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<br /> TOf3ETHEti WlTH:tli the imp�nvemems now or her�uRer crected an the property,and all eusemenrs, nppurtenanccs.nnd j�=
<br /> � • °� fixwrc� now on c�maftcr u part of the propeny. AU replucements und ndditions shull also bc rovcred by this Security �
<br /> ' Instrument.All c�f thc fam�oing is referrc�d to in this Securlty Inr,trument u�the"Propeny."
<br /> ' � BORROWER COVENANTS thut Bor�uwer is IawPully seisui of the�ytate hercby ronvcyed und has the right to gmnt and �
<br /> � " canvcy the Property und that the Property is�nencumbered, except for enrumbrnnces of record. Borri�wer wurrnnts and wiU `�
<br /> ' defend generally the title to thc Property aguinst all r!uims und dcmunds,subjcct to uny cncumbrunces of record. �-
<br /> �� � t' THIS SfiCURI'fY INSTR.UMENT combines untform covenants for natlalul use und non•unifonn covenunts with li�nited
<br />-- , vnriations by jurisdietion ta constitute a uuiforne.ecurity in+uume+n euverin�reul pru}xrty. ' �
<br /> � ^j' UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bnrrawer und L.ender covenant und Agrec us follaw�:
<br /> ��. ..�-`=—� l. Puyment of Prrlttclpul nnd Intcr�t; Prepayment und I.nte Chary.scw. Borrowcr shull prorn�tly puy when due the ;_
<br /> ���� principnl of und interest on the debt evtdenced by the Note und nny prepi�y�nent imd lute chur�es dua under the Note.
<br /> , ��7y��� 2. �nds [or Taxes and insurnnce. Sub�ect tn uppitcuble law ur to u written wuivee by l.cnder, Bornxver rhull pag to -
<br /> I.endcr on the day manthly paymontn um duc undcr the Notc,until thc Nuto la puid in full,i►sum t"Funds") fiir: (u1 yct�dy tnxe4 �.
<br /> � - and as�cssm�nts whirh muy uttuii�priurlty uver thin�ecurity Instrumrnt i�s u lirn on thc Pmpcny: {b1 yri►dy Icu,chutd pay��tenty� ::
<br /> , • or ground rents mi thc Propcny.if uny;(c)ycurly Niva►rd ur prapcny inrurnncc prcm�un�n;(d)ycurly(lu��l in�urcince�mmit�m.r. _-
<br /> •� if uny: lc)ycurly mort�a�c insu�uncc prcmiums, if uny; imd(fl any r�utnr pnyuhlc Ny Hurrawcr t�� lAndcr, in ucron0ancc wlth�
<br /> . �,; thc pr�►vihiimti of pi►rngraph S. in licu nf thc pnymc�n of mort�o�e insurunrc prcmiumr,Thcyc itcmy arc cuUcd"I:ncr��w Itcm9."
<br /> l.ende� mny. at any tintc, rnlicrt iatd hold Pu�zdr in iim m�uunt not tu cxrecd the mnxtmum mnuunt u Icndcr fi►r a� fnlcrnlly�#° --
<br /> . . rclutcd mort�uge tuum m�y rcyuirc tirr Horru�ver's r+crow u�rount undcr thc fcdcrul Rcsd �stutc Settlemcnt PnKCCIu�c+Act of�►
<br /> � , :�. 1974 i�z i►mended fr��m timc to timc. 12 U.a�.C. Sertioa 2td11 e�.scy. ("RE?SPA"),unlcss uni�thcr luw thut uppHc�to thc�unds
<br /> �. sct�u lcwscr ununmt. If no, l.endcr may,ut uny timc, collcct nnJ hold Fundx in un anu�unt not to cxcccd chc Icsscr amnucst. � =
<br /> . , � L.cnder muy estimatc 1hc iimount of Funds dua an thc bii�ix�if'current dutu und reusonublc estimatea of expenditures af future w
<br /> , Escmw Items ar otherwise in uccordance with nppiicuble luw. _
<br /> , " .�, Tho Fands shall bc hcld in un institution whose depowitK ure in�urcd by u iedcrul agency, instrumentulity. or cntity
<br /> �"` ,. (i�nctudins i.cnder.If I..ender is such an institution)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bnnk.Lender shall apply thc Funda to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lendor may not churge Borraaer for holding nnd upplying thc Funds.annuully unalyxing the escrow acwunt,or
<br /> � - vedfying the Escrow Items,unless l.ender puys l3orrower interest on the Funds and applicuble law permits Lender to make such
<br /> u charge. However.I..ender muy mquire Borrower to pny a one-time churge for un independent real estate tcuc reporting serviccs _
<br />� �• used by L.ender in connection wlth this loan. unless uppiicable Iaw provides othenvisc. Unless an agrecment is made or
<br /> y�`.' upplicsible law requires inter�5t to bc puid. Ixnder shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or earnings on t�e Funds.
<br /> • • .^ , $orrower und Lender muy agree in writin�,however,that intercst shall be paid on the Funds. [xnder shall give ro Borrower.
<br /> � �'"';'""�,` � t without ehnrge. an annual aecaunting ot the Nunds. showing cr«iics und debics co che Fund�w�J ti�c�;ui�,sa for zai�icit eacts °
<br />-;�,.,;;-}�f����f��,�"��'�' debit to thc Funds was mude.The Fund�are pledged as uddttionul security for all sums secured by this Security Inst►urncnt.
<br />_•;. .�i'."':;,;�� , If thc Funds held by L,ender cxceed the nmaunts permftted to bc hcld by upplicable law, Lendcr shall account to Borcower
<br />""'"` • '^`�'" for the excess Funds in eccordancc with the rec�uirements of appHcable lu�v. If the umount of the Funds hald by L,endcr at any
<br />�Lfi�.r.,,..,���.
<br />,R��"it�?��°'�;. .� dme is not sufficient to puy the Bscrow Items when due,Lender mny so notify Borrower in writins,and,in such cuse Borrower
<br /> -'�''�y':(,,�;� shall pay to I.cnder th�iunount necessnry to make up the dc�ciency. Bonower shall make up the deficlency in no more than __
<br />_„`.�:�:.'�• . .
<br />_,;::�::��.;;:.-„ twelve monthly puymonts,at I.endcr s sole di�:retion.
<br /> t�,,,,�•:_t-;�.,v� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. L.ender shall p►bmptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> ---..�..� Funda held by Lender. If.under puragraph 21, I.endcr shull ucquire or seU tho Properry. Lendcr, prior to tha ucqui�ition or sale ^
<br /> =-�f,a�-•�m^" of the Property.shup upply nny Funds held by Lender at the timc of ucquisition or sale as u credit agatnst the sums securted by
<br />�`'''��"��'���� this Sccurity Instrument.
<br />,�,:,�,:,_;Yi�rs.i��
<br />��;�;�:.a� � � 3.Appltaxtton of Payments.Unlcss Applicable lnw provides othcrwise,ull pnyments received by Lendcr undcr para�raphs
<br />�:ai;:�;:isi�l,����
<br /> _ 1 nnd 2 shall be applied: first. to any prcpuyment chur�es duc undcr th�Note; setomi, tu amounts payable under puragrnph 2;
<br />==s`V.K�"`�'''"x�'��.'4 third.to interest due;fourth,to prfncipal due;and last,to Any latc chnrges due under tho Note.
<br />- �''h�TJ�v�('a� 4.Chnrge.s;Liena. Honower shnli � ull tsxes,ussessments, char es,fines and im sitions attrSbutnb(c to the Pro c4
<br /> :���;.,,:p� � y g p° � Y --.
<br /> :���>,,,,ti, ,
<br /> .�.,,,,�,,, whtch muy attain pr�ority over this Sccurity InRtrument. and leusehold puymcnts or graund mnts, if any. Bonower puy
<br />-��3,�����} ; �� these obli�ations in the manner provided in paru�mph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,8orrower shnll puy them on timedirxtly •
<br />'y�"�'�� °�� to the pe�son owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fun�ish w Lender ult notic�.w of amounts to be paid under thfs pam�caph. -
<br /> q��;� If Borrower makes theso payments directly. Bonower shnll promptly furnish to I.ender rcccipts cvidencing the paymerets,
<br /> .��. __._�:.,.. ..
<br />' "' " '{"'?,;i Barrower shull prompt(y dischnrgc nny Ilen which ha4 priority ovcr this Security InHtrument unlecs Borrower:(n)agrees in . .. ,
<br />�"-'"�"'°'�'"�`"�'f$ writinb tu the puyuient�f thc obligation accurcd by thc licn In a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests i»g�od f�ith the Iien .
<br />„��,�°,;.,'�� �..,
<br /> 1�.'� �� by, or defends a�ainst enforcement nf the licn In. legal pmccedip8s which in the L.cnder's ap9nion opernte to prcvent the
<br /> ,,�1..�';:�S�
<br />_ ,.,���„ ,, enforcement of the lien;or(c) secures from the holder of the Nen nn ngreement�ntisfactory ta L.emler subflrdinutfng the lien to
<br />���;'"�'�;,'�(;:.�'S.:fi this Securtry Instrument. If Lender determines thut uny part of the Property js subject to u lien whieh mny attain priority over
<br />�'��''-����"`�'� '� ` this Secudty Instrument, L.encler mny give Bnr�ower a notice idcntifyin6 the lien.Borrower shall saUsfy thc lien or take ona or
<br /> ;L���r:,�.,�.lt�:.�.���::
<br />—'��>>°�'".;�••�S',��+� � mnre of the actions set forth above�vithin l Odnys of thc giving of noticc.
<br />--:��: • ,��r ��"��
<br />-, �'S��".!',i�';�� Form 3028 9/80 ---
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