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<br /> ��l�D oF r�us� �a�e e • ..
<br /> L.00 Pfo9763149 ��r���i (Conf��uQd) ' �
<br /> ����-.-_--_ _...,_
<br /> _._�
<br /> atistinp iPtdEDICilRa89. A�1tlfauil Oha9 oc�ur undar ony Ex1311ng indobtodnoss or undcr nny tnstruniont on tho Property securing eny Exlstin8
<br /> �• , � Indobtedncso,or commoncomont of nnysuit or othor aatlon to to�octoso any oxlsting Ilen on iho Proporry.
<br /> filpht to�ute. if auofi n t411uro Is cttrablo and It 7rustar hno�ot bc3on givan a notico of o breaoh of the same{xovislon ot thls Dssd pt Trust ,.-
<br /> ' tivilhln tho prCCCdlnp hvClvo(12)montta,it mny bo aurod(ond no Event of Dotadt wiM havo o�:aurred)If Truster, eHOr Lendor sends wdNen
<br /> � nollco domnnding auro ot ouah tplluro:(n)auros tho tttfiuro wilhin len(10)deys;or(b)II Ihe curo raqulra mora than ton(10)days,Immc�diateiy
<br /> . Inlllata�stops oumdont to ouro tho fauuro and thorenftar contlnuos end comptotes u"reasanable and necc�ssary sieps sufflclent lo produco .t,
<br /> Qcniptiunco c►a soon aa rousonnbty pr�ttticnl. - .
<br /> � RIaHTB A1iD REMSOIEB ON DEFAULT. Upon tho ocourcence of an/Eveni of Deinull snd at any time lhereaNer,Trusteo or Lendar,al Its opuon,
<br /> , �-�. may oxorctao any ono or moro ot thA toMOwing ri8hts und remedles,in nddition to any other�ighb or remedlss provfdod by Iew: ,� �y
<br /> ACCeleietlon upon Dafeutt{Addltlos►ol RomedleA. It any ovent of dofault occuro as per the terms of!he Note secured hereby,Lender may
<br /> •• . � dec turo a l l ln do b t o d n o s s s e o u ro d b y i h i s O n o d o t T r u s t t o bo duo and pa yrtbl3 and tho eamo shall thsreupon become duo and payabte wllhoul
<br /> Any prosontmont,domand,protes!or�ouce ot any idnd. Theresiiet.Lend�r may:
<br /> (n) Elthor in po�san or by ag�nl,wlth or wlthout bdnging any acqon or p�oceedl�g or by a recelver appolnted by a eouA and wNhout
<br /> rognrd to the adequaoy of Ib s�micy,onter upan and tuke possossfon of tho P�operry,or sny part thereot,In its own name or In the name
<br /> • o}Trustee,and do eny aots wh:ah tt do3ms necessnry ar desirabie to preserve tho vaiue,ma�cetablllty or rentabttlty ot lhe Property,or part �".
<br /> ' of tho Properly or Interest in th�Proporly:Increaso the income t►am the Properly or protect the seourlly of the Proparty;and,with or wUhoul r.,,
<br /> taking posresslan ot the Properry,suo 1or or otherwiso aoueot tha renb,issu�s and proflts ot the ProQeAy,Including those past duo end .,,;
<br /> �, unpald,and appiy the same,Ie:�s costs and expenses of opore�tlon end coliactlon,Inctuding attorneys fees,to any Indebtodn3ss secured ��
<br /> i, by this Daed ot Trust,alt in sucn ader as Lender mpy determine,Theentedng upon and taking possesslon of the Property,the collectlon l`,.
<br /> p al such rents,Issues and proAt2.ond the applicetion thereof shr�tl nat curo or walve any detsuit or notice of detAUlt undar this Oead of Trusl ,,:
<br /> or invalidnto nny a0t dono In rc�sponso to auoh dofnuit or pursuant fo such notke ot dotauN;and,nOhvllhstanding the ConiinuA�ce U� .5.,;
<br /> . � possesslon of the Proporty or lhe ootlootlon,recelpt and eppiketion ot renls. Issues or proNts,Trustee or �ender shall be entitled lo _
<br /> exorciso overy�ipht provlded tor In the Note or the Reiatod Doauments a by law upon the xourcenee of any event of default,Inciuding ihe :;�r.
<br /> � �Vght to exorcisa the power ot saie;
<br /> u ;b) Commence an acdon to torodase this Oesd of Trust us a mort9age, appoint a�ocelvar or speciflcally enforce any of the covenanl5 __
<br /> � hereoh,end , �.
<br /> �` 1 (o) Oeliver to Trusteo a wrliton declaration ot detault and demend tor eaio and a wdtten notice of defnult end etectlon to cause Trustor's --
<br /> �'b.e
<br /> , Intnresl in tho Property to bu so�d,which noNce Tnistee aheli ceusA to be didy Nled for record In the approprlete otflces of the Counry In ,�y A_
<br /> ' � whloh the PropoAy Is locatod;and "�^
<br /> � (d) Wllb respeot to ell or any pe�t ot the Personai Properly,Lendor ehall have aA the dghts and remedls3 of a secured paAy under th0 �
<br /> �`� fVebraaka Unllorm Commerolat Code. ;�
<br /> :,.--
<br /> ,, , Farectosuro�y RoWer of 3ate. If Lendor elects to toreclose by exorclse of the Power af Sa�e hareln conlained,Lender shall notiy Trustee an ,,_4.
<br /> snan qepastt wiin irusiea ihis Daeu ut7�wi a��ihro tsots and:�lt�lp�_°sn�?!��!e^r.w ot axQandltures mede and saeurod by Ihis Deed of �._-.-
<br /> �:� ` =--
<br /> . ; 7rust es 1'nistee may requlre. ��"�
<br /> (s) Upon reeeipt of suah nWcfl trom l.endor,Trustee shan csu9e to be recorded,pubilahed and dehvered to Yrustor such NoUCO o!Dotaull =—
<br /> t and Nollce ot Ssle ag then reqWsd by!aw and by thls Daed of Trust Trustee ahall,wllhout demand on Trustor,atter such timo'iaa'may _._�
<br /> !'' then be requkad by law und eHer rocordatlon of such No11ce ot Defaurt and aROr NoHCe of Sste having been glven ris requlred by Iaw.sel► _
<br /> "'S`� r the Property at the Hme and plaoo of selo flxed by It in such Ndice of Sate,eithsr ss n wholo,or In sepazate bts or parcols or items es
<br /> '�.,t°_;;
<br /> . , ., tho U t ud�States pay�abio at the�Gmo of sato.rTrusteoi shnA dofiver to 9uoh puroheser�ot Pu ahhnso�ihorao f Is good and sutNGon doad or °=-
<br /> i:.
<br /> � � deeds conveying tho praporry soeotd,but without any covenant or warranry,oxpress or imp�led. The rodta�s in such deod ot nny mattore �
<br /> ti or fuots shaN be concluslve proot of the truthtuiness ther�oT. My person,Inciuding wdhout Ilmltation 7NStor,Trustes,or Lenda,maY L,._
<br />_ � purahaso at suoh Bato. [�:
<br /> _ � (b) As muY be permitted by law,aHor deducting uli costs,tsss and o�►anses of Trustes and ot thls Trusl,includinp eosts ot avldenco of _
<br /> tlUs In conneotian with snlo,T�ustea shnil nppiY!AO procaods ol sato lo payment of (1)ali�ums expended under lho torms ot thls Oesd of
<br /> e
<br />_ . ,.� � Tn�st or under the terms ot Ih3 Note�ot then repaid,incNding but�ot Iimitod to aecrued interest and tato charges, (II)oil other sums on
<br /> .L • soourod huroby,and (IIi)tho remafnder,if any,to tho person or persans IegeMy enUtled thereto.
<br /> - � (o) Trusteo reay In the mannar provlded by law postpono saio d at10r any portion ot the Proporty. —
<br /> ':�}':•"� WemeAtea Not t]cetuatve. Tnut�and Londer,and esch of ihom,ahaU be entlCOd to entace paymont and pertormance of any Indobtudnoss _
<br /> -- �r,';:;:��:a•,
<br />_1 j.,�}.Y„�,.�,.j;• , ' a pqllgnUons seoured by this Doed of 7tual and to exeroiso nA�IgMa nnd powere under thls Oaad of Trwt,under ihe Noto,undor uny o 3
<br /> . , ��4,�;<<r:�: Retnted Oooumonta,or undor any other agreamont or any taws now or herer;fter in torce;noAvlihatanding.some or sil o}auoh IndoOtednass _
<br /> and obtlgutlor�seaurod by thls Oeed ot Trust may now or hereattw be dhorwlse seoured,wheiher by mo�tqafle,deud of trust,plodgo.Ilon,
<br /> '�_,�{..,....: � ussignmont or othorwlso. Nlelthor tho accoptnnco ot this Deod ot TNSt nor Ils onlacement,whothor by oourt ecUon or puBUant to tho powar et ,�-�T
<br /> � sNo ot othur powore oontelned in iN4 Oood ot Trust,shc�it proJud�o or In any manner eHect Trustoe's or 6endePs dght to ronlize upon ot �:�,.•-
<br /> _ ��a"�� � entorce nny othor�cudly now or haroaftor hold by Trustee a londor.It being agreo0 that Trustae and Lendsr,nnd eaeh ot them.shall bo
<br />-.•.,�,�_, . f�;:�-
<br /> , ,,;ti•:y�,,Y�� ��� ontiUed to onforce thls Oood ot 7rust and any other seouAty now or humafter hold by Lendor or Trustee in such order end manner f�thpy or _,�
<br />� elthot ot thom may in tholr ebsoluts�iiscraiba dotwn�ino. No ramody oonh'mod u�on or resarved to Trusfee a l.ender,Is IntendeE to bo � _-
<br /> .:.i.:ik�.':,:, � $,. �.=_
<br /> �:^•.:r,,, � c+xciusiv�ut uuy uliier r�mady In tA�Qcad Of Ttus!or by taw prc��daA a psrmAtnd,but saoh eheli be oumNattvs and sh�ll bo In uddiUon o . f
<br /> +x
<br /> . :�,�„ ovory othor rctmady given in thb Deod of Trust ot now or hereaflot e�dsHng at Ibw or in equlty or by statute. Every power or romody g(ven b y tho
<br /> �� '• Noto or any oT tho Rnintod Doaumont3 to Trustee a Londor or to wNCh eilhor of thom may be othenvlse entitlod, may bs oxorc i sod,
<br /> `�,''_,i�;,�,:; °��. .' oncurronUy or Indopondontiy,hom tlme to tlmo and as often as may.bs daomo d expe d l an t by T r u s t e 0 or L endor,nnd elthcr of tho:n msy
<br /> • `•'"��� • w. ��rsuo Inoonststont romodle9. NotHng in lhis peod ot Trus1 shell be canatnrod as proh;bftln47 l.endor from sooking a do8cinncy JuOgmenl �`
<br /> ""t�f' ' e�eilnst tho Trustor to the eudonf sueh notion Is permltted by taw. �
<br /> .':�t;1��, cu o _.,
<br /> .:� � AequCat Fot Notlee. Trustor,on behalf of Trustor pnd Londer,hereby requosts t ha t a c:opy o 4 any No tl c�o t O e t a u l t a n d e c o p y o f a�l o U c o �.'
<br /> ,�, of Saio undor thls Doed ot Trust b3 maUod to tham at tho addressos sot foAh in the flrst parapmph ot lhls Deed ot 7rust. �
<br /> , �;ti;��;� W��Qr EleoUon of Remedtoa Awaivor by any party of n broach ot a provlsion of this Dood ot Trust ehell not eonstftuto e walver af or ��
<br /> , �� ' ''�`' preJudico tho parh/a dghts othernise to domnnd eblot compllanco vAlh thal provWon or any othor proNslan. Eleotbn by l.ondor to pursuo any ,��,.
<br /> rem�dy providod In this Dsed W Tnnt,iho idote,ln any Ratatod Oocum�nt,or provided by ta�v shall not exctudo pu�suit ot any othor remedy, �,_`
<br />- � �'��-�� and an olocUon lo make expondHuros or lo takv aoflon to poAarm an ob�patlon of Trustor under lhis Doc�d o}Truct uHcr fNluro of 7rus►w to :
<br /> :r
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