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<br /> • .. ,�
<br /> „ :
<br /> • . . ,, , .
<br /> . ,. . ., . �;�
<br /> .
<br /> • .:�, ..----------
<br /> „ . ,. ......,�...:,:,...-.... ._ ,� „ . _ . ... . _
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<br /> .. � ��° .s�a����
<br /> or obsoletc. provlded thnt such personal prop�rty is repleced vuith other pemonal properry nt least equnl in valuc ro the �•
<br /> ' replaced gersonnl pmperty, fc+ce from aay dtle retenuon device, securisy agreement or other emcumbrtu►cc:. Such
<br /> replecement of peraonnl ptopet�ey will bs dvemQd subJect to the eecurity interest created by this Deed of Trust.Trustor sh�tl �
<br /> ' not partition or subdivide the P[op�rty without Beneflciury'e pdor wdtten consent. Bene�clnry or IIeneficlury'A aBenta �� �
<br /> mny, ut Beneficinry`s optton, enter the Property nt any►�soa:�ble tirae for the purpose of inspecting the Property Aay
<br /> h
<br /> -' inspecifon of the Pm�►erty ehr�ll be tntirely fot Benellciary's benetit und Trustor will in no way rety an Beneficttuy's '� �'"
<br /> inspection.
<br /> �ik'��,
<br /> 13.AUT�O1tITY'a'��LRY�(1�i1L�I•�f Tiustor fails to pedorm any af Trustor's duties under this Deed of Trust,ar any other
<br /> '.�-�-�' mortga�e.deed of tnut. sesutity ogreement or other Uen docvment that has priority over thia Deed of Tcust. Beneficisry ,. , _
<br /> �^ F, ;, may. without natice.perform the duUes ar cuuse them to be perfomaed. Tcustor appoints Beneflciary as attomey ut fact tu ;,�;.,,::
<br /> sign Ttustor's nAnt t o�r�pnaaybe m n�ner,tSeneticia y ma y do whatever is nyecessriry to protec Beneflctury'a$cecurlry inte�r�t
<br /> not cardcd on ia '
<br /> in the property.'ll�is may iaclude completing the consuuctlon. �uE��
<br /> r•.._,::,
<br /> �rneflciary's right to perform for Trustor shall not create an obligation to pecform, aad HeneRciary's Cailure to parform .::;,�;y`
<br /> � 1•:.:::_::
<br /> will not preclude Beneficiary fmm exercising aay of Ben�ficiary s othpr d�hts under the law or��is�cnDe{ci i��NS�� .�_
<br /> amounte paid by Beneficiary for insuring. presen+ing or atherwise rotecting the ProPertY �,,
<br /> � '-: interest will bs dus on deiaaad end will bear interest from ihe date of the payment until p�id in thll nt the interest rate in �;?�.
<br /> � effect from tfrae w t�►e sx°rd�n8�o the terrns of the Svidca+ce of Qebt. �__
<br /> s i�,t��GNMEIV'!'OF L�ASCS AND REN!'S.Trusur irzevocably grnnts�conveys uiW seAs as additional security all the �;;;,
<br /> ' , .� rigbt.dtle and interest ia and to eny end ai1: ���d�y other written or verbal agteements for t�e use tind —j;�=
<br /> > A. Ex�..��ig or future leases,subleases�licenses.8aaran
<br /> ' � � occupsu�cy of nayportlon of the 1Property, iacluding atiy extensions, reaewals. modiRcations ar subsdtutions of �.:�
<br /> �i such agreementa(all refeme�to as"L,eases")• ----
<br /> �_...•.
<br /> � � . �. � B. Rente. issues end pmfita(all referred to as"Reats"),laduding but not Iimited to security deposita, ��n. �,r:.--
<br /> '' ; perce�tage rent. additional rent, comtnon area maintenance charges. Parkin8 chargea� real estate ta�ces� other =__
<br /> ' ` BPPlicable ta�ces. insurauce p���C°nMbudons,liquidated dam�3es foAowing default. concellatlon premiums.
<br /> "loss of centa"insurance� oris a��ac ouu of the�or occup cy of the wthol orany�pertWOf theTpr�opecey.Y bave _-
<br /> �' tbat In any way gerta�ns
<br /> �. � _ 'Crustor will QromPaY Provlde BenefieiAry wlth tan�e smd carrect copies of all csxisNng and thtuce LeasQS. Truetor may
<br /> � �, collect,nxxive,enjoy c�nd use trte itents so iong�.s inwio�Is uot!n defauls.T�L�i x��nn;collect ln ndvunce aDy Rents
<br /> „ due in fhture lease perlode, unless Tn�stor first ob�ius 'Bene�iclary's written consent. Upon default.Tru�tur will receive
<br /> , �� ` �; any Rents In scust for SeneRelacy and'd'tustor will not commingle vL;e IItents wiW any other fuads.Any twiaw►ts oollecteat =
<br /> �►�-� shall be uppUl�ci at Beneficlary's diccretion to payments ou Ihe Sec�T�J Debt as thereia provlded, to wsts of man�gln$tlie
<br /> , I �': Property, iuelucalug�but not limited to. all ta�ces. essessmemte. i�sura�ce p���. �P�+ �d COtqit1l88i0A3 t0[ellttll
<br /> U
<br /> •`;�,. agents,and to nny other necessery related expenses including�eneSciary's attorQeys'fces,Parale8al fees au wurt cos .
<br /> �,: ..,�>;',
<br /> �.,;.,�,, —
<br /> �'�r't`�`� '�`:. Tcustor acknowledBes t�ut�t7nis assigament is perfected upon tL•e recording of Wis Uee�!of Tcust and that Beneficiacy is _
<br /> �• eatitled to aotify aay of Trustor's tennnts to raake payment of rents due or to become due to Beneficiary. However.
<br /> � �•-�' Beneflclary agrees that onlY op�iefault will Beneficiary not�fy Truator aad Trustor's teaants and make dsmead that nll
<br /> ` ` ����t9 � P�deneaot Reat in'Truscwr s�po s�si�r�nV�s �e notice of default, Tcustor witl endorse and deliver to
<br /> . Beneficiery any paym
<br /> - ''�,'." '� 'I'�ustor covesisuts ihat no default exiats under the LRas�ot anY a�alicable landlord law.Trustor also covenants aud agrces
<br /> .�.� ., �� to maintain, mM w require the tenants to comply wlth. t�e Leas�pnd aay applicable 1uw. Tcustor will pmmptIy notlPy
<br /> _ '`" •..;` BeaeRetary of any noacomplianoe.IQ'1Crustor neglecta or refuses Qo enforce complience wlth the terms of the I.eases.lhen
<br /> �' B���ary may. at Beneficiary's o�tlon. enforce complinace. 'iYustor will obiain BeneficIaty's wrltten author[andon
<br /> '"'�`� . bofore 1Yvstur conseats w subtet. modify.�oncel.or othen�vise alter the Leases. to acccpt the surreadez of the Pc�perty
<br /> �"�;, • covered by such Leases(unless the Leases so rcquir�e�, or to assigm. comprom�se or cncumber the Leases or any ihhu+e --
<br />-" i3" .� Renta. Truscor will hold HeneQciary hArmless aad indemntty Beaeticlary £crr any and ail liability. loss or damage that _
<br /> •' . � , ' � Beneticiary muy incur as a conse9u�ae of the assignmeat under es�9s sectian. -
<br /> .. �C' 15.CONDOMINIU1NSi ��NE� U'�T ����p��' pf �p �a�' includes a un3t in a condominium or a �_--
<br /> ;• '��'=' " ` icwned unit developatent,'i'custor will perform alt of Trustor's dudes ander t��covenanta.by-{awR,or re�ulations of the .__
<br /> �,�����~° �� wadominium or planaed unit dovelopment. . —-
<br /> � � .. '�� 16.DETAULT.Tcus:nr wtU be in defuult if any of the foilowln�oo�z: ___
<br /> � g A, Any party obti�ated on t��5�..�ured Debt faits tn make payment when due; �_
<br /> ' �� B. A breu c h o f eay t e r m o r c o v e�n a n t i n t h i a D ce d o f T r u s t. a n Y Prtor mort g a ge or aa y eo*s.cttuction ioan agreement. r„-.
<br /> , �, , . security ugre�eat or eny other document evidencin�,gusuantytn8.securin6 or othecwis.�relatina to the S e c�u�e d --
<br /> „ r Debt; �
<br /> ��� �� •,,;.� C, 'I7ie mslcing or fl�mishinQ of�q verbal or written repmsentation, statement or warrauty to BeneffatarY that is false
<br /> dr�ncorrect la any matertul rm�ect by Trustor or eny peraen or entity obliQutect on the Seaun.�d Debt; �,•_,�,
<br /> ' `' A. 'ih@ death,dissolution,appniz^sm�eat of a re�eiver for,ar�p;pltcatfon of any debtor reticf it►w to� T�ustor or any
<br /> •• � gerson or endty abliaated on We Secured Dcbt; erst�n or enti �•
<br /> ., - B. A good f�it�B�11ef by Benaficiury at any c� that BenaRciary ts insecur� with respect to any p tY
<br /> • ' ent is impa3red or the Pcnperty is imputn:d;
<br /> � obliflated on the Sec,wmd Debt or thet the pmspe�ct of aay paym �t��d f naaclal oonditions.which
<br /> F A mc�teritil adverse chanae in TntsWr's business includittg o�vnttship.manng �•
<br /> __._..._.....__._�.: . .. ..
<br /> _'__'-'��"� Seaeficiary in ita o inion believes impaics che value of the Fmperty or repayment ot the�ecurru ucu�:v. ,
<br /> P __.�....._...�....�+..o o.�.at...�.,�hinhiv ercttiible I9nd Ot't0 WB �-
<br /> . . t3. Any losn pmceeds gte usect tor a pu�ose inai�iviii uv,��.��..............,o..,... �-. —,
<br /> .. � convetsion of tved�ada to produoe an agrtcultural commodity.as fi�rther eacplained[n 7 C.F.R. Part 1940.Subpart � -.
<br /> t3,Bxhibit M.
<br /> � � 17.EtEMCD1l:S ORI DEFAU�.T. ln some instances.fealeral and state law wiil require Beneflciury to provtde Trustor wtth
<br /> notice oi the right to aue. medietion notices or other aotices nnd may establish time schedules for forecloaure�ctians•
<br /> SubJert ro these Itmitutions.tf any. 8eneficiary may aaelerate the Secursd Debt and foreclose tIeis Aeed of Ttust ta n
<br /> , m�nner provlded by taw if thb Tntstor ia in defnult.
<br /> .. c
<br /> `' �a . �► napo s o!8
<br /> - • O t99�OaoRtro Uvutcmo.lne.Gt-CIacA.MN N�600�397Q�611 fam A01C0-M�N! 101101'B7 ,
<br /> . '. .�8
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