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<br /> TORETH�R WITH nll the improvcmenta now or heteafter erected on the prap�r�, und all cascments, appurtenances,and �
<br /> ' , tixturea no�v or hereuRer o part of the prop�rry. All repincements nnd ndditton� ahall nlso bc covered by this Secur�ty �
<br /> ^ Instr�rnent. Ail of the fore�otn�Is refernd to ln this Secudry Inatrument ns the"Property." `�`��-
<br /> A �� BORRQWER CQVENANTS that Burro�ver ir lawfully selRed�f the estute hersby convoycd und hna the right to grunt and
<br /> � ,. canvey the Propany nnd thut the Property ls unencumbered, exccpt for encumbrnnces of record. Borrower warrants and will '
<br /> ,;,r, defend gener�lly tha titla to the Praperty aguinat all cinima und demands,subject to nny encumbrancea of record. ,_
<br /> THIS SFCLJRITY 1NS'fRUMBNT combines uniform cover.unts for national use and nan•uniform covenants with Ilmited "•::
<br /> �� � . vtiriatione by jurisJiction to con.atlwte a unifarm sccurity instrumctiu covcring rc�!property. .�.,.
<br /> � �`� ` UNIFORM COVENlaNTS.Bormwor and Lender covenant and agrex as fallows: �.,
<br /> 1. Poyment of Princlpal und Enter�t; Prepnyment und Late CharQes. Bormwer shall promptly puy when duc the z^
<br /> . '�^""�'"�rn pdncipui of and interest oa the debt evidenced by the Note nad any prepayment and late chnrges du�under the Note. -_=_'
<br /> � 2. �nds for Tnxes and Insurnnce. SubJect to applicable law or to a wrinen waiver by l.ender,Borrower shall pay to -_
<br /> �� ` ," Lender on the day monthly payments are duc uadcr the Note,until the Nota is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxea �-'�
<br /> • and assess�neata which may attain prlority avcr this Secudry Tnstrument us a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold paymenta �:`;__
<br /> �` � or Sround rents on the Property,lf aay;(c)yearly hazard or property Insurance premiums;(d) yearly flood inaurance premtums, �;�:-°
<br /> •• if any; (e)yearIy martga�e insu�Ance premiwns, if any;and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in uccordance with a'��=�
<br /> tz_;.
<br /> ' � the provisions of partt�raph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These itema Are called"Escrow ltems." ;�=_
<br /> Ixnder mny,at any time. coltect and hold Funds in an amount not to eaceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally �"`".
<br /> . � ��; related mortIIage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the fedoral Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Act of ���
<br /> ` 19T4 as amended ftnm�lme to time, 12 U.S.C.SectIon 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA"),unle�s another law that applics to the Funds _-
<br /> = sets a lessar amount. ]Y so, L.ender may.at any time, collect�d hold Funds in an amounc not to excecd t�e lesser Eunount. �""`
<br /> ��4:�.�_�.
<br /> �: . � Y.ender may estimnYe the amount of Funds due on the basis af c�urent data aud reasonable estimates of expenditures af fucurc --
<br /> ,, , Escrow ltems or otherwise In acmrdance wlth applicable law.
<br /> ' � The Funds shnll be deld ia aa inatltution whose deposits are insured Gy a federal agency, instruraentaliry, or entity --
<br /> ; ��;, (including I.ender,if Lender is such an inatitution)or in any Federal Home i.onn Bank.L.ender eh�ll apply the Funds ta pay the =--
<br /> � Escrow ltems.Lender may not chafge Bottower for holdin�Pnd applying the Funds.annudly enalyztng the escrow acca�at�or `
<br /> verifyiag the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest oa the Funds and applicable law permi�s L.ender to make such �:.,___
<br /> ' a churge.However, I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charse for aa independe�u real estate tax reporting servicc
<br /> „ � ,,; used by L,ender in connectton with this los�n, unless applicuble taw provides othenvise, Unless an agreement is made or �t���
<br /> t�pplicablo luw requirea interest to bo paid,Lender ahall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or caminga on the Funds. --
<br /> '� `zi•� ° �`� Borrower and L.endar may a�rce in wdting. however, that interest sha11 be paid on the �unds,Lender ahall give to�arrower,
<br /> <;:�
<br /> �;^ '�. without charge. un aanusi accouniing oi thc run�fc►,eIwwiub ctatti�nriu de�,itn i� the R wzd�an�i thc purimoe far which esch _
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all aums secured by this Secudty insmiment. _--
<br /> �� If the Fuada hald by l,ender exceed the tunounts permitted to be heid by applicable la�v, Leader shnli uccount to Bonower
<br /> ^ • for the excess Fands in accordance wich the requiremencs of apnlicable taw. lf the amount of the Funda held by I.ender at any
<br /> '�.�. .: . .,..: `
<br /> time is nat sufficlent to pay the Escrow Items whan due,Lender may so notify Borrower ip wdting,and,ia►such case Barrower
<br /> shnil pqy to Lender the amount necessury to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more ttian
<br />_,.. �. . , .,, twelve montdly paymeats,at Leader's sole dtscretion. -
<br /> . Upon payment fa full of at! aums secured by this Secudty[nstwnant, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> __:;,�,. ._„�. ' Fuads held by Lender.If.under parageaph 21,Lender s6a11 acquire or sell the Property. Lender,pdor to the acquisition or sule o--�
<br /> �-. -' � � af the Property. shatl apply any Funds held by Lender ac the time of acquiaitiou or sate as a crcdit agaInst the snms secured by �
<br />_— :,.,;,'f.:. this Secudty Instnunent. _
<br />—'-�-:�14• 3.Appltca4tom of Pgymente.UNess appiicable law provides otherwlse,ail payments recelved by Lender under paragrapha
<br /> _ , ,�
<br /> �-- :��_..'�,7,. I aad 2 shall be applied: first.to any prepayment charges duc under the Note;second,to amounts payabl8 under paragraph 2;
<br /> --'�����- ��__:> � thtrd,to interest due;fourth,to prIacipal due;aad last.to any late chsuges due under the Note.
<br /> =---..r�;.-:,.m
<br /> - ;m� 4.Char�esi Llens. Borrower ahall pay all taxes. assessments�cbarges. tiaes and impositlons utxsibutabtQ ro tho Property
<br /> ``'._���4 i�y���•�s �vfiioh may attain priodty over this Security Inatrument,and leasehold puymenta or gr�und rents,if any. Barrower shali pay
<br /> •�;,��• these obligattons in the manncr provided in parngraph 2,or if not pald in that manner,�arrower shall pay them on tince dlrectly
<br /> .. •: �;�.� , . --
<br /> -°� '•?�'� � m the person owed pay�ttent. Bonower s.hall pmmptiy fi�mish to L.ender all nodces of amounta to be paid under this para�raph. �.-
<br /> •� ��� - If 8orrower malces ihese payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fLmish to Lender recclpts avidencing the pnyments.
<br /> _ -� •` '-'' � Borrower sbalt promp@y dtschar�e any Hen which has pdoriry over this Security inatrument unless Bonower.(a)a$rees in
<br /> �"n°��"'' writIng to the payment of the abli�ation sec,urcd by the{ien in a mnnner acceptable to Leader;@) co�►te.cts in good fatth the lien ` '__�
<br /> =^'�''���,;;~" by. or defends a�ninst enforcement of the lien tn, legel p�in�s which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the __
<br /> �e:, .. .• _
<br /> _.�f��,�. .�. . —---
<br /> ,,. . �� enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures•from the holder of the lien an agreem«t antisfactory to Lender subordinating the Iten to
<br /> _ � : _ �, this Security Inamimcnt. !f l.ender detcrcaines chat any part of tl�e Properry is subject to a lien whidt�raay attciin pdority over
<br /> " this Secur�ry Instniment. Lender may Bive Burrow�r a notice tdenttfyiug the Iten.Borrowec shall satisfy the Hen or take one or _--
<br /> :•�r?�:'��•• • , � more of the actions set forth above withie 10 days of the giving of nottce. :..
<br /> ' �,s���, , a�
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