; . •
<br /> ; ,
<br /> , - �, ..
<br /> , .
<br /> „ . . . . . .. . ... .
<br /> .. �, .....,,.._...—_.___.._.......
<br /> . .. . _ . ...
<br /> , � ,
<br /> , � � p���,�s:��'L+D E+�a'1'�4� � ..
<br /> .. °�c PQ7l1 V'Hrt�;9 ��� �ll�a��� '
<br /> � L. NotwlthstnndiAg �t�.�!�� .. �'���a�����t����� D�pf Truat to the wntrnry,the tem�s af this sectioa shall .
<br /> . survive uny foreclosure or satta�'actton oP this�eed'of 7'ruat regurdlesa of wtY P�ap��of tttle to Beneflciary or nay
<br /> disposltlon by BeneRctary of any o�all of the Prop�rty.Aay cluims und defenses to the contrnry nre hcreby wnive�.
<br /> 2p�(;WVDEIV[PIA�TY01�1.Trustor will glvc Beneflcinry prompt noticc of any acdon, renl or threutened. by privaus ar public
<br /> ' entities to purchase or tnke uny or�11 of the Property, iacludingo y cnse�nt�g�ro���t�f'P'i'����ntt tunenc of any ;�. .
<br /> -- • or any other means.Trustor thrther ag�r AIIe�or toth e distric relutinB to or bin�ung upon the Property or nnY Part of i�• • :"�
<br /> - .^;; sewer.v+nter, canFervation�ditch,
<br /> „ Tcustor nuthori�xs B�nefleiary��t�e A tion orlclaim.Trustor assi�ns to Beneficlary the p �mceede of enY AwnM or cltaim .
<br /> ' and receive all sums resulttnB Such procceds shall be
<br /> for dtimages c�nnected with n condemnadon or otber taking of all or any part of the Property. .:.;4Y:
<br /> . coasidered paymente aud w{Il hc applied as pmvld�d in this Deed of Tcust. 'I1�is essiIInment of proceeds is subject to the .,
<br /> ' terms of eay prior securiry agreement. :';'{«,?�
<br /> . ��a�;�r.
<br /> • � ':�'<;-��:
<br /> 2Z.�y�p�elCE.'ftuscor agrees to malatain insurance as follows: ,
<br /> � A. Tcuator shall keep We Property it�sured IIgaiast losa by ftre.theft Aad other bazards and r[sks reasonabty assottuted :,`t',
<br /> �".rvi:c
<br /> ; wlth the PcopertY duc to ita tyPe�nd locatl�n.Other hazards and cuaks may include.for exemple�caverage against ..
<br /> �n
<br /> � loss due to floods or flooding. 'ltds insutasto� g� b�e���$hall bechosen byf Trustop subj�cc o �j,a-1Y
<br /> Beaefictary requires. 'It►e insuraace c.�sder providing �I��id. If Trustor faits W mait►tain the coverage �s
<br /> '`� Beneficiary's epProval. which sh�li uot be wucasonably , T
<br /> , , d��ribed above, Beaefciary may. at Beneficiary's option, obtain coveraga to protect Beneficiary's ri�►� 1��c �'_,.�
<br /> ,. � Property accordiag to the terms of this Deed of TYUSt. -�,-
<br /> ' .
<br /> `'�;.;;;��,.
<br /> �.�::
<br /> ;{,;�;�,;:•. �j plt Iasuraace policles and cenewals shatl be acceptable to Beaeficiary �nad shall include a standard "mortga�e —
<br /> -�� cit�uss aad, where applicable. beneficiary loss payce clause." Tiustor shall immediatelY nodfy Benefialary of
<br /> „ �11 have the right to hold the policies and reuew�ls. If ��
<br /> ,. � �',;�r'j c�oellatioa or�termiaati�onwi hall�imm�iately��ciary sh� --
<br /> ive to �eneticiary all receipts of pn3d pmmiums and renewat
<br /> , ;r e Benoficiery re�! -.,--
<br /> �m�ake proof of loss if nottomade�immediatel�y b;'fcustor�to the insurance careier and Beneficiery. Bene c ary maY
<br /> ��
<br /> a ., ,�'i•;,
<br /> shall he aPplied to reswratiia not
<br /> �:A';� Unless Beneficiary and Tmswr oWerwise esree In writi�►8. in�w'a��p� _
<br /> - af��p�n�,erty daa�aued if the restoratfoa ar repai�'is eronomicaUY feasibl q����ewloul�d be less�.�e
<br /> �•:t�•:• �r
<br /> _ �.' lessea�d. If the restoration or reP�i We Secured D btYwheiher or no�t then du.wtth any excess paid to Tivsior. �
<br /> ,.,.:;- ' '� insurance pmceeds shall be sPP
<br /> �'�:`�"�� If Ttustor abaadona the Pcopert3+,or does not answer witttin 30 days a notice fi+om Heneflgeary`th��y use the
<br />;�;..;,,-, � .� ---
<br /> ,:,;�C�.,i�1� p� , carsler has offered to settle a claim.then Ben�pa��e ured Dtebt whethe oi no��due.The 30-dny geriod �rt
<br /> . „ Pa�s�o repair or restore the PropertY
<br /> ' ' ; ' �yl(I�eg1n when We aodce is IIiven. _
<br /> `!��:: � . .. Untess BeneSciary and Trustor othetwise agree in wciting, �►Y BPPlicadoa of pmceeds to principal shalli ot�d --
<br /> �� N or pos�pone the due date of scheduled paYments or chaage the ainonnt of the payments.If���pe��fore
<br />. � �1k� b �S�neftciary.Trustor's ri t w aay insurance policies nnd pro�resuli���y��the ac9uisition. �-
<br /> " we acqutaidon s h a l l p�.ss to�e n e R a t a ry w t h e e x t e n t o f t h e S e c u r e d g�eficinry as an a d d i t l o n a l l n s u r e d i n
<br /> � . B. Trustor agrees to maintain comprehensive generul liabiliry insuraace nemin8
<br /> ' ; ��ouat axeptable to BemeFiciary, insurla8 aga�►at°�a�ns�rie�g frOm�Y��dent or occurrence ln or on t�e
<br /> . � . p�PertY• red by BeneRctary,in an amount
<br /> . . C. TtusYOr a�rees to maintaln rental loss or busiaes�intermpiioa iasuraa�ce. acco��t depasits(if aIIr�d to separciely —
<br /> .� � ¢nuat to at Ieast coverage of oae year's due�ble�a�eficinry.��
<br /> �' �n wridag)�uader a form of pol{cy accep _
<br /> , .=
<br /> • 22.lN0 F.SG'�'t�W FOIt TAJ[ES AN�liIYVVSiJItANCE.Unless othenvise provided in a separate agreetttent.Trustor wiU �ot �-_
<br /> �' be required to pay to Benefictaey flwds for taxes and insutance in escrow. �;;:-
<br /> '� Truatar witl mvide to SeneRclary aPon�N�� a°y �"'"'
<br /> .. �� 23.FINANCII#I,REPORT6 AND ADDTTIaNA9.iA�CUMEN'fS. Trustor werrants that ali flnsrcial statements sutd
<br /> �' financlel sratement or iafo�matton 8ene�iciary �uay dee�n necess�e correct, and camplete. Ttustor a�rees,to si�n. `
<br /> infomnation Tcustor pmvides to ��neficiary u�e, or witt lse, .
<br /> .;.�,;,, ., `� deliver, and file as BeneRciary may reasonably request any ndd{donal documents or certiffications thnt Benet�ciary mII9 --
<br /> ;:;�L;::, �: congtder aeceass+�+to PerFect���►ue.enS p��'e T��r's obltIIatioas uader this Deed of Tcuat and Beneflciary's Iien �'
<br />,,;.,,::.. . -' status oa the Prope r c�r• I f Tcustor fails to do so,�i a t s B�e n e�c ie a ry o deBen fici a ry'slag nt�as atwrneY 1�►fact o do tlte
<br /> ..��, .5ti f. • y n�,._
<br /> . .,s� _.�. 1'zustor s aame and'n u s to with this s�o c a b lY APpo
<br /> ,�n. W{n�s m�ce4sary to wmp1Y _
<br /> CC.
<br /> ;,'�'" 51L1�CCESSORS AND A�HGIVS�OUND.All duties un�]er --
<br />`,•"��'� th;s Deed of Trust are Joint su�d individual. Tf Trustor signs this Deed of'CYust but do Of�e i�9ebt end Tcuswtr
<br /> ` �' 1Yvswr daPS so only to mortgag�Tmstor's interest in the PtopertY to secure PaYa�n to this Deed oY r
<br />� � f does not q}�to be pereonelly tiuble on the 5ecurod Debt.Tcustor qqrees t�►et BcaBflclary aad tu�y pa�tY
<br /> ' r modifj, ar malce any change in the terms of thia Beed of'1'msc or the Hvideace of Aebt wi4hout �:
<br /> ,,, Tcuat msy e�tcnd� �!�
<br /> ; '• Tcuscor's r.ons�i h�bind and benefit the su�ccess�t�asaiSas of Tcus�roc�and B eflciary t.'ll�e duties aad b�aeffd�s of
<br /> this Deed of �1•'
<br /> --- --_ . __.�. ,.► ek,.,..tis,��
<br /> tc.wae n��f�r�usc secures a su�ry��'�'�HeneRctary and Truator nnd does noc direcuy Ka.�.��,s�..l.;.»..... ..--. �::,
<br /> - - -�-_� � --. .,��.�_...F«...,H�snoino anv action or claim ugs�t �;..,
<br /> - ........_�-- - to waive uny rignts itt�c may P�va�.�,,......�., .....___--�_.. . :_
<br />- "' is gunrantied.Ttuator ogrees .
<br /> ' Tcustor or any p�Y indebted uader the obligadon ineluding,bnt not ltmlted to.auti-deficiency or one-action lawa. _
<br /> „ 2a.APPLICABLE LAWi SEVERI�BII.�t'c�t t�e extenotherwisemquired by the laws of th jurisdiction where
<br /> . jurisdi�tton fa which BeneSc ory
<br /> •, the pmperty is located.'I'hta�s��O��or cuselin this Beed oft'hust�, attechm� or anytagc+�ment relatedto the
<br /> tttodifled by�rai agre�m Y ���nt law expressly or impliedly pem�i�.e the
<br /> SECUred Debt that wnfiicss�vlthappltcable law w[ll not be effective.
<br /> vuriations by wrltten agn.-ement. lf any section or ciause of this Deed of Trust cannot in enforced accordtn8 to�ta terms.
<br /> " thut section or clause will be severed nnd will not affe�.K We enforceabflity of the rema[ader of this D�ed of 'Ttust.
<br /> � � Whenever used.the ein�sl�r shall inctude the plural and the plural the eing�ilar•7he c�►Ptlons and headin(�s ot the sections
<br /> � of this Deed of Tcuat ore for convenience only und uce not to be used to interpret o;detine dte tenns of this BeedA f o�
<br /> - Time is of the essence in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> mt00SOanxert5vatcm�.��.LI.Ctad.►�NIt-000•�07•23411 FormAO/tO�DTNH tOB0197
<br />