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�?3,AS- r �9ch�r „..� ' ... , � /(:`:'r:•`:5`�i��. .. .n��i <br /> t�+� :: `:�r�? . ��...,,, �� �, <br /> ,;.;t;. . ,' . ,, '�,...�;, ' . .. • ...�,. <br /> �i;���� ,,:��� ,;+ , ��,� . . ,. . ` .,, <br /> .:� . , , .;; ;,; . � �: .. , ' . <br /> , � ' . o �� ' .. ° . . � ' "�.y f;`r:.:.�.� <br /> . . - . 1q/iMM!M-Nx►a�_ • . - -, ... , . .. -' - . , . . , c--' ___ <br /> .. , _ , .. . - _.. ... <br /> ' _ <br /> _...._.._..�i.:,.. �. - ,_. �_._..__......�.._._......_..._...""'"_•___��_,__.�_'_"'•"'.,_...._."".... . ....... ..."'...._."..__"._._._._...._...._."'___'_.._�.-�. <br /> . I .. <br /> S. Hauird ort�1'eoperty I�.ss�runce. Borrower shull keep the improvements naw existinp �r hereufter erectai an thc - <br /> � PropeMy insured u�ain4t lass by fire, hazurds included within thc term "extendcd rovcrage" und uriy��ther h�v.urds, including <br /> ,. fl�ody ar fluading, for which Lcndcr requires intiuranca This insur:uicc shuli bc muintainixi in thc umounts iuiJ fcir the perirnls - <br /> ' � thut 1_cnder rcquires.Thr,insurnnce currier providing the insurunce shult be chusen by Borrower sul�ject tn L.cnJrr'.r i�pp�oval <br /> - � which nhull nut bc unreasonubly withhcld. If Borniwcr fai�c;t�� nn►inwin cavcrngc dcscril►cd ubmc, I.�:ndcr muy, ut I.cndcr'r, � -- <br /> ° optto�i,ohu�in covcr�gc to protcct l.cndcr's rights in t{ic Propeny in accordnncc wlth pnra�rupl�7. � _ <br /> . � All intiurancc policicti und renew:dS tihnll hc urceptnhle tn I.�ndcr i�nd chull includ�u�tundnrd nu►n�mt!e rluu�c. l.cndrr _ <br /> �° yhi�U hu�re thc �ight w hi�ld the pollcics und renewulti.If I.endcr rsyuires,Bormwcr tihull pn�mptly gjve t��l.�n�lct ull rerc{pt+u[ � <br /> puid premiumx imd rcno�vul noti��e..In the�vent af lass.l�or�ower shull give prompt notice to the in,urimce rurrier und Ixnder. <br /> Y�:�M;�;�,i IAndrr m+�y makc pnx�f of luys if not mude prumptly hy Norrowcr. <br /> <„m,,. i)ntcyv[.ender nnd Bormwer othrrwiac ugree in wtitin{;,insuriu�ce pnscecd�xhull hc i�pplied ti�resturuti�m ur rep,►ir uf Qu <br /> - „ , s Propeny durnu�tcJ, if thc re,tonUli.n or rep.iir i�+ec�mumiatlly fca+ible und Lendcr's,ecurity is nut'thc rr�turution or <br /> repulr is nnt economicnlly fea+ihle�tir I.ender's+;ecurhy wuuld hc Iesxcned, U�c inyu�ance pnmced,,Bull be upplicJ tu Uu tiums�d . <br /> securcJ hy thiti S�:�urity Intitrument, whethcr or n��t then duc, wlth uny cxcctis puid a► &m�iwcr. If 8orrowcr uhan�luns thc <br /> � ' Pruperty, i�r doc�not unswer within 30 days u noticc from I.cndcr thnt thc insuruncc curricr hu+��ffcr�Kl tu.cttic u cluim, dun <br /> � l.ender moy cotlect the insurance procecJs. l.ender may use the pmcecds to repuir or re�tnrc the Pruperty or to pay sums <br /> ' • sccured by this Security lnrtrument,whether ar not then due.Th�30-day pertud will begin when thr. notice!s given. <br /> �.r Unless I.ender ru►d Bonower otherwise agree in wdting, nny upplicution of proce:cds to principul tihull not extend or <br /> _ ' �: postpone the due date of the monthly pnymcnts referred to in paragrnphn I and 2 ar chunge thc amount c�f the puyments. If <br /> under pamgruph 21 the Fru�e�iy is ucyuI��ed by i.ei�dc:r. 8orrower's r�ght ta any insurance polici�+und proceeds resulting from <br />„ damage to the Propeny prtor to the ucquisitlon shaU pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instn�ment <br /> , immediutely prlor to the ucquisition. <br /> . 6.�tcup:�ncy, Preservatton, Maintenance and Protec28or�of the Pcogerty;Borrower's Loan Applicntion; Lepseholds. <br /> • �` �� 8orrower shaU occupy,establish.und use the Property as Horrower's principul residence within sixh�days uRer tho executlon of <br /> ..;;.� <br /> �� i this Security Instrument and sh�ll continue to accupy the Property as Bottower's principal residence for at least one year uftcr <br /> �� .. � the dnte of accupuncy,u�less Lender otherwise agrees in writin�,which consent shnll�ot be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> � ..�} �� extenuatin� circumstances exist which ure beyond Borrower's control. Hanawer sh�lf not destroy, dnma�e or impair the <br /> '.,i Peopetty, ullaw the Property to deter�ornte, or commit wastc on the Property. Borrower shalt be in default if any forfettum <br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or criminul, is began that in Lender's good faith jud�ment coutd result in forfeiture af tha <br /> � .;: ., : Property or othenvisr.mater�ully impair thc lien crented by this 5ecurity Ins2rument or Lender'�s saurIty intcrest.Borrower may <br /> ,. <br /> .. , .,_._. . <br />:::s.,r�.,`;�.:;`�• , iiiic SiI��'i a 3cfauii a;�i:.�tU28iC•�providt�!3n�rsarsph 1$.by t:3tZSit�a Ihe A%��i�I1 s+T Ft!w't'rKli�g t�,Fu��iicmi�.cc�1 whh a rui ng <br /> ' � . � • t that. in l,ender'a good faith determination. precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or otheY matorial <br />- ' im airment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's securtty intemst. Borrower shall nlso be in dafault if <br />.'_+,,:`.. p <br /> a� ••: � Borrower.during t9�e loan appitctstion process,gave materially f�lse or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> _"`='��' } to provide Lender with any muterial Information)in connection with the IaAn evidencc�l by the Note,includin�,but not limite� <br />=�'�,��� ' � to.representntions concemin�Borrower's occup:incy of the Propeny as a principal r��sidence.If this Seca�dry Instrument ie ou a . <br /> ^,��3�� '�'�`' 1eASehold. Borrower shaii com I with all the rovisions of the lease. If Borrower ac uires fee title ro the Pro � the <br />:,;•;_:=,.,,... P Y P G P rt3'• <br /> `" '����'����y leasehold and the fee title shall not mcrge unless Lender ugrees to the merger in writing. . <br />_��.:�ari.�..•�..�F� , t <br /> 7.Protectiom at I.ender s Rights in tieP Property.If Bormwer fnils to perfonn the covenants and agreements con4t►inod ln <br /> �,i�.r���,:n,,-�r'�� this Security Instn�ment.or there ts a leg�l proceeding that may si�nificantty uffect Lender's rlghts in the Property(suoh ns u • ,.o <br /> praceeding in bankruptcy,pmbate.for condemnation or forfeiture or ta enfarre inws or regu�ations),then Lender moy da und .. � <br /> .-`��''`-'- � a for whntever is necessary to rote�t the value of thc Pro erty and Lendor's ri hts in the Pro ert Lender's actions may <br />-�. ti---.:--���i P Y P D 8 P Y• <br /> :�_;.�=���.�� inciude paying ony sums secured by a lien which has priarity over thts Security Instrument, appeartng in cv�nrt� payingt . <br /> --'—z""`-'-•�+.�'.� reasonuble attAmeys'fees tuid entedn�on the Froperty to muke repairs. Although I.ender may take action under t114�p�regmph <br /> -..._�--�-r�"�=�• ?.i.ender does not have to do so. <br /> _~�''=-'j5'-'� Any nniaunts diabwsed by Lender under thts paragraph 7 shall becamc additton�l debt of Borrower secured by thta <br /> _.�ui?,,s...�,. <br /> :.;;::%�;:.;• Secur[ry Instrumen�t.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tcrms of pnyment.these umounts shall bear interest fi+om the <br /> '�����,�'• dute of disbursemPm ut the Note rate snd shall be payable, with intereat. ugon notice from I.ender to Borsower requesting <br /> �,.:. <br /> _:�:;.;a,-:,�,�..._� payment. <br /> �---=-_=�'-_� 8.Mort�ge Insurance.If L.ender required mort�age insumncc us u conditton of making ehe loan sccured by thls Secutity <br /> � ---- Instn�ment, Borrower shall pay the premiums requfrecl to mnintain the mort�age insurance je effext. If. for any reason� tite <br /> .-.��� mort��ge insurance rnverage requimd by Lender lapshs or ceases to ba in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums ntqulrcd to <br /> "_��;� obtain covera�e substantinlly equivalent to the mortguge insurence previously in effect,ut a cost substantially equivalc:nt to the <br /> :-'-x:re�;:��;� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurnnce previously in effect, from an alternate mortgagc insurer approvod by I.ender. If <br /> --`�'`=�^7':�. subswntially equivaleot mortgage insurnna:caveru�e is not nvailablt,Bornower shall puy to Lendeg cach month a sura equnl eo <br /> _ •�' -�::-�� one•twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurnnce premium being p�id by Bonower when the InsurAnce co►•erage Inpsod or ceased to <br /> ,� ise in effect.Lender will nccept,use and retain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu of mortgo�e insumnce. Loss reserve <br /> • . .. . :,;.� Form 3028 9l80 <br /> Pepo 3 N 8 <br /> .. . 1 – - -s.-�...............:_.._..-�..��...av..K�is-. _ <br /> .. .. _ __ _ . .- " __... -_ "��'••''S-. <br /> . � . -. ._.. ..r_�. ....----� - <br /> ------- ' `--- �–�--- ---'"____-- � . . . ..� . <br /> �. �' . �•- ,:__ .. — --– - . - ---�-- -- . r _ -- . .- .. . , <br /> _ �.�_.__ ..._. <br /> ,_", <br /> g- . <br /> -��- - d ' ` . , , . <br /> ; . . . , .:',.. •'� Y� ��a,.� <br /> • �-- <br /> - .^Y . .__-_ _-l____" _____. ____,.__-_____.__-____.___-_-__._ - b . .. _ S` _' " __.�..� <br /> - ...- .. __r -_-__"__- _�______ . _.____.__-"__.__ _ _ _-- ____- .__ _-_"'".--"_---,._ _'" .—__ � -.� . .-- _"_�z '_-___" __-_____-_-___- - - <br /> , .�r_ .-: -T -�._ <br /> .- '��.-.:. <br /> - ' �' . .. . . .. .. � �., U.i �' . ' ... .. _ <br />__ .• � . - ' .� . " , � .. . . . n " +. J �. � .. .. - <br /> , . ' + . � . u . . o .. �� �. ,' ' <br /> . . . �.,f:':;'l' ' " , , .. ' �i .. . . 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