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<br /> ., . . , p�98-19€!fl O�E�0�T�IJ��' �c�. ° `�'�r�Q�� —PA(��6 ,. .
<br /> ,;' � . Loan No 7�3141 (Ccnttnued) ^ � .,•
<br /> �,—_ ......�_._...
<br /> •r�_ — ._--..�--r--�e^^^—T'.__.–�
<br /> pnymonts on tho Indabicdnoss ccaurod by ihis typo o}OEr.d of Tru3t; (o)n tpx on Ihis typ3 oT Dcrd ot Yruiti ahnrgoabio agNnst Iho 4onder or -
<br /> Iho hoidcr ot th�Noto;ond (d)a spcci0o ttuc on nll or any portlon of lho Indcbtodncss ar on pnymrmtsi of princlpnl und Intorost mndo by •
<br /> � TfLL410t. ..�n-,-
<br /> Oub�quont Yanoa. It nny tntt lo wNCh thls ueollon npplica Is onaotad ouascqu�nt!o Iho dsto of 1NS Daod of Trust,thls ovant ohatt havo Iho
<br /> �,•.,�_.
<br /> " s4mo oNOat na an Hvont of Dotauli(as ctoilnad beiow),und Land�r rruiy cxCrcl:a Cny or np at Ihs nveil^hlo remodlns lor nn Evonl of�ofnult ae
<br /> ru
<br /> - provldcd bolow unlos9 Trustor elthar(n)pays tho tnx bntoro It becomea dolinquoM,or (b)oonto3ta tho tnx no proNdud abovo in tho Taxc3 und
<br /> � Uons s�ctlan and doposits wlth londcr cnah or c►sutiiclont Corporcto aur�ty bond or othcr oaeuAly saUStaotory to Londor.
<br /> _ �,^� .� 8ECUAiTY AtiREEMENTi FI�tAFdCINQ&TATEMENY9. Tha toliowing proNsions rolnting to thlu Dood of Trttat an n s^cudly n8momont nro u pnrl of �
<br /> - this Deod of Trust. "�t.��`
<br /> ' parsorv�Al proporiy�and Lendorsehail havo nil of tho��dghts of a st�xured pfltty�und r thO�U�tlfOrm COmhm iCia C o astnmonddufrom tlmo to ��_:.��
<br /> ::s.��,
<br /> llm0. '.:�r',"r,3='
<br /> gesprity IntoTOSt. Upon req�e�st by Londor,Trustor ahuli o�c�u:a ilnancing statements en6 take whntovi►r othor aotlon Is roquostod by LondCr S,�f y
<br /> � to perfect aad cor�Unuo Londors security Int3rosl In th3 Ronts and Personel Proparly. In sddltion to farording tht�Doot!of Trust In tho roai , ,.,;__
<br /> .,:ti.r—.
<br /> ' thls D Od ot�Trus as a�flnflnC�ing stele�mo 1n Trustor shalihre;mburse Lend�tor ntl gcaxRonsesncu1rted In�,or ooting o►pcontinuln8rohls sscudty '=;
<br /> tax �;,,.L�=
<br /> interost. Upon detault,Trustor shail assembto fho Peraonat Proparty In a mann;r and at a place rensonqbly Conventont to Trustor nnd Lond�r .�.
<br />_ �� , "� end make It available to Lendrr wlthln fhroe(3)days after rocefptot wAtten dcmand hom Londor. �;-�-
<br /> Aaldreazea T►+o mallinp addrosses of Trustor(debtor)and Londer(seCUrod perly),hom whteh Inlarmation concoming tho socurity intore9t ;�_
<br /> •`+ grsntsd by tNs Deed of 5'rust may be oblained(eaoh es required by tho Untlorm Comm°.rcte�Code),nr�aa atefed an the flret page of Ihls Ooad �::;_,.
<br /> , �, of Ttust. �'.'=
<br /> � � FURTMEH AStiURANCES;AITORNEI/-IN-FACY. The 1ollowing provislons releUng to turlhor nssurnnaes and a8omoy-In-tsot cue u paA of thls �.
<br /> ''•:', Osed ot Ttust.
<br /> ';;�:,..:;Y� �;..°l�
<br /> �^?�.i::�`� . ^. � � Furiher Assurences. At any Ilme,and hom t►me to flmo,uponrsqu6st of Lender,7ru5to�wiu mpke,exeouta and dolivor,or wlll cuuso to be �r�.L.::.
<br /> ,x made,executed or delivered,to Lender or to Lenders dosigneo. and when requoslod by lendor,causo to bu fllod, rocordod.retfted,or �i;"_-
<br /> ., ��;� rer000rded,as the case may be,ut euch dmes and in such oftiees and places ao l.ondor may doom appropdate,any and a►I auoh mortQag�s. �.'�;;�
<br /> � deeds of trust,seou�lly doeds,seourNy agrsemenb,flnancing stelert�ants,aonHnuaNOn stntomontu,inatn�monb of tuAher assurttnaa,cerNRcatas,
<br /> � and othor documenb ns may,In tho eole opinlon ot Lendar, be nenessary or doslrnbio tn ador to ofhrotunta,compinto,perteot,con8nuo,or ___
<br /> proserve (a)the obllgations of i rustor undar tho Noto,thls Deud of Trust,and tho Rotatsd Dooumontn,and (b)tho Ilem3 and seourity intoresb __Y_
<br /> ,�� contrary y Le dor n wriN 0 Trusta al eN olmburse LondnrVfa ati�asffi and�onsas bncurced in aonrteaUonhwith eym ttaro re e�red io i� ��
<br /> ,",f „ .. � � thispamflraPh. --
<br /> ��__. . . � e �n nn ef ths ihlnas roterred to In the preacdlne PamH�+Ph,Lendar mey Eo so tor ned In the nnmo ot
<br /> .. ar,�;� nttGZ'.Eji-!ti»,.�.l. !!TtlLlOT i8!!s t? Y _ _
<br /> . ,Y T�ustor and at Trustors expanse. For auch puryoses,Trustor hereby Irrovooaby nppolnts lentler ea Truator�attomey�+�isa�ior iiro v�v�
<br /> ot makfng,execuHng,deNvoring,Hllng,reeording,and dolng ai other thinps as m9y bo necessary or dr�Irabie,In Lender's soie opinion,to
<br /> " �!,�:�,.. accompllsh tha matters refeROd to In fhe preceding paraBmpA. �h.,
<br /> `.,���;� • FllLL PEFiFOAMAt�CE. It Trustor pays WI tho indebtodness,Inctudhg wilhout IIMtaUon till tuture acivanaes,whon due,and olhafwise podo�ms aii �;.,`
<br /> ,ti,, the obOgaUona 1mpa4ed upon Trustor under thls Deed of Trust,l,e�du sheli Euwcut9 and dellver 10 Tetc3loo e request lor tult reconvoyartce and ehali ��:•-
<br /> � and t o Person&t P►operty. Any recon�voyanca fep roquired by k►w Ghnlyl bo p d by Trustor,�lf pa mlttoddby ARC��bte taw.�u��I�orost In tho Rents �
<br /> ' � DSFAULT. Each ot Ihe foilowing,at the optlon of lender,shall consUluto an ovnnt ot dotault('�vent ot OofnulY�undor thls Dued ot Trusi:
<br /> DotGalt on indoBtednosa Falture of Trustor to make any payment whon duo on tho Indobtednoss. ___
<br /> � , � Do4nuft on OiflE►PaYmcnts. Failuro of Trustor wtlRin tha time ruqukod by this Oeod of Tn��t to mnicm any paymont tor taxc�s ar insurer�oe,or =
<br /> • „ , any o1h�pnym�nt necessary M prevoM f�ing ot or to oHoct dlsch4rgo of any Ilon.
<br /> � �ompltanco Qotautt. Faliuro of Tnrstor to comply wlth any othsr term,obi!paUon,covonant or con�,tlon cosdafnod In thb Oood of Troist,thc�
<br /> n�t�•�: �� ���. Note or In any ot the Flelaled Doaumonb.
<br />`+'"•;"•``'".�° �eiae Statemente. Any wnrranty.representatlon or statomant msdo or fumfshod to Londer by ur an bohalt of 7rustor undor this Dood ot Trust, --
<br />-~,:,'.'�i�,. •^'* tt►A Note or tho Related OoCUmyrtb is fa�se or misleading In��y m9tedel rospoCt,oithar now or at iha dmo mado or Wmishod. �....
<br />_ �:t..t- ..;:+: '
<br />= ���'�%� � � DofeetNe CoU�ereilmtton. 7his Desd ot Trust or eny ot the Retatod Oocu�nonb ceasou io be In lufl torcre snd eNOOt pn�lud�np faII�Q Ot nny �-��'
<br /> ' ' •t' coltaterN dceumonts to aoatn a valld and porisctod seoudty Inlerest or flon)at any dme aee�for any�oa�son.
<br />:: ,
<br /> •� �} DeatA or insolveacy. Tho death ot T�ustor,lho Insolvenay ol Tn�ator,Ihe appointmont of a reaelver tor any urt of Trustor's propa�j,any
<br /> " , asslpnmont ior Ihe banetit ot credNors,uny typo of credifor wo�tcout,or Ihu commancemant M any procaoSng undor nny b�nim�tcy or _
<br />=,:.3"'. lnsolvenay laws by or agolnst Trustor.
<br /> ' � ;y Fortttosuta,Ferf�tturo,ete. Commeneement ot terectosure a torf�ttura�prooeodtng�,wholh�r by Jud.etnl proeeedlnQ,Se1Mho►p,ropa°.,sosSion
<br /> w � or nny other ntethod,Ay any creditor ot Trustor a�by uny dovcmntental3gancy npnl�t ony of th�t Prottmty. However,tha subs�8on;1h+tl!nc! �=--
<br /> ��.... -
<br />�-��.;�-M-:,•.. .. , appiy in tt�evo�of u 800d}afth dl�puto bV Trustor as to tho validlty or roasonabla�^.,s ol Ihu ntala�wiilch Is the basl3 0!tha lcnxlC9tsrs or �_.-_
<br />- -•°x�� ��, foretetture pra:ee��ng,providod that Tnist�r ghros Londor wdtlen no�'eo at auch otNm and tuml�hos ros�rrvc+s or a aurety bond far thq olnim
<br /> . ;::�.:
<br /> .- .'".Y.,,, an�stsctory b Lender. •
<br />=��"'.� • � � Brcach of Oiher A�eamaint.Any bronch by Trustor undar tfio torms ot nny oth�r uDrocament OeMeen Tna�tar and Lond�thnt Is not remodlod
<br /> _;,,f:�.;�,��• * wlth�n any gmco poriod provldod thereln,Inctuding without Amiattan any ngroomant conceming umr indo4todno�s or othar obCguUon ot Trustor
<br /> .-�;.,�r to lortdor,whothor o�dsting now ot later. --
<br />..,i},.�i. ..>�
<br /> Evcnts Affeettng Quarontat. Any of the proceding ovents occurs wB�rosptxt to nny Ouurnntar ot nny o}iho tndubtodnoss or Any Qearq�ntor
<br /> ^ , � y,� dlos or bCCOm2s Ineom�atent,or revokos or dlsputos tho vc�lidly ot,ar Uabtury und�t,nny 3u�cTnnry of th�Irtdobtodnt�33s. LEtndor.at its og�..On. __
<br /> �,, may,but ehall not bo roqul:od 40,permlt tho Civarantor's Aststo to assume uncon�itlonalty tho obltgaHOns nrtsing undot iho guamniy In n _
<br /> v;;'�;,� � . manncr satlsfactory to Londor,und,in dGng so,aura the E�aMof Oo�utt. --_
<br />=:�"�iN. . i Inozeudry.Londorlegoodfat�doamslt2ctflnsacuco. �6`
<br /> � ' �� :,�� �._
<br /> . �.'
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