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,�� ,.:,,w! .. : , <br /> . .. , r. <br /> .. ., , . „ <br /> , . <br /> . ' . ..,,.-.�v,+.,�, ,. .. _ „ • '� ,. <br /> .. <br /> „ .. <br /> . ..,r,�.....,.b..,�r,�,�wwn►o,�,�,�•,.� .. . . � „ . . - ° . _..�....�._...__._�.�::___ - <br /> . <br /> . , „ ,.. .<.......:.u...e.e.. <br /> ..,�...s�, .�..J.__._��._-�_._—....._ -........:._.......°°—._._....._ ........�._..--°"--....___......_...�___...__.......,_... ....._..._..__..--• Y' <br /> � urunrc�Yivcru e(in thc umount und for the perfai �; <br /> ' •• ' paymenta may na longer be rec{uireci.ut thc aptian of l.endcr. if mortgu�c inti B —__ <br /> � thnt l.cnder requires)pravided by un tnaurer upproved by l.endcr u�afn becomcs uviulablc und is obtulncd. Barrowcr shidl pay �.` <br /> ° �, the prcmiums rcyuired lo maintnin mortguBe insurmtce tn etfcct.or to pruvidc u lms rcscrve, until the reyuircment for mart�oBc �+ <br /> • „ „ ` insurunce ends in Accordance with uny writteu ugreement bttween abrrower und I..ender or appUcAble law. _„_ <br />° 9. IatiRectinn. Lendet or ita U�ent mny mukc re;�sonablc cntrics upon und Insp.^.cdnna af th�:Praperty. l.endcr tihnll�ivc �; <br /> � <br /> �� 8anower natice ut the dme af or prlar ta un inspection spscifying repEOni►ble cnuse far thc fntipation. ___. <br /> � . ° `� :.� 10.Cortdemnntlon. The proceedr of any uwurd or claim for damages, direct ar coi�tiequendal, in camicction wkl� any ��;� <br /> � co�edemnation or ather taking of uny part o9'the Praperty.or tbr conveynnce in Iteu of condemnutiun. are hercby nssigncd und <br /> . I��:,. <br /> , � shuil be paid ta I.enJrr. '__- <br /> • ._�.�� In the event of u totnt tnking of the Property,the procecds shall be upplicd to the Fums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> ,,r.=--=)� whether or not then due. with uny excess paid to bflrcawer. In the event af a purtisi tskin�of the Property 1n which thc fafr _ <br /> ����'� market v�lue of the Property immedlately before thc takins is equul to or grcatcr than the umnunt af the sums securcd by this _ <br /> .'_"""` � Secudty Instn►ment immedfateiy before the taking,unless 8oreowcr and Lender atherwise n�ree in writing.the sums secured by <br /> - ¢ this Security Insteument shall be reducxd by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fcuction: (u) the tatnl ____ <br /> ;;:. amount af the sums secured immediatety before the taking,divided by (b) the falr mnrket value of the Property immedlately _ <br /> •,� ` before the taking. Any balance shall be pald ta Borrawer. In the event of a parttal taking of the Property !n which the falr _ <br /> � ',�:. ' market value of the Praperty jmmediatcly before the taking is less than the amount of the�ums secured lmmediatnly before the <br /> `� � taking. unless Horrawer and I.fnder atherwlse agree in writing or unless applicabla{uw otherwise provides, the proceeds shnll (� <br /> . be applicd w the sums secured by this Security Instrument whethor or not the sums w�e then due. � <br /> , ��,�t: If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nutice by Lender to Horro�ver that the condemnor offers to muke an <br /> � award ar settle a claim for damages, Bonower fails ta resRond to I.cndor withtn 30 days after the date the nottce is�iven. � — <br /> ,i::��� , <br /> Ixnder is suthoriud to collect tu�d apply the proceeda,at ita aption.cithcr w reswration or repair of tae Property or to the sums . <br /> ;�,,'t� �, secusa�by this Secudry Instruznent,whether ar not then�ue. —� <br />?"4��,�;';;:' Unlcss l.ender and Barrower othenvise agree in writin£, any applicatjon of proaeecla to primcipal shall not extend or �v,„ <br /> �,•,;.::. , � :�'� <br />,:;;li}tii}���,,' ;�, postpone the di�e date of the monthly payments referred to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or chnn�e theamoun�mf such payments. <br /> :f," ,:�. ` 11.Borro�ver Not Released; �orheaTSUaoe�y I.erader 1Vot�Waive,r.Extenaion of the�me for payment or modification <br /> .�, � "-: <br /> ::-`��'��''" o'F nmortizat�on of the sums secured by t�is 5ecuriry Inst�ument granted by Lender to any sucassmr in intercwt of 63naower shall ,�. <br />...,;ti:,.;.. .,l _.. <br /> �.,t;.. <br />;:.•�•,:,. not opernte to rclease thc liabiliry of the original Borrouvcr or 8orrower's successors in interest. Lender ahuli not be reyulred to <br />. ;'�,..;, <br /> ��` wmmenee proccedings against any successor in lnterest or r�'fuse to extend time for puyment or otherwise mod'+fy amortization <br />-:'•t�,;_�:`.. of the sums secured by th�s Secudry inshvment by reuson of s�r►y demsnd made by the ori�lnal Borrower or Horrower's <br />-=:+'�`';"' sucoessor� in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exarcising any rtght or remedy shall not be a wniver of or pTeclude the — <br />::-:�;�;?,,,.k cxercise of any right or remedy. <br />:';�,:'�4 12. Sua�essors ana Assipp�s �ound: .ioini and �a.i�-�i :.i��::3ty; �u=..".'gst�. '!'!t�wy�nunts nn� agrrements of this , <br /> n <br /> ="'{.".`.`� Security rastrument shall birtd and benefit the sucassors end ussigns of I.cnder nnd Borrower.subject to the provfsions of <br />=��`�9:>«� paragraph 17. Bonower's covenunta und agrcement� e�hall bc joint and several. Any Bor[ower who co-slgns this Secudry <br /> =:=��i=-•�'s� Instcumcnt but does not execute the Notc: (n)la casi�ning thiR Securfty lnawment only to mortgnge, grunt and oanvey thflt <br />.,,�,��k1�� Barmwer's interest in the Propecty under tho terms of thle Srcurlty Instrument:(b)is not personully obligated to pay the sums <br /> ---L'r'-�� becurect by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrecs dint l.cndcr und any other Borrowcr mup agree to extend.modlfy.forbear or <br /> ��``�`�`--� �muke uny nccomma�dnitonR witb n:Burd to the tenn�oP thie 5ecudty Instrumcnt or the Notc wlthout thut Horrowec'R consent. <br /> �=����"�� 13.I.oan Cherge9. !f the loun Fecurcd by thie Seeudty Instrument is subJect to n law whtch setx maximum loan chnrgcs. <br />' "?-,-;,,�� and thut law ia flnuily interpreted so thnt the interest oe other loun chruges collected or to be collected in connection with th� _ <br /> °'='�'� Ioan exceed the permitted limfta, then: (a)any such loun churge ahall be roduced by the umount necessFUy to reduse tl:e charge _ <br /> °��-°° to thc permitted limit;nrtd(b)any suma ulready collected fwm Borrower which exoeeded perm(tted limits wi{i be refunded to <br /> Borrower. Lender may choc�se to make this refund by reducing the pr�ncipal owod under thc Note or by makMg a direct _ <br /> �`°"a" �- payme�it W Borrower. If n refund mduces princlpul. the reducdon will be treuted ns a partia! prepayment without nny <br /> � pmpayment charge under the Note. <br /> - -�� �-�� nottce to Borrower provided for in thia Se.curity In�tcurcient shnll be given by delivering it or by mc+ilins _ <br /> tt by first class mail unlcss appiicuble law requires use of another method.The noticc shall be directed to the Property Ad�ress <br /> _- - --— or ar►y other addres.g }8orrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any nottce to Lender shall be given by first elass mail eo <br /> — Lender's address statod herein or any osher addre.�ss I.ender designates by notice to Borro�ver. Any notice providod far in this <br /> __ <br /> --� 5aeurity Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when�iven as pr�vicieci in this pfitagraph. <br /> -°` '-- 1S.Governtng Law; Scverubility. This Securiay I�nsm�ment shall be govemed by federal Istiv sutd the Inw of tlze <br /> __ -��:_� judsdlictlon!n which the Propert�►is located. In the event ti�at uny pruvlsion or cl�use of dds Sauriry Instrument or thc Note `. <br />___ contlicta with applicable Iaw.eucfi amflict shall not aftect other pr�ovisions of this Security Instruuient ur liee Note whtch crm bc <br /> _——= given eifect without the conflictin�provision.To this end the provisIons of thia Securiry Instrument tutd the Note are declured <br />-- _�=.--�� to be severnbie. — <br /> '";�'��� 16.Borr+ower's Copy. Borcower sh�ll b�given one conformed copy of the Note artd of this Secudry Inswment. _ <br /> ''i�°��':T Fonro 3028 9l80 <br />- - ','?�.i%y�r <br />-"�:�! .;,i,ip,�• Pepo4at8 __. <br /> "Lr'�_-'c"..�,. - <br /> .`^__---�('�:x-.: <br />��7'35�: ;.a,- <br /> ;��:;:� <br /> iy.+.«.- <br /> �i.. l� ' . . _. __' ' _ '� � ' '��:'j"�1i�;.fF."�.��e}we.'Pq1':.arMs• . <br /> e.. irsa. n�' ._.>--_s_.—�_ _ _'"'r•.)'� ��.'yefF}_...- .3;.��4'., '�'.'m'•' �.L, �ti�3�y"F'y' _ <br /> . <br /> — ....__�_.�. � .. . ..._.._ ._.�._�.--�_ _....—��. <br /> i.•' <br /> � � .__ -_ --:. ._ ... . <br /> " <br />- .s�-.�-._.-.�s_'�. , - —�' . - .. .. y.,. �.. .._ <br /> . . • �— • <br /> .. ----- ----- ----- --�--�----- '� --- . •___ _ r.. .__.�-'_-,�r-�a���-=, <br /> -..:�.� .. ..,,. < . :- ----- -------- �--�---'- -------�---�--� . —�------ - o.'�`'a"�?K y T .. • ° J . <br /> .:i g � . . .�. . �S'�'�.�t..J ilP,�: �?�Cl.Y-:r..�n° 7'�ra�.-+z <br /> . �.,:, <br /> i t�R . � � .� •� , vr� ��_-. <br /> .. . e . 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