<br /> , �� , .
<br /> � . ' , . ,
<br /> , „ , � � ..,..,,... .
<br /> .„... _,,., ,. . � .,
<br /> ,. ., .. ... . .. _
<br /> .. ..... ...... ..-.
<br /> r__..__......---..___.�____._-----..__. . ,,
<br /> „ .,
<br /> � ' 17.Trnnafcr n�tlte �nperty or u lieneflrinl Intcrc-:t In lDorro�ecr.II'iiU ur any purt�d�the {'ruperty ur uny i�urrcrt in it r� �
<br /> iy.ruld ur tra►nsfcrrcd (ar if n bcnch��nl intcrrst in Horr��+vcr i,,uW ur lrurnf�rnd�ind Burruwcr i��n+t u �nUur�d per��ntl withuttt
<br /> . IAndcr's priur wrfttcn ca�ncnt, l.�rndcr muy. iu itti upli��n, rrquirc hnmcdiutc puymcnt in 1'uU «f ull yumr ,crureJ hy ihih ;`'
<br /> � ^ Sccurity Imtrumcnt. linw�vcr. thi�opdan shull not Itc racrci�cd by lAUdcr if cxcrci,c i���►ruhihitcd hy lcdcrnl I�►w ii,ui tl�c didc �,},
<br /> of'this Sccurfty li�strumcnt. ;':
<br /> .� ' If l.endcr cxrrci�c�thi���ptiun,Ixad�:r+h�iU givc 1lurruwcr miticc uf urccicrution. 'fl�c noticc tiludl I�ruvidr u�sc�iod u(aut
<br /> .. Icss ihun itl duys 1'rum thc di�tc tNc naticc iy dclivercd i�r nniUcd within which Hurruwrr mu�,t pay ull �umy �,ccured I�y thiy }'_:
<br /> „ Sccurity In+trununt. !f Surrutver iitilti U�piry thcsc tiunts priar t��thc expir�di�ui uf Ud+{�criod. I.�ndrr n�uy.i�ivuke uny renudic�
<br /> ' penniucKi hy thix Sccurity Ins�rumcnt without tunhcr nnucc�n dcmm�d on 8w u�wro. �,,�. .
<br /> � IA, liorrn�rcr•n ttl�sht M Rclnstntc. If B��rrowcr mects �crtuin ccmditluns, Hurruwcr tihull havc thc right tu huvc -----
<br /> � --��:� ; enfirr�:emcnt ��f thfs Sccurity Intitnmicnt diuontinucd at uny time prior to the curiicr uf: (n) g duy+(ur tiurh uthrr perii�l u.ti � -�,�.;:
<br /> �" "' ' upplicablc lu�v �nuy ypccify fc�r rcinstutcmentl bcfurc �ulc af thc Pmperty pursuuiu tu uny puwcr ul' tiulc runtuincd in thi+ � �;_<<=-:.
<br /> • '�r`"' Srcurity Instrumcnt; or(b)entry of u judgment cnfoning tt�iE Security instrument. Tho.c cc��iditiom urc thut&�rrower:(u)puyti -_-_
<br /> rn:i.�:__�
<br /> • IAnder ull sums�vliich then wauld be due und�r this Security Inrtrur�ent iind the Nntc n.r if no uccclennian hud u�:cucred;(b) ;�.;�,_„,_
<br /> cures nny defuult of uny ather covenunts ar ugreements; (c)pny�all expenses incurre�t in enfarcing dtis Security Inctcument. � C`�--'"
<br /> " A including, but not limited to. reusonnble Attorneys' fees;and(d)tukes sucl►uction us l.endcr may mu.+o��ubly require tu u+sure �''
<br /> � that the licn of thir S�:curity Instrumcnt. I.endcr's rights In the Property und Born�wcr'r obligutinn tu puy tl�c sum�:securcd by �_
<br /> � E this Security Instn�ment shull mntinue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Burrower. thi+ 5ecunry In�t�untent und the
<br /> obligutions secumd hereby shull remain fuily effective as if no arceteratiun hud ocrurrr�. Huwcver,thiti right h�rein+tute hhull �._
<br /> not npply in thc case of ucccicration undcr paragraph 17, �
<br /> ° 19. 3ale at Note; Change of i.oun SYrvlcer. The Note or n p:srtial interest in the N��tr (tngether with this Security -��'._-
<br /> � Instrument)may be sold une or more timc.K withaut p�ior notice ta Borrawer. A sale muy rcxult in u chunIIe in thc entity(known
<br /> � Y as the"l.�an Servicer')thot coliects monthly payments diee under the Note und this Security Tnstrument.Therc alsa may be one '_-_
<br /> , � °'; or mare chnnges of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a ssile of the Note. If therc is a change uf the i.oun Servicer,Burruw�i•wiii be �-__
<br /> . � , given written notice of the ch:inge in uccordance with para�mph 14 ubove and s�pplicable law.Tho ncitice will state the niune nnd ��
<br /> address of the new Loun Servicer and the add�ess to which pnyments should be made. The notice wilt also c�ntuin uny ather
<br /> informntton required by uppltcable law. �``-'
<br /> ' 20. �Inznrdous Substances. Borrower rhnil not cuuse or pem►it the presence, use, dispowl, storage, ar mle�.se of uny -
<br /> " '' � � Hazarciaus Substances on or in t6tc Property. Burrower shall not da, nor allow unyone else to do, anything uffccttng the ..-_,-
<br /> � Property that is 3n vialntion of any Environmemal Law, The preccding two scntences shall not npply to the presenez, use, or �-'-��--
<br /> ' � storage an the Property of smap quantities of Hnzardous Substances thnt are genc�ally recognited to be appropriate ro nomial -_
<br /> � ° residential uses und to muintenunce of thc Property. --._.
<br />_ �, , � Borrower shalt promptly give Lender�vritten notice of uny investigation,ctaim, demund. lawsuit ur other uction by any =,_.
<br /> governmentul or�e�ulatory agency or privatc pu►ry Involving the Property and any Haz:udaus Substr.nce or Snvironmeatal Luw �_
<br /> of which Borrower has uctuaf knowledgc. If Bonowcr lea�rns, or is notifled by uny governmental or regulatary authorlty,thut
<br /> -. _.""_. ,- � _ �y�wmnvai or other rcmediution of any H�zutdous Substance affecting the Property is necessnry,Borrower shall pmmptly tnke
<br /> � . uU neccssary reme�ial actions in accordance wit�M Envlronmental Law.
<br /> As uscd In thes paragmph 20, "Hautrdaus Substances"ure those subst�nces dcfined us toxic or huu�rdous subsuutces by
<br /> Environmentnl Lnw and the fullowin� subetAnces: gncoline, kerosene, ath�r fl:unmable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> • pesticide�and herbicides,vulatile solvents.mnteriuls wnt:sining asbestas ar furrnaldchyde,nnd radioactive muteriiils.As used in
<br /> -° . this purngraph 20, "Environmentat Law" means federal laas and luws of the jurisdtction where the Property is locnted thut
<br /> ' mlute to health.cufety or environmental protectlan.
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVBNANTS.Borrawer und Lcnder further covenent and agrcc as foltows: _
<br />- � - . Zl.Accelerntion;Remedtes.I.e�sder shu71�ive notice to BmTOwer prior to ucceleration followdn6 Borrower's breach
<br /> • • ..:�. � of any covenAnt or n�reement in thi.4 5ecwr8ry Instrument (bnt not prior to accelerntton under pnrn�rnpG 17 unlcss
<br /> • . ' apptics�ble law provtdes athenvise). The notice shall specif'y: (n)the default; (b)the action required to cure the dePuult;
<br /> '•� "t'�:'� (e)a dntc,not less thun 30 days trom tlte date the notice ts g[ven to Borrower,by a�htch the defnult mus4 bc cured;und _
<br /> i�h;.,,,d-r'" ----..
<br /> �''°•°���'+"+ (d)thnt faiture to cure the defuult on or before the dnte spectfied !�the notice reu�y result in naelerntion of the sums
<br /> '�cxi�j�lly.„'y�.
<br /> =� _ �;e�.,,�.� secured by thic sesurlty Insirumcnt and sa�e of the Property. The rtotice shall further inform Borrower ot the r t to
<br /> '����.�rws,�, r�einsWte ufter a�s�eratlor, nnd the righ4 to �rinp�a eourt actton to as5ert the non�xlstence of�defnult or nny oiher
<br />-R;,-ri:s :�»;�; defense of Borrower to ncceteratton and sale. It the defaait is not cures�on or befure the dnte specifl�d in the notice,
<br /> �"" i.endcr, at its oplion, moy reguirc: tmmediute�ymezet in tLll of�ll sums secured by this Securtty Instru�nent without
<br />:s°.>;�'���`°'• --
<br />-�;:.7f�J!�.,r,.=�;� further demnnd nnd may invoke the power of salc and uny other remedies perm[tted by app{icnbtc luw.I.ender shnll he _
<br /> � � ' ��'�• entitled to oolicxt alt ex�ensev ia�rarred in pua�suing the rcmedies provtded in this parogrnpl�21�irtciuding,but not Itmited -
<br />�^.,'�.';,_,- —
<br /> T:!t'7 J;4'r. � �.
<br /> �• � �"� • to,remsonable attorneys tees u��J castis of title eyidence.
<br />""`�'=` ' �� � � It thepo wer of sule is invoked,Trustee shall recorcl n notice oP alefault in each rnunty in which uny p�rt uf the
<br /> _ ;.,`:a�,_ Property is lacated and shall mall coples of such notice in the manner presceibed by appltcable Inw lo Bornower attd to �
<br /> ��--�•-•� the other pensons prescribecf bar appllEnble law.Ai'ter the time required by uppllcnbte Inw.Trustee shall give pu6ftc nottce
<br /> .
<br />