of Tnu�ora compi!anco with the tarms and conditlons ot this Doad of Trus� -.__
<br /> � �{� Compiicnce witb tiovcrnmental Requlromenta '�'n�stor shnt!pronAriy com�+ly wllh al!loers.ordlnences,end re4utattons,now or horeallor in ::`�;.
<br /> otfoat,ot nN govemmontal authoritles appNcabto to tne use or occupnnoy of the Property. Trustor mny coMest tn good fnith any auch taw. 'r`�,;�y
<br /> ' ••'1.. ordinance,ot regulation snd withhdd compllance dudng any proceeding,IncluGng appropdate appeats,so long as Trustor has noUlled Lender __.,_,_
<br /> In wrlting prlor to doing so and so long as,In Lender's sole opfnlon,Lender's interests In the Property are not Jeopardl:ed. Lender may requlre ,i.
<br /> Trustor to post adequale securily ar u surery bond,reasonably sallsfactary Io lender,to proteot Lendor's InlAtest. �:�,
<br /> � �� � Ouh to Ptotec4. Trustor ugreas nelther to sbandon na teave unnttended the PropeAy. Trustor shall do all other sots,in nddltion to thoso acts
<br /> ' sat foRh above in this section,whlCh trom the aharacfer and use of the Properly ero roasonably nocessery to protoct and presenre the Proparly. ��;�
<br /> ,. �� � � �v,=.
<br /> OUE OH BALE-CONSENT BY LEkDEH. lendor may.at Ils opHon,dec�are Mnmedistely due and payabio utl aums seoured by lhis Doed ot Trust
<br /> � � � upon the snle or tcanster,wilhout the Lende�a prior wriltan aonsent,of ait or any paA ot the Reni Property,or nn�intGrost in tho Rani Proporty. A �;,;,
<br /> k '�snlo or transfe�'n►onns the oonveyance ot Reai PropeAy or any d8ht,tido ur IMerost ihereln;wholhar IaBal,benoflc al ot oqultablo;wh8thor voluntary �,_
<br /> �..' or invotuntary;whethor by outright sale,deed,Instalimont sela eontmct,land contreot,conhaot ta deed,Ioasohoid Inte�t wilh a torm 8roater thnn �:
<br /> three(3)yearo,lusse-oPdon eontraot,ar by sa�o.assig�ment,or traestAt of any benotielril Irdarent In or top�r�a�nhip o t�ml ed�Itebiuty eompany,
<br /> Proporty,or by any othor method ot convoyana�of ReN P�cPedY�^��e�t. U eny Trostor b a corporation,
<br /> �. y� ��e(ar a�an Inctudas any ohnnao in ownorahlp of more thsn taenty-flve poroon!(254b)of Ihe voHng stack,Psrtnerehip tntorosts or Iimitod Asblllry
<br />_ �, - ��«�. -
<br /> ` 4 ' Company iittetests,88 the e868 mey b0,of Tnts�or. Howevet,ihis opko�vi�eti+�ut r,o�8te�3d bi l.9tldet!!9t!^A pYam�*.a Is preldbltod by Md ,`
<br /> ' � law or by Nebra�iui taw• __
<br /> ° • TA�tBJ ANp LIEN3,The tollowin8 praMslons relatlng to tho texas aad Ilens on tho Property are o part of this Daed of Tnist.
<br /> "' •� � Payment. Trustor shal�pey when due(and in afl evenb pdor to detinquenoy)aU tazes.sPec�s�huces�ess°ssmenb,charges Qnduding water
<br /> and sewor),fines and ImposOions tovle�agal�qt or an aocount of the P�operly,and shall pay whon due al!ctatms tor woric dono on ot tar
<br /> � oerv►ces rendorod ar matadal tumishod tu tho P�opo�ty. Trastor shali mnlnteln the Proporry P�so o}nil tlons haNng pdorIty over or equel to tho
<br /> .,,' Intorost of Londer under thls Cesd of Trusf,except tor tho Nun ot taxe��►nd e►ss�aments nal dua,oxcopt tor the existing tndebtadnoss retottod
<br /> te below.und exaept us othenviso provlded in thls Oood of Trust.
<br /> ,� , iiipl�t To Confeat. Trusta may withhdd pAyment ot any tax.assessmenf,or ciaim In conneadon wNh e good hilth df5puto ovar iho obdgatlan
<br /> n � to pay,so tonp as Lendors intemst In the Prop:rty ls not Joopardiwd. If n�ion artsos or ts filed as a ro3uit ot nonpnyment,Trustor shatl wflhln
<br /> + �Heen(tb)dnys aftor the Iion arlsas or.IT a Ifen ts Bled,w1lNn fifleen(16)dnys aftot Tnrstor has notico of tho filing,seaure tho dlsoharpe o!tha
<br /> Ilen,a 11 requestcsd by len�lor,dopas(t wlth Lendor cush or a autflctont eorpo�to eurety banA or olh�r socurity Satistactory to Leader In an
<br /> amount sufflcfeN to diseharge tha ilon plu�any eo�ts and attornoys'taos or othar ohnrg�that coutd eaxue aa e result af n torectosuro or snte _
<br /> under the Ilen. in any oontest,Trustor ehatl detend ilseM an6 Lender nnd shall sattsty any ndvarso Judpmont bstoro onPotC9mant a$ainst 1hA
<br /> Proper7r.Trustor sha11 namfl Lander as sn addNqnai obltgea under unY surely bond tumishod In the contest proCeedinas. -
<br /> '�?��i�• . . � Cvidence of Payman� Trustor shall upan domand tumfsh to londar sallsfactory ovidenco oi pr►ymont ot the toxes or asses�me�s nnd shall
<br /> .�.�`� � c►utho�o tho appropdate govemmontnl ot(ieiel to deNver lo Lender at nny tlma a wdtten statemoM of the taxes a�d as3essmoala a9�st 1Ae�
<br /> - .. , '. f Properly.
<br /> Nottce of Conabttetiom. 7rustor shait�oliy Lendor et loast BftGOn(18)deys betae any work la cbmmo�caa,any seMces tuu turNshed,or any
<br /> matedats arp supplied to the P�roperly,If uny meohanta's Ifen,mnte�ialmon'8 Iton,or other Ilon couid bo nssnRod on account ot tho v�ork.
<br /> 4 W � service3,or mnterisis. Trustor will upon reqltosl o!Lendet fumbh to Lendor advanCO assurancas sallatnctory to Lendur that 7ruslar can nnd wiU �
<br /> ='� � pay tho cost ot sueh Improvomonts.
<br /> '�� PROP�RTY AA!lAAE IN8UAANC�. The follotiving provSslons relating to ina�ln8 tho Propo�iy►nro n part or thts Qeed of Tn�t.
<br /> _. . ;.� .—.
<br /> MehltpnertCp pf 0�16tii6iiGe. Trustor shaA procuro and m�lntaln po�tc�es et am incuranco wNh standord oxtendad�overag9 ondorsoman'�on n
<br /> :� � ' repincomnnt Das�s for the tuli insurabto vetuo coverin9 nl�tmprovements on the Res�Propetly In an amount aufilc'.oni to nvoid npR�laUOn ot any __
<br /> � k coinsurance cluuse,und with a standard morlgagae clsuss tn tpvor of lond�ar,topethor with such olhor hazurd and Ilabiliry Insurnnoo as Londar
<br /> .. mny masonably roqutro. Polkles shaU bo w►ltten in torm,amounts,coverc►pes and basis roasariabty aOwPtablo to Lendar and issued by o
<br /> r
<br /> + company or eompanies roasonabry nccopfab�o to Londm.Tnutor.upon rsquost ot Londe�.M�IiI de:tvar to Londar trom Uma to tlm9 tho poitdos
<br /> � �� 6. �, or cerlitt�ates o9 iasuraace In torm etiHs�aetary to Londnr,fnctuding stlpuit►tto�that eovotapps will not bo cnnaoil�d cr diminishod withoul at =
<br /> ' : L.! taast ton(10)dny�'pdor wdlton notloe to Lon4or. Enah insurence poUey atso sP�a4 Inctude an endo�semnnt provldla8 that covamgo In tava of ,
<br /> �� �% " Londor w�il not be Impairod In any viay by any nct,omisslon or detnuit of 7rustar or any otMr porson. 5hould tAe Roal F►ropoAy a4 any Birw ___
<br /> . •��,.�i " boeome Iocated In an araa doalgnaWd by tho Qloector ot the Fodarat Emorgoney Mana omont P�onoy as a spndat flood hnmrd ar�a,Tnutor
<br /> ' •��� � a g ro e s t o o btafn and malntoln Fpdcrat Flood Insuranco tor!ho tuU unpNd pdnctpn�Da�anco of tho toan,up to tho mydmum po"ay Amib sot
<br /> ��•°`°�. ' �t k,' undur tho NaGonat Plood insuranco Progmm,or ns othorvu(se roqu t re d by Lon d o r,n n d t o m e il n M i�s u o h I n s u r n n o o t o t t h o t O r m o 1 l h�t a nn.
<br /> � Apptication o!pr�eoada Trustor shail prompBy nOtlry Lendor of nny toss or damupe to tho Proporty. londGr may mako ptoof ef loss if Tntstot �,;,
<br /> , , fall�to do so�athlo Nllaon(tb)days of the casuatry.Wholhor or not lendor's seaurity ls imp�irod,Londer msy,at its oioctlon,roqsNO nnd rottiin ��_�.
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