,� .
<br /> .. .. <. . , �. ._
<br /> .„. ,. ,� -� -
<br /> 11,LGRipEp'�RtGMT YO CAl�ML-!!CG CH OEFL•t�D lEOAI QCTIQIJa �mntor ah�l irte�dlatotyp�avld�Lond�r vrith r�ritton notico of any aotuai or �
<br /> IhrCat�n�`dcctton,cult,or othar procc�dnfl nNccpng lho Propurty. Grantar horby apFouAn Lcnd�r es flo eriomo•In-(nct to camin�neo,Imorvono In,and •
<br /> d�tond cixh cotbno,cuha,or othcr loQ:il pr000�dlnfls nnd to conpromlao or oonlo any cialm or controvomyp�o�a��4���aos rouunln thcrohcm INothing �� •
<br /> Qrcqtot Paany cctton,orror,mtatn�co omlaalon ar d loy p�rtalNnA todtlh�oh'catio,n�a�!�h�bn idta oem6n um IIpfi y 0 0
<br /> oomnincdhor^..h�v�tll provont Lcndar rrom tnWnp tho ectlona daaulbB p. 91aA �
<br /> 12.R�DEIAIiFICATlOfd. londor eh�11 not aaaurm or b�roeponalhto lar Ih�portormsnco of any of tirarrto�'e obltg�3tlona witn ronpoet te tho Proporry undor
<br /> any elrcumstc�nooa. Qramor ahall Irtrrr:.d!atcty proNd�Lond�r e�lth wdtten notico al ond Ind�mnity�nd ho►d londar nnd Its oharohold�rs,diraetore,otticors, �
<br /> amgloyaa�nnd ogoma hrmtoao hom N�dnlma.rdtniin n8g to tji�a Proyn�rry(I olud►ng�,�bu�t not timuc�d�to�ihouo NvoNi��H�rdoua Matorlalu).�Ciruntar�upon
<br /> othCr Iagalpraocodlnps teur►oulathreiy CINms'1 Pu �p
<br /> tho rcquoA ot Lartd;r,ahell hito Icg�il cauncol ta d�iond Lcnd�r hom cuch Glnirtt�,and pay tho attamoyu'foaa,Icpa oxponsoa nnd othor coata incunod In
<br /> • G9MRCIIOA1h9tOWhh, in tho nftamniivo,Londor shnl eurvlvotholorml�iintlontamloauborfo donuroot h!eDoodof Truat. at drmttor'a coat. C3mmoro 6�
<br /> , , obllgvlona tndormlry Londor undor thie parcgraph
<br /> ' �9.TA)lE8 AND A88�3f►�VIlENTB• arantor ahall pay e!I taxoo nnd aotnaurromo rolatlnp to Proporty whon duo and irm�matoty provido Londor evidaneo
<br /> ., ^ p} yma�t ol anrtw• Upon th�roquoat of Londor,Q►antar ahai dopoalt v�Uh Landor oaeh rtpnth ono-tvrolfth f�lt 2)of tha oatlmatod annud Inau►anoo
<br /> ptcmtum�as�►d aouaaamonlo poAaining to tho PropcAy. 8o tong no thsro Is no dotauh,thoun g urAa shaD bo aAp�iod t�lhohpaytmgtco hoid to
<br /> uaeoaam;nta and tnturrnoo t�s roqulrod on tho Proporty in tho ovom of dofnult,Londar nhati hnvo tho d M,el its aolo o lon,to appty tu d
<br /> pay any tsro�a ageinai tho Ohllpatlono. My tunds appllad rr�y,at Landor'a optian,ba appllod In rovoroo ordor ot tho duo dato thoroof. •
<br /> 14� INJPfCT10M OF PROPERTY�BOOXB,RECOADS ANO REPORTS. (irentor shell allaw�trom tirnota81mo4 Gre�rrtor shall pro�v�do aey asol�� �
<br /> cmd oxa�no,hspect and malw oop:oa of Qramor's bookn and reoords poAainlrtg to the Property 80q�to and
<br /> raqutrodpy L�endor tor thoso purpo�os. AII ot tho slgnaturoa and intormatton wmalnod In C4remc�s bwks and raaords shail be ganuino,uue, ,
<br /> oortploto b�II reapocto. Qrantor shaA noto tho ox��tonoo of Lendors bonofldat Interest in Ita books and reaords pQneining to tho Property. Addit(onally.
<br /> � t4rentor ahnll roport,In a form satlafaetory to Londor,suoh Infom►atton as Londor mayr�q�ost rogardlng arentors flnandai oonditlon or tha PropeAy. Tho
<br /> ' Intormatkn Bf�al�bo lor auch porloda.she►1 roflccl Orantorc raoordn at euch Urro.and chell be rendored w8h such huquenq as Lendor may doslenato. Ali
<br /> iniomiatbn fuMshad by Oretitor to Lpndor shail bo truo,aaurato and oomploto In all rospects,and signod by dramor it Landor rcquoots.
<br /> 18. ES70PPEL CERTIFICA7E8. Withtn ien(10)days aRar eny raqua�t bY Lo�r,t3rentor ehaJi c1elNor to Londar.or any Irrtendnd trenstoroo of Lendafs
<br /> eights�yib roapoct to tha Obllgationa,a signed end aclmovl�edBod s�etem°m spodf�l[n8(a)the outsmnding balenee on the Obiiqatfons•end(b)whothar
<br /> arantor�sasfios anY clalms,defonsus,set�oi(s or counterdaims wflh respect to 1he ObOgatlono and,Y so,the aeture of such d�ms,do�ensas,s3t�oHa ar
<br /> • ,.;,�..' the v�n�tha�j prai,�to rialls to pro d uiho�Peque ted�staa ertre nlr�a ti�niely 1manner der may make to the irtended tronstereo wfth rospaet to ihase matto�e in
<br /> F.;,•,,:�� � � �:
<br /> ;,�,,4,,. ,
<br /> 18. l��iA�7LT. C;rantor shall be in default undet ihls Doed ot Ttust and iho 7n��lee's powor shall bocoma°PQrathre In tho ovem thai Ciramor,Bot►awer or �.,:r'
<br /> ' anyguarontorofthealol!gnliona: :;;•
<br /> ` � ' (a)�Ils to pay any Ob114atlon to Lender when due; :
<br /> '��' (b;�ils to podorm any Ob�igatlon or hresehea eny wartonty or covon�nl 1c Lerdar wmalnc�d In thls Daed of Trust or any other preaem or futuro d.
<br /> „ 8���p; .
<br /> ,., !,�,� (o)dostroys,loses w damages ihe Property In eny materlei rospact or subJeda iho Propeny to solzuru,ainflscatton,a wndermat on; �.,
<br /> (d)�aoks to revoko,temdnste a mhervviRO llmit Its Ifabiliry undor any guarantY to Lencbor, .-
<br /> . � (e)das,becomds�epslly Incompetent,is diacolvod or temilnated,b000mos Insallortl,makes an aeslgnrneM for the trsnafit of croditore.feils to pay � -r.:-
<br /> - � _ �oo���.�.�twa a pal8ion undor the tadoral batiiwptcy lawe,has en invdumory petkion In bankruptcy fllad In which drentor,Bortowor ,
<br /> or arryr gusrantor is narnErd.or has propeAy teken undet nny wdt or prooass of eoun; „�,
<br /> ' � apowe goods to bo usud,trensported or storod on tho Proporry,tho possession,transpoAatton,or uu►oi whteh,ls IEoga�;
<br /> }• �fl dl�rne any parry othor lhan Grentor or Borrowor lo awumo a undorteke any Obi�8albn without tho r��iriun cancom ot Landnr,or ��::,_�
<br /> h��susea L+ondor to doom ftr,�lt Incoouro duo to a sfgnlAqnt doolino tn tho vstue ot tho Proporty:or N Lor�dor.In good felth,tor eny roason,bollovoa �,-�--
<br /> .� that�hn proEpocl of paymsm ot podom�anoo la Impairc;d.
<br /> �==�
<br /> �y. F�tpNT9 OF LENDER ON OFFAULL It thoro io a dotnuN undor th�a Dosd ot T�uet,i.ondor ahull b�antitiad to oxareiso ono or moto ot tho toitovrinA �,
<br /> ." , rortwaHasw:Nout noUoo or demand toxoopt aa raqulrod by Inw): .—
<br /> .. ,. (r►)Io eiednro tho Q61lgattona Imnadatoly d uo nn d pay a b to tn N tl; _
<br /> ,. (b)w�oto�t the outatanding 4bll�tlona wilh or without reaort(np to ju�oto!pr000as: .--
<br /> , (c)a raqutm Qm.ntor to doihror ortd tralco avnllabfe to l+ond�u any per6anN ProParty ar Chattela conallMing tho Propony nt n p!aoo rcasonnbiy �
<br /> l -�
<br /> R oornonlem to GmMOr nr�d Lcnd�r,
<br /> �, (�a at�or upon ond tako pos;oasion a!tho Propariy without c�ptying ta or abtatning tho appnlmmont ot n roochror and,at Londers optlon,to
<br /> � �. e�ppolret e r000lvor wBhart b�d.wHfloul (iret bringirtg eufl an tho ObllgWons ond wflhoul othar�Mce meetinp cny statutory oor�diUona rogard!rt9 .';�=-
<br /> rcca;vr�a,it boing irtlondod that Lendor shNl hwo ihle oontracwel d8h1 to ty�poirR a r000Nnr, ¢::.�..
<br /> , . .. 'k"' (o�»crtptay a rmna�ing agom of tho Propony and let tho sart�e.olthor In Tn►stno'a own narro.in t►w ncxr�of Wrtdor or In!ho nsun�of Crantor,and �:,.r
<br /> „ �' roeobzi 4io rorrts.Inoort�oa.issuoa end poHte of the PropoAy end app1Y tho ea�.a(tar payrtx�nt ot dl nnoossary ohorgo�and oxP=ncos,on a000nnt of �.',._.
<br /> tho0bilg►ttans; } -
<br /> (fj u pay eny wrrn in atiy tortn or rtranrmr doom�d oxpodE3n1 by Lsndor to protoet tho cowrity of thls O�+o�of TN�t ar to wro any dolauft olhor Ihan :
<br />_ !. (g�jra t roclose tNs Da�ad of Trust 1 mdNN►nonjudldaNy cuid to e�raot tho es;e of tha proporty throu�ozorduo ot tho powor ot sa!o as mieronocd in •
<br /> cu "'
<br /> ' � �ph?A horoof in n0000tdanao with a�licablo law� -
<br /> (h)w eotoft Grs�maar's Obligatlons egalnot on alrourrta owcd Qrerrtot by Lnnder indumng�but not Qmited to,monba,(natrumonts,and dopo:�t
<br /> rm " r
<br /> aaatrtta malr�incd v�Hh Londor or eny aurtont�y oxisttng or finuro affIIfeto o�4onder,erd ,^�.
<br /> • �� (i)b oxcroiso all o�hor d�ts avnitablo to Lundor undor any othor writton agroortnm or apptlo�lo law. �:::=
<br /> , ;,��• LundcN�rt�a aro eurtu�s�end may bo ozardsod tog3lhor,coparntoty.and in any ordor. ln tho evont lhet Leruf�r inatRutou w ecl►on saoMng tna �Y..
<br /> . �: �y�Q �ny o}mo property�y way of aprojudg�nt r�m��Y In en setton agalnst Orantor.arardor wakos tho�ostlng of eny bond whtehm�M �
<br /> ,,::;i� � �, otitopwtso bo roqulrad. Lon�r or Londa�a dosi�oo rt►3y purd�aso tho Proporry at any mio. Proands of any Truetoo o saU�ham�r chatl bo epptfod 1�,wµ
<br /> ftrst.t9d�o ao&tc►er►d o�onses oi mxerclsing tho et of salo and of sho aeio,Indudtng the pa rri of tho Trustoo'o fcas a�tuu�iy incurred end n(�ot to �._>^
<br /> � . oxaaad0�o amoum whkh rtny bo pra�WAd for in is Oac3d ot Tniat.ccoond.to paymont of tho�ttons coauc�d heroby.thitd�t`t�o PaY►rahomot�
<br /> p�st dceda.mort�qoa,or othor Ilonholdom.tmd tho ba�nnoo it sny,to tha porcon or porsone logalN oMitled tharoto.Tho proporry Y P� Y �;,�:_*
<br /> � bo coldh mne paro�l.ar in cwch paroci�t urt�n�r�ordu�au Londois s�id or�tho oi�gations aro p�ald Nfu�or rroro ozc�rdcoa ot iho powor horoln�ern�d -
<br /> • shaD ratoxUngulah or m�lhau9l tho powo P�PQrtY n,�'
<br /> . 10. 7'FIUSTEE"3 EXERCtSE OF RBWER OF 3ALE ON DEFAIiLT: It Londar eloats to coU Qrantora i�erost In tho Proporiy by
<br /> ozordso of tho pawnr of
<br /> � �lo hpoln contrilnod,Londor chall notly Truotoo In the mannor thrn roquirad by Iaw•
<br /> . �pon rooa}pt ot such notloo of Londor and at tho�rres�tlon of Landor,TNCI00 GIINI CAIlSfl t0 b0 fO00f�f:d.WblisNc�d nnd dolNored cucn nottoou ot d�tnuft
<br /> cs t
<br /> and notbocs ot sr3lo as m3y thon bo roquiral by lew end by thio Daod of Tn�st. 7ruaico ah�ll,onty at tho dlroctton of Londor and without damand on(3rentor,
<br /> ! g
<br /> �� aflor suh timu as may thon bo irod by law and allor r000rdation ot sueh notbo ot dofauK and gR�or no800 of salo havin boan�van aa roquirod aw.
<br /> .. �; o�1 tlho���n t�����y���no,atbpubllo cswe�lt n�to hofhl�ost WQddor or cush in�awful monoy of thoU rodr3latoa�pa yn 1o�M tho N.tno�ot .
<br /> seto, aan mhanvlso rtr�y thon bo roqulrod by I�w. Tn:stco shrili dolhror to such purchar�er or purehntora thaeot Its ond auffictorri dood or doada
<br /> _ _._—.. .. _—._.
<br /> ,.,,,�,e,e,n tt,n eroxrtv co coid.hut without arry oovonorrt or wartamY,o�ross or IArp�ilod.Th�als i�r e��nv nu�roh�so�suoh aa o'Tnist�rmy
<br /> - -. . —., ooncludro proof of tha wthiulnoao tnoroor. nnyF�rson,ir�'�WU�m"of tho Pioporty.,�..•�+..._....__... .. - �
<br /> h tho mirtnor provldod bY tea+Pcstpono seto of all�or any po
<br /> � 1D. �3EG1!�SY FCR NCRCESs Qnvnor toquasts ihat o oopy of arry notioo ot dotuutt ond a oopy of eny nmier�of o�cilo horeurtder bo rtraiiad lo Qaoh porcon
<br /> Of71
<br /> 'r�`�� rrho 6�sopaAy homlo a11ho addroaa of suah pe�tson cot tonh horofn nt tho sarta Uma end tn 1ho sarno mannor roqutrod tto ihough a saparato roquost ihoroof
<br /> • , had��n Htcd by oach auch po�con. ..�
<br /> ;.,
<br />_ . ,.;,
<br /> ':r.�:
<br /> -��li; . „ Y�.
<br /> �, . Piyo3d0
<br /> - " NEONC Rtr.t?A7 �
<br />= �
<br /> �
<br />