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<br /> 03-d9-99flfl Li��D 0�TP�UST . . . '.��o d,t����� P��fl 6 .*�.
<br /> � doan No 7�d31�9 (Cmntlo�ued)
<br /> - --------�--- -- _--�— — — — _-.
<br /> ' to pcAecY und coatlnua 4and�r'a sccu�lty Intorc�/in tho Ronta nnd Pcreonal RropCAy. In addllion to recording this RcoQ of Trusf In Iho rCnl
<br /> � propoAy record�,Londor may,uf any tima ond wlthoul lurther nuthoriaatlon hom Trustor,�lo oxecutad countorpnrts,cop1�9 or rcproduel:ona o!
<br /> thls Dcod of Trust n3 a 8nancing ot4fomonG Trustqr eh�q rCimbureo Londcr for nll oxpon.^,cs Incuried In pcdcctlnp Br conlinulnp lhis IICaudty
<br /> ' intorost. Upon dotaull,Truator ehall a53omblo lfso PUroonnl ProycAy In p mnrtrtcr ond ut a pinco rc�onabty convnniont to Tru9tor pnd 4ondCr
<br /> " c�nd moke It avntinblo to Londar w(thln Ihn;e(3)dnya aller�acolpt ol wdlton demAnd hom Londor. ..
<br /> � AQdre^c^�, Th�m�Itinp nAdrossfn of Trusfa(debta)ene Londor (soeured pnity),hom which Infamntion concernlnp Iho c^_ourlry Intnresl
<br /> • gruntod by this Deod of Trust mny ba obtn►nod(onrA�royulrod by iho Unitorm Commorcia Codo),aro es afntod on 1Ro Gra! pepe nt tNS Deod
<br /> o}Trust.
<br /> �,. _- FURYttER ASliUAANC�B=ATTORl�EY•IN-FACY. The foilowinp provlslons to�uting b turthet ttssumrtc�s end uftomoyHtMaCt aro a pNt of this
<br /> Oe3d ot Trusf.
<br /> FuAFtor llanuRtnCOO. At�sny tlme,and trom Ume to timo,upon roquost ot Lander,Trustor w1i1 mako�exaeuto nnd dellvor,ar rM eauso to bo
<br /> mnda,exccuted or deUvsred,fo Londer or to Lendors dosignw,und whon roquostea by Lendar.caus�to bo filod,rEVSOrdcd.rofllnd,or ,
<br /> rerecordad,as tho ca�may bo,at auch tim4s and In sueh ofiicos nnd pluces po l.�ndor may dc+im Approptintv,nny nnd np such mortgages,
<br /> deeds ot trust,sc�ouA4y deeds,secudty apresments,8nancfng stntamenb,conUnunUon stetomenta,lnstruments of(urthar nssurnnce,co�iHcnto9,
<br /> s
<br /> , and othar doaumants as may,in ihe solo opinlon ot Lertder,bo necnssary or desirnblo in arder lo oftactuuto,complote,perfoct,centlnuo,ar -
<br /> prosenre (a)the obllgatlons of Trustor under tho Noto,lhts Oeod af Trust,und the Roiatod Documanb,nnd (b)iho Ilons an0 soCUrihr Intorosb �
<br /> craated by this Cead of Trust as 8rst end pdor Ilens on tho Proporty,v�hethor now owned or hereOROr acquirc+d by Trustor.Untass prohlbltad by
<br /> � . taw ot agittsd to tho contrary by Lender in wddng,Trustor shatt relrRburse lendAr for atl costo nnd expensas InourrAd ln connoction viith iho
<br /> � matte�s referred to In this paragraph.
<br /> � , Attomey-1n.Fect. It T�ustor fa�►s to do any ot the things retorred to In the precading pamgreph,Lemder may do so tor nnd In tho namo ot _
<br /> • Trustor and at Trustors expense. For au�h purposes,Trusta hereby Irtavacabty appoinis I.endsr as 7rusto�s attomey--li►daat for iha purpose -
<br /> ' ot meldrtg,executlrA, dutive�tng,fitim�,recording,and doing at1 alher ihinps as may bs aecessnry or dosirabfe,!n Lende�s eolo opinion,to
<br /> accomp;tsh the metters retartcsd to in Ins preceding paiegrlsph.
<br /> . FULL PERFORMANCE. If Trustor puys ail t�e lndabtadness when duo,and otherwise pe�torm9 Ni the obltge0ona Imposod upon Tn�,vtor undor 1h�s �
<br /> Oeod of Trust,Lender shall execute and dellver to Tnrsteo a reqttest for tuli reconveyancw and shall exeauta and doilver to Trustor eui�ible
<br /> ' st�tQmc3MS of terminptton of any(inancing statement on Hle evldoncing Lendera seourlly intarest in the iients and the Pereonai Property. Any -
<br /> • ' reconveyanc+�,'res requlred by!ew shall bo paid by Trustor,It perndRod by appllcnble law.
<br /> ' • OEFAIIi.t. Each of the foltowing,at fhe optlon of Lander,shell constitule an event of default('�vent of Oefauil�undsr thla Dood of Trush
<br /> Oatuuft on Irtdebtedneas. Faifure of Trustor to meke any pnymenl r�hen due on the tndebtedrtes�.
<br /> Cefauii on Othat P6ymeate. Fatiure ot Trustor within t�e umo requtrod by Ihis Oood ot T►ust to make eny paymont farr texas or Insumnco,or `-
<br /> • " sny other payment necessury to prevont 811ng ot or to eNOCS tlisaharge ot any Ilon. � "_
<br /> Cemmg►1lsmoe Oefauit. Falturo ot Tnistor to comply wlth any othar term,obtigatlon,covenen!ot eo�dlUOn containsd in INS Daed ot Tnuf,the �•°
<br /> �•.'�;�' Noto or In eny ot the Retated Documanls. �"-
<br /> �'� �
<br /> '" �;; ; �#'. Fatae 9talemante. Any werraMy,reprasentatlon or staterrcent maae or tumished to Lsntler Dy a on behett ot Trustor unEer thls 08eC ot Truet, �-_.
<br /> �� tho Note or t�a Rolntcd Doauments Is fatso or misteading in any materiaf respect,eHhu now or at lhe dme made or fumtshed. �-,,;=
<br />� �� s OefectlYe Collatotat7satlon. This Oeed of T�ust or any of the Related Dooumonts ooas�s to be In tulllace 8nd ettoa4(I�luding(atlure ef nny - --
<br /> � •�;° r; coltateml doauments to croate a valid end perfected socudty IMarest or Iien)at any tlmo and tor any reason. �
<br /> �;.��� �'`...
<br /> �<<'��;r�`: � Qes:7�o�InsoNency. The doath of'frustor,the Insolveney of Trustar,the appolntmoM of a recetver br nny part o!Uusto�e proporty,any
<br /> .;�;�����$;`• '`� assignmenf for !ho banoflt ot aediters,any lype of aedilor wo�COUt,or ihe commenoemont W eny prooiwding u�dor nny banSuuptCy or -�-
<br /> �� '''`" ' insoMenoy�aws by or against Tru�tat. r'�
<br /> " Fotectosttre�FoAelture,eta Commencemsnt of forectosure qr tafefture procoedings,whether by Judidat procoedlnp:.sdf-he�,repossesslon ��
<br /> � �1 . or c►ny other method,by any creditor of T�tor or by arry governmental age��oy►against any of the Propedy. HowOVer.4hb eubsatton ehall not �• '
<br /> • � • .n.� apply in the evont of e goo6 tolth dispute by Trustor as to Ure vaGdity ar reasona�bloness of the dalm whtch Is thu p�b of the torecioa�ire ar ���
<br /> •r� foreteiture proce�tding�provided that Trustor givoa Lenrler wri:ten noitoe ot such ciolm und ftcmishes rasc3nres or a suroty bond icr tha cRtim � ' _
<br /> '' � �� snttsfectory to Londor. �
<br /> . QnacA at Other ApreemenA My bmach by Tnutor undor tho torms at�r�y othor agr�en�nt butwoon Trustor nnd Lomder lhs�t b not romodbd �.�
<br /> • •�• within any gmee podod provided therein,inciudtn�without IlmltaUon any egroement eonoomi�any irtdobtcidness or ot�her oblipellon ot Tnistor `_
<br /> , �y to Lender,whetlux e�dsUng now or lator. �'-"•
<br /> � EveMe Af(eetinp tivara�tor. Any of tha precedtng ever►ta oocu�s urith ro5poot to eny Quarentor of tLny of the Indobtedness aany t3ueraMOr �-
<br /> � �;�47j;{~: dtos or bocomo3 incompetonf,or revoke9 ot disputes lhe veildlly ot,or Nablllty under,eny(iu�v+anty o!Ure Indobtedness.LOndAr,ttt Its opttcn,
<br /> . ,
<br />-�• ,,,�!•:}„�j : may,bat shall rtot be requfred to,permit the auurantor's ostnto to u�sumo uneondi8onaliy tho obli0a�orq nrtsinp undor tha gttarumy In e �•_^`
<br /> � '��i1".` manner sat:sfacto to lender,and,ln doln eo,auro the Hvsnt ot DofautL �� '-
<br /> •.S�t:S�N,�i�`' � tY 8
<br /> • .. " Inaeeurlty.lender U flood fetth da¢ms itself inseouro. � .
<br /> Rt�t to Curo. If such n falluro ts curablo ond if TYwtor nas rtot boon givon n noCco of 4 brouch ot lho sumo p�ov�ion ot this Daad o!Trust �.
<br /> • within tho proaedirtg twolvu{12)months,it mny ba curod(nrtd no E+ront of Oe9autt wilt havq oocuno�If trustor,aRar Lortdtr conds wrtttsn �=;'
<br /> `�� •�' • '" � norico 6emertdtn cure at such ifilturo: a curos tho tallum+within ton �0 da or (b)If tho curo requlres moro than ton(�0)days,Immediatoty -
<br /> . • .::.r,:,J. . 9 �► t 1 ( ) Ys�
<br />' ,. (nitlatss�teps suiHctont ta curo tho talfuro ond thcrcaHcr conUnu�s and comptotes aii«ussonable nr�tl nacossnry stcsps u�dant to produoo
<br /> ct
<br /> ��r��." � .. cortspllu�u,ro n�r.aan aa roasonably p�tcUcal.
<br /> :.,�,�t,y. �u - _
<br /> �� 6i1C.M8 AND RE�tE71tF�OH OEFAI�.T. Upon tho aoe�nenec�ot any�wnt o!Dofault and at any Omf►thereaRcir.Trustpn�r lereder,at ib opUOn,
<br /> - :,��.,, ., may exordso nny one or moro o}the tottowing dphb and remedk�s,ln addiBon to any othar dghts or rem0dtes provld0d by tavr. , ,�:
<br /> �. •'�;a';:;'��,. ' Accetamtton apon Oetautt;AddEttcnail RCmeAlu�. It uny ovoM ot dMCUtt oocars us per tho torrt�s ot Ihp Note seeWed hemby,Lontlor may
<br /> �: ,';r�,:;�s;�s deeiaro tUl Indobtodness seeurad by this De3d ot Tntst to bo dtto and paYabla artd fho anmo shau fharcwpen bxomo dw and pnyabk►wlthout
<br /> • ."�� nny presantmnM,domnnd,proicst or�otko of any Mnd.Thaeafta,t.�ndi�r ms .
<br /> .i�.:.i��. Y .
<br /> (a) Eilhor tn person a by ngont,with or without 6Anping any actlon or proo�ding,or by a�colvor appolntp�by n carrt nnd wlthout ;
<br /> ' rogard to the adequacy oi fts secuAry,entor upon une tako po�osslon ot tho ProppAy,or any pcvt NerooT,In(b otvn namo ot tn l!w nnmp
<br /> •� . o}Ttustoo,and do nny ncb r�htch It doams noCOSSary ot dt�irnblo fo prpsonro tt�o vaiu0,maAcC.abl�r or roMnMlity at tho ProRerty,or parf
<br /> ' .> �_ _._....�.� --^ . ..
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