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. <br /> � <br /> _:� . � <br /> j :m,..`, . „ ,. <br /> -� . , .. !? ,. <br /> . .. . � . ,. ,. ..� ,.�...�wuwian,�ea�.:. <br /> „ ^ <br />. . � :..m,;�..�n�w..,�vlve�rs�w�tr',+�mn•�-�� - - . - ,. .. ... _.,.__._._�t- . <br /> . ., . -_ � ' __- -----'-� -• <br /> ,. � _ �.._...._..._.............__...._ .. . ...__..._....._.... <br /> .. __..._°°--._._...... .. _. . <br /> --'---.. .. ... _-�-- <br /> ..._ <br /> ..�... •._..�__ .._�._.__....---._._...... ,a.. <br /> _"• C^ <br /> `., � . <br /> ti S, H�Ard ar P�mRtriy In�ur�tcc� I���rrowcr shall kecp thc improvcmcnts now cxisting on c�rca�ftcr crected un thc E_ <br /> Property intiurcd aBuinst la:;s t+y �re. i�urardr�includcd wlthin thc term "cxtendc�t rnvcruEe" und uny othcr hur.nrds, includinB i� <br /> n K tloods ur f�auding, fur which L.cndcr rcquirca insuruncc.Th{s insuruncc hhull hc muintuMcd in thc ua�ounts und far thc periods �_ <br /> thac i.ender requires. The insurm�ee Guerier pnwidin6 the insurunce�hi►U hc chosen by Bnrrower�ub;ect tn I.ender'y c+ppravul � <br /> � " ` which xhall not bc unreasnnubty withhcld. If I�arrowcr fuils t�a maintuin a�vemgc desrribcd ub��ve. I.endcr muy, at Lender's� � <br /> , optian,obtain cuvcrnQc to pratcct Lendcr'e riphts in thc Pmperty in nccurJnncc with parugmph 7. �;, <br /> • Atl insurunce p�lycics und rcnewalx Fhutl be uccepwble w L.ender und xhult include u stnndard mortguge ciause. i.ender� _ <br /> " �� shull hnvc thc ri�ht ta hold tltc pnlicics und renewnlg. If I.ender requircs.Burrower shult ptnmptly give to I.ender nll mceipts of <br /> _ ,. �� paid premiums und renewal notices. In the event af tass,@om�wcr�{iull �ive prarnpt�wUcc W the Insurance car.tcr und L.endec. � � <br /> - ,, Lender muy malce praaf of lo�s if not mude promptly by Borrower. _. <br />� �'". Unless Lender a�d Horrower otherwise aQrce in writing,insur�nce proreeds shall bc upplied to restaration ar repuir of the _ <br /> .�, .��1 <br /> • ;,,...,�r Property damaged,if the restorntion or repulr is ecanomically fcastble and I.ender's security fs not lessened.If the restoration or <br /> ,. ;; repair is not economicully feasible ar l.ender's secudty would be lessened, the insu�ance practeds shull be applied to the sums _ <br /> �'::�Y • secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then due. with uny excess puId to Borrawer. If Borro�ver abandons the� <br /> � Property.or does not anawer within 30 duys a notice from IxnJer d�at the insurance carricr has oftered to settle n cla�m, then = <br /> " Lender mny collect the insurance prc:ceeds• l.ender may use the proceeds to repatr or restore the Property or ta pay sums -- <br /> �� ,,,, ' secum.d by this Sccudty Instcument,wliether or not then due.The 30�ay perlod wfil begin wtien the notice Is glven. <br />' j� Uriless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing,any eppllcation af proceeds to principal eh�ll not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly puyments refernd to in puragraphs 1 and 2 or chan�c the amount of the payments. If <br /> „ � under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by i.e�der,Borrower's dght to eny insurence policies and proceeds resultIng fmm <br /> . .. damage to the�'raperty pr3�r to the acquisttion shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums securad by this Serudty Iastrument <br /> � ., Immediately prior to tho acquisition. <br /> ,;.:,:� 6.Occupuncy,Freservution,Maintenance and Protecdon of the Pro�rYy;Borrower's I.oun Appi�cation;Lea.s�holds. _ <br /> •;;;,:�;A��,.;_, Borrawer shall�l wse the Property as Horrower's principal residence�vithin sixty days after the execudon of - <br /> : �;''�'':'.{ • this Secaarity Instrument and shnEl can'�nue to oeeupy the Eropzny as k3orrower's principul cesidence for at least one y¢nr after <br /> . . �.,.,.,�,,, <br /> �.,''''�' ` the date o?occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise ag�s in writing. which conser�s sh�ll not be unreasonably withheld,ar uniess <br /> '� �� ' extenuadng circumst�nces exlst which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Borrower shnll nat destroy. r1amage or impair the <br />' . ' ,,; . Property, allow the Property to detedorate. or commlt waste on the Propemr. Borrower shal! be in default if any forfeiture <br /> • � action or pruceedln�, whether civil ar crlminnl. is begun that in i.ender's�ood faith judgment cauld msult 9n forfeituPe of the <br /> ' ° Property ot otherwise materially impair!he llen ereated by this Secudry Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may <br />-:�, � ' :;,�. cure sueh a defuult anc�reinstate,as pravided in psuagraph 18. by causing the action or praceedin�to be dismissed with a culing <br /> _. ••• '��� . � thet. in Lertder's Rood fuith determinadon. precfudes forfeituzc of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other mnterIal <br /> .�"`"'""��' impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's secwiry interes�. Borrowcr si�n�t�Sso� 3�dtfauli 3f <br /> �r;��v�.,�.�r ''' Borrower,during the laun npplicatIon process.gave matcrially false or inuccurate fnformation or state�nenta to L�nder(or feiled <br />��`:�r;�±}`h��!?' to provida i.ender with ar►y matedal infom�atton)in connecdon wtth the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not limited <br /> ' ='' y='':� to.representetion.c conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Prnperty as u principnl residence.If this Secudty Insttument is on a <br />`°'�'�'"�''`� leasehold, Borrower sholl comply with all the provislons of the lense. If Bortower ucquires feE title to the P�aperty. the <br />�}:._'�ri�.�r. <br /> '� �� lensehotd and the fce tttle shntl rtot merge unless Lendevagroeg to 1he merger in wdting. <br />_,.__q.:Y C�''Z:�9 <br /> ''-..,:��n�-;�� 7.1'ro4ertton of I.endcr's 1tigQtta tn the Properly.If Borrowet fcdis to perform the covenants und ugreemente conutincd in <br /> this Securlry Instrument,or there is a tegal procecding that muy xignificuntiy uffect Lendcr's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> �ti-.�:~t•--�.��� proceeding In bankn�ptcy. prabnte. for oondemnntton or fodeiture or to enforce laws or regulutlona). then I.ender muy do urtd <br /> �'�;:..�,b�i j pay for whutever is necessnry to pmtect the vuluc of thc Property and Lender'e dghts in the Pmperty. Lcnder'R uctions may <br /> -'"`�"'.—`�!�""; include paying any sums secured by n tien which has prtoriry aver thic 5ecudty Tnswment, nppearinB in r.ourt. puyinB <br /> ----'�"�' reasoneble attomeys'fees and cntering on the Property to mnke repafrs.Although i.ender muy take action under this pw�agraph <br />-_-=_� <br />