<br /> 1
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<br /> . . o���9fltf�! ��a ����0�1���� ��Y�iIJS? �Ago a .,
<br /> . . ,,
<br /> � �o�n Ho�ea��a . (co�a�ua�� �
<br /> .. --__----_--_.--�:�-. ----...._.._�_>>..�� . �
<br /> �� _ —.__ _._.._..,,___--=--=-�_�._._----
<br /> Truut nhutl hnvo tl�o meanirt uttrlbutod to auah tcrm9 in IAo UNtorm Comm�rciel Cod9, iall ratcronoon lo do�inr amounta ahall monn nmounlu In
<br /> lawtul monoy ot lho UNtod S�tes al Amsrlce. `-=�=
<br /> • penpfletaty. Yt�o word"8nnoflelnry'monns Fivo Polnta Oank,Its nueeossora and usslgm�, Flvo Points 9nnk oino la totorrod to ns"LondoP' 1n � �
<br /> • this Da�d of Trust. '
<br /> Oaad oi Trost. Tho words`Dafld o
<br /> f Trusl"moan thls Ocod of Trusl aROng Tru�ta, Lender,and Trustoo,and Inctudos wllhout UmltuNOn nu ��.'•_
<br /> � nssignmont nnd socurity interost provlslons rolatln@ b tho Poroonni Proporty nnd FJOnt�. .;
<br /> --�''"�'.' F]ttattop(od6b2ednea9. Tho worda�xlsUng Indoblodnoss moan the Indobtednau doscribed below in the Exlstinp Indobtodnes�socllon of ti���:..
<br /> �`�"^� lhls Dood ot Trust.
<br /> . ,� , ,
<br /> " - Gutumttot. Tho word"dutunniof manns nnd Inciuda9 wilh�ut Umilntlon uny nnd aW gumm�tors, suretlos,nnd acCOmmodntlon par�es In �'�..;
<br /> � connectton wlth tha Indabtadnsiss. �-
<br /> � tmprovEmenta The word 9mprovemen�9•moana end inctudos vdthout QmiteitonaD e�dstinp and future Improvements,buudinps,struclures, ____'
<br /> mobl:o homas atibcad on thfl Rout Propesty,taclli..�a,addlllons,�op►acements and olhor constructlon on!ho Ront Property. --:._
<br /> IrtdobtedrteII�. Tho word'7ndebtedness"mouns all principni and Intarest payebla undar Ihe Noto and any amounts expended or advancod by �,__
<br /> 1. Lpndor to Cisahtlrge obligutlons ot Trustor a flxpenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to untorco ohligatlons of Trustor under this Daed of Trunt, ��.�.
<br /> . ,, � togothor wllh intoroat on such amounb as provlded In this Oeod of TrusG Speclficely. vAlhout Iimlt�ifon,this Oeed ot Trust secures,ln eddltian �rH•
<br /> to the emount5 spoClfled In tha NotO,all futuro amounts Lender In Ils discretlan may loan to Trustor,t ether�vith atllntorest thereon;howqvor �.�
<br /> in no event s4�u!1 suoh tuture advances�oxciu�irt interesl)exceed In the aggre0�tel5.000.00. Th@�en of 4his Dee�ot T�ust ol9tal�
<br /> ...,f,. �ot sxcaed st arty or�e Ume� .�.�. �.-_:.
<br /> :. � Lemder.The word�nde�'mcc�ans Flve Polnts Bnnk,ita succossom and csss�flr�• �u:
<br /> ' Note. Yhe word"Note" rt►eans the Note datcd March B,1�88,In the princip8l 8t110U11t 04 53,9�9.fi0 hom Trustor to iender, _
<br /> -�•• �� togothor vdth NI renowats.extensions,modiReaUons,reflnnncings,ond eubs�tutians for the Noto. Tho matudty dato ot thls Oc�sd of'Trust b �Y�
<br /> MarcA 10.2004. �
<br /> � Peisond i P rope t t y. Th u w o r d s"P e r s o n N P ro p a r t y'm o a n a l t equ l p m e n t,Po A U�,u n d other erticies of personal propuAy now or hareafter �
<br /> owned by Tnutor,and now or hercafter atfaahad ur nftbuid to the Rosl i'rop��1,togather with aU axe�.slons,parts,and addilions to, e� ��_��..
<br /> � b
<br /> ' r ep i t t c�m o n b o t,u n d n l l s u b stltutiem� for,an y ot auoh properlY;and togethar v�h �I praca�ds(tncluding wlthout IlmltaQon all insumnco 4..-_
<br /> � prooeeds and retunds of premiums)�om arry snte or other dispos7tlon of the P�opeM. ___
<br />• Properry.Tho word"Propedy'moaiq coltactivoly tho Resi Props�ty and the Perso��Property. F'�.
<br /> • ReDi Property.Tho words'Reat Propert�l'moan the property,interesb and dghts descrlbed abova in tho"Conveyance and Qran1"seelbn, i�.�--
<br /> � _ Fiefa4ed Qocamente. TP�e words'Rfstated Dxumenb"mean and inctude without IlMtatlon all promissory notus,crodlt nflroemenis,toan
<br /> ,� '`" agrc�smarris.amrironmeniui ap����.gu8��1`�'�=-��=��n�.�'-"��"-=°!°dsnds of hust.and ali otMOr instrumenb,nflraements aM c -
<br /> f�>�T'"'''�"•'�' documonts,wholher now or hareaNer oxtstinp,executed in connectlon wllh the Indebtedness. _
<br /> �i(�":'. .
<br />�,Y,.�;ti'•� � � ' RBrttB. Tho word 9�enla"maana all pr9sont and tuture renta,revertues,Incomo,ksues,royAllles,profits,and olhor benefita��rivod hom the __
<br /> + .. ��� . Properly. __
<br /> - ��"'. TntotBO.The word'Ru5tt�9'means Flve Polnts Bank and any eubstituto ar sucasssor Uustees.
<br /> ' T�ttOtO�. ?tm word"frustoP mAans any and eit pemons and enUrie�executing tU�ISDt3ed ot TNSt,Inoiuding wlthout Ilmitatlon a�l Tnutore namod
<br /> ubovo. --
<br /> • '~ , ON 7HE FOtLOWtN�TERMS:
<br /> " � PA�tIIEM AMD PGRFORMA�tCE. Except us otherwise proNded in this OeeQ of Tru�t,Trustor shatl pay to Lender t�li amounta sscurad by ihls Oeed -
<br />-;-r,:,��••: of Tntst 69 they become dus,an0 sflatl s6lotty and In n tlmoiy manner penorm sll of'�'natoPs obitgattons undar th9 Note,this 08ad of 7rust,and the —
<br />-�: I'�-•`. .,•• RolntedDOCUmenta =-
<br />'•.�'•.
<br /> ,•.-=�,r:,<,'�,'t.. —
<br /> __ ;T,��y pa$$'Ef'iS10H AND MAINTENAN�£6F TftE PROPHRTY. Trustdr 2grees that Trustafs passesslon and use of the Proparty ohnli bv go+�cmod by
<br /> :v:_r:•....�.,.�: - thefoll0wingprovtston�:
<br />_- - �' � (q rema�n In possctssion artet comrol af!he PtapuAy, (b) use,
<br />�_-.;�ti;�: � Posst891ar�a►r�fl U�e. UnUI lho occurronco of an Evont of Doteult,Truster mn+
<br /> =4•t .+i ,�., oporate or man�ge tho Proporty,snd (o)coltoct any Ronb from thv Propcsriy. -
<br />-�:,: ,,ryt,;,,�� Oury to Matntdn. Truator shnli mdntaln tho Proporly tn tonnnffibte condlUon undprompUy porform nIi repaira,repiacomonin,nnd mNntnnanco ��•,;_
<br /> •-•.#, . rt��,ay to prossrvo Ib vetuo. �l;;;
<br /> -�_e.-� ,,f �,,,-
<br /> �. ;; 110zardaus Substences. fie terms"hamrdeus waste'"hamrdous aubstn�xo:bispos�i."'toloaso;and"lhreutonod retaasa,"ns usod in tNs
<br /> t�eed al T�wi,slw111�eva U�a:.oma meanings a;,L^_t forfh In ths Compmhansive Environmonttil Rt�ponsE►,Comp9nsarion,end Unb�ily ACt 0!
<br />=='� ':` . i8b'�.as amendsd.42 tJ.3.C.3�L'on£641.et seq.("��►"�,tho SuDe�1��dAmendmonts und Reauthortmtton Act of tE1186,PuG.�-- No. �_
<br />'�'�.` ."���•. gg.4yg('$AHA�,tho Hewrdous Mfltarfuis TrnnsporinUon Aat,49 U.3.C.. Secllon 1601,ot soq..tho Rosourco c:on=erva8on�na Reco�+erY Ad� -
<br /> "� � A 2 U.S.C.S e c tl o n 6 9 0 1,6 T s F 3 q.,o r o t h e r a p p l l c a b t o a t n t o o r F e d Crnl laws.Mes.a r�gulatlons udoptod pursuant to any ot tho torogolnp. The
<br />-;.t�' ''' `. r terms"hemrdous wantc�nnd3"�nmrdous substnnce shail nl^�o Inctudo,wAhout IINt�UOn,paaofeum and potrolaum by-pr c d uo t s or any f m c t b n
<br />;,,5��,�;��� �`�� . t h m E t o f a n d a s b o s t o s. T n i u t a r r e 9 r e s e n i s a n d w a r m n t s t o L a n d o r t h n G (e)Ouri n g the po�oq�oi Trustors ownemhip of the�'raoQAy.thorc3 has --
<br /> 'r"� " beon no�a,gonarallon,manutacturo.storago,
<br /> .,f,,,�;:.°-.,. • m; Iroatmont,dtsposat,retesise or lhcatanod rolease ot any harur dous was to or su b s t n n o o b y a n y
<br /> e se
<br />_�...:- :� psman on,ten�er.about ot hom tho Proporty; (bj Tntstor hns no knowteslga ot,a reatwn to bolievo thnt tlttsre has been,oxeript as preNausiy —
<br /> - . , � dlscto^,,,.tf ta and ncknovvlodged by Lender In writing, (1)nny usa,gonnreiUon,Qaianufacture,storego.lroatrtesnt,dfsposat,rotQase,or throatoned _
<br /> rol�so at any hnrardous wasto or substunca on,undor.about or hom tha Pro�ert�/by any pdor ow�ora or ooaupnnts oi tho NropOAy or(ii)ony
<br /> � �' actunl or lhroatonad IIUgaUon or claims of nny kind by nny Rorson rotaUng to such mntte�rs;end (o)Except as preNousty dlsciASad to and _
<br /> ackrto�vladgod by Lendcr in uvrlBng, (p nolthur Tnistor nor any tonnnt, conhuclor. epont or other authorizrsd uscr ot ths Propody ahNl uso. °°�
<br /> ""` � Qontxuto,manutacturo,staro,troat,disposo of,or raioaso nny haYerdous rvasta asttbstunco on,undor,about or Nom tho R�ogorty und(li)any
<br /> �1 suoh ncllNty ahait bo conductad In comptfanco vrllh nll appitcable tedor�l,stato,end locat lawa,ragutatlpns and ordinancos,including wlttaut ��l
<br /> �•� Ilmitntion thaso Inws,rogul�tlons,and ordinanais dQSalbod abnve. Tou�sior stuCiosir�s Londsr artd ils tsgonta to ontot upon tho Propetlpto _
<br /> . ,;,
<br /> ..,.: . - _
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