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<br />, ° 17.Trnnsfer of the Pro�eRy or n Benefl¢tul Intce�t in Dorro�ver.If ull or any part of ihe Peoperty��r uny interest in it
<br /> ' is sold or cei►naferred(ar if n bcne�clut inteecst in Barrower is sald ur trunsfernd and Bonawer is not a naturai persan)withaut �
<br /> • ' ' � L.ender'g pria� �vdtten consent,l.ender muy, at its option, recuire immediute payment in fuU of ull sums secured by this -�
<br /> •, Securlty Instrument.However.thi�;optlor�Rhall itot be exercised�y l.ender if exercise is prohibitcd by taferal lnw nx of the date
<br /> „ of this Securiry Instrument. _
<br /> If i.ender exerciaes thia c�ptlon,l.ender shull give Barrower notice of acceteratian.The notice shnll pravide u perlad af not �
<br /> levs than 30 dnyr+ fram thc drate thc r�aticc is dclivercd ar muilcd wlthin which Borrov�er must pay ull hums secured by this
<br /> •• Securlty Instrument.If Horrower fnite to puy these sums prlor to the expicati�n uf thi:�s periad,l.ender may invoke uny remedies �
<br /> permitted by thiR Sccurlty Insteument withaut further notice or demand on Barrowcr. ,� ;.
<br /> '°' .. It�. LfBPTOt•iG'�3 Itight to E3etnsGste. If Rorrawer meets ceetaln wnditlons. &�rruwcr hi�all liuve thc right to teave
<br /> t� enforcement af thi�Securlty Instrument di�cantinued at uny time prior to the eurlier of: (u)S dnys (ar such other period ns
<br /> ' � applicable luw may apectfy Par reinstutemeny before sule of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contuined in this
<br /> � �•�' Security lnstrument;or(b)entry af a judgment enfarcing this Secur�ty Instru�nent.Those conditions are that Bonower:(u)pays �
<br /> .:�:�� Lender uli suma which then would be due under this Secudty Instrument und the Note as if no accelerutlon had occurred; (b) �1
<br /> �-w^� cures Any default of any ather wvennnt�or ugreemcnt�; (c>pays aU expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty Instrument,
<br /> � including,but not limitc�d to, T�BbOIIAhIC A�IOi7l6�/s' fees; and (d)takes such actton ns Lender may reasonably require to assum �
<br /> ' � that the llen of this SecurIty Instrument. I.ender s dBhts jn the Property and Harrower's obllgatlon to pay the sums secured by
<br /> $_ this Secvrity Instrument shall continue unchnnged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the �
<br /> ' � obli�ations�ecured hereby shall remuin fully effective as if no accelerallon had oaurre�. However, this r�ght to reInstate sh�ll
<br /> �� not apply in the cuse of acceleradon under paragraph 17.
<br /> :;�}, 19. Sale of Note; Chnrnge mQ Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial intercst in ¢Ue Note (together with this Security
<br /> „ • Instrumene)may be sold one or more times wtthout prior noGce to Ba�rower. A sale may result in u chunge in the entity(known -
<br /> . as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note And this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> ,, • ,, or more chenges of the ILoan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Note. If there Is a char�ge af the Loan Servicer,Boaower wlll be
<br /> ;- '-,'� '� � given written notice of 1he chaa�ge 3n acc:ortiar►ce wiA�para�;raph 14 utwve and applicable law.The notice will state the name and =
<br /> ,,,r.;.�,:�;�: l; -
<br /> .: .,.;;,.,.,,14, address of the new Laan Servicer and the addrevs ta which payments ahould be m,vde. �'he notice wi�l also contain any other "
<br /> �.��;�.�:,; infarmation required by applicable law. �
<br /> ' 20. Hazae�lous SubsUunces. Bonower shuU not cause or permit the presence. use, disposal, storuge, ar release of any L�.
<br /> _ ;"�h; Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. �orrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to da, anything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation af any EnviranmentAl Law. The preceding two sentences shell notnpply to the presence. use, or N
<br /> .��';r storagc an the Prope�ty of smrall quantities of Hazardous Substances thnt are generally recogniud to be pppropriate to noimal �'
<br /> •' ::��i y resIdentlal uses and to maintenarke of the Property,
<br />.�.:.',�, Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice af any investigatton, clnim. demand, lawsuit or other action by any _.
<br /> � govemmenta!or regulatory agency ar pdvute party involving the Property and any Hcizardous Substance or Bnvironmental Lnw -
<br />;'�;t,::���,- of whtch Borrower hus actual knowledga. If Borrawer learns. or!s notiCed by any�overnmentttl ar reguintory nuthorIty. thut
<br />�=�•�'�` ' any removul or other remedintion of uny Hur.�rdous 5ubst�►nce Affectin�the Property is necessury. Bonower shull pmmptly wke
<br />���t-s,`�,�� uU necessury mmedial actians in accordunce with Hnvironmentul Luw.
<br /> �`'i � �s unixi i�ti�is Nivabiupi i i0. "Hwcuntuus iubsiunres'urc t6o�e Kubscunccx dcimcd as roxic or hoznrdaus subsutnccs by
<br />-_ '"�`';"f�- �mironmentnl Lnw and the fallowing substimces: �uxulinc, kcrmenc, ather flnmmable or toxir petraleum produ�ts, roxic
<br />__�==�^-�? '� peaticide,g und herbictdes,vatatile�uiventx,mutertalx contuining uKbetitos nr formnldehyde,und rudionetive materl�lrc.As us�d in
<br /> '-��?�`'' thia paragraph 20, "Fnvironm�n�ul Luw" means falernl lawx und IAwx of the juriadictfon where the Propeny i� lacuted thnt
<br /> �"�"''��= relute to health,snfety ar cnvirunmentul protcction.
<br />__��,,�, ., � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower and I.cnder furthcr crnenant und ogrce as fallowK:
<br /> ___-_-f-�� � 21.�loceleraUon;Reniedles. [.endeir shnll gtve notice to Borro�ver p�toe to uccclerntion followtng Bornnwer•s breuch
<br />•::��==t;;:,��;;;� ; of any covenunt or ngreement In thls Sccurity Instrument (6ut not prior to uccelernHon under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> .-��;_^_;_�•�,'� npplicuble law provides otherwlse).The nottoe slwll apecify: (n)tLte defuult; (b) the uctlon reqoired to cure the defauiti
<br /> �`_��q . (c)u dute,not less thnn 30 ds;ye from the dnte the notice ts�iven to Boencower,by�vhtch the default must be cut+ed;nnd --
<br /> �;,;4;,;;�;1;� ( (d) thnt tntlure to cure the defnult on or before the date spQCifted tu the notice may result in accelemtton of the sums -
<br /> -��;-��'•�.a� secure�!b this 5ecurit Instrument and sale of the Pro B
<br /> __ __.�,�;;� , y y perty.The�ottce shall further inform Borno�ver of the rl ht tfl
<br /> ��"%=�� �. retnstate pfter acoelerndon und the right to br[n� u court action to assert the non-existem:e of a defuult or a�y other
<br /> _-�-��: _�- � defense ot Borrower to uccelernUon and sale. It the deinult is rtot cured on or before the dute specified ia the rtotice,
<br /> :._•�?.���� �. Lender, at Its apiian, may r�qufre tmmedinte�+ayment in fiill of atl sums secured by this Sec�rlty Instrumait wtthout
<br />--���%�-:� , furthcr demund and»�ay invoke the power of su9�and nny other remecllaw permitted by npplirnibie Os�w.Lender shnll be
<br /> --:.�� � entitled to collect al]expenses incurred In punsuir+g the remedics pravtded ir�thts pam�rupfi 21,includtng,but nollimited -
<br /> -'`�'"' • to.e+easonnble a4torneys'Pees and costs of tttle evtdence.
<br /> �y'`�-a°— ' If thepo wer of sNe ia invokcd. Tnistee shnll record A noilce of c�efuutt in each wunty in which nny puM of the •
<br /> .�:s;����� ,. PruPerty!s locuted and shall matl copies of such rtotice in the manner �rescrlbed by Appltcuble law to Borrower and to
<br /> tlte otiter persons p�rescrfbed by applicable la�y. Aiter the ttme required by appltcable Inw,Tr�.stc�shall give public notice �; �
<br /> '"�1�.+ of sule to the pe�sons and tn the mnnner presce•�Med by uppllcable Inw. Tnistee,without�lemnnd on Borrower,shnll sell °
<br />-.�'"�' the Property at pnblic auctiore to the highest bidder ut the time und place anc!under t�c terms designuted in the nuitce o� �
<br /> ',;,��,�� , sale Ia une or niore parceis uIIad i�nny oedcr Trustec detcrmines. Trustre muy poslpanc rwte oi nit or any parcel of the L
<br /> :� ' Pra crt b c
<br /> ''`'`�'=�'`''� �� panchn e the Pro�perty at nny�nle.t at the t6�ir a�►d pl�ce uF any previously scheduled sale. Lender or fts desigttee moy � '
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