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<br /> � ������Y�IISY Pa��a �
<br /> ���t��o � . ., .
<br /> ., 6�fa�Na 983141 ��� ���� (�ontl�ued) ---—_—_---_-_----- � .
<br /> .__.__ _____ ---_� '�` 'a°:
<br /> . . ' c-__ .:-:�»a=:=.^��..c^...=°r-.^=.='-.r".,_.='=— .. ..-.._._.--..__�.._ . . 'n
<br /> � T�ust ohnll hava Iho m0�nlrt �attf�autad fo puci?tcrm�In iho Un:farm Commerclnl Codo. Q�t referonce�!o dollar amounta ahnil menn nmounto In e .J ,','
<br /> Inenul monay ot lh�a Un:icO S�at�s ol A�:�dctt. "
<br /> 8snefltlary. Tho word'8o�ticlury'menns Flv�Potnt�Bnnk,lt�aueccssnra and n:&Ign�. Flvq Polnt3 Bunk niso Is rolorrod to aa lopdor"�n � .�,��.
<br /> • ., Sht�Dc�d o!Yru51. ••
<br /> ' Qaed of T�tttb The words'�eod of Trus1"me3n this Ouad o1 Yni�t amanp Yruslc,r,Londer,nnd Trwtco,nnd IncJudcs vrllh�ul nmust�on aU �1.,^T.
<br /> � cts;,lgnment and stxutity intero�t provtsten�ro'.ntln4 to lho P3monal PrnpuAy und Ronb. �,�
<br /> •• Fxfatiny�ndcDiaa�rteffis. Tho wc�E9'�I311r.�Ind�btodrtc,^.a°rtt�sn tho Indobtodnoss doscnbod bclovr In tho Ex�sQng indoblednoas soction ol ��,'
<br /> • • �:�.;;�� thts Ooed o!Tn�s1. �--
<br /> ;� Gus�nntoT. Ttrc, �rord"Queta�t9�mcans and Includas�vithout tlmllalioo any and nu guarnntoro, ourotlo9,nnd nrcommodntlon padlos m ��.
<br /> connecllon wlih ths Indebtodn,^�. �4-�
<br /> � lm�rovementa Yho word'7rc�toveree°nt3"maana und Inctu�e9 without Qmltntton n►1 oxtstin�and(uturo tmprovomonts,buitdinfls,struotures, `---
<br /> re.
<br /> '' mobito horteo3 atfixnd on tho Real Proparry,t¢cl�itlos,nddiUon�,roplaeomonts and othor construction on the Roat Property. _.
<br /> ,� �pnd�dis�char{�o 0 g tICr�3 ot T u�Or or�oxpoa'i+sas nnaugr►a�by Tr�oa oi L�ndurto u to�cotobligat ons amT usto��det thts Dct3d of T ust ____
<br /> � � � toaath�r with intcsms t on suc h pm o u n t s fl�p ro v i d n d I n t h t o D u a d o t T�ust. S poclflcat t y.vdthuut Ilmitntlon,thls OeQd of Trust sccuros,in additlon �;;_
<br /> " to the amounts�pflciSed in Ih�No;o,all Muro amounW Londur In Iq dlscroUon may toun to Tn►stor,ta�other wlth ntl Interest lharoon;how e v e r �;.
<br /> � ' In no evon9 shatl such tuturo advancos i�cludin intaratit)oxcCnd In tho apgrognte 5120,000.00. TR@ ItBQ Of�P119 ��Qd Ot YPUti� __
<br /> ;� mhnll no!exceed at eny ano ttmo S1a��OflPi.00. —
<br /> �. L,endet.Tt�o rrord'L�ndt»"m�s Fivc3 Fol�ts Bank�It�suc�s�rs and a��kjns. -_ -
<br /> �� No40. The wOtd"FtOte'matns tha ttole deted MIQGt10.799D� 181�10 �rrirtctpat emaunt of S"aa�611.62 Mom Ttustor to Londcr. �
<br /> „ � �" topotho�wiih nD ronovra�s,ext�anslons,modlftcaUo�m,reflnnncings, und subs ItuUOns tor the Note. The mMudty dnte o!thls Deed ot Tn�st is ^
<br /> March 20.2004. ��-,:t�,`
<br /> �� Petaonel Ptop�ty►• Tho��ords"Pe�'�a^�Propody'mean all equtpment,1CRures,and olhrsr arHclos of pe�sonal property nov�or hsreeftflr __.
<br /> owrtad by Trustor,anA now or hereaHer uttachod or nflbcad to the Ro�.t Propmty:topothor wltA all aecessions,parts,and additions to,tttl �
<br /> �1 raptaoema�ts ot.and all BubEtitu�ons for,any nt suaA progerty: and ta�ihrx with atl procaeds (lncluding without timlts8on utl Insumnce R�
<br /> � ' �'!'�a Rrocncds and�funds of pmm!ums)Nom nny sato or othor d.sposidon ot tho FVOperly. -
<br /> p�p�y, 7�p wprd•prapoAy'm:ans eollectivety lhn Rsal�Sr¢�oerly and tho Pursonat PropeAy. _ �
<br /> - � ReOI Ptopedf►• ThB wuds'��al P�op�M mean tho properly.Inlsreats nnd dghts descrlbod above in the"Conveynnco and GmnY'secltoo. --
<br /> . �. Retated nDoattneronta.£�agruer�m�nls.n9uaranttefl seaudty aagreements�mortg 9us.tdeedstof trustpand ell othe rinstrumentsn gr�ement,s�and
<br /> � ' °S� ' _ o �snn �ncutad In connoctton with tho Indebtedrto�'�s.
<br /> _ • ` , , doCUmenis�wP�vth�iiC7J�!�"•:.4��"1--.y.-
<br /> Rents. T'ho word"Rent�"mon�s a��P�onl und tutuna n�re�,rovonues.Incomo,tssues.roy�lUes,proflts,and othsr bonw`h dartvetl trom tno �
<br />_ PropflAY.
<br /> ''� � T�uffiea, The wad^T�ustoo"means Flvo PoUb BaNc and aT+y subsUluto or sueosssot hu5taaa.
<br />- � � "'`��� Ttua2ol. Tho waM'TntstoP mcans any and all persons and ontldes ex�t�fti:�tris Oeod of Truaf,Inciuding without Iimitutlon nll Truators�amad --
<br /> % c<p
<br /> .. • ';�. . obovo.
<br />- ••• ° �f• �pp�pn��g d�y�lJ Tp gEt�ig (1)PAVMENT OF THE IN9FSTEDNESS AND (2)PERFORMANCE OF AN1l AND ALL QQL�QATlONB OF
<br />-:�• � •...° ,•,:` ON T?f�FOLLOW[N3 T�cAtA3t ---
<br />_ ,�. r.�
<br /> PAYMEM MtD REFiFOAMA�tCE. ExcoA1 as othorvAss►pro'dded In thls Doad of Trusl,Truslor shNl pay to Lo.idor nl{nmounts suCUrod by ihfs Desd
<br /> ot TrwM as lhoy bscoma due,and shtVl strtciry nnd In u timoty manner palorm a!►of Trustor's obliga8ons undor tho Note,this Dond of Trust,anA tteo
<br /> h
<br /> :^•:r:or: '�" RBlated DoCUrtkMS.
<br />�'t:`°�_"��Y'��� ROSSEE3{01�i AND MAlfii�lAKCE OF THE PROFFitTV. Trustor 89��hal Trusto{s pos3osslon and usE)of tho Ptopc�Ay ahalt be govem6d by
<br />'�"'"'�"T'""'��� tho to►Iowing proNstO�:
<br /> _'�"=�'`�''� ppaaes�on�Uae. Untit Iho oocurtonoo of an Ew�of Oetault,Tructtor may (a)remaln in possosston und conhol of tho Proparly, (b)uso,
<br /> �zS''�'":''�'�' oporate or m��naga tho PropmrtY�arttl (o�co112cf nny Ronts hnm lhe Fro�m4�•
<br />��i�i+�:�.i �;th' � .
<br /> __;.�., . �,.,�, Quty t0 ltitalMB.e Trustoi ahatl maintain tho britperty In tenAntabte con�ltlon and promp8y perto�m cU repah�,repiacemonts.and maln ananoe
<br /> _ .'...'.yp�_. nucessaryto prasorva tIS valuu.
<br /> �{y:::i b?•�9I�r —
<br /> di�p�q� 'lretease, and 9hreatened ra7a�e;tia usad In thls �*`:;�
<br /> �,�,,, Ma�daua Substanxs. Tho torms'�oz�doua Mrs,ut�;"finaerdous substanCO,'" � " -
<br /> - �:�•�^. Oaed of Tmst shap havo th0 same moaning�no Sot"•:P.T 5r�V+o Comprohonsive HnNronmonffiI Response,Compon:.atlan,end lUtbility Act of
<br />- .,.-..r _,,:;,��;�. tgpp�8,nm�ndoct.42 U.6.C.Srctlan 6501,c!soq.{"�L��CA"),Ihe Suparfund Amondrtwnts and Rosulhorizatlon Act of 1988.Pub.L.No.
<br /> �_..
<br />- - - ,:_•.�;•. ;;, gg.qgg rypW��,thp H�rdous P12atcdaS:Tmnspertflflon Act,49 U.S.C.Scction t801.et saq.,tho Rosourco C.�tuQtvauon a�d Rccov�.yy Ac� .
<br /> J � r,�, � '� 42 U.8.C.SocUOn 6901.o!suq.,at otRa��g+��cabic sfato or Federet tawa,n+►os�or rogutsnons ndoptvd pursunnt to any ot tha torcgot�g. TPie
<br /> •�'"�' tc�rtr�s'hamrdous v�asto artd`horardous aubstanaa"stu�tt utso fnelude,wlihout Iimitutlon,pdtrWaum and pntroleum by-producb or any iractlon
<br /> '�"��5�'�'.';:;i�:. themot and asbostas. T�ustor roptatonts and warca.nto tn Mnder Ihnk (a)Dudnp tho podod of Trusta�a ownershtp o7 tha Proporly.tharo has _ _.
<br /> .,.,c,.;.�lf'.°"' •
<br /> m;:�;u{fi�,.::'.,` t�,. baem�o use.8on�rnuon,manutscturo�storapo�h�tr�u.SQt r tiae rta hn�oWtodgo�th oT tenson to bo tove tt�at thoro ha3 bbon�,axCept as rovtausry a�i!__:
<br /> ' �;.� r pfl1SOt1 00.uttda�etbout or trom tho Properly; (D) Oreatment,disposnl,roluu:e.er thrcintonad �i;r;
<br /> . .. .;.•;,,.,���1(; dLclo��ta�and acknow(edgod by Londur In v+ddng. (�����tr�m hoUProp°fi+b nm P�ot owncrs or ocaupunb of tho Proparry ar pi)nny -
<br /> � Z �r ',--
<br /> ' . ,, •;�', roloa^�m�any hemrdouti wa:>to or ou3slu-rao on,u�sdar,
<br /> -" .. �'. •���i;��� ¢otual or tnrantanc;d liUgution a ctnim�ot any klnd by any por�on rolaUng to auah maltmrs;nnd (c)Flc�pt as proviou,ly disctosod to tsnd
<br /> ,• acknowlcdg�d Dy Lortd3r In wrlUrt9� (t1 rtoithor Tnxstcr nor any lonant,cortractor,ngont or olher u�rthariaod usor of tha Proau Q�sl`Qso,
<br /> - ., �. ; -
<br /> 9�npmtp�mnnufacturo.gtoto.troa�dispasa of,or reto°.:�a�Y haanrdous wnsto or sub:.tance on,undor.nbout or lrom ino Prop�d�n9�;ho�
<br /> _ • _ �:.���. suth aclMty etha�l bo canfluetod In comp�t�v��th��a7�a�°���ad*°�,tor nu hatr�s Landar nd b agun�s bruntm pon ttra Fropofly to d-
<br /> {g���r Itmitc�".¢a lhoyo lavro,rcBul�Uons.and ard -_
<br /> - �, •.'!%';�,1�
<br /> :.�!'_-.'f,'t��,,rr__ -—__- f:1r.
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