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<br /> � , Lonn No 763141 ,, (Conllnued) m �����__��r ,
<br /> _ - �----�_'� �_,. _—-
<br /> pertarm shnll no!allast Londer's�Ipht to deatnro n dofnWt pnd to oxcrci°.0 Q(iy 0}I18 f0iTt0�03.
<br /> At4amoyo'Feas=E�ens�o. if LondCr Instltutes any sult or acliun t0 ontorco nny ot tho icrm9 of thl�Daod ot Trust,Londar ahali ba ontitl�d to
<br /> � recovor suoh sum na tho courl may adJudgo raasonabto us attomoya'foos at tdul ond on any appon►. Whothnr or not any ooud nodon I�
<br /> InvaNOd,ali ronaonabto cixponsas Inourtod by Lundor which In Londora aplNOn nro occrosnry at any timo lor tho proteotlon of Its lator�t or th3 �'�'�v=•�
<br /> "' enfacomonl ot Its�hts sha11 bscoma u part o1 tha Indsbtodnc�a payaDta on domsnd anA shnl!benr Intorost at tho tVoto ruto irom tho dato o}
<br /> expenditura unlll repafd. Expensos eovorod by thls paragroph Inciudo,without Ilmltatlan,howovor oubJoot to any Ilmita undcr uppllet►610 tnvi, h,
<br /> Le�ders attorneys'feos whothor or not thero Is a Iaweuit,including attornoya'(eos for bankruptay procoodings(Including eNorts to mddify or
<br /> vacete any uutomatfc slny or InJunclfon), appenls nnd any anUclpatod post-Judgmod cWooBon soMcos,the oo_t of aonrching rccords,
<br /> _••;;;� obtalning titte roparts(Inciuding forociosuro repata),aurvoyaro'roporb,appra�sal f�s�tNto insurnnco,and teos iw tho Trustoo.fo tho oxtom
<br /> . , pormitted by appiicnbta luw. Trusta atso wlli pay nny eourt costa,In addltion to a�other eums provided by inw.
<br /> � • "' , plghta of Tntatao.7tustoa shall have elt of the rights and dutios of Londor as sul foRh Nihls soatlon. ^___.�.
<br /> , ROWHFiB AND 081iGATiONt3 OF TRl{BT�f'e. The following provi�lon�rolndng to tha powers and obllgatlons uf Truatoe aro purt of thi�Doed of ;�.y=:�
<br /> . • TrusL -`�
<br /> „ � Poworo of T�uateo. tn addiUon to all powors of Trusto�adsing as n matter of law.Trusiso ahalt tu�ve tho power to tako the toilowing ectlons ' ;;;;;�T•
<br /> • wlth respoct to the Property upon the w►itten request ot londer and Trustor (a)Join in proparing and Iiling a mc�p or piat of the Reat Propady, � `-°�
<br /> :, ��s;.
<br /> Including the dedication of street�or olher dphts to the pubNO; (b)Join in granting any easoment or creatinp any rqsMctlon on the Real Properly; ,
<br /> .:' and(o)Joln In any subordinatlon or other agreoment atlooting thls Oesd of Trust or tho INe�est ot Lender under this Oeed of Trust. ,,;;�y�.
<br /> ' �` Tvuetee. Truslee ahall meet aA quallticatlons�equired lor Trustea under apDa�b181nw,In ttddition to ihe r1gh18&nd romt�dles set forth ftbov0, ��---
<br /> �-�, wlth respeot to ali or any parl of the Propaiy,the Truslee ahatl have ths�Ighl tv taeclose by notica and salp,and Lendor shali hnvo fho dght to
<br /> ' '' ; toreclose by Judicial foroctosure,in eilf�er cese in accordance wlth and to 1!ro I�I exfs�nl Movidad by appNrabte Inw. �
<br /> � @ Suaessor TNStee. Lender,at Lander's opdon,may from tlmo to Ume appotnt a suL�cessar Trustee to any Trustea appnlnted herounder by an �.';;--
<br /> p InsWmont oxeouted and acknowtedgea by Lender and recorded In the offloa of thu nscorder of HALL County,NetsrBeka. 7ho InsUument shall .,A y
<br /> contaln,in additlon to all other matters raqulred by siate Iaw,tho namos ot the origPne�Lander.T�ustea,snd Trustor,lhe book and page(or ,, ,,.,
<br /> ° ., compufer syatem reference)where this Oeed of Trust Is rocordod,and lhu namo and address ot the suooaasor trusteo,and the lnstrumont ahall �'Y_�
<br /> i!'.f?�� be exoouted and aoknowtodgod by ail iha berteflelades under tha Deed of 7nut or thelr euocesso�u 1�Inierest. The successor trustee,wlthout _--
<br /> , �, 3'��•�f conveyance of ihe Property,shall9utCeed 10 81I tha Ntlu.pov�cr,and dutles eonforrod upoo�the Trostg in thta Dood of Trust and by appAcabie �,.__
<br /> �`��' taw.Yhls praodure tor subslNuUon ot trusleo shall govem to tho excluslon ot all olher provtsions tor su�slllutlon. -
<br /> � � • NOTICES TO TRUSTCR AND OTHBA�ARTIES. Any norice under thls Oaod ot Trust ahaU be in wrltinp,mny be se�t by toietnoslml(e(uniess ---
<br /> � maN d,ahapQbo doomed eNeattvehwhen�deposlled In the Unf od Statos mal�flrst clasa�corp6od or tegist�ted'muil p�os ga prepaidhdtrected to th'o _—_.
<br /> ° `•��' . addresses shOwn near Ihe bsglnNng oT this Oesd af Trust. Any paAy muy ohnnpo Ib e�ddress for notiooa under lhis Ooed ot Trusi by 8��n9 fArmal �_
<br /> ' wdtlen nolice lo ttro other parlies,specltyfng thet tho purpose of tho notleo Ia to chnnge tho pert�/a nddross. A11 coptos ot noUccs of forectosure trom
<br /> �. tho hofdor ot any Ilen which hes pdodty ovor this Dood ot Trust BhNt bo sont to Londefs address,as shown nour tho beglnn►ng of this Ooed ot TruBt. _
<br /> " � For notice purposes,TruStor dgtees t0 k88p Lenoet enti i tustvo iniormau'di d8�rt'.a�Gt T:.,;f��ctutsnt�dtlreC4. �
<br /> , , �, —
<br /> fi
<br /> .��;� ,
<br /> � MI8CEIWNEOUB PROVISIONS.The following miscollaneous provtsions nro n ptut ot thfs Dead of Trusl:
<br /> ,;_. ..,; �
<br /> `� ' thm�ndmeeto� This Qeed of Trost,togother with any Refatod Oooumants,conalNutes Ihe anUro undoretanding nnd agroamont af th�parUos ns
<br /> y to tho matters se!forth in this Dasd af Trust No altCmtton o}or artrondntant to thb Oeed ot Tn�at shatl be oNeative unioss given In wriBnp nnd �
<br /> slpned by tho pady or pafites aought to be chfuged or bound by lho NtnraGOn a amendmenL
<br /> ����• Appitcebfe Law. This Oaad of Truot ht+�been detivered to Lcnder nnd acceDte�l by I.endet In the State of NeDrnstce. Thl3 Deed of TNS1
<br /> � shNl be govemed ay e�ed eonatn�ad In acco�danee with tho tawa of ms 8tate o!Nabmske.
<br /> • ^ � Ceptlon Haadlnpa Captlon hoadings in thls Ooed of T�uat ure tor convc�Menca purpo�es onty and aro not to bo usod to into�rot ar detirto thv —
<br /> provi,lons of thts Deod of Trust.
<br /> "�+•+ tlare hold by aefah tho be eNt o elonder In�anyeoapuclly wtithout t o wyiitton on:ant atlend�r any other Intorost or c+stnto In tho Properry nt ony
<br /> - ,,'r.,.,., , MulUple PuRtoa.All obtlgatlons ot Trustor unda thls pa�ot Trust shnit ba�cAnt on�t aovemt,pnd al►reterencas to Trustor shNl mean oech and
<br /> • avery Trt.stOr. Thls means that eaeh ot tAO porsons slpNnfl botow ls rospo�rtcDio for atl obligaUons In thls Oeed o}Tru31. _
<br /> .' � ' `''°',':' ' SevaroDtllty. If u aourt of eompntont Jurbd[ctlon Onda sny pro v l s ion m�9t+s boo d o f T r a s t t o tr o f n v e l i d o r u n o n t o r o O a E l o a s to en y p e�son nr
<br /> .,.,.� :; clrcumslanoo,QuoA flndtng shall not rondor thal provinion Invalid or uraa;�orcoab�e as lo any othor parsons or clroumstartces• if fsas�b{e.a^y
<br /> ,••�� such oNonding provlslon shell ba doomad to bo modlRed to be�Ythin tP�o Amila of odacoability a vatidriy;howati�r.it tAO otion6ing provkston �
<br /> � cunnot bo so mod�'!ad,H shail bo sMcken nrtd ell othor provt�ions ot fh!s Deed of T�ust In di olhar respocto ehall re��npia v(tlld artd ontorcesbto. -
<br /> � E;- :, �uccessora ane�istan�. SubJCet to tho IImIIG4ion,s csfAtod In lhis 080d ot Tmst on Irnnstor of T�ustora IMero3t,thN�OcCd of Tnut shei!be --__
<br /> , :;, binding upon Qnd inure to thi+bon�fit of fha partls3,thatr cu0003sony an0 cus�g�s. It ownatshlp of tho Property bacomos vo^.,ted In a person =
<br />. -... ._ .-,�- t daDtcdness by w y ef torbeamnoo or oxtor�lorn w�thout rotc�aslrr,�T�s o ttrom�t��gations o1 n a Ueed of rrust or UaGTity under tho �
<br /> }�x � Indebtedness. --
<br /> � `` " Tlmo ta ot the Essanee. Timo Is ot tha os3canco In Uw porformnnc0 0}thla Oeod of Tn�st.
<br /> '% Wclvero and Consenta Lendor shAtt not be doomod to hav�w�aivr�d uny dghcs under this Deed ot Tru3t(or undor tho Rotntnd Oooumenb)
<br /> ",j�.�±�+: udoss suoh wulvor is In wdOng nnd sigrt�d by lendet. No daar ar omlt�ion on the part ot Lendar M oxorotsing ony dght shM apomto es s
<br /> '•� � �valvor of such dpht or any other right. A walvGr by 4n�pArly ot d�provislon ot this Oe9d ot Tntst s4�ni1 not consUlute o waiver of or proJudtcv tho _
<br /> � � ,,�rty's dght atherwise to domand strtcl aomy:'drtao w�tA lhal pro�slon or nny otP�ar prefvlslon. Na pr�or wnlvFx bY Lender,rtar aMr courco ot __.
<br /> .: .� . �► d¢aling boMraon Loador nnd Truttor, shrJl coaatiMo a waihn ot any of Lertd�fs dehb or nny ot Trustors obQ�nHorts As to any tutvro --�
<br /> '" '���� trensucuons. Whenever oonsont by Londcr Is roqutred In thb Doad of Tn�st,th��7ranYng ot auoh consant by Londor In uny lrafnnco nhali not _
<br /> � � eonatlluto conUnuing consent to Eubr.oquent tn:t�nces wh�ro suoh consont ts ro4utr�sd �L.
<br /> _ 1 �;
<br /> � ,. . tYntvor ot Homoatoad�cempttan. 11u�tor hore4�y roboasos and�raNas oll Hght�and bonotits oi ths Aomastoad o�romption la�ve of tho State of r8,.:
<br />• N;,brnok&aa to atl Indabtodnc�ss�ceucod by�1b D�od of TrusL ��-
<br />_ ' ' , �''� �.•v
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