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,�;i7!' _�,`}. , ',t� , <br /> , ,,, <br /> ' �` _ � � .. . . . <br /> - �• . . .. .. � . .....,r.. <br /> . „ <br /> ��^ • . .. ._..... .. . . _ .... <br /> • 0�-Q�1g99 ���� 0�Y�U�� ��s����. Pmgo 3 ... <br /> � Lonn No 9�3149 l�A�+���Qd) ��° <br /> . <br /> ,� .. � .. <br /> � �JC^_— s�__�... .__�.� t_'�_'_ ._�— ...����._.--�__..—... ..._.� , <br /> mnko auoh In�pcctlons nnd Icab,nt Tn,stor'o o�fon�o,a�londer rtsay dcom approptlnto to d�lcrmino c�mpIlnRCO o}tho PropcAy wlth lhls <br /> � acollon of tho Qaad oi Trust. Any Inspcotion�or tu�ta mnd�by Londer ohatt bo for londePa purpo�os oniy nnd ohall not bo construod to e�euto <br /> ony ruspomlbllity or IlnWllty on tho part of Londcr ta Tru3tor or to any othet po�on. Yho roprosontntlens and wannntios contalnod horcln nro <br /> bnsod on Trustor'n duo dltigene�In Invastlputinp tho Proporiy br heu►rdous wasto and homrdous 8ubstnnces. Ttustor heroby (n)rGleaaes and �;;,�. <br /> e�ulvos uny tuturo clnlms againsl Londcr tor Indomnity or eon'ribuilon In tho ovont Truator bceomos Ilnbio for clennup or othar cosb undor uny <br /> � '� auoh taws,antl (b) apmes to indomnity c►nd hold Nnrnloss Londer ugninst aoy and aIi clalr��,lor,w;:.,IabAltics,dnmsg�s,ponalBDS, nnd . <br /> oxponsos whtch Lender may diraotly m IndlracUy sustnin or autier resulling hom A broaoh ot this aeoUon o4 iho Oood of Tnist or ao u v.,, <br /> consoquonco ot any use,goneratlon,mnnutttcturo,Btomgm,disposat,ratnnso or throatonad roloaso of n hnmrdous wnsto or substan¢p on tho •= <br /> proportlo�. Yha provlslora of thls sectlon o} tAo Oeed ol Trust, Inciuding tho obllgnHon to Indomnitf►, shall auMvo tho puymont ot tho <br /> ���--�' Indobtodnsss and tho satlstactlon nnd roconvoyance ot tha Ien of this Dood of Trust and�hatl oot be aHcatod by Londoru ucqut�itlpn q4 any ,� <br /> � Intorost in the Properly,whether by foreClosuro or olhcsnvise. '_. <br /> �� � PJulR�ance,Waota. Trustor s►uiu co1 cause,eonduct or permll eny nulsanco nor commit,permlt,or euffer uny etripping at or wasto on qr to Iho � <br /> Property or any portion of the ProDvrfy WUhout Iimlting tho genorality o}tha forsgoing,Trustor wl�not remova,or gmnt to any other parly tho -+� <br /> • dghl to romove,any timber,minorats(Includlrtg o:l and gos),eoll.gravel or rock product�wlthout tho pda wrltton con5ont of Londor. <br /> ' Removmf o!Icnprov�manto. T�ustor shall not d�ra:lah or remove any Improvements hom the Real Properly�AtAOUt tho pdor wdtten aonsenf =��= <br /> � '�`�'� pt Lendsr. As a condBon to tha romovat ot any Improvements,Londor mny requlre Trustor to m4lco artanflom�nb sntlsfaotcry to Lendsr to ;:>,? <br /> � • � replapo such Improve�nts witA Improvements of at taast equal vaiuo. �� <br /> ! LendeNa Rlght ta Entcr. 6endsT ond Ita agents nnd ropresentativos mtsy entor upon Ih�Rs�l Proporty at all reasonnbto dmtrs to attend to �s <br /> ' '� Lendors iMere3ts and to ir�spaat the Proparty for purposes of Trustafa compllance with the terms and condltiorq of thls Deod ot Traat - <br /> ., � Compllanee with t?rov¢mmentat Requlremente. 7nntor sholl prompey compy wlih alt taws,ordinancos,and rogutaHons,now or horonflor In �X4 <br /> � eHuct,of ell govE,mmentat authodtles appilcabte to tho uso or ocoupanoy ot!he Propedy. Trustor may contsst In good tnfth nny suah!sw, , �� <br /> . � ordinnnco,or rogulation and wlthhoid compllanco du�ing any proceeding,Inciudtng upprop�iata epp�t�,so long as Tnistor hqa notMlnd Loridor <br /> � in writing pdor to dotng so snd so long as,in Lende�'s s�le opinton,Lende�s interes�s In tho Proporty ere not Jeopardizod. Lendor may mqulre '�`�`. <br /> Trustor to post adoquato secuAty m a suroly bond,roasonaby setlsfactory to Lendor,to protect l.enda�s interest. s . <br /> � ,•4' Dury to Proteot. Trustor egrees nelther to ebttndon nor teavo unettended tho Propt�rt�►.Truslor ahatt do all othor nots,ln additlon to thaon ucta _:,r: <br /> ' set toAh uDovo In tAls section,wh�h from tho chnraatar end use of the Properly ara reasonribly�c�eessnry to proteot and prosenro ihe Property. __ <br /> .� DtiE ON BALB-CONSENT BY LHNDER. Lendar muy,at Ita optlon,dectere immodiately dua and payablo att sums sscurod by this Oaed ot Trust _�'� <br /> ��.', <br /> upan the sais or han�for, wilhout the Lenders pdor written consant.ot aIi or any parl of tho Reai Propa�ty,or any interest U lhv Roal RrMOAy. A . <br /> : ,5���� "seta or hansfet'means the conveyanco 09 ilenl Propedy or nny dght.fltlo or interost thereln;whotNer Iegat,bonoflefN or oquftabio;whoiP:�r voluntary ';L., <br /> � or im�oluntary:whothar by ouMght atile,deed,Instailmant sels contract,land contraot,contraot for deod,leasohold interost with a ta►m g�vniet thnn •;�` <br /> threo(3)years,Ieaso-optlon cantract,or by sa►e,sssignment, a t�anshu ot any bonefldel intereat In or to any tand holding tillp to tho Ra�i <br /> ° Proporiy,or by any other method af conveyanco of Roat Propedy interest It any T�u3tar is a Corporadon,partrtorship or Iimitod II�hUtiy Gamaany, :�-_= <br /> ' '° `' tran3fer also Inciudes any chango in ownership ot mor�tMn twonty-Nvo po�cent(25�+)oi 1hn vottnp stodc,partnerahip intennb a Iimilod Unb�ity =;_ <br />- ' �'i _ eompanv intorast�.ns lho caso msy he,at Trustar. Mowevar,thb oplion shall not bn exercisnd by Lendor It auch ox�rdse is prohlbltod by fedeml �„=T <br /> .. ` '.'• low or by Nobreslu�law. -- <br /> .,,..-._ „ :=�- <br /> .:• TA1tE8 AND LIQJS.The tdiowing prwislons relaUng lo the ttuce9and Bens on iho Property flre a pArt of this Oesd ot Trust. �,;_ <br /> '�'��'`� �, Pay�rtent. Trustw shau pay when due(end in ap evenb prbr to detlnquenoy)eli texes,spack►1 toxe9,assessments,ohnrgos pncic�inp water " <br /> and sower), Mos a�d Impositlon9 lovlod agai�t or o�accou�t o}tho Proporty,and ahnll pay when duo nll cinlm9 tor work dona on or for Y <br /> � saMces ronderod or metorlai tumisfiad to th�Pro�rty. Tnistor shall melntairt 1he Prapery hee ot afl Ilens havir�g prlodhr over or gqual to the _. <br /> <, , � intorost ot Lender under thls Oeod ot Trust,except 4ar tho Iten ot taxes and es�assmenb not dus,except tor the eubdng fndobtodnsss reterrod � <br /> ,;;;!; to bolow,and oxcept as otherwtso Provldod tn th19 Qeed of Trust. . __ <br /> �%+;��� � RI�►1 To Coafost. Trustor may w8hhotd paymont ot any tax,assessment,or ctetm in conneotiao wilh a good falth dispulo ovor 4'r�obllgeUon _._� <br /> � t o p a y,s o lon g as londer's Interast!n th�Pro p o rt y fs not/eopardizod. It a Ilen arises or Is�led as a rosult of nonpaymont,Tn�tar ehNl wflhin �=== <br /> Hfteen(16)days atter the Iien[uises or,lt a Ilen is fitpd,wHNn flftnen(1b7 days nfter Trustor has noUcu of tho fiiing,soeuro tho dlEah4rgo ot iho r, <br />• Ilen,or If requested by Lender�deposit wlth Lendor cash a n suf8clont corpomto surely bortd ar other soaudty sntlsiactary to Wnder in an =__ <br /> amount suNtctont to d�ohFUga tho Iten plus any costs and ellomeys'toes or othsr charges that eoutd nocruo os a rosult of a to�tosuro or ento • <br /> under tke Ilen. In ony conkst,Tntstor shall deTand Itsoif und Landar and shtsil satisty eny adviuse Judgmont batoro entetoomont ean�nst the • <br />�,:,,,_.. � Proporty.7n�stor sha9 nnme Lender as an addiHOnai ob11�t�und9r any eurety bond tumished 1�thn contest proo0edinge. <br /> �::.:�,.� ,-,` Evi6ettce oY Pqmeflt. Ynxx�ttor ahntl upon domnnd fumt�h lo londor srs8stactory ovidonco ot payrnent o}tho tnxos or nr�e:,smnnla and shaN ,.- <br /> n <br /> --__ ,,, . uuthorizo Iho appropriato gavemmantet offldW to dollvor to Lender at nny tlmo u vMtton statemont ot tho taxos nnd assessmontn agninst tho _ <br /> - �T . PropoRw. — <br />,:`r•..: : --- <br /> - Notl�e of Coastructlon. Trustor slv3ii notlty lnndnr at least Ofteen(16�days bsforo any wo�k IS commonoad,any seMcos aro fumqhod,ar any <br />_, materlats are suppliad to the PropoAy,Ii uny mechnnla•s 6en.matedatmen's Itvn,or other Ilon could bo ass9rtod on secount of the work. --- <br /> _ �:e�µ soMcos,ar matodafs.TfUStpf�Y.1 upan requost ot LonOar IumEsn to Lendor advan�u aosuruncos anttutactory to Londc�r that Yr��tfcr c3n and wl!! E:,�`.u� <br />��}:, pay tho eost of suCh imprev�m�nts. __ <br />�"'.. .::.' ,',�.7` PROPERri nAMAfiE INSURANCE. Yhe totlowin�yrovislons rotating to Insudng the Propc�dy aro u pM of this Oocsd ot Yruc� _ <br /> " "'!P3 AAdnten�ot losttrortce. Trustor ahali prooure nnd maintnin Qottdos ot tire tnsurnnce vrifh standard extended oovera6o ondarfiamant�on 1� � - <br /> �- ` °�= � rcplacomont ba�ts far Iho 1W insurohte value covering aU Improvemonb on the Reai Proporly tn an amount auilictent to avotd ap�s:!callon ot anY -- <br /> _ ,� �"S�".° ` colnsuranco etauso.nnd wilA o standard mortgagee dause h tavor ot Londer.togethm with such other hamrd nnd iinbiltfy Inaun��ace as Londer <br />-��.,,;!,�. ' may masonuby roqu!ro. Po'.'�Iaa�shntl bo writton in torm,ara�GUnb,covpmgos artd bnsis nz.ZSOnabry accepfablo to Lander��.x9 lssuod by a �_ <br /> �...,�i••.- <br /> a�r <br /> - ,;.,,,.�;,,� company or compnnios rea�annb�j axept�blo to Lendor. Tnista,upon roqaosl ot Lendor,viali d�vor to Lender from Umo W t°�ra the patictas ____ <br />' " °��`°'~ or oo�iftcat�s ot Insurence In 4�rm setisiuctory to Lvnder.Nduding sUputatlons that covaregas�W(1 not be car�Cetbd or diminint!od wlihout flt _=- <br />- � � " '�.Y 12351 ton(ip)days'pdOr wdtt�n nott�to Lortd�. Each insuranco polioy elso sl�11 Irtdudo an endorsoment ptovlding that covorago In tavor o! - __ <br /> • % � Lortdor win nat be impnlrod in any wny by nny ac1,omis,.lon ar doh3uit of Tnatot a any otAer person. Tho Roal Propcdy t��ocatod in nn aroa <br />� � "'� d�ignatod by tha Ducctor o!ttio Fodorat Em�ganay Manegemont Agency as e spoClr�i Oood hurarG ttma. Trustor ngraos to obtnin and -- <br /> malntaln Fadaml Flood iruuran�o for tho tutl unpald prfncipal�alance ot tha taan,up to tho m�dmum pottoy Ilmita sot undot 4�ta f�taUonN Flaod ="- <br /> . u <br /> -';;;, � } Usuranco Proprom,a as ot�nvlse ruqulred by Lender,and to mulnWn such Insumneo tor th�trrm of tha toan. ti,`, <br /> • , ' A pplleattan of Proresda Tnrta ahatt promptry notly lvndor ot a�y loss a dam�g�to tho Proporty. Londer mny mako proot o?io53 it Trustw <br /> ' � f u l l s t o d o s o r ri 1 M n f i t i e c 3 n(i 6 y d n y s o f t t w e n s u a l l y. Whottwr ot not Lsndcfs s^.,evri l y!s I m palrod,Londor may,nt Ns e:oeUOn,roaotvo nnd roLin • <br /> _ ; s.., <br />_' ':1 �y,. <br />- --- -, — ._._._w..._—• --,�+v�.-� ,� '--�^q!r�?,�^^�ram:�scenn�'e�ss�t�0��=- . <br /> ., , . . <br /> � --- -- -�- - -�-- _ _ ,_ __- - _ _ __ _ - - -- - ----- -- -- -- --- - -= --- -- --1- -._ • � <br /> _ . „ . ^ .� , . . ,, �� ,.- <br /> ... . J �. " � . • , ,� .. , ., � <br /> � � . .. � .. � ., "' .. .. l•l ., . .. <br /> __ . C) ,� . ... .. .. . •. .. .� <br /> . „ � - � �( - � .. � ' . • , <br /> _ . , „ •�. , . �,.� . � .. � � . .. <br /> � .. " � � • ., . �� ��t � `. � . .. .�-- <br /> _ ' _ .. � . � . - ' _ . _ . .. ' ' ` . . , v • , , Y <br /> . <br /> _ . . .. , •• • � <br />-_' .. .. . ." . <br /> � <br />