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<br /> paymcnts may nn longer be cequired,at the option of Lendcr,If mortgage inaurunce covcrn�e(in thc amount nnd far the perta�i :
<br /> � , thnt Lendet tcquires)provldcd by An inaurcr npproved by L.cnder again bccomes availablc and is obtnined. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the prcmluma rcquircd to muintain monBAge insurunce in effcct.or to provide t�loss reserve. untit �hc rcquirement for mo�tQa�c .
<br /> • inaurance cnda in nccordunce wtth nny written ugrecment betwcen Horrower and 1 cnder or np�llcAbla Inw. ,��4.
<br /> „ ., � 9.I��.��ectlon.Lendcr or its aIIent muy make reasonnblc cntries upon nnd inspcctions of the Propcny. Lendcr Rhall Qive
<br /> , Bornwer notice ut tlie tima of or prtor to an inspection specifyMg reusonn�lc cuuse far the inspcctian. . ��'
<br /> • • • t0.Candemnntton.T'he praceeds of Any nward or claim for dmm�ges, direct or cansequential, in c�nnectian with nny
<br /> caademnntion or other taktng of nny part of the Property. or for canveymtce In lieu of wndemnation, ure h�reby i►sFlBncd a�td .
<br /> shNl be paid to Lender. ;��
<br /> ";;;;...-�: In the event of a tat�l tuking of the Property,the proceeds sh�il be upplicd to the sums saured by this Security Instn�mcnt, .r,
<br /> "� ��� whether or not then due.wtth nny excess pnid to Boreower. In the event of u panlal taking oP tho Property in which tha fair ;,}
<br /> • raurket value of the Property tmmedtatvly lsefore the tukieg ia equnl to or greater than�he amount of tho sums securcd by thts r+
<br /> `� Securlty Instrument immediutoly before th�s takina,unless Horrower and Lender otherwlse agcce in writina. the sums secur�d by _--
<br /> ' • this Sscurity Instrument shull be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multipiied by thu foltuwlnII fraction: ta) thQ cotai ._
<br /> .R atnount of tha sum�sec►u+ed immediatcly before the takiAB,divided by(b)thc fair market vulue of the Property i�iatefy _��
<br /> � before the taktng. Any balunce shall be paid to Borrower. ln the event of a partial takinII of the Property in which thr fair '�-�,
<br /> �' murket value of the Propeny imraediately before the takfng is tesa chan thc amount af the suma secured immedlately brfnm trie -F
<br /> f :�,•�,
<br /> tak�n��unless Bortower and Lender othetwise agree in wddng or unlcss applicable law othonvise provtdes,the pracr.cds ahatl
<br /> �' �, be applied to che sums secured by this Securiry Instcument whethar or not the sums are then due. "�'
<br /> � , if thc Propercy is abendoned by Bc►rrawer,or if,nfter aotice by Lender to Borrower thnt the con�emnor offers ta mv&a an �_
<br /> `' awazd or settle a claim for dataages. Borrower falla to respand to Lender�vithln 30 days af►er the date the notioe is �iven, �.'==�:•
<br /> �` Lender ls suthorizal to collect aad apnly the pmceeds.at its option,either to cestoration or repair of the Property or to thT sums R=="`"
<br /> sccured by this Security insaument.whQther or not then due. �'_�;,:;
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwise agree ln writin�, anY applicadon of proc�ed3 to principal shall not extrn�d or __
<br /> ��•�.-� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to tn paragraphe 1 aad 2 or change the amount of such payment��. ;�
<br /> 11.Bon+nwer Noi ReEease�;Forbear�anc�x�y Leader No!u Waiver.Excension of the dma for payment or mRa�diftcution �`���-
<br /> of amortizatioa of the sums secuted by this S�curity Inauumeat granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bomav►�sT shtill �_:�
<br /> "- not operate to relr.ase the liabiliry of the original�orrower or Borrower's successors in Interest. Lcnder ahail nat bt mquired to 4,�
<br /> , ' cotrunence proceedings against nny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify n►�nntzation
<br /> ' of the snlns securai by thia Security Insuument by reason of any demand made by the odginat Borrower or Burrower's
<br /> _ " - s�ts�ss�►ts �n irlereat. Any forb�raztce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not bo a wuiver of or pre.�latda the �
<br /> � ., �' . eaerctse of any rIght or remedy.
<br /> ��
<br /> ••, IZ. Successors and Assigns�ound;Joiat c►nd Several Ltabll[ty; Casfgne�w.The covenants and agreeme�tf,of this __
<br /> •�i�;i'':�� .
<br /> ,:;t,, Securiry Insmiment shall bind and benefit the successurs and assigns of I.ender and Borrower, subject to tho prm•isians of
<br /> ,.� .r...� '
<br />_ ,. .F,,,:,�
<br /> : .� e,t,1p, paragraph 17. Borrowet's covennnts and agreements shap be joint und several. Any Bolrower who co-sigas thf� 5ecudty -
<br /> ����. �, Inatrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is w-signing this Securlry Insm�n►ept oNy to moRgage, �tant and convey that
<br /> � Borrower's interest in•tha Proporty uader the tcrms of this S�curtry Insuument;(b)is aot personally obiigaced ta p�1�tiie sums __
<br /> '';;:�� secw�ed by this Security instrument;and(c)ngrecs thut Lender an.d any othor�orrower may agrers to enten�,modify, fnrbear or ��;
<br /> ,;`•��;;'�°��� ' tpake any uscommodations with regard ro the terms of this Securlry Iastniment or the Note without that Borrower's conse,�t. s—.
<br /> - ;� 13.Los+r�Chur6es.If the loan�e�ured by thie 5ecurlry Instn�ment is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum lou.�,churges,
<br /> 0
<br /> " ..� and that luw is funally interpmtecl so that the interest or other loau charges collecced or co be collected in cunnectian.with tha _
<br />;?.;.,,,y,;�w � loan exceed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loun charge shall be reduced by the amount necessan�ta reduas tha charge _._
<br />—=�t��°=-"•°��• to thc permitted Bmit; aad (b)a�y sums already cnllected from Borruwer which exceeded permittecl limits wiU ba rESfuaded to
<br /> �'��"""`""" Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing che princip�l owed under the Note or by ma?aia�; u dt►+ect _
<br /> -�-���� ��' •.� payment to Borrower. Tf a refund reduces pdncipal. the reduction wiil be treated as a partial prepaymait �viihnut any
<br /> �v•: o� "i: __
<br /> ;�:.. :
<br /> prepayment cherge u�eder the Note. _.
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Horrower pmvided for in this Securiry Inatrument shail be givcn by delfveriug it or b��
<br /> ��� -�t. '._•+ tt by fiist class mei!untess applicable law requlrt:s use of aaother method. The aotice shcill bs directeai co the Arop�ty Address _
<br />-� `� or any other sddress Borrower designates bp notice to Lendcr. Any aotice so Lendor sbnit be given by fitst cls�s muil to _ :.
<br /> �. Y'�Yf1�•�,
<br /> -,;'„s._--.-:.-. Leader's address stuted herein or any other add�ess Lender designutes by aoticc to Borrower. Any notice provldod�Fur la this ^,_-
<br /> `�"'C`""' Security lnstrument shat!be deemed to have Deen given to Borrower�r Lender when given as provided in this paragmph. �
<br /> �q'"'�"' iS.�ovcsnfng buc•r; Sfveral�!![ry. This Securtty Instrument shu11 be govemed by federul law anal thn law of U►e �.
<br /> °-'�r'--,�+"' r is located. In the event that any provision or cinuse of this Seturity Insttum�att or the Nato `��_
<br /> r�".. " . . judsdiction in which the Property = ...
<br />-'`"� , ���a��8µr►�h applicable law.s�iat�cor�flict shall not affett other pravisians of this Secudty lnstntment or the Notm crhiah can be ____
<br />, . �;� �iven eifect without the confllcai�provision.To this end the pmvisions of this S�cudry [nstrument and the Nots nre declared ��--__
<br /> � to be severnble. �--
<br /> , �'. � g' 16. Borroaer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Iastntm.�t. _
<br /> Fo�m St020 91fiD ,+-
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