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<br /> TOdRTH�it�VI'1'H uq the impravementa now ar herenQer erected on the property.and utl cuscmentx,appuctcnunces,und f:;
<br /> n � � flxturca now ur hereuRer a p�rt af the proparty. All repincemente w►d additions ehnQ nlso be cavered by thi� Secudty �
<br /> .,c• Inawment.All of thc fomaolnQ is referrcd to in this Secudry Instrument as the"Praperty." _
<br /> �� FIORROW�R COV�NANTS thnt Barrower ix luwfully selr�cd af the estatc hercby convcycd and ha�the right to grant attd __..
<br /> � • . convoy tho Property and thnt the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrunces of recard. Banower wurrnnts und wlll ��'.
<br />_ , defend Benernily tho titte to the Property aguinst ali cluims und demanda,subject ta any encumbrances of record. �'
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natianal use und nan-unifoim covenunta with Ilmited �
<br /> variations by jurtsdiction to constitute u uaifarm sccudty instniment covering renl pmperty. � �
<br /> a�;� UN1F��RM COVBNANTS.Horrower and L.ender covenant nnd ugree as fallowa: d _
<br /> ' 1. Puytnent of Qrlaclpul and Intee+est; Prepaymeat nnd Ls�te Char�cs. Borrower shail prompdy pay when due the�A ___
<br /> �:��' principal of and intere.st an the debt evidenc�d by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under tho Note. � -_
<br />� �°�""'�' 2. Funds gos Tsxes and In�urunLe. Su b ject to app l ica b lc law or ea a wr�tten waiver b y L.ender, Barmwer shall puy to —
<br /> ;� Lettder on the dny monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid!n full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxes _
<br /> • . , � and ussc.uments which may nttain priorlty ovcr this Security Inslrument as u lien on the Property; (b)yearly leasehold payments _
<br /> ,- � or gro�md rents on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurnnce premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance ptemiums. _
<br /> . " if Any; (e)yearly mor¢gage insurance premiums,If any;and(�any sums paynble by Borrower to Lender. !n accondance�vith
<br /> ' the proviqions of para�raph 8, in lieu of the puyment of mortgage fnsurance premiums.These items ure called"Escrow Itema." —
<br /> � � Lender may. at any time, wllect and hold Funds in an amount not to excc�d the maximum amount a lender for a federnlly -
<br /> :��'�. ..�. � related mortgagc loun may require for Borrower's escrow account under the fedcral Reul Eseate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> � .; :'�i�' "' r�• 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectlon 26Q1 et seq.("RESPA").unless another law that upplies to the Funds
<br /> - ' ,>'�' �:�- sets a lesser amaunt. If so. Lender may, at any time. wltect a�id hold �unds in an amount not to excead the lesser amotmt. .
<br /> � „ L.ender muy estimate the:unount of Funds due on the basis of cur�nt dnta and reasonable estimates of expenditures of fut�re
<br /> -� � . Escrow Items or otherwise in uccardence with upplicuble law. _
<br /> •`j�i' The Funds shall be held in un institutton whose deposits are insured by n federal a�ency, fnstrumentality, or entity —
<br /> ,,;r:;, •
<br />-� �,;'.�;;" ��' • (including Ixnder,if Ixnder is such an instltution)or in any Federal Home Lotu►�ank.6�nder ahall apply the t�unds to pay the
<br /> `°'�� � ;.� • Bscruw Items.Lender may not charge Borwwer for holding and applyi�g the Punds,annuully analyzin;the escrow account,or
<br /> , •� verifying the Escrow Ttems.uniess Lender pays 9orrower lnterest on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to make such
<br /> `�, ` ^ a charge.However,Lender may require Honawer to pay a one-time charge for un lndependent reui estatc taa reporting service
<br /> � ��'��� ' used by Lender in connectiun �vith this loan. unless upplicable Iaw pravides athemvise. Unless an agreenient is made or
<br /> ,�'{��' ' ,: ' applicxble law mquires interest to be p�id.L.cnder shali nat bc required to pay Bonawer Arsy intere.gt or eam3ngs on the Funds.
<br /> � :
<br /> ' Borrower and Lender may agrec in wdting,howevcr. thiit interest shalL be paid on ti�e Funds.I.cndcr shall�ive to Borrower.
<br /> � . �� .: wicnoui chargc. ru�a�umut nc�;ouiiting.�f i."�I'unds, �ho•�ing cm.c3iis s.^c?:.�e!�iu t�ih? F�iprla;irui Ilhe purpose for whic6 each ,
<br /> • deblt to the Fundc was made.The Funds sire pledged us additional security for all sums secured by this Securlty Iasmiment. Y
<br /> � ' If the Funds held by I,en�ler excexd the umounts permitted to be held by applicuble law. I.ender sh�ll account to Horrower _
<br />��.i y�l'��!'':�"
<br />�,,�.',�k�;,;:G - for the excess Funds in acwrdance wlth the requlrement�of applicable luw. If the amouut of the Funds held by I.eader nt eny
<br /> r*���+:���^�" time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so natify Borrower in wrltin�,and,in such case Bornnwer
<br />:�K�„�:;,i' . . shull pny ta Lendcr the amaunt necessury to mnke up the defictency. Borrower shull mz►ke up tho deticlency in no more thaa
<br /> ti�a�..�A�� twelve monthly payments.nt L.ei►der's sole discrction.
<br />�:°1!"'�;�������[� Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by chis Secudty Instrument. l.ender eh�ll promptly i+efund to Borrower nny
<br />° -�--•�-�-�•�� Funds hcid by L.ender.lf, under para��nph 21. L.en�er shr�ll acquirc ar SeU thc Property.l,crtdcr.prIor to the acqufsition or snle
<br /> a".1I•"T'.'.' • ��
<br /> of the Property.sh�l1 nppty any Funds hetd by I.cnder nt thc timc of acquieitiun or sctte as u credit aBuinst the sums secured by
<br />��",�'�� this Secudty instn�ment.
<br /> �. .tac_+ti^n�r�� �
<br /> �'"� 3.Applfa►t�on af Pay�ents.Unless upplicuble Iaa provtdcs otherwisc.all puymentx recefved by Lender under parr►IIrophs
<br />��wee�e�►A� Z nnd 2 ehnll be applie�l: fir�t. to any prtpayment chnrges due under thc Note;seoond.to umounts payable urtdcr purngtnph 2;
<br />