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. ... ; . ,: . . . . . <br /> , , ' � .. , . S. „ '1�- . ..' <br /> l� " <br /> � - , ' � ..,� ....a•. . .•� . ,J� �. . ..... <br /> .. ' .«rw�..wrrlyYmvWyu.���r...{._' . . . ,. '� .' . 'y .. � ., - .�" . • . . _,. ._ ....t =_—.—. <br /> , . .. . ..f.. <br /> •. <br /> , . , . . , . � - . <br /> ...._�t._�........:_—'_—_—�__--..._.._.._........_.._...--"'--^,_.._...� _ ._..--_"--...._._.i""�._._�.--'-"-'_'--`--'--"'._�__._...._ _ <br /> puyments muy no lon�er t►�reyuireci,ut the optiun��f I.ender,if mortpu�olnsurunce crnerugc lin the iimount i�nd for the�SCriod <br /> that l.ender requireK)providcd by un Insurer approvcd by l.endcr agais�Dcc��meti irvnilublc und is otsta�ined. Borrower shull puy <br /> thc prcmiumv rcquircd�u mnintuin nu�rtgu�{o in�,urc�nre in eCCcct,ur to p ruvldc n 1•mx rescrvc,until tl�e reyuircntent f�r mnrtgAgc <br /> inxurunce ends in i�crurdunce wlth uny written u�reemcnt betwcen Burru�ror crir�l.,�ndcr or upplicu6le liiw. - <br /> ° 9. Inv�cr9tnn. L.ender��r itx�tQent muy muke rcus�mi�ble eo4rlcs a�pan iiml intiprctinns af the F'r��perty. l.endcr shull �ive <br /> . ° "• Bonowcr noHcc nt Uic�Inic��f ur prinr ta an inwpccti�,n s�u;cifyfuls rcnu►�i�bic cau�c for ihc inspectinn. <br /> .. 10. t'on�entnttQiun. 'I��a procecd�of imy awnrd ��r clrihn fi�r du nuln-�.dircr� ��r r�m�cquentiid, in'c�mnrctiun with i�ny = <br /> ,�, candemnntion ur otlicr tnking��f ciny paa��f the Property,��r G�r runv�ymr�In licu ai cundemniuluu,i�re I�erchy i�.r•tiigneJ nnd <br /> � shull bc pnid to l.cndcr. <br /> ;;;;;�:�1� bi thc evcm uf u totul tnking uf thc Property,thc pr��cecdn shull be appl ial tt��he aun�x nccun.�i by thic Sccurty lnstrument. <br /> .. .,:�� . whcther or not then duc, with uny exrrss puid to Harrowcr. In¢he evcai of a partiul takinB �tif thc Pmpi:n� �n which the falr <br /> market vuluo of tho Pcopeny immecliately befon the tuking ia equul t� ar�eeater than the umount of the sumx secured by this - <br /> ° Securiry Iastrument immedintcly befon the teking.unless Bonower und Lendcr rnherwise agree jn writing,tho sums secured by <br /> this Secudty Instrument shull be reducect by the amaunt af thc proc�eds rnultiplied by the folfowing fmction: (u) the totul <br /> amuunt of'the sums secured immediately bcforc the taking.divided by @) the fulr mnrket value of the Pmperty immediately <br /> ;, before thc tukinII. Any bulance shall be paid ro Barrowcr. In the cve n�of u purtial takin� of thc Praperty in which tha fair � <br /> • �• "' mntkct vulue of the Property immodiately before the tnking is less thun U�c ramount of the sums secured immediutely before the <br /> tul:ing. unless Borrower und L.endcr otherwlse agrec in writing or unlessnpplicublc law othcrwise pravldes,the proccxds shall � <br /> , . .•,�' be npplied to the sums secuced by this Sccurity Instrument whether or nat the sums ure then due. <br /> � ff thc I'raperty is abandoncd by Botrawcr,or if,aftcr noticc by Lsadcr to Borcowcr that thc candcmnar offcr�to make an � <br /> . " � uwarrd or settle a claim for dAma�es, Borrower f�ils to respond to Lender �vithin 30 duys after ihe dute the notice is�iven, <br /> •�"� �� �,' i.ender is authorized to coltcxt und apply the proccxds,ut its option,eitlher to r�toretjun or rcpair of the Property or to the sums � <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt,whether or not then due. <br /> -• .�.--';�� Unless i.ender and Borrower othenvise a�ree in writing. any applicaaon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or W <br /> " post�one the due date of tPee rr�onthly paymenis nferred to in parasraph�I�red 2 or chenge the omount of such pnyments. � <br /> 1i" '�,, . 11.Barrower Not 13efepsed; Tarbeurance By Leader Not a Wai�•er. Extension of the time for payment or malificAtion <br /> ; •, _ of amortizntion of the sumR secured by thls Security Instrument�rantedl bp Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower sh;�El <br /> � not operate to relcasc the ilability af the original Borrower or Borrower'ssucassors in interest. I.ender shaU not be required rta <br /> - �,�` .;�' �� cammeace proceedings a�ainst any successor in interest or ref�se to ex tea�t dimc for payment or otherwise modify nmortimtion <br /> " � of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by rc;►son of any demand mztde by thc ori�inel Borrower or B�orrower's <br />``'- ;�� -��°•. ss.�tce�.�uzs ir.fnter�t. :1n;forbesrsnce b; Lend�r in ezerczsing assy r=_g�!•Vrremed; �ha!!mx be u �a�e�r af ar prxlusl�thP <br /> � � � exerclsc of uny right or remedy. <br />_"�"�+'�'�'••� 12. 3neees.cors und Assigns B�und; Jotnt and Severnl Llablliq; Casi�aers. The covenants and agreementx of tfi�is <br /> � <br /> '���''�:,;'%'sti. SecurIty Instrumc�tt shatl t+ind and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisIons of <br />�+,:��!'T:y�r'.' pa�'pgraph 17. Bonower's covenanta und agreements shnll be joint aud,cveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br />_���,1`'•`;:,,•;t;': IInstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is casignin�this Securiry Instniment only td mortsuge, �rnnt nnd canvey that <br /> '','�`"`3"';rN`�` Borrower`s inte�st in the Property under the terms of this Security Instnmcnt; (b)ls not personally oblignted to pay the sums <br /> =:._.Sw.::n1u. <br />=F;°'.;. ;�.f� secured by this Securlty Instrument;nnd(c)a�rces that Lender and any dher Borrower may agree to extend,modify. forbour or <br /> --vfR�WN'S <br /> _____ _ _ ','� make any acoommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Inst iumentor the Note without that Barrower's wnsent. <br /> `���;��='��' 13.I.oun Chur�es. If the loan securod by this Secudiy Instrumentis subject to n Ic�w whtch sets maxin►um loan chargex. <br /> '�`'"�`4'`�`�+�'� and thut law is finnll inte reted so that the interest or other loan ch <br /> _,��;_�_r¢�, y rp arges callected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> _______-_�•�: lonn exceed the permitted Iimits,then: (a)any sucf�loan charge ahall be reduad by the funount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> �,����,�_ to the permittecI limit:artd(b)any sums nlready collected from Borrowa which exceeded ge:rma¢ted limits wlll be refunded to <br />—.--��,r�' Barrawer. I.ender mny choose to makc this refund by rcducin� the p�ncip�l owed under thc Note or by rnaktn�u dire,�t <br />?_�L��� payment to Borrower. Iff a refund reduce� principat, the reductlon will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> _____ _ ' prepayment charge under ahe Note. <br /> ___��; 14.Notices.Any natiee to Borrowcr provlded for in this Secudty iastavment shnll be given by deliverin�it or by tt�ultinII <br /> _- -=___ it by first class mail�.�nless applicable law requires use of nnother mettsad.'F'he notice shnll be directed to tlie Praperty Address <br /> �—',.:���: or nny other�ddmss Borrower d�ig�ates by notice to Lender. Any notice to ..ender sMll !se�iven by first cla�s mail to <br />=:�..��.�.,a�� <br /> _ - - — L.ender's eddress stated hemtn or nny other uddres.+I.endcr desf�nates br nalce to Bormwer. Any aotice provided for in this <br /> _-_---__ Sca�rity Instrument shalt i�e deemed tu liavr be�u giva.n tu Bouuwer er Lcnderwhcn given as provideti in thls para�raph. <br />-_=�.�i 1S.Govcrning I.�w; SevernDilily. This Security Ituctrument shdl be governe� by federai !nw and the lnw oftho <br /> ==`=:�;`-�;ti: jurlsdIction in which the�propc�ty ls lora►ted. In the event that any provhion ar clnus��f thia Securiry Instrument or the?�ote <br /> =.u��'�('j��'��� oonflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull not affect other provlsiam of this Secudty Instrument or the Note whtch cAn be <br /> ��,'`;=u�t;;... � givcn effe:ct without the cant]icting provision.To thia end the provisiomof this Securiry Instrument nnd the Note str�e declured <br /> -`_=���: i to be severnble. <br />___ ":^�I i 16.�orrower's Copy.Borrower shull be given one mnformesf mpyof the Note and of this Secu�ity Instrument. <br />- , ir;. � Fotm 80a'3 �J/80 <br />°.- , . ( Papo 4 ot 8 <br /> :.- ,;;, i <br /> - �'� �"���;. i <br /> _. <br /> :..,.... , , <br /> ., � <br /> _ ,. __ _ -_ ----=-__--- - -_ -_ _ _ _-- _ -- <br /> � �_...�� ..�.._ _ _ <br /> w �- -- <br /> �- - _- p , . _ ,... yvy— <br /> ,�'�� �'�t __� • . - .: -.- l�." �.�-''1_'��i`�.' ^.;�.:'!".��o4+i3�uiY� '" <br /> � � ' �r'� _w... <br /> _ _ . ____— _—_ _ _- _�_— —___ --'_ ___ -- _— �� <br /> _" _ .," ._ _T _'. _—._ ._____ - , __-, - _- ._--__ ____. _ ' - _ _ �- __.. <br /> :� -. -�- �r�-�:.�_ .._ ,. � . � <br /> . . y�� �� y) - .. .. . .._.. �.. ..:..�— . . . . .J <br /> . Y • „ � o ' ... , .� •• . �' ... . ., k, •-l��._:�. <br />_ ' , .- .. ' . ' .. �• ' .. 1 .... �� .. � . . ,.. ' • t .,..���'- <br /> . . . . � . .. � . , � .. � ' r ,. <br /> _ : u � .. ..�p ' . ' . � � %!� .. .' .� - y � .. � � <br />�_ •� ' .. „ . .� -� . .. . � .. .' . . . , .' . . , l . <br /> .. �. . •. . � .. . . <br /> '' _ .i .- .. .'? , ' . .. r . , . . . • _ .. <br /> „ , ll ..,, �, ... I , .. . .' 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