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. , <br /> ,. ,r <br /> �l ., <br /> . . �� . ..._ n <br /> � 03dl8-9999 ' ��° 'aQf���'� �����F�I�llST Page 8 <br /> ^ �oae�Ho 783159 (Coc�tlal�ad) <br /> —__._----�=�_-_-----_-_--� , <br /> c--^' » <br /> ot tho Property ar InlorG�t ln lho ProperSy;lnaoaso th3lrtcomo from iho Praporty or prot�Ct iho cccurity of tP►o Paoporty;and,wlth or wlthout <br /> • tnkinp poa9oa5lcsn o}tho proparry,uuo lor or othenvfco calcct tho ronb,fsauos nnd proftn o�tho ProDO�y,tncludlnp Iho3o pust duo nnd ^ <br /> unpaid,urtd appiy Iho oamo,�oss cost�and oxpon�as of oporallon nnd aoilocdan,includinp nNOrnoys'tcas,to any Indobtndno�s sacurod <br /> by ihis Ocod ot Ttust,all In�uoh ordcr ns Londor muy dotermino. Tho onloring upon und taking possossion of tho Propo�ty,tho col!acllon <br /> of suoh ronts,h.isuos und pro0t3,nnd iho applict�tlon thdraol ahall nol curo or wolvo anydoiaull or notico of dofault undor thls Oood ot Yrust •• <br /> or invalldnto nny ant dono In ro9ponso to auch dofnult or pursunnt to such nol�o G deleuit;and,notwilhst�nding tho continuenco In � <br /> posscsslon of tho Proparty or iho coltvolton, recolpt and applicailon ot ront„Issu�s or proti�a,Truslea or Londer ahnll bo ontlllod to <br /> ° oxorciso ov�ory right providad tor in tho Noto or tho Rciatsd Ooaumonts or by Iaw upon Ihe acourrenco of nny ovent of dufeuit,InctudlnA the tr,,` <br /> . - dAht to oxarcl�e the power ot salo; . <br /> • � (b) Commenco on ucGon to torociose lhia Ds�d of Trur►1 as n mortgngo,nppolnt n rctt�iver or spocilica�ly enforce any of thq covonanls <br /> - „ horao};and � ' <br /> (a) Oolivor to Trusto3 n wdtten driclarBtion ot dofault and demand for sa�s and n writlen �olice ot detault and etctotlon to oausc�Trustor's <br /> intorat in tho Property to bo sold,whioh notice Trustee ehnli cause to bo duiy fiied la record In tho approp�ieto oNices of tho County ln �:• , . <br /> ' . which tho PropeAy Is locatod;and � �� <br /> (d) With �eSpCCt to ttll or any part ot tho PersonQi Proporty. Lo�dor shail have all tP�a rlghb and romedies of a seourvd partq undor tha Y;,,;�..� <br /> ' Nebreska UNtorm Commerclal Code. �:'-� <br /> Foractosure by Pov,rer of Sato. If Lender otecta to toreclase by exerclse of the Power ot Seie hareln contslned,I.ender shell notiy Trustee and ;;,.� <br /> 3hni1 doposit with Trustoo thls Oaed of Tiust and the Note and such�ecelpts and evldence of expondilures made and seoured by this Doed of �,. <br /> , �. Trusl as Trustee may roquire. ':{' <br /> i. (8) Upon rocetpt of suoh noUce ham lendor,Trugtee shau causo to be tecorded,pubbhed and dolivared to Trustor suoh Notico ot Oefaull <br /> • and Nolico ot Salo as thsn raquired by Iaw ttnd by thls Desd ot Trust. Trustoe sha/l,wllhout demand on Truslor,stter suoh time as mey _.f,��+-:. <br /> � ihen be roqukc3d by taw nnd aftot�ecordatlpn of such No6ou of Detault and after Notke of Snte hF►vin8 beon ylven as required by tatit,aoil .. � ;; <br /> k 1 : <br /> � the Prope►ty at the tlme and ptace of sa1816ced by it in suah Notica of Sa►e,�ilher as a whote,or in separate tots or pnresis or Items as _,, <br /> > Tru�tcse ahatl dctom o�edient,and in suoh order as H mey dotertnUo,a!publio auc4lon to Ihe Mghest bidder tor cash in Iawfut money oi .�s;�.-._: <br /> ' � tho United Sta4es payablo ut the tlme ot sale. Trustse shnY deAver to such purchaser a purchaser�thoraot Its good and suNicion t deod or "�'a� <br /> t deeds oorne�ing the properly so�old.but without any covenunt or waRanry,exprc�ss or imP�tad. The rocltais In such daed of nny madors i, <br /> �. � or tacts shaN bo conciusive proof ot the truthfulnoss thereot. Any person,inctuding wlthout Bmitatfon Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, may <br /> purohauo nt suoh ealo. � - <br /> "�'' (b) As mny be permltted by taw,nHer dedueUng ali cosb,fees and uxpenses of Trusloc�and ot this Trust,Ineluding costs of evldonce ot 'N.,^'� <br /> UUe In connecUon with saie,Trustee sP�all eppry the proceeds of saie to payment ot p)all sums ezpsndgd undar the terms of fhls Dead of tr-;_:. <br />��`�� '�� Trust or under the terms ot the Note not then repaid,Inciuding but not Ilmited to accnied i�erest and Iate charges, (If)att olhor sums then ,..:.,,. <br /> ;�,,`� ,t socured hereby,and pll)the remaindsr,lf any,to the pe�son or poraons Iegal►Y enUtted thoreto. }��''�� <br /> �tc�li'::� <br /> . , �A:�.•.. <br /> (o)Trustse may in the manner proNded by law postpo�e sata ot ail or any portlon ot tha ProPe�ty �...�:. <br /> ��',�11; Ramedtes Not Fxetaclve. Trustee and Lender,and sueh of�hem,shail be entltled to eM9rco payment and podormance ot nny indobtodness °- <br /> Il in��?`- F � :i or obllgadons secured by Ihis Deed of Tntst and to exerelse au h0ms nna powers unden V.s C�st7 cf Tr,zt,vlidQS!hs Notg;under 6nV of the _�`°" <br /> ;���,��,; Related Doaumenb,or under any other agreement or eny lawc now or h�roafler in to�ee;noArllhstanding,som9 or atl ot such indeb{edness -�,r,, <br /> �;;;;:, ,, � And obligaUons secured bV ihis Deed of Tntst mey now or htueaNar be othoiwise secu�ed,whelher by mortgago,doed of trust,piodge,Ilen, a,., <br /> ;':�''.�;+���' �� � esstgnmant or otherwise. �lelthar the acceptence ot thls Deed of Trust na its eniorcement,whether by aourt actlon or pureuunt to the powor ot - <br /> ��:�;•: : - <br /> , r.;, seie or other gawe�a eontatned(n this Deed of Trust,ahall prejudice or In any mannar affmcl Trustse's or Lender's�(tht fo reali�upon or <br /> i., �.�, antorce any mther seouriry now or heroa(ter hQld by Trustee or Lendor,it�oing aB��d�t Trustee and Landor,and eaoh ot them,nhIIll bo <br /> �•`���: anUUod to onPorce thls Oeod ot 7rus1 and uny olher¢ecurily now or hereafMr hetd by Lender a Ttustse in such ordor and manndr as ttuny or <br /> '��iv.�;,; X ' ellhur af them may in their absoluto dlscreLon datermine. No remedy cn�eRed upor�or�eservod to Trustee or Lendot,ts intendod to be <br /> •,;,,�,,• w, � exclustve ot nny other romedy In tNs Deed of T►ust or by tuw provided or permitled,but eaah shnli bo oumutnUvo artd ahali be In additlon to - <br /> ;;,`.,:. � every other remedy glven in tNs Deed of Ttust ar now or heroeRer existing at Iaw or In eqWry or by ofatuto. Every power or remady givon by tho <br />,,;,ir,,• . �,� Noto or any ot tho Retatod Oxum�nb to Trustpe or Lender or to whieh elther of thom maY be othorwlse entiUed, may bo oxoreisod. ` <br /> conourrontly or Indapendently,from timo to tlmo nnd as often as may be deemed expedie��by Trusteo or I.onder,und oilhor of tham may <br /> i{, puratte incon.istont romodies. Nothfng in this Devd ot Trust shaA bo conshued as prohlblMng Lender hom seok�n8 n de8cionoy Judgment <br /> • ��� egainst the Tnrsto�to the extent such aeNOn Is permlfted by law. _ <br /> ' ,.�' � Requea!For Nott2a. Trustor,on behalf of Trostor and Lender,hereby requesb that a eopy d e�Y Notice of Oefauit end a eopy N any Nolics <br /> ',;� ', of Sale undor thls peod ot Srust bo mallnd to lh0m et th0 addresses set forth In the Arst para�reph of thls Deed ot Ttust. <br /> �� ��� �vatvert Etet1ton ot RemaC�aa A wNvar by any parry ot a breuch of a provision of�Ms Osad ot Trust shait not constHuto u walvRr ot or <br /> �'�, �: ;, -- <br /> projudlce iho pertya dghb oil�rwise to demand shlct compAance wlth tAat provislon or uny other provis►on. ElecUon by Lendor to purnua nny <br /> �j�r romody provlded in lhis Dood of Tmst,the Noto,ln nny Rotaled Doaument,or provldod by!aw shed not c�ceiude pursult ot any othor romody. �_� <br /> , ,t,,,. � nnd an e�oclion to mnke e�Wendltures or to�ake aoUon to portarm an obltgaUon ot Truslor under Ihis Ooed ot Trusl ARar faituro ot Trusta to _ <br /> �,,�, poKorm sha0 nol nHoct LondaPs dght to declere a dotauft and to uxer�cl�o any ot Ib remadbs. <br /> b � Attomeya'FeeS;E'upsnco�. �f�eodor Instilutea any suft or aciton to o�orca any of the terms of ihis Deod ot Trust,Londor sha��ba ontltlod to �_ <br /> ' „'�'� rocovor�aoh sum as the cour!may ndJudgo reasonab�a aa attomsy&'ter�s at Mat�nd on any appoal. Whether or not Any coud actlon Is <br /> Invotved,att roascnabis o�ar�aes inourcod by Lender whlah In Lendo�a opinlon are nacessary at any Ume tor tho protecdon of Its interost or tho �^ <br /> ' `'�.,��. onforcomont ot ita dphb sha11 bocomo a part of tha Indebtadness payab�o on demnnd end shalt boar interest at the Note rate hom tho dnro ot �-� <br /> • ;!„,;r expondfture untll r�epNd. Exponses covar�d by thls paragraph Inciude,wfthout IIMtaHon,howover sub�eot to eny Ilmib undm aAplicabte Iaw. �_ <br /> � Lender's attomeya'feos wi�ell�er or not thare is a Invr�ult. Induding attomoys'tess�or bankruptoy proeoodings pncluding eHorta to moefy or <br /> •� ' vacate any allomalio sby or In]unction), appeals and any Anllciputed post-ludgmod coEeatlan seMcas,the cost of soarehing recwcb, __. <br /> � � obtalning Urio roporb(including toroctosuro reports),survoyara'reporta,apOra�sa�bos�hl�� „g��a^��8nd fea�tor the Trustae,to Ihe exlent _ <br /> p¢rmitled by nppltCeble taw. Truator aiso wlll pay eny eourt costs,In nddlHon to all olher sums DroNdod by law. <br /> �:�� Rt4ttte of Tsuetee.Trustoe ahnil huvo atl ot tho dghta and dutles ot Lmndor ss sot torth In thia soation. � <br /> . •= ROW6R8 I�NQ�BLIGAYtdkB QF TRUSTEE. Trio tollowing provtsions relating to tho po�nrera eed ob�gatlona ot Tru3too are part ot thts Oaed of <br /> . 4 Toust. _-_-� <br /> t Povtem of Trttatee. In addilfon to all powora ot Trustoa arfaing as a muttor oi Inw,Trusloe ahall hnvo tho power to takp ihe lollowing actlons • <br /> : with rospcCt to tho PropCrty upOn tho wdttun roqltest ot Londor and Trustor. (a)Jdn in prsy�ering and tiling a map or pint ot 1ho Reai Property, �;,; <br /> .., ���., �; <br /> '4',� <br /> ' . �—...—oq,qyRrrr„----��r:-^.—T._�. „�c..:._.h.7:�h'h�', i - . ,��' . .�. , ' " "" _ _ ... ._ . <br /> , ' ���11� . . . , ',1:;'�7;` <br /> . ..—.. , t. <br /> . � ry <br /> . • � <br /> .� .� 1 <br /> ... . ..,.. ._. 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