� .
<br /> , �
<br /> , � � . ^ t:ODE. Thla Dosd of Truat ahnll bo conaidarcd und bo aticetivo oa a tinnndn
<br /> otutamcril and n Oxluro fJing purounnt to iho provisiona of tho Unitortn Comnorraa�Codo(au udoptod in tha otato whoro tho roal prop,rty la Iocnto )
<br /> � aovcdnfl Oxmrou,chcmola,ar�dartldss of p�raonN propnrry no�ownad or horoattor uttaohod to ot to bo uccd In oonnoctlon wlih tho Propurry toqothor whh „
<br /> nnypnd�II roptacomonla Iharcof und ade011ona thoroto(tho'Chnriolu'),and Qtantar horoby ama Lcnd�r a oowdty Imoroat In auoh Chatioio. Tho dobtor Ia �
<br /> tha Cirnntor d�sscdbcd cihovo. This�Daud of Tru�t w11i 6a otfactiro ua n Iincnelnp atmom�nt ilcd na n Iixturo(Iiinp with ronpact to all Oxturoa Inciudod wlihln
<br /> � aaldpromlcos nnd is to ba filQd lor rccord In tho roel oatnto rcaorda of oaeh cowiy�fioro nny p.vt oi ea;d promdsoa(Induding anld Qxturoo)In eltuatod. Thls s ,; , ,•
<br /> Doad of T�uat nhNl Nao bo olfoctivo uo n tinnncing atntarmnt eovodnS nny mhor pramisou and may bo lilod In any othor�P NaP chnll�bo aufllGon�ao o � °
<br /> of0oo. A cnrbon,photoEpnphlcor other rcproduetlon ot thia Oeod ot Truat or of any Pnancing at5`h��na�lali�n�gat`�ob d abo o�f Upon dorrnnd,Qrnntor otiall � ' '
<br /> 1lnandng atniortmnt for any of Iho purpocoa rotorrod to in thla Para�rnpt�• fio¢carod party . ..
<br /> rmlco,oxocuto and d�INcr auch aawrity ngrccm�ms(ab auch tonn lo dotincd tn aald Unitorm Commarelni Codof uo Londor nt any tirtn may dacm
<br /> naooasnry or propor or roquitod to gnurt 10 Landor n p�Aocicd aQeudry Ir�croat In tho Chnttela,nnd upon Qrnmor'o lalluro to do oo,Londor la nulhorizcd to �
<br /> stgn eny cuchc�grnortr�N ou tho ng�m of Qmntor. (irunton c�roby aulhorizoa Londor to Olo finandng otatomoms(ns cuch torm Io dollncd In anld Unifarm
<br /> Cotm�otcltil Cadn)with reapact io Iho Chattct�,ai nny Urtn,etitheut tho atgnoturo of QrnMoc Oramor wUi,howovor,at uny tlrra upon roquaot of Lordor, �
<br /> elgn cuch flnanctn8 stt�tamnrite. C3rentot wlu pay ail fiifng teus for the�Ilng of euch Mandng�tatomonto and tor►ho rofuing thoroot a�tho nmoo raqufrod.In , , ,
<br /> tho apinton ot Londor,by�Id Unitonn Comrmrdel Codo• If tho Hon of�htn Dccd of Trunt bo Qub�OCt to any oaw�cy a�nament wvodng fho Chanolo,thon
<br /> " in tho ovont of nny dohault urtd�r this Oced of Trust,all tha►i�t,tiqo and Imorost of Qmntor In nnd to any and all of tho Chottoio la heraby aoalgnod to
<br /> ut
<br /> • "" Londor,togoihor w4h tho bonciit of ony dnposNe or paymorris now or hutoeltor rt�do thoroof by(imntor or iho prodocossors or cuccoaaots In tlllo 0
<br /> �ramor in tho Prop�rty.
<br /> �i. RFJt11BUR8EMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY i.ED1DER. Lnnd4r,at londara optlon,may oxpond(unds(Ineluding eriomaya'faon and logal „
<br /> oxp�n�os)to parfortn any act roqulrcd to be talmn by Qrantor or to oxordso any ri8h1 or rortcdy of LEndor undar this Oood ot t�ust. Upon dnm2nd,8rantor
<br /> sha11 immodiatoty relmb�uso l undcir tar aN euch emounto oxpondod by Londor togothor wilh Intaost ihnreon at the iowor of tho highoat reto described In eny .
<br /> od
<br /> Ohligation or tho hlghoat rato aliowod by Iaw trom tha dato ot paymont urriil 1ho dato of relmbursuarront. Those eums ehail bo Includad in tho doMilion af
<br /> Ol �a1
<br /> ObtlgaUona horoin end ahali bo aucixod by iho bonu(Idai IMorostpramod horoln. If tha Obtlgationa aro d aher tho bog1�ning of publieatlon of notico�f . ,
<br /> salo,us haroln pro►�Idod,or In Iho evont l.oadsr shal�,at its so!�opt l o n,pomdt ara�tor to pa any Ran of the ObNgationa aftor tho beglnNng of pu�!Icallon of '��'-=
<br /> nolla3 oi sa�e,as herein providsd,thsn,Carantor sh�ll pay on demand all oupeneoa Inw�by tha TNStee and Lendor In eonnoetion wRh said publleation, ,. :�•"�
<br /> including reasonabto attomoys'fas3s to tho attomoys tor iho Trustea and tor tho Lender,and a reasoneble foe to the Trusloo,and thta Docd of TNSt shell bo . :'.�11��
<br /> socu r i t y(or N I su c h o�enses a rt d f o o s. Y_�
<br /> f .�i'�x�..'
<br /> 22 APPLICA710N OF PAYMENYS. Tho Trustee sha�t�y thc►Rrocoods oi 1ho truuiee�s esie firaL to tho costs and oxpensou of axerdsing tho power of
<br /> � � selu and ot iho salo,irtdurGrt9t�hu pay�r�nt ot tha T►ustao's ooa aduoIIy inceirted not to oxeeed t�n artwuM whieh may bo providod tor in tho Dood of Trust,
<br /> sstond,to paymem ot the odugation soe�.•ed v tho Dcx �of Trust,�h(rd to tho paVmem ot junior deeds of truat,mortgegeu or othor Ilenhotdors,and tha .
<br /> tatanoe,If eny,to the person w pereons IegaJly eMHied thu�ato. �
<br /> °`•' • 23, POWER Of ATfORN�Y. Qrantor heroby appolrna Lon@er as 8s ettomeyin-lact to ondorsa(�ramoPs namo on all Instrumonts end other daeumnma �•• � � �-�.
<br /> � `-� pertelning to the Obligetlons a Deed of Truat. In addiUon,Lentter ehelt bo emitlod,but not requlrod,to aeAorm any actlon or oxoe�te any documom ,.;���iE.�;,
<br /> �t.,.. Re ,�,�,,...
<br /> ,'':,�;t`�'`,„�� re�ii�a�vied°tren or lin�m anY ObOgnton or arrea�ny dafaun unde etdhlaf De�ed of T�u�r AN�e�isof atidmey da�s tal�ba�d in h18 O�oed of Tt�ua1 em o�oupled wlihnan ,,��, +�r��-,..
<br /> it�terest and aro frmvoeablo•
<br /> ,• ,. �,. .
<br /> , . . ,, 2q. SUBROOATION OF LEN�EA. Londer ehell be subrogated to the dgMa ot tha ho�der af any preNoua Ilen.securily Irnerest or eneumbrenav �k
<br /> ',:� ' dischargodwith tunds eduana3d by tsndar togvdiess of whother theae Ilens,securlty fnteraats or othor aneumhrences have boen released of rao�rd.
<br /> �';:-
<br /> ' �8, COLLEC170N C08TS. To iho oxtom pemitted�y IaH,aramor a8reea to pay LenduPs roasonabto foes and costs,i�duding but not Ilmitod to,ioos . r._!f_
<br /> ` 1� � and oo�ta of attomoys a�d other ager�te{Induding wfthout Ilmttation parai�gals,clorks and ooneuhants),whothor a not such attomoy or agant Is an
<br /> a_ o�t o a o o f L o n d o r,w t d c h e re I n o u m�d b y L ander tn oollectln g en y amou�t du�or enforoing�y d�a���Y �����o n a�c t l o n s NsL whothor or not r;
<br /> �; su'i lo�a�ht.lnde�rs9,Ns!!�t�ae�in,att fens and ooats Inairto d on a��e a l.in b a n l v u P t�Y• P� •1 � !•
<br /> f o �'"sP�-`
<br /> �. PARTIAL HELLABE. I.endnr may roloaco Ite Imoroot In aportton at tho Prop rty bY axacut�n8 and moormng ono or moro Pertlel Oood�ot �,,.
<br /> peoony8yanoa w i t h e u t�f o e d n g R s I m a ro e t I n t h o ro m a i n i n g p o n l o n o t 1 h o P ro p o r t y. N o th�n p horoln ahnli bo doomod to obtl�ato Londor to roloaso any of ito ,.�_
<br /> Imeroat in�he Property(oxaopt ae requlrod under P�38 or ae rmy bv othenyiao roquirodpy Iaw),nor ahNi Lon d er b o o b l iga t o d ta ro loaso n n y p a r t
<br /> " of Uro Proporiy If Qranlot Is i�n�nanu��;nndho Dc�m�d of Tniet th�le not th s�ubbet of t 16 or an�aril�O�a d of R�eooma anoo�n in ottocl whh reape�l to �F�--,:
<br /> ndo � y y
<br /> thm paAlon ot the propaiy. � —
<br /> � 27. C A7i0t�t AND WAIVEp. fie modlflcatbn or waivor at any of timntofa ObtigatEons or Londoro d�ts undor thta Daod of Tru�t muat bo .�
<br /> 0o nad In n wdtng elpned by Lander. Lortdor eroy porfom►any ot 9orrowate or arontoYe ObligaUona dolny or rell to ozordao anY 011t6 d�hte or aa�oai
<br /> � ' pnymeMd from amr�or ar anybno mher then areMor wfthout asuaing a walvar of those ObIlgaUons ar ri s. A wnivor on ano ooeaelon ohall not wnaUtuta •"�-
<br /> a wNver on any oiher ooeaalon. arantore Obll�attona under thia Oeal of TNat chati not ba oKact�d if�ndor amonds,oompromicas ozohnnqoa,fail4 to �,��;_����
<br /> •� szerots� irtpafiro or releaaes any of tho Obl lfona bolas�ging to any GrunYar,Barrotivor ar th!rd or any of fta►i�ts aga�nat cmy�rantor Bomowar or �_ .!c'q..�
<br /> � •�"L' M
<br /> thir8 pa�y a nny ot tho Proporly. Lcndors ta�luro to Insiat upon atda portomKU�oo of any ot tho ttona ehall notbe doemed a waNer and tAndor sheil �: __J__�_
<br /> hma the d�1 at any ttme thoroui4or ro tntisl upon etrid porfomrinco. �-
<br /> mrn
<br /> ' . :: . 28.SUB8YRtJTE TRU3TE6i 77iU3'IEE UADlUTYt CQ�IAPENSAi10�1. In cas3 of tho douth,Inabifity,rofusal to act or eesonoo ot tho Tructoo trom tho �zj�':;T�
<br /> .+� � atate whore tbo roatp�opo�ty la tooatad or in arco thn holdor of tho Oblt�attono shNl doalre tor any roason to rortavo Uio Trucu�e or eny subarttuto trustcb as E�q��,_.
<br /> ,.- trustuo horaundor ahd k -eppolnt a now uustoa In hla plaoo end stoatl,tho hotdor ot fhe Obli�ttono is horoby p�uAod fuil power to appolrrt in w�tin�a
<br /> substhuto W�oa for m!d Trustoo,and tho aub�tiMo truatoo ahnit,whon��n ted,beoort�e suocvoscr to NI dgMa ot TNStQO hoteundor and tho eartio s � �-="�"�-
<br /> bCOOrro voMo�f M him tor tho purposoa end ab�xta ot thta Ooed of Tn�et w'ifh eU tho powor,duUos and obligattona horeln aonfertod on tho Ttustoo. TNStoo ±r�r�:;_
<br /> ;. hxt ��•.n�r.,,
<br /> � sfiall not bo Itablo for�ny arror ot jud�r�orrt or na doRQ bY Trustao,or be othorwlra ros�onEiMa or a000untable undsr eny dreumstat�oos whatcoovor. , . �� _,
<br /> Trusteo shsill not ba pacone�Y Uebie in aaso ot ontry by ft or anyono Qat�nB bY�4rtuo ot the powere horoin�an tud it upon tha Oaod of Trust fot dobts ...�:.�_,
<br /> �' r eontraetod or ItabiNty a�incurrod(n thu rtti�nagomuM or opomtEon of ueid premiaos. Truoteo shab havo tho d to ro on any in�tn�merd, '• ,.:,�,;;a
<br /> , ' �' doairtqrA ot clgnaturo autho ng ot uuppo�ing eny aetfon tskon orpropocod to bo takon by h homundar ar buliwod b in fnith to bo�onuino. � ��+���„�+
<br /> Tastco sh�i be emtttod to roMbureomom tor o�pon�s incurresd by h in tho portom�artoo of fts dutlea horoundor snd to ro y� o cortponaation tor such _���� ,, _
<br /> � ���''.� o}Mo soMoos heroumior ns shr�Jl bo rondcvad. c�rantor wilt.from timu to tirre.paY oompeneatton due Trusteo horoundor nnd rolmburso Trusteo tor ertd •,- ,�,,,•..:.;--
<br /> eavo artd hold it hturtdess trom and eSeinst nny tusd atl losa.oost.liab(Iiry.dam�go end exponso whatsoovor�ncuTrmcl Gy!t in tho porfom�anoo of its dutles. ,,;�s�:;.
<br /> �`,.i,:_;__:.
<br /> 7L• AII monoya r000�'vod bY T►ustoo af�all,ur�8 uced or appllod as horoinprovtdad.bo heid in truat kt thopurposos far which Moy wuro roceivod,bu!noad not :_-:,,y�•-.-
<br /> � nr 6o so8rogatod in ony manr►or hom any other monoyro(oxa�pt to tfie oxtom resqulred by law)and Trucico chalt bo undnr no litil�lliry tor 6itorost on eny . _,,,_,-.. _.
<br /> .��'
<br /> .. - monoya rooelvc+d by ii haaur�r. . � m•--�
<br /> .-,La�;;;.���:.--
<br /> 29. St�CCESSOR9 AND ASSlaNB. Thla Dood of T�uat ehait bo bindtng upon and inuro to the b�moflt of arantor snd Lendor and lholr roapoctivo .,.:•�:�. .;?�wi�.
<br /> .� auoopa;,ora,aaci�o.trustoos,rocoNora,admnlotratore.porsonai ropro3ontatNes,�egatoes and doNsoea. . �::;�z.��'`,
<br /> -�,. -
<br /> gp,Hpii�Eg, Exoopt as othniwiea raqulrod by law,any notioo or othor oormunlcation to bo provld3d under thia Dood of Trust shNi bo in writing and sem " `�
<br /> ,, to iha partlos at tho adQroasos doscdbod�n thia Oaod of Truct ot suoh othor addrosa as tho partEoa muy dosignato in writing hom tirro to timo. My cuoh °•rw_-
<br /> rt o t i o o s o e h ron and cum by ilrat dara rtGll.Poatago P►uPaid,shatl bo dcumod givon tho orirllor of throv(3)dnys aftor such notioo ia r�rrt or whon r000Mcjd •,�� ,-
<br /> by tho po►con to rrhom euan nottoo lo boing gNon.
<br /> I�mv.Slf c�inyflprovisio of�la O�d of Truav�olatoa tho�taw o rs unonora►aho thoroat o th��o�od odTN88Fhn11boominue t be d�d onfo�a�b ol;��to '
<br /> • o hor�wPir,�puG�o��nsorrta�toetho�edidion end vonuo�ot cmny�ooYurt aoic�ad by�Lo�r�dorvin he cofo dis�a��otlo�n rt�ocMCd In th ni��o$�Iqbto taw provldoo .
<br /> • " " 33.MISCELO.ANEOUB. QreMor and Londcr agroo that tlrta In ot tho oaconoo. Gramor waNea{xoaontmont,domnnd tor paym�nt,notlao ot dichonor cind
<br /> �� •_.� Pratost oxoopt aa roquired by Inw.AU roforo,noo Rto��w in this Oaa�ot�Tru.��L�udc�c�irwe°.we,����0�nym�t��m r artnl�Dro inminr�fortAini�nato ..--1,,,•. _.. ,..
<br /> ' iR91t C7DIIg1110ne enan Wp�rn mni oo�a+av. :.n...�..........�. ._r._""" . • ' .,-'
<br /> . th01CRro and ContGUonb noroof. - - ,.
<br /> 34. NO ftIIRD PARTY RIQHTS.No pore,on is or nhalt bo a thtrd party barotidazY oi any orovlaon of thio Deod of Trust. All provlsions of thls Oond of
<br /> -.. �ns�ont o tho roo�diBc�aYon of any�provf�lon of ihla D�d of T a�t In Lendafa�to�saotlon�(�°mltlod to ussurt�or axpoct that Londor witl not wahro or ••
<br /> r.}�i;f{.
<br /> 30.PRESERVA71�iV 0�BJABiLITY AND PRIORiTY. Whhout aHoding the Iladllry of Borrowor Cirantor,or Any guarantor ot the Obliqatbns,or nny othur ,.;:,�.,
<br /> person(axoopt a porson oxpresoty roloasod In wrNir��tor thu�ayrreM andportomunco of tho bdlgationa,and without aHee]ing Iho rigMa ot Londor wkh ',,,,,,,.:
<br /> respQCt to eny Proporry not sxproes roloased In wdfTng,and without Impal�ng in any way tho prforhy ot this Deod of Trust ov�r the Ir�oroat cf sny po�reoe .
<br /> aequired or flrat oNdonood by�ng subsoquent to tfio rocordtng of thfa Dend of Truct,Londer may,olthor betore ur ariar the metuflty of tho Q�Iigc�t :,-;:;
<br /> .;;;:.�� 1 and wfihom rtatloo or aonsom:rotoasfl eny�eraon��el�lo fo�r�paymerrt or padorrnanco of all or eny paA of tho Ohllgations;mek�any agrt�omeat oMndn tho � ,
<br /> grc• •
<br /> inrtre o4 payrr�em or_palomnnco of flti oT any perl ot tho ObI19a1�ona,oxordse or retreln}rom exc�tdsing or waive any daM or renxady�ihat Landor may avo ;i;%;:.
<br />- undet tho D�ed of Tnist;acooF4 addftlonal soeurity of any Idnd ta any of the Qbllgatlono;or reioase a othenvlse doal wNh any real orp�rsonat proporhr :;,,,•. •
<br /> I M o osRt�ahro�rding�erry uW�n�hemo f�t o ha s oon�m o d to ell or e�ny o u G►a d bns b y L o ry r M°�luro in tho Propetty uhal►6�►doemod�oY aWulring such �•����:,
<br /> a,poeas
<br /> " � � NEDOTD qa.t?�97 �
<br /> _
<br /> _._....__�_._.___—._._--------�.----_-•-... ..._�._-----------•--�--�---_--______....._
<br /> 1
<br />