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<br /> ' proscod�nhall bo RBId to Yra3tor a�Yruatqr'0 Intaresl�mby�ppoar. Y Y
<br /> lntaxpEred lrteurastCa al8alb. Any urtax�trud Inrurnrtco ehatl Inuro to Iho bonoCl of,nnd pnsn to,lF��purohn�or ot tho Proparty covored Ay thls .
<br /> Daad o}Yrus1 nt ony tru3toa'o anlo or o1h�r oato hcid urtdcr tho provtslons of this Qc�d of Trust,or nt nny torcofo�uro anto of auch Proporty. ,.
<br /> TAX AND INflUAANCL�RII@GAV�B. SubJccl to�ny Ilmltallons aot by applicab�o bw,Landat mny raquiro 7rustor to mnlnfaln wlth Londor rcaorvon
<br /> tor pnymonl ot qnnuul tnxca,aaso��mont�,and Insurnrteo promiuma,e�htoh�oaCrvos ahnli bo crcatnd by nQvnnco pnymnnl ar monthty paymonla of n
<br /> aum ostimutod by londu�lo bo ouHlcloM!a produ�o omounts at Ic:aat oqunl to lho toxos,aasossmonto,and Insurnnco promlums tu bo pnitl. Thn
<br /> reserva tunds shall be held by Londer ns e ponerat deposlt from Trustor,whlch I.ondor mny sntisy by pnymont of Iho taxos,assossmontn,and
<br /> Insuranco promluma raqulrod to ba pnid by 7'rustor ns thoy hocomo duo. Londor 6hnU hnvo tho�ipht to draw upon tho rosorvo tunds to pny ouch �.
<br /> . ' --TM' Itema,and Londor ohnll not bo roquirod to dotqrmine tho vntldily or nocurnoy ot nny Itam batoro pnying It. Nothing In Iho Oaod ot Trust Shpll b0 "
<br /> Constru0d a�raqul►in�l.ondor l0 4dvnnco olhor monifls for ouoh purposos,nnd Londor ehntl not incur uny�labllily tor anything It may do or omit to ,t�
<br /> do wlth rospoat to the rosorvo aeoount. SubJeot to any Iimltattons sot by app�ir.nb�o Inw,I}tho rosorvo lunds dlseloso n ahortnpo or doliclonay,Trustor
<br /> shall pny auch shortuga ar dollcionny as roqutred by Lendar. All amounts in tho �oservo account uro haroby ptodgod to further sacuro Ihe
<br /> Indebfednoss,and Lender Is heroby nuthorlred to wlihdraw and opD�Y auCh umounts on tho Ind�btodnoss upon the oecurcence o}un Evont of
<br /> O�fault. Londer uhstll naf bo roqulroH to pay any inlorost or eamings on tha ms�rvo lunds untoss roqulrod by taw or agread to by Londor In wrlllnp. .
<br /> Lendor doas not ha!d thi�rosflrvo tunds In hust tor Truator,and lander b not Trustor's ngont tar paymonl ot tAo taxes and assossmonts roquirad to
<br /> ba pafd�y Tn�tor, !
<br />_ DfPEtIDITUl3L�B BV LFxiDER. I}Trustor fall3 tn compty vdth Any provtslon ot ihts Oec3d ot Trust,or it any aclion or proceodinp is commencod Ihat
<br /> � wou�d mutndpiry affect Londcu's Intarosta In tho Property,londor on Trustor's bohaif mc�y,but ahalt not bo required to,take any ncHon thAt londor
<br /> dcams upproprU►to. Any amount that Londar oxponds In s�dartg wlil bear interact et tha reto provldod tor In the Note hom the date fncurted or psid
<br /> by Landor to the date of repayment by 7rustw. All such exponses,at Lande�s opHOn,wtll (u)be payab►o on demand, �b)be added to tho batanco
<br /> ' ot tha Note and bo appo�llor�sd among end be payabto with any Instaliment payments to bocomo due during aHher (I)the torm o}any applicab�o -
<br /> Insureriee poti�y or QI)ti�e reriiNning larrr►of Ihe Nota,ut(af be treated es e baitoon payrrsnt which wiit bo due an�psya0le at the Note's maturfty.
<br /> . ' This OeDd ot Trust also wl!I seauro payment ot these amounts. The dghb provlded for fn thls paregreph shali be in addillon to any other dghts or any '
<br /> remediGS tu whioh Lender may be entlUed on sccaunt ot tne detautt. Any suoh aotion by tender ahall not be construed a3 auring the defeult ao es to "
<br /> ., bar Lender hom any remsdy that It othonvis9 woutd harr�I�id.
<br /> .. INARRANTY=DEfENSE OF YITLE. The following provlsions rulatlng to ownerahip of the PropeAy are a part of this Oeotl of Trust.
<br /> ,.,
<br /> Ti2�s. Ttustor warrants thaC (a)Trustor hofds good and markets0:a tit!a ot record!o the Prope�tyr tn tee slmpt3,hse and clear ot NI Ilens and
<br /> • i ertcumbrences other than lhose set tcrlh in the R�al Property doscrtytian or In any tiUe Insu�ence RoCcy,tido report,or Nnat NUe optnlon issuod in
<br /> • tavor ot,and aooepted by,Lender in connecUon�viih thts Oeed of Trust,and (b)Trustor hes the tutl dght,pownr,and authorily to exeeute and
<br /> ' ' delivor this Dosd of Trust to Lender. ;`
<br /> � Detense of Title. SubJeot to tho wcceptlon in the pareg►aph abovo,Trustor warcnnb and wlll forever dotend the tltle to tho Proporty agninst tho -
<br /> Iawtui clalms ot att persons. In thg event any aeHon or proceedinp is commenced that questicns Truator's Urio or the interest of Trustoo or �`
<br /> �2' Londer undar tAis Deod ot Tnuf,TruStor ehail defend the acUon at TtustoPa e�ense. Tnistor may Q�the nominal party tn such procending,but
<br /> ` �k� Lender shall bo untiUod to parUclpato In the p�oceeding and to be reprosented in the prooeed:n��y counsei ot Lendar's own cAOico,and _•_
<br /> " - - T!+�t4t wN!L8!l�2t.Qt^_EUS?!4�e L�!!�'+.T?�!,t�t an�lnr a��nh inr�n�manta @a t anAar mny►eauAat hom time tn ttrns to Qermlt such oa�tic.n8tfon.
<br /> �� Ccmpllence YYItn Lawe. 7rustor wartanb Ihat 9ha Propedy and Trustor's uss ot the Property compiles with au e�dsUng uppltcaCla taws,
<br /> ordinancos,snd regulaHons ot governmental authur+llea. �-.��
<br /> � CONBEf.iliAT(ON. The tollowing provlslons reiadng to condemnatlon proceedings are a pari ot this Qeed o}Tnist.
<br /> � 4 - qr^pll�allnn qt Not Proceeda R a11 a any part of the P�operty ls Condernnad by eminent domain procoedings or by any proaaeding or �`
<br /> � purchuse in Ilou of condemnatlon,le�der may c�t ita etsctlon requtra that aIi or any portion ot the not procoads of Iha award be appltad to tho —
<br /> i . tndebtedness at ihe rep�ir or restoraUOn of tho Propedy. 7T�E�nt�t prqcoeds oi lhe award shali mean the award a8er paymont ot all reasonable --
<br /> ;, costs,e�enses,nnd attornoys'toes Inourred by T�ueloo or l.anda in connoCtion with tho condomnation. �
<br /> y Rroeeestlnas. If uny prace�tding fn condomnalian is flled,Tntctor shatl prompdy noGy Lendor In wdbrtp,and Tnntor shtili proronptly fqko suoh =
<br /> �. stops ns mny bo n000ssnry to dotond the acdon and obtetn tha award. 7rustor may pa the nominel parry In such proceadfnfl,but Londar shati !�-
<br /> bo anUUod to paRicipato(n tho praooading and to be roprosentud In the proceuding by crounsel ot its own oho!eo,and Yrustor vdU dotivor or
<br /> %��""•��, �a � cnuso to bo dollvorod to Lender suoh Inalrumants as may bo requestod by ft from tlme to tlme to pormit such particlparion.
<br /> �� '�y�+ iM�081T(Ofi OF TAXHB,FEES ANO CHARG�8 BY QOYERNMENTAl.AtlTHORITIE3. The tollowln r
<br /> �I�•-i�• g provislons retnNng to govsmmentet taxos,
<br /> tean and chorgos ure u peR ot this Oeed of Trush —
<br /> Currcnt Texea,F�es and CAar�ea Upon request Dy lender,Trustor shM oxecute auoh documents in addAlon to thls Oaad of TNSt end teke -'
<br /> � whataver Other BoUOn 18 requested by tender to perleat and continue LAnder'8 Nen on 1hO Real Proporiy. Tr,,stor shsU relmbursa LOndar tor ait Q`�'
<br /> � .� ' toxas,as dosctibad bolow,togolhar wllh ali oxponsos Incurrod In teCOtding,portoetln8 or Contlnuing lhis Qsed of 7rust,incivding wlthout
<br /> • ��``""� ' Iimitallon NI texes,teo9,doCUmentnry stamps,and other chargas tw recording or rogisDwing thb Cesd ot Tnut. _
<br /> '1�;G�'�4.�: -
<br /> •'•r~: .;,t�;•. Taxea Tho tollowing shatl consUluta feaes to whioh thts socUon appll�: (ay a spaclAC tax upon thls type ot Ovsd ot 7nist or upon all or any
<br /> _. pnrt oi the indobtadness securod by lhls Deed of Trusr (D)e spociffa tax on Trustor whkh Trustor ts authn�Od 4r requlrod to ded�t hom
<br /> pnymonta on tho Indebtodness socured by thts type of Daed o}Tnn$ (o)a tnx on ihb type of Oeod of Tnist ohArpeable agnlnst tha tAndw ar
<br /> the holder of the Ptote;and (d)e speciflc tax on sU or any porUon of lAO Indebtedness or on payrt►ents of pdnotpat And Int„raat m�do by __
<br /> Tmstor.
<br /> . •• . ' Su0&equent Taxes. It nny tcvc lo whlch thta seaUon appllus b enacted sub�quent to thu dnto of thls Dsod ot Trosf,this ovont shatl hava tho ..
<br /> semo aNaat as nn Event ot tJafiuft(ss dofinod below),and lander may exerctse eny or uN of ib avtiilablo remetdtes tor an Evont af Dotaul:us
<br /> proNdod bolow un;ass trustot olthsr (n)pt�ys ttte tax betae tt becomes do7nquenl,or (b)contests tho tax es provided ebove tn the 7axos nnd
<br /> •
<br /> Uens sootlon nnd doposlts wlth Lendor e sh or a suu�ctant corporoto surety bortd or other socurHy saHstactory to Lendnr.
<br /> 8ECUAITY AQREEME�IJT=FINANCINti STATHM�TJT3.The toilowing provistons rolaNng to this�eod of Trust as a�ocurfty agrcomont nre n paR of �
<br /> � this Qood oT T�ust. :
<br /> SacuAty Agreement. TAIS Inshum�nt shali consUtute a socurily agreomoM to tho oxtont nny of tho Proparly eortsritutos f�ctures or othar
<br /> pomonnt proporry.and Londor sholl h�va nll o�tho�Ights of u secured parly under lho Unitorm Commorelnt Codo as amendod hom Hmn to ,
<br /> tima.
<br /> � St�cttdly Intetesl. Upon roqufrst by Londor,Trustor ahall mx�3SUt�flnancing stnlemonts und tako wAntever otRar atUon Is requastad by Londor
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