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<br /> 17.TcnnsYer oP the Piroper¢y or u BenePlcEo1 Interrest!n I3orro�vcr. If ull or Any patt af the Prapeny ar uny fntercst in it
<br /> is sold or trnnsfereed tor if n bcneficial inteeest!n 8orrowcr is sold or transfcetcd nnd Bormwcr is nat a naturul peraon)without
<br /> ` I.ender's prfor wdtten consent, l.ender mny, at ita opNon. require immedtate paymcnt in fuil af all sums securcd by this
<br /> -• � �ccu�iry lnsteument.Hawever.this option shnll nat bz excrcised by i.ender if exercise is proliibited by fedcrai luw ag of thc dnte
<br /> • af this Security Inetrument.
<br /> ' If Lend�r exercises thia apHan, I..ender ahnit Btvo Barrower notice of accelerntion.The notice shali provide �period�f noe
<br /> Icss than 30 da s from the Mte the nodcc is delivored ar mailed within �vhich Barrower must pAy aq sums sccured by this ;� ._.
<br /> Securiry InstNm nt.lf Borro�ver fails to pAy these sums prior ta the eapirution of this period, I.ender muy invokc nny rcmcdics :�
<br /> ;�� . ; peermitted by this Securtty Instrument wlthout furthcr notia or demand un Burrow�i• ���
<br /> 18. �arrov�er'e Ri ht to Reicistate. If Borrower mects cectain conditions, Aorrower shall huve the dght to l�ave �,.
<br /> � -::� enforcement of thia Secur�ry Instrument discontinucd ut eny time pdor to the earlier og:(u) S dnys (or such other perlod ns
<br /> � ~ agplicubie Inw may specify for reinstutement) tsefore stilo of the Property pursuant to any pawer of sale ecmtained in this %�.,�„
<br /> � ° Securiry Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgment anCorc�ng this SecuHty Instrument.Those condltions arc thut Horrowcr:(A)PAy8 ;.;,,;
<br /> n
<br /> � Lender all sums which then would be due under this SECUrity Inatrurt�ent s+nd the Note as if no acceleration had occurced;(b) ; �
<br /> " cures any default of any other covenunts or agreementa;(c)pays alf eapensea incurred ia enforctng tbis Security Instniment,
<br /> • ' " " includiag, but nat limited to, reasonable attome�rs'fees;and(d)takes such actton as I.endcr may reasonably requlre to assurc �� �
<br /> �' that the lien of thia Secudty Instcument, Lendat s dBhta in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pa��the sums secured by ''{°`
<br /> this Security [nsenuneat shall continuo unchang U on re inatatement b Borrower, triis Seciui lnstrument nnd the 1 �
<br /> ed. Q Y �Y �:...;
<br /> l obliQatlons secured hereby shall remuin fully effective as if rtco nviceleration had occurred.However.this right to relnstate shall ',,
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under putagraph 17. :+'-'°:.
<br /> ., � 19. Snle of No4e; Chunge of d.oua Scrv[cer. The Noto or a partial interest in the Note (toBether with this Securiry �
<br /> Instrumeny may be sold one or more times without prior aotice to Borrower.A sale may resutt In n chttnge ia the entiry(known �
<br /> ac the"I.oan Servtcer°)that collects monthly paymems due under the Note and this Scrurity Insuument.There also may be one
<br /> ,;�^',
<br /> or more changes ot the Loan Servicer unrnl�ted to a sale of the Note. If there is a chsiags of the Loan Servicer,Butrower wiit bo -
<br /> D
<br /> ° � gtven wdtten notice of th¢chunge ia accordance with para8raph 14 above and applicable law. The notice wlll state the aaiue and ,
<br /> address of the new Loan Szrvicer anct the address to wMch paym�nts should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> � .: � informadon ret�uired by applicable law. : ..:..:
<br /> 20. Hp¢aa�t9au4 Substances. Hocrower shall not cause or pemut che presence, use,disgosal, storage,or nlease of any ���,-
<br /> � � Ida�anlaus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone clse ta do, anything affecting the ��
<br /> ptnperty that is 9n violadan of any Envic+onmenwl Law.The precedin�two sentences shalf not apply to the presence,use,or ��ri�,
<br />'��� storago on the Property af s�a�il quandties of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nnrmal r w
<br />�`'' '�' residendal uses and ta maiAtenance of the Pruperty. � ,."
<br /> .'''�' B o r r c�w c r s h a ll prom pd y give Lender wrltten notice of nny investigation,claim,demand.1lwsuit or other acttoa by any ;;,c":
<br /> a ;,,.,_•�„ govemmental or regulatory agency or private pnrty involvtng the Properry aad any Hazacdous S�bstance or En v imnmea t a l I.aw �,;r�
<br /> ;�::
<br /> •.>•:. of whtch Borrower has acsual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notifted hy any ovemmental or tegulatory nuthorlty that v� ---
<br /> '��'ti;� �.,=
<br /> .l+�_�� anv removel or other remediation of uny Hazerdous Substence affecting the Pragerty s necessary,�iorrower shal!promptly take a,,,
<br /> �, ' �' �il nerzssary remedia!actions in accordance wlth Envimnmentat taw. -�
<br /> ' � ���.�� As used in this paragrnph 20, "Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as tozic or hazardous aubstanoes by �I '=--
<br /> ���, •'t�f�`�• Bnvironmental Law and the following substanees: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or to:cic peuoleum products. to�cic =.
<br /> •�; �''fi':�`r� pesdcldes and ih¢rblcides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactivc materiels. As uselt in �—
<br />:;." q� thts paragmptu 20, 'Bnvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurtsdiction where the Properry is located that W._
<br /> � relste to health, safety or enviinnmental protection. f;r.:
<br />• - F NON�UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower and Leader further covenant and agree as follows: C�?
<br /> -� 21.Asoelerallon;R¢m�dies.Lenr�er shnlD gtve nodce to Bomower prlor to aca�le�tdon foilowing Borcow�r's breRCh LA;`.
<br /> R of nny oave���t or agceement in 4h7a SecurQty Iastrument (but not prior to uocelermtton under pnza�+ph 17 unlcss �;>-..
<br />_ �., applicabto la6v provldes otherwise).�r aottce shnll specify: (o)the defnult; (6)the nctIom rsquired to cure the defa�lt; �.�_
<br /> (c)u dpte.not tess tban 3U days fl�om the date the noQce L�gtvefl to�ormwer,by whic�tt+e deYnult mu��6e cured;a�cd �,__.
<br /> (�)tlwtt fntlure to ce�re the detault on or before the date specifled in the notice muy e+esuli !n aceeleratEon ot thQ suma _---
<br />- - secured by thls Secwity Yasttvment nnd snle of the Fe+operty.The noiice shnll further infarm Borro�r of 2.tco right to
<br /> : � .1�.. rein,,�►te after aaceleratton and the r1gRt to bring a coart acnon to a.sse�t the tton�xtsteuce of a deqault or any other �%�`'
<br />-� • • defe�e of Boriower to aoceleration and sele. It the defnult is rto!c�red on or be.Fore tde dute speci[ted in tbo notfce, _
<br />�• � � ""��� I,ender� at its option�mey require humediate payment id ttill of all sums socuc+ed by this Secndty Instrument wd4baut _.
<br /> � .. ` , . further demflmd an�l mny invoke the�vwer of snle nnd uny alher remedles petmitted by appQicable Inw. I.ender slanli be �--._
<br /> , enttt�ed to collect nll ex�enses incurred in pursuin�the remedtes pmvEded in th�s pnsAgrtiph 21,irtdu�tn�, but no4limtte� ��;-:_
<br /> ,�• � . ,�+�` .� to�re�oAAble attor�eyn'81ees nnd costs at titl�evi�l�ce. t;�
<br />� � If thepc�wer of sa7�!l9 invok�, 3'eu5tee ahaUl mPCOrd e notice of defau?i in each oounty in w4ich aqy pa�t of the �'''�
<br /> •�,. . t'.:>i�:
<br /> = , ,,.��• property ie 1�scated ond siwll mMt ca�.9�s ot such notice in the manner pt�escrtbed by npp?Icabte la►w to Boirower tutd to �;.
<br /> •�j��;:�� tl�e oltser g�c�ons prescrihed by applir�ble taw.After the time requtred by appltcable(aw. �Trustce shall give pnbtic nat[ce e�---
<br /> -��-z,. ...`i4�s� oP suto to QQrr�c�sons und in the manner prescrlbcd 6y uppitcnble lnw.Tnutee,�vithout de�nand on Hornower,sl�s8 sell «�
<br /> ' '� : '�. the Pt+aperty nt public ausfion 4o the hlahest bidder at the time nnd place end under the tenns deslsnnt�l in t6e aottce of �.;--
<br /> u . s�te In one or morr p�ls And tn any order Tnr_�tee ddermines.Trustee muy postpone snie of nll or nny purcel of the :::-'
<br /> ," �•� �'' Ptoperty by�SUbltc unuouacemenE at the time a�ed place oi any previously scheduled sale. Lender or i3s destgnee may -
<br /> �. ,fyr,��, Rnt+chos2 tQ�E Frnperty nt any snle. �-�
<br /> .. e;s.
<br /> � .. ... ' •�.� ��F'v
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