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<br /> S. Hneatd o� Pn►�aerty insaeance. k3orrower shNl keep the improvement4 now exiating or hsreaRer crected on the •
<br /> Property inaured AIIninst loss by tire, haa�ards inctuded within the term "extcnded covernIIc" nnd any othe�hu�.aMs, inctudin� - �
<br /> a
<br /> � floods or floodiaB. for which Lender r�quires insurnnce.This insurnnce ahAll be maintuined in thc amounts und for the perlods `��
<br /> . � thut I.ertder regnires. Th�insurnnce enrrie� providing the lnsurnnce ehall be chasen by Bonawer subject ta L.endec's npprovcnt
<br /> „ which shall not be unreusonubly withheld. If 8orrawer intls to muint�tin covernge described nbove, Lender muy, nt l.ender's ,
<br /> , , option,obtuin sovcr�e to protcct Lendcr's riahta in thc Propeny in accordnnca with�nruBraph 7.
<br /> Ali insumnce poltcies and renewals ahall be nccepwbie ta L.ender and shalt include u stundard martgnsc clause. l.;ndar �'�`�
<br /> , qhnll heve the riQht to hold the policies and renewels. If I.cnder requires,Borrower ahnll pmmpdy give to l.�nder aU rcceipta of �.`..
<br /> • p�id premiums and renewsil notices.In the event of loss,Borrower ahall aive prompt notf;.e to the lnsurance carrier and Lender. ���''
<br /> . . Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borro�ver.
<br /> � :";��;:•.��''' Unless Lender and BunowQr othenvise ugrce in wdting. insurunce proce�:da shuU be upplled to restoratian or repair of the f'
<br /> • • `� Propeny dameged, if the res¢oration or repair is economicalty feasiblo und�.ender's security is not lessened.If the rCSroratian ar
<br /> repair is not eranomically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall h�applial to the sum.s .
<br /> „ . _ secured by this Secwity lnstrument, whether or not thea dua, with su►y eaccss paid to Borrower. lf Borrower abandons the '`
<br /> Property.or does not answer within 30 days n notice ftom Lunder thnt the insurance carrier has offered to Rettle a clalm. then ��.�
<br /> �?,�--
<br /> , Lender may collect We insurat►se proceeds. L�mder may use the proceeda to repair or resrore the Properry or to pay sums �' -
<br /> secured by thia Secur[ry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�ay pedod will begin when the aotice is given. �:-
<br /> - „ � Unless Lender and Borrower oWerwise agr�e in wdting, any applIcution of procceds to principal shull not eatend or �"'`
<br /> pastpone the due dute of the montbly payments referred to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmonnt of ihe payments.If �_�a,
<br /> ' } ucacler paragraph 21 the Property ia acquired by I.eader.Borrower's dght to eay insurance policies and procceds resulting from -
<br />? � daamage to the Froperty prtor to the acquisition ahatt pass to l.cnder to the extenc of the snm.4 secured by this Security Instrume�t
<br /> � immediately prtor to the aequisition. .
<br /> � 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Matntenonce and Protection of the Rroperty; Borrower's Laam Applicatiom;
<br /> Ilre�sehotds.Bonower shall occupy,establish.aad use the Progerty as Bonower's priactpal residence withia aixty dcrys nfter the
<br />- � eaecudon of this Security Instniment and ahall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal restdence for nt least one �
<br /> •�;?�.• year after the date of occuppncy, unless Lender otherwise a�rees in wdting,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. �f
<br /> �� t�'�i� or wrless extenu�i�ng circumstances Bxist which ers beyond 8orrower's control. Bortower shall not destroy,dama�e or impalr �
<br /> ••�''i''r,� tha Property.ul0aw the Property to deteriorate,or comadt waste on the Praperty.Borrower shall be in default lf any forfeitwF �',.
<br /> " '�`r action or proceeding,wh�ther ctv{t or crlminal,ia begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resutt ia fo�eiturs of the ai;:-
<br /> r�? Praperty or otherwiso matedally impair the lien create�by this Secudty Insuument or Lender's se�urity interest.Borrower may =
<br /> ,� ��FQ cwe such a default and reinstate,as provlded in paragraph 18.by causWg the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a rullqg �.
<br /> ,,,•„
<br /> `_ �, - ": , thsi, in Lrtt�w•'s g� fefih d�t�ttn�sss!is�ts, prt�cl�� f�rt'ett�m�f�ne R!+rn!�wPr'g intemat in the� Pmpert;r or othcr mateda] ,
<br /> ' � impairinent of the lien created by this SPCU�ity Iastrumea�or Lender's securiry interest. Horrower shall also be in defa�lt if
<br />_ � Horrower�during tt►e loan appNcAtton process.gave materially false or inaccurate information or statemeats to Lencter(or failcd
<br /> f`�,�, to provlde Lender with any material Informatton)ia connection with the loan evidencad by the Idote, including,but not limiteci
<br /> `�'�'�� •�•�� ° to, mpnesentationa concerniag Borrower's ocrnpattcy of We Propecty as a principal residence. If this Securiry Insuument is on a
<br /> � lcaschold. Borrower shnll comply with all the provIsions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Pmperty.the
<br /> '� �� leasehuld aad the fee title shall noi merge unless Ixnder agrces to the merger in wdting.
<br />- `� " �• 9. Protec4ion of I.ender's Ri�hta in Ehe Property.If Borrower fails to perform tho covenants and a�rcemen�s contained in __.
<br /> ' � this SccurIty Instnunent.or thhere ia a legal procc�edin�that may significantly affect Lendor's rtghts in the Property(suc�as a —_
<br /> _'� � ' pcoceeiliag in banlcruptcy.probate,for condemnAtion ur forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulattons)�thon Lcnder mny do and __ _
<br /> � } pay for whatever 1a necessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lender's dghts in tho Pro�nerty. Lender's actions may
<br />�""',�'�" �� " � inciude paying any suma secured by u lien wdtch has priorlty over t6is Secudty Instnunent, appearing in oourt, puyln�
<br /> a a��.Y.S�.w�.�/A.� � �
<br /> � - � reasonable attomeys fees and enter(ng on We Property to make rcpairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> '/��`'�'Y'�'�'`� ' 7, t.�ender does not have to do so.
<br /> 7��y��}��•M' M amaunts disbursed by I.ertder under this arn ra h 7 shall becomc addtdonal debt of Barrower secured b this
<br /> ,.-••�.:r Y P 6 P Y _._...
<br /> _ ,if�. Secudty Instniment. Unless Bonower aad lxnder agcec to other terms of pay�neat. these nmounte s6a11 bear interest from tha
<br />- r���;. --
<br />-_.: ,}�rr..,�:� date of disbursement at the Note rnte aad shntl b¢ payable. with interest, upoa notice from Lendcr to Borrower requesdng
<br /> ���..�- :..''.r<< _-
<br />_ .. ,r? � payment. �- ._
<br />���,';,,.-:' ',, 8.Mot�gage Insurance.(f Lender re.guired mortgage insurance as a condiNon of raaking the loan secured by thi»Secudty --
<br /> -�a!�°;• Insuu�nent, 8orrower shall pay the premiuns required to maintaia the mortgage insurance ia effest. If, for aay mason.the ---
<br /> ._ .. .�
<br /> :�;�t�*,r�:�r��;`;�!�I,: mortgage insur�nce wverege requ{red by Lender lapses ot ceases to be in effect,Borrowor shaU pay the premiuros required to ���-
<br /> _ ,.�,.,..�. . ; r�: :
<br /> _.:.�w .��r;l�,;;�� obtain coverage aubstantIally equivalent to tha mort�age insurance prcvioualy in effect. at a cost substentially equivalent to the
<br />;:, �:...,...,�.,,<<...
<br /> ;_. � coat to Borrower of the mortga�c insurance prevtously in effect. fmm en elternate moatgage insurer app��ved by Lender. df �-
<br />;;;��'• � � � substantialiy equivalent mortgege insurance coverage is not aveilable.Bormwer shaU pay to Lender each rnont2i a sum equal to �:'
<br />_�;i!,° . ' one-twelRh of the yeuly mortgage lnsnrance premium being paid by Borruwer wnen the insutance coverage Iapsal or ceasrd to
<br />__ . ,, `.i>i: be in effect.I.ender wtll accept.use and retein these payments as a losa reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �.-�-
<br /> �• � �o�3oze areo �
<br />_ . , ��BRIPiE1�s:�a�.oe �apo a or o hU�ab: .-
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