;;f;'��lr�l'.' .
<br /> ' . . .i:' �.r,.. �
<br /> „ � �... • ;,i.., i� .
<br /> � . . � . ' •-�a�r�K...
<br /> �9� �0���� � .. "
<br /> � At�he aption�f Eeneticiury,a.11 or any pun of the agrced fees and charges,accrued intcrest nad principai shall bccome , °
<br /> irruaediately due und puyable,nner�iving natice if required by law.upon the occunence of a default or anytlme therepfter. ,
<br /> In additlon.Beneticlary eh�ll be entltled to�11 the remedies provlded by law.the Evidence of Debt.other evldences of debt.
<br /> ` this Dced of Trust aad nny mlat�d do�urt��air.including without llmitation,the power to seq the Property.
<br /> If ther�is a defuult,Tcuetee shall,in xdditton to aay other permitted remedy,at the request of the Benef3ci.zry,advertisr nnd * .
<br /> , se�(the property ns a whole or in seperate pureels at public nuction to the highest bldder for eash nnd convQy absolute title -
<br /> ' -• free ttnd clear of all dght. title and inurest of Trusror nt such time and place as T�vstee designAtea.Trustee shall Bive notice •
<br /> � of sale includtnE the time. remas aad place of sale and a description af the propeny to he sold as requited by the upplicable
<br /> „�, taw in effect at the time of the propo3ed sale. � :
<br /> .� Upon eale of the property and to the extent not prohibited by law,Trustee shali make and deltver a deed to tbe Property sold „ :'�
<br /> whtnc�oaveys absolute title to the purcheser.aad after first paying all fees.charges aad costs,ahall pay to Beneficiary s►Il
<br /> • moneys sdveaced for repni[e, taxes.insarancc. liens. assessments and pr�or encumbrances and interest thereoa, and the
<br /> ' principd and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus, if aay, to Tnutor. Beneficiary may purchabe We Propeny. , �;�;..
<br /> ' The recitals in any dexd of conveyana shall be prlma facie evidence of the facts set forth themin.
<br /> qq remedies are distlnct, cwau]aUve end not exclusive,aad the BeneBclary is entitled to aU remedles provided at la�v ox �4;'<<<
<br /> .. ,r��.- � �� .
<br /> � •�,,�F.;' equity,whether expreasly set forth or not.'i'he ucceptancc by��1�ciary of eny sum 1n payment or partlal paym�nt on the ' ; ::
<br /> �1�t;�y� Secvred Detit after txte balsace is due or is acceterated oT after'Foreclosure pmceed�►gs ere fded ahalt not constitute a�+niver
<br /> of Benehciary's ri�ht to require t�ll ead complete cure of uny existing defauit. By aot exercising anY reAtedY on Tiuet°r�s .`(`+�����,;,
<br /> default,Beneficiary does not wraive Benefic�iary's rigDt ro luter coneider the event a default if it continu�or happens aIIa1a. 'i,:(`l�_`f,
<br /> . r F�,,,:n:�-
<br /> � ,..-
<br /> 18.E1L��IVSF.S=ADVANCE3 OI�i COVLI�IANTSt A1TORIV�XS'FETS;COLLEC'PION COSTS.Except when prol�ibited .'r.� - •,
<br /> by law,Trustor a�to pay all of Heneflciary's expenses if Trustor breaches any covenant in this Deed of Trust.'E'rustor " _;�_yv:
<br /> • ' witl alao pay on demand aU of 8enetidary's expenses lacurmd in collecting.insuria8.P�pN�B oT P�tecting the Praperty '^-�;.�
<br /> ' ar in eny inventorle3,nudits, inspacQons or other examinatloa by Bcneficiary in respect to rhe Pinpercy. 7Yustor agrees to ._:
<br /> m ��`�;�
<br /> �'' pA}r all costs and expenses incumd by Beneflclary in enforciug or prote�tiag Beneficiary's righte and remedies uader this _.
<br /> I 1' Deed of Tiuet.tncludin�.but not]fsnilad to. attomeys'fces,court costs�and other legal expenses.Once the 5ecuied Debt Is ��+;�,�
<br /> . �,.� ttiliy m►d t3aally paid,Beneflciary a�qrees to release this Dexd of Trust end TcUSwr agrees to pay for any recordatiaz�oosts. .:� _-
<br /> ;,�•.:�• Alt�uh amounte are due on demandand wili i�cni iut�t'�si�m t2se s3tae af i�alyan�at the highest ratc in effect.from -- -
<br /> tfute to time�as provided In the Bv[da►ce of Debt and as pemiltted by law. ��r��
<br /> . . . .i. � �,i�a..-
<br /> 19.�NVIRONMENT�lI.LAW� AND HAZFaR➢D�11S SUBSTANCES. As usPd In thie sertion. (1) "Environnaental Law" r-"`��
<br /> meane,without limitadon,the Cornpreheasive �avironmentel Kesponse. ComPensation and Liabil�ry Act(CERCLA. 42 ���
<br /> , p
<br /> " � ` U.S.C.9601 et s0q.),all other federal, state and local laws,re lations.ordtnaaces.coux4 orders.attomey geaeral opinlona Y�€'"
<br /> 1'�'��� or isuerpretive lettera concerning the publlc heatth. safery.w etfare. environment or a hazerdoua substance; and (2) ��._`_;`_'
<br /> r
<br /> ' '� "He�rdous�ubstance" means a�►Y toxic, radioactive or hnz�dous material� waste. pollutant or contaminant which has p:r--�::
<br /> * characterisdcs which r�nder the substance daugemus or pu�enaaUY da�crous to the public health, safety. welfare ox E,,,�,��.:
<br /> . ,'� enviaonment. The tecm includes� wi�hout limttation, any substances defuied as "hazardous materlai," "toxic substences." ,�:,,;_.__-.
<br /> . :�,a� •6azardoas wt�ste" or"hazardoua substance"uader any Envtranmental Law. Tcustor represents.watraats end agt+eea that� _Y..^=-
<br /> . ,��':'�� ex t es reviousl discIosed nnd acimowledge�in writiag:
<br /> �r"' � A No Ha�ardons Substaace has beeu,fls,or will be located,traasPorted.maaufectured. trented,ret'uted,or handled by
<br /> .. .,�, any p�rson on,under or about the Pmperty, except in the ordinary course of busiaess and la strict coYUplienx witH ---
<br /> �, all applteabie Envirauanental I.aw. ..__
<br /> H. Trustur has not and will not c�use,contribute to,or permit the nelease of any Hezardous Substance on the Property.
<br /> . �. Trustor w[ll immediately nodty Beneficiary if(1)a r�elease or thmatened release of Hozardous Substeace occuts oa, _—
<br /> under or about the PropPm�or migrates ot thmazens to mtgrate from neazbY PT�F�Y:ar(2)them is u vfolAtion of E,:.
<br /> . ��� • an Envimnmentul Ls�w conarbin8 tbe Property. In such an event.Tnistc►r will tuke all neeessery remedial acda»!n ��;iY.
<br /> ` scc.ozdanoe with Bnvirnwr�ntal Law. ,„:_
<br /> . ... �;� D. Trustor hos ao kuowledBe af or ceason to believe there is any pendinB or threRtened in�esti8atlon� clalm, or ii�.�,__.._
<br /> � praceeding of eny Iclnd retattip�to Ct)anY Ha�rdous S�bstance located on.under or about the PropertY:Qr(2}auy ,��?:_
<br /> �� a
<br /> ' ;t�s� violntion by Truswr or any tcaaat of ony EnvIronmentat 1.�w.Tcustor will ia�mzdtately notify B�neCicincy in writiu8 �:_-�_
<br /> . y:,;;;, as soon as Tcustor bas ressoa to believe there is any such pending or threat�nod invescig�tiou,clelm,or proceoding. '�_��--
<br /> ° � � xn such an event,BeQeflciary has the cight,but not tbe obligation.to pardcipate ia any sucl�proceeding including the ;,;,,�
<br /> ' dg6t to receive copies of any documenis relating to such proc�eedin8s. --
<br /> , ., E. Tcugtor and every ten-ant have been. az�and shall renu�ia in fuli comPliance wtth anY apPlicable Enviroamentel Law. - -
<br /> � ' . � F, 1lyiere are ao uadergrouad swr�ge tanks.pdvate dumps ox open welis located on or under the Property und no such _ `;>
<br /> ' � � uuflc.du�tP or well wilt be added unlesa Beaefic[ary firat consents in wrlting. ,and ccn�rrun that "-,`�;�"
<br /> � (3. 'L'e�stor will regularly inspcq the Pcoperty� monitor the acttvitfes ond operutions on the Property
<br /> atl permita.licensea or epprovals required by nny applirAble Environmental Laa ere obtntned iued wmPlied with.
<br /> H, Trustor will pernilt. or cause any teaant to pemnit. Bsneticiary or Beneficiary's aBent to enter c�nd inspeaE the
<br /> '� Pcoperty end revlew a11 recorda at nny reasonable time to detendne(1)the existence. locution and naturc oY any ,
<br /> �•"•• H�v.nrdous Substaace on, vnder or about the PropertY: (2)the e�[stence� IorAtion. natuns� aad m�pdtude of cwy
<br /> ���ti'""`�� ' Hoz�rdous Sltbstance t6at fi�been tcleased on. under or about the Property:or(3)whether or not Tmswr snd eny ��
<br /> t,::r .- .
<br /> tennnt are in oampHance wi�h applicable Environmenusll..aw. _
<br /> -.- . ._ ._.____�• . �..,,. „� ,� 'M�anr•a PmPnr,�; tn CifOAII2 a aualBRed
<br /> -- —
<br /> ..p.��... .... _. ..... _
<br /> — - � I. Upoa Br.neficfary's requen ana ai su,y t�u�. ..so....
<br /> _____ _..��___..._�r. � �,. N,.,,,a�. an t•nvimnmPnt&1 ttlldli Of the Pioperty eltd io subJp�l We iesulls Of suCh Uudlt to -•
<br /> ._.----__.-._��----- --- CllvtaVUUtwiwt wpu.�..•..� r•�r—' — ' �, '
<br /> Heneticiary. 'Ihe chotce ot the environmental engineer who will perform such audit is sub�ecc �o neuenciary'� ••
<br /> .. aPProval. ,"
<br /> J. Heneficfary has the dght.b�at aot the obligation, to perforn� anY of Trustor's obligatlons under this seaton at
<br /> „ °. Truswr's eapense. (1)'I'ruator wili
<br /> � K. As a wnsequence og aay br�h of any repcesentadon� �varr�+�tY or Promise made in this sectiob. ,
<br /> indemnify and huld Beae€idary end Bene4iciary's suocessors or assf�as hur�Ness from and aIIuinst all losses,cloims.
<br /> � demands. Ifabilides. drur:ages. cleanup. cesponse uud mmedintion costs.penaltles aad eaRenses. irtcluding without
<br /> limitation�ll oosts of ittig�ion and attomcys' fces. �vhich�eeneficiary and BtmeScirry's successors or assi�vs may
<br /> sustain; and(2)at Henefidary's discretion. Heneficiary may relea;e thfs Beed of 71�ust ond in retum'Crustur will
<br /> • + provide Beneficiary with collateral of at teast eyual value to the Property secun�d by this Deed of Trust without
<br /> prejudice to eny of Bene�nciary's righcs under thia Deed of Tn►st.
<br /> paQO 4 0/Q
<br /> p199f0onyro9ric��•�•�t��•�Ntt-AOD-387�t3411FormAdlCO�OTNC tOB0l9t
<br />