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<br /> �
<br /> .� . .� � ' � . .
<br /> . 1
<br /> � .
<br /> ,� ' .. ` ., .. . � . .. .
<br /> .. '' �....a.�..u� i .. . ^ .. .. �� - . . ' 11 rl.�p.y ..
<br /> � .
<br /> .
<br /> ' �, r �i �.., i- r . . � .. � ..
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<br /> �. � . .. ' .. , i�. ... ..�1-. .... _.
<br /> ' ' ._ ......_ . _." '"_._. _ ...."_ '.. .._.... .. .... . ... . .. ... .. . ......... .. ...n.."'_'_'__"'�.__"
<br /> "__'_'__'�...�...._n._ ." 1 .
<br /> .. �• , 0�&.198fl ��`���'�`��, ���� �F �Rl�l��' Pn�;�a '
<br /> • �an wm �639 1 �.'�" (Contlaued) • ;,
<br /> ' • C .�.1^.':��"'�-�-_;•-� __ . _.�__���-L�_. .._ —t- _�� " �.
<br /> ,. �� tho proccada of eny In�urano�nnd uppiy th�proca�@5 to tho roduotlon ot iho Udcbtodncsa,pnymont of nny Iipn atfactirtg tho Propo�y,or tho
<br /> ' rc�tornUOn und repNr ot tho PrapcAy. If Lond;.r ol�cts to npp�y th�proccoda to roetoration and ropalr,Truatnr ohnil ropufr or ropinco tho �
<br /> dema��d ot deVirOyad Improvomonts in n m�nnar 3aUStactory to Londor. Londar shnil,upon enpstactory proof of suoh oxpondituro,pny or y:.�_
<br /> rolmbttr88 Ytu�tor hom th9 prooaeds tpt tho roasonablo cost of rapnir or tostorntlon It Trusta Is not In dotnult under thls Dofld ot 7rust. Any
<br /> proocods whirh havo not bcnn dl:�bursc;d�vlthin tOQ days atlor thpir«;ccipt and which Londor hns not commlHed lo tho repulr or rostorptlon ot
<br /> ,� lho Ptoperly shati bo usod Oral to pay nny amounl owing to londor undcr this Daod of Trust,Ihon to pny accrued Interest,end iho romnlndcr,If .
<br /> ,� any,nhull bo nppliod to tho principai bainnco of thp Indobtodnass. If Londer hoids any prxoeds afler paymenl ln full of the Ind2btedness,suoh � f"i
<br /> ° prpceods shali ba pald to Trustor asTrustora Intorosts mny appear.
<br /> ,,,;r; , tts►expl�ed tnnurarteo at Sata. Any unoxplrod it�surenco shnll Inuro l01ho bonelit of,and pass lo,ihe purchaser of lh3 Proporty covered by thls � �
<br /> � .;�..
<br /> • •.y . Ooad of Trust at nny trustao'a nnlo or othnr snlo hetd unddr tho provisions of this Desd of 7rust,or et nny lorecbsuro saio of auch PropeAy. ��•�°�
<br /> Compll�,�teo wlth Exlopnp�rtdQ�4ednesu. During tho pedod In whlch any Existing Indabledness described below Is In ettect,comptlanco with f'•.
<br /> !ho�nsuranco provlsl�ns conlalnod In the instrumont ovidoncing suoh Existinp Indobtedness shatl uonstllWa aompllanco wlth tho Insurance �f�`
<br /> ., f provlsions und�r this poed ot Tr«9f,to the oxtent aompuonco witn tho tarms ot fhfs 0¢od of Trust wquld consritule a dupticutlon of Insurence �_;_
<br /> roqutrument. If uny procsads tr►am the Insuranro bocomo payabte on loss,tha provlslons In thls Deed ot Trust tor divlslon ot pmceeds shnll ��,.
<br /> „ pppty only to Ihat poAlon of the Rrocoods not puyab►3 b tho hold�r of th3 Extsling Indebtednes9. !�"`°'
<br /> F EXRENDITtlABB 8Y LENDER. If T�uoior faits to comply w11h pny provioion ot ihis Oood of Trust,IncU�d�rtg any o611gatlon to malntaln Exlsting _s_�
<br /> � Indttbtadrtcss in goad stnnding as raguirod befow,or{f n�y actlon or proceoding Is commencod that would m..�t;�lally atteet Lender's IntoresSs in tho
<br /> � PropeTty,Lend�r on T�ustots bohait may,but shQll not bo roquired to,tnke any aotion fhut lender dsoms ogproprlate. Any amount that lendor 6�ii:"�
<br /> . E1�cpitnds(n 90 dNng will bot�r Intaront nt the n1tA provided tct in the Note hom 1he dato incu�red or pald by Lendsr to lhe date ot�opayment by �
<br /> ' Trustor. All such o�ons9s,at Londor's opHon,wfll (a)bo pay��'e on domand, (b)bo addsd ta the balance of the Note and Da epportlonod among __
<br /> � � " and bo pt+yeDt��eilh any tnstaUment�trayments to bccomo dua dudng�ithw (q�hs�erm ot c�ny appl��,�bie Insurence Qonny or pq the remalning term �.•-,-_
<br /> � , � ot tho Notv,or (a)bo truatod an a bnAoon paymunt whlch�v111 be due and payable at the Nate's matu�lly. Thls Ooed ot Trust a��o wGl s3aure �?►�;
<br /> h pnymont of t��e amounts. The dphts�provtdod for in thts parogrnph shail be In addlUon to any otner dghb a eny remedtes to whlch Lendcr resy be �_:
<br /> �• on8tled on eccount of the dotautt. Any auch actlon by Lender shali not bo aonstruod as cu�ing tho default so as lo bar Lender hom uny rert�ociy Ihat
<br /> • � It othetwiso would hAVO hed. _'=•
<br /> �_.
<br /> �� WAARANTY;OEFEN8H OF TI11J:. 4he followlnfl provts!ons�minUng to ownership ot tha Propa•riy are a part of 1NS O�sd ot Tetssf. �__
<br /> • ,.,�..
<br /> _�� TIUa. Tnistor wnrtnMs thuh (+��Trustor holds good nnd markotublo flUe o!record to tho Propedy in tee slmple,hee and ctear ot aii Ilons and _
<br /> oncumbrartCas other thnn 1hooH sot torlh In tho 6teai Properly deEedptlon or In the Exl�Ung Indebtedness soctlon betow or In any H8e fnsurartco :_�i
<br /> poiloy,Utlo report,or flnul Utlo opl�lon Issuod In favor af,and aocopted by,Lendo�in connaotlon with thia Da¢d uf TrusL and (b)Trustor hae the 4,.__-
<br /> .. '. � tull dgM,pawur.nnd nuthodty id orsouto nnd doAVOr thls Geod of Trust to Londeu � ;
<br /> � Oefortoe of Title. SubJeat to tho exaepdon in!ho poragrapN abovo,Trustor werranb and w111 forever detand the Ytlo to tRa Proparty against lho H;_
<br /> a. lawtul ct�(ms o!NI poreona. Ire the�vent eny aorion or procsodirtg ts commertced lhat questlons TNStora UUe or tho intemst o}Tr u s lee or u::
<br /> ,� Lendar under lhis Oasd ot Trunt.Trustor shall doTond tho acUon nt Tmstars expor+se. Truata may be the�ominal pnrly m such pr�ceoding,but �,
<br />_ ,_ _ ��. :. ��.��Qny�{n�e�nnstlr_.inota In tns Qroc�adirto and to bo ropresented in tha proceeding by counse�ot Lont;ers ovm ahotCe,and _
<br /> Tntstor►vUl dellver,Ot Cnuso t0 bo doliverod,to Lendersuoh instruments as londor may requd�st irom dm9 to 1me to permd such pam"cipation.
<br /> ;��. Compfiance Wlth Lewa Truutor waRants thnt the Property aad Truslo�'s use of ihs Aroperty complles with all extsting applicnble taws, _
<br /> qrdinancos,and rogulaUons ai gnvernmentat authorides.
<br /> �� El(ISTING INDEBTEDNESS. 7AO tollowin8 Provisions eartceming exlsting Indebtedness(the'6xisting Indabtednass'�nre a part of lhis Oeed of
<br /> . ' TruSG `'
<br /> ; ;:.';'�� DAottnp Llen. Tho Ilen ot 1hi�Oeed of Tniat ccauHnp tho indebtedness may bo secondary and Inierior to an oxlsflng Ilen. Trustor exprossiy
<br /> '�';•'�'� covonsnts end ogrons to pny,ar seo to tho pnymont of,the ExisHng Indobtodnoss and to provunt any detauR on auoh Indebtedness,any dofauit
<br /> ,. „t r.:��+, C:��-
<br /> . .�y�� cnda tha instrumenb oNdonoirtg suah tndobtednoss,or any dofault under uny socudty doaumenb for such hdobtedness. �,,
<br /> Qofc31t1. If tR�payment of any Inst�llmont of pdnefpoJ or ony Intorost on tho�dsNng indobtedness Is not mndo withfn the tlme requlreG bY the �,�:__
<br /> � � notta oWdandng euch indobtadnoss,or should n dotautl occur un4nr tho Instrumant s�curing suoh indebtedncns nnd not be cured dudng any --
<br /> ot
<br /> opploGbie graco portod thorMn.thcn,ut tho option at Londer,tho�ndobtodnoss sccured by this Oeed of Trust ehnil become Immodlately due
<br /> ' ,,.,;; and pn�mbl�,und this Qoed ot Trust shatl ba In defaWl. —
<br /> �;=,�.:',�`:_°�F. No Mod}RetttOn. Trustor shaU�ot ontor Into any agrcamont with the hWder ot any mortguge,deed of trust,or olher secudty agreemeM v�htoh
<br />'��,�•,;_:s�r` has pdod ovcsr this Daod of Trust by wh�ch thn!ugreamont!s modiftod,amondod,wdondod,or renewed without!ho pdor wdtten consent of
<br />:;,. Wndcr. �ruster ahatt noithor roquost nor nc�.bpt any futuro advancos undor eny 9uch seaurity agrsomenl without the p�lor wdtten consent of
<br /> �'�''�'`:*�, . Lendor. =
<br />�_'4{... ;. _
<br /> z;,;.� ��4�:;�� CON�&[A�IATION. Tho follpwlrtq provislons rnfntlng to condamna�nn procoodings are a pad of this Deed of Trust,
<br />`; ;,;,:,
<br /> � '�l� Appllclllan o!Net Ptoeeade. It ell or any paut of tho Proporty I�tondomnod by Aminent domNn prooQOdings or by any proeseding or
<br /> _ � .;l��� _ purehe:�o in Iteu af condomnutton,LvnGa�may at Ita utootlon roqulro ihnt atl or any poNon ot lho not pr0000ds ot the award be appllod to tno
<br /> � • Indobtednoss or tho ropalr or roatornUon a�f tho Propfuly. The not proceods ot the avrard chuli mCan tho award a�ter paymenl ot all reaso�abW =
<br /> costs,o�er�c�s,and nttornoys'foos Incurrod by Trustoo or Londar In conrtocUOn wNh th�condomnntton. _
<br /> �;� V �. �•� Ft�Giny�. il any proceod{ag In candomnaUon I�6loQ,Tru:.tor aha7 promptly not}�y Lflndcr In writlnp,anA Trustor aholl nromptly tAkO such �---
<br /> -;�;�,.;.•;m;�--� step5 fls may ba n6twsttry t4 ddond tha ectlon nnd oDtn(rt the award.Trustor may tie Ihe nominnt pn►ty in such procotsdtng,but Lendot shall
<br />,:..�;;. �^-'",:;. bo onUliQd to partictpate In thv procees�ing and to bo reprasented tn tha proco�ding by counsel ot Ns own cholce,nnd Trustor wIJ dativor or _,
<br /> Fs:��J"..
<br />'°±�-,- 1s,.,•'•' csuso to bo dofivored lo Londat sueb tn�t:umonts as mny be requostad by ii irom Hme to Nmo to pormll sach p�rNc►pntlon. --
<br /> ��' --
<br />,� ��'��''�j''{}`` (MF091TIQN OF TAXFB,FEES AP1D CNNRGtEt3 DY G01lC•RNtAErITAL AUTHORITIEB. 'fho toIlGwing provisions retating to govurnmOntet tauos,
<br /> :-';:� 4�;y;. , --
<br /> � ���''•� tees and ehargesaro a par!04 ihlo Dood of Trust:
<br /> . �• t' Cttmeet Taxea,Fee9 oitb Ches�es. Upon roquost by Uondor.Tntstot shall exocuta sucn documents In addlttan to this quod of Ttust and tnko _
<br /> whatovar othor actio�is c��questud by Lendor to p�Aeot And coatinuo 4ondoc's tlon on 1ho Roat Property. Trustor shsll roimburso Londor tor ali
<br /> :���j��r toxos,as doscribod Dolow,toBolhor wifh tt11 expansos incurrod In recording, poAaoling or contlnuing ihis Dood of Trusf,Including wlthout —
<br /> . ;,;;. •� IlmtPatton NI toxos,feos,�aeuntontory otnmps,nnd olhor ohargas tor rocorAlnp or registndng this Deod ot Tn�,st_ ,v
<br /> Taxcs. The totlawinp GhaU consllluto taxos ta whtoh Ihis soaUon tippllos: (e)A Spec�ttc tmt upon this typo ot Dood ot Truat or upon NI ar uny �:
<br /> purt of the InAoblodnQSS socurod by thi�Oced of Trust; (b)a tpcdflo tox on Tntstor wNeh Trustor ta authorlmd or raqu'rod to doduet hom ��:
<br /> ; ��:
<br /> . . ���
<br /> • _`_ ^
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