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<br /> .. . .. .......-'�'=--"' .... .. . ... . . .. .. . . . ...._._ .. _ .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .
<br /> .. , B3-o8-99D9 D��D OF TRUSY •- f��� �������,, Pago 3 '
<br /> L.oan No 763961 (C�Fi4ieued) or �1.
<br /> �, �— —.�___��- ____. — ---� ..
<br /> can�Qquonco of any u�o,gonttnQon,mnnufncturo,ntaraQ�,dinpo�t,r¢tca�o or thrcntonod re!onr.o of n hatnrdous v�a�to or oubatpnco on tho
<br /> propartioa. Tho provlslons ol ihls acQtlon of lho Ouod of Trusl, Ineluding tho ob�tpallon to Indum�l�,oha�ouMvo tho pnymqnl of Iho
<br /> Ind�btodnoss nnd t0o aaUSfaclbn und reconvoyanc�of 1Ro Iton ot ihls Oc¢d of Tru�t and ohnll not bo n(icotod by Londcr'o ncquieltion pf any
<br /> � �nlorost In!ho PcppCrty,whoth�r by foracto9uro or othorc�i6o.
<br /> Nulcance,Wnsfe. Tru�tor ohaa not cnuso,oonduot or permil�ny nulsanc�nor commll,�ormll,or out'ar any aNpping of or wALte on or ta Iho
<br /> Piopc�rty or nny porlion ot Iho Property. Wllhoul l�miting Iho 8oncra�.11y of lho lorcgoing,7ruator will nol ramov�,or prpnt to nny othCr party Iho
<br /> �� ��pAl lo ramovo,qny Ilmbcr,mYiotnta(Including ol�Qnd Qa0),a4�1,grOVOI ot�oek ptoduota�viihout tho p�lo�writton conannt ot LonCCr.
<br /> �lenov8l of Improve�seenl9. Tru�lor ehNi not domWish or romovo any Improvomont�from fho Reni Proparly wllhoui lho prler wdtton eonsont .
<br /> of londor. As p condldon ta Iho romovnt of nny Improvomont�,Londo�mny roqulro Truator to mako nrrGngomo�to outlsfactory to Londct lo
<br /> , • � , �oplaco ouch Improvumants w�h Improvomonta of nt toa�l oquot vatuo. ,
<br /> lond�r'e RIDht to Entet. Lendo�nnd Its ngonta and roprosontativos mny antar upon fho Roal Proporty at aG roascnnblo timos lo aflond to �
<br /> Londar's Intorosls nnd to Inspoct tho Proporty lor purposos ot Trustor'u compilanco wilh thn torms nnd co�diflons of ihis Doad of Trust.
<br /> Coriipitaaee witi�t#overnnentnl Raqutremonta Trustor sheil prompiry comply wlth a!1 ta►va,ordlnancos,and rCgtel9tlon9,now or h:�reaitor In '
<br /> a�ect,of atl govornmentai c►alh�orlties upplleabie to the use or occupanoy of tha PropeAy. Truator mny contesl fn good faith nny such law, .
<br /> ordint�nco,or rogulaUOn and�+tthhWd complisnce dudng nny proccading,Includinp appropdoto upponis,ao lonp ns Tnr�tor hns noURad Londer a
<br /> In w�iting pnor to doing so nnd 60 long os,In Lendsr's soto opinion,Lende�s Intoresb in tho PropoAy aro not toopardlttsd. Londer may r�qulro •
<br /> �� Truator to post nduquato ameumy or e suroty bond,reasonabiy saUSfaolory to Lendar,to protsat londa'a Intorost.
<br /> � Oury to Prototl. Trustot Elfltees rteflher to abandon nor tFavtl unuttondod tho PtopaAy. TNSior ahan do aa othor nota,In addiUon to thoso a�is
<br /> , sel forlh abova In this�cUon,which from the eAuracter.,..d use of tho P►operty are resisonabty nnac�ssary to profaot and prosorva tho Prop�rty.
<br /> ' - OUE ON SALE-CONSENT BV LENDER. Lender mey,at Its option,daclare Immediately duo nnd payablp ap 8ums scsourod by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> •� upon Ihs seie ar fransior,wlthoul Ihe Londor's priar wrltlen consant,ot alt ar 8ny part ot the iieal Proporty, ot any Inlotqt Ir�1he Real property. A .
<br /> � '�elo or trar�sfer"means the convoyenae ot Resi Properly or any dght,Htte or Interost 4horsin;whother tegel,treno�cla►ot equltnbto;whelhor volunt9ry
<br /> �� or Invduntery;whether by ouhlght aaie,deed,lnstsllment sate contr4ct,�end Contract,contract tor dead,leasehotd Interest wltA u term greater tt�n
<br /> ., threo(3)yoars, lease-opHon contrect. a by sola,asslgnment,or tran�fer of any beneflcial Interos!in or lo any�aM trust halding UGO to the Rr�sl , � '
<br /> Propeny,or by any other methad of canveyance oi Roul Propsrly intorasG if nny Truator is a corporadon,prutnership or Nmltod tlubCiry eompany,
<br /> trnnster atso inc�udes any change h ownershlp of moro than twenty-flve percent(2896)of tho voung stwk. pertnerehip interosb or Iimited Uability � ���:
<br /> company interesb,as!he cese may be,ot Trustor. However,thls opUon shali oot be oxercissd by Lendor if 8uoh ezercise ts pro4�(biled by federal �
<br /> tsw or by Nebrsske�aw.
<br /> „ � TAXEB AND LIENB.Tho toi�owing proNslons relating to iho taxes and Uens on tho Properry nre a par!of INs Oaed ofTrusG ��-
<br /> Payment. Trustor shali pay when due(and In stl evonts pdor to delinquancya aIi texss,speclai tazes, assossmenb,charge3 pnctuding watnr ``
<br /> �` e n d s e w e r),8 n e s a n d I m p a s l Y O n s I e v t e d a g a l n s t o r o n a x o u n t o t t h e P c o y�y,a n d s h a l l p n y w h an d u o a[I daims tor viork dono on or(or .=_
<br /> , ,.� ° servtces rendered or material lurnlshed to the Proparly. Tnutor shap mriintoln the Property iroe of aU Itons httving prbdty ovoe or oqual to tho ��.�
<br /> interest of Lender under this Osed of Trust,oxcept tor the Itan of taues and assessmenb not duo and excepl as dhenvlso provided U this Deed �`=
<br /> �� ',-�'�
<br /> dTrust.
<br /> RIgAt To Contetst. Trustor mey withhoid puyrm�nt of t►n tex,esssssmont,ar claim in eonnectlon wNh s ood leith dlsputo over ti�e obltgation �
<br /> r y
<br /> ° to pny,so long as lender's ideresl ln the Property Is not JeopardlYed. If ct Uen a�ises or Is tiled as e res�l of nonpeymont,Trustor ohall wAhln �"
<br /> � fiAean(15)days atter the Iien edses or,M a Ilen Is filed,wlthin fifteon(16)dsys aftet Trustor hes notloe of tl�filNg,seoure thE►disohorpe of Iha ��;�'_y
<br /> • " Ilen, or If requested by Lender,deposit with Lendor cash or a sufflcient eo�porato surety bond or cther seco�y saHafactory to Londor In an ���.��
<br /> amouM Su�HClent to dlsc�arqe the Ilen pius any coats and attorneys'fees a othet Chflrges that cou!d accnre as a result ot n Mreaosuro ot salo ' ,
<br /> under the Ilen. In eny contesl,Trustor shati deTend itself und Lender end shatl setisry any adverse Judgment before enforcemont ngNnst the ��'r:,?�«
<br /> Proporty. 7rustor shali neme Lender as an addlHonai obOgee under any surely bond fumishad in ihe contost proaeoding3. �'�����=
<br /> r EYldence of Payment. Trustor shaU upon domand turnish to Lender snHsiactory evidence of p�yment of Iho Wcc�s ot assassm�nb and ahal; �`;�
<br /> , � aulhorim the appropriate governmentat officlal to deliver to Lender af any Nme a w�itton statoment ot tho to�cas and nssossments sgainst th0
<br /> „ � Proporty. �• _..
<br /> �� � NoUee ot Conatructloa.7rustor shall noHty lender nt�eASt llfleon(16)daya belore any wo�C Is aommanaod,einy se3Meos nro fuml�hed,or nny F,�.,:-
<br /> " , a�,----_-
<br /> t.,� materfais are suppllad to the P�ope�ty,It any mechania�s Nen,matedatmene Ilen,or othar Aen couid be assertod on aocount ot th�wark,
<br /> • .+ aavlcae9,or mEdedats. Trusta wlq upon request of Lender tumish to Lendor sdvano9 assuranaas satlstaetory to i.Ondor thal Tnrsta can and wIU �(�°�;:_-..
<br /> pay the eost ot such improvements. ;,;'::"
<br /> . ���
<br /> � ,�� PROPERTY DARIAOE INBIiRANCE Tho foAowlnp provlsior�retatlng to�nsudng tho Propo�ly rue a pert ot this Daad ot Ttust. �`-
<br /> . �; Mdntenpnce ot(nauranaa.Truator ehall praoure and mainialn poL'cles oi Ore insuranoe wNh atandard e�endod coverago ondorsomoMs on n ���`_
<br /> � replacemont basls(a the 1u11�.aurabta vatuo eovsAng all Improvemonts on tho R�at Propot�y In an amouM suHldent fo avdd appltcaUOn of any ___
<br /> �;,:;«•.. ,� t, cdnsumnco dnusa,nnd wlln a atandard mortpagee elause in tevor o}Lender,togetAer wllh suoh otho�huznrd end IlaDiiity Insuranco as Londor �.;',�;;;
<br /> may reasonnbty requlre. PoUdos ahap be wdtten tn torm,emaunts,coverages and basb reasonnhty aaooptahlo to Londor and fssuod by fl -
<br /> �p company or compnnles reasonabty acceptabte fo Lender. Tnistor,upon request ot Lendor,wlll dotivor to londa hom timo to Ume tho pol�les .•f
<br /> a ce�lUicates of Insur�inca In brm eatisfactory to Lender,Ineludine slipnlaBOns thut cavCmgat wlu no!bo cnnaitic�d or diminished wilt+out nl �=-;,
<br /> ; � bast ten(10)Huys'pdor w�iflen naHCe to Lender. Each�naurance poltcy elso ahuil includo an ondorsomont proNding that�ovetag�in favor ot �"
<br /> lender wQl not be Impaired fn any way by any aot,ortdsston a deTeuit of Trustor or nny othor paraon. ShouW the Reat Propedy at flny tlme '�-:
<br /> • - � become locntod In an erou deslanated by the Otrector of the Federai Emo►genoy Mnnagemen!Agonoy es a EpeCial 0ood hitxard 8ro8,Tnt,4tor _.
<br /> agrees to obta►n and maintaln Federai Flood Insumnoe 1c�r 1�a fuli unpaid pdnclpal batana3 of tho loun,up ta the mo�dmum potlay pmib sot
<br /> . untler tho OVaUonai Flood Insurence Program,w a,othorwlse requirod by lender,nnd to meiniNn such tnsurnnoa for tho term of the toan. -
<br />' l�pllcetlan ot Proceeda. Tnrotor shalt prompdy noiiiy i.onder o!any toss a damagu to tho Proporty. Londor may mako proof of loss lt Trustor �<+':
<br /> � lous to do so wlihin fitteen(16)daya o!tho casualty. �'Yhoihor or not Londar's suoudty is ImpNred,l.endor mny.nt Ita etection,r000ivo and retaln ,'
<br /> �• tho Rroceeds of uny insur�nce and appry tho proceods to ttca rod�toUon of tho Indobtedr�ss,paymant ot any Ilort aftocttng tho Proporl�l,or tho
<br /> - � rostoraUOn ond ropair of tt+e Proporty. It Lendar elects ta eppry tho procoeds to�toration and rc3ptUr,Trusior shalt repar or ropiaoe tho �.:,AK
<br /> dnmafled or destroyed Improvements in a mannsr satt�taetory to Londar. londor eha0,upon anUSfaatory praot ot aueh nxpondituro,pay or ��:�., �
<br /> �� relmburso Trustor hom tho proceods tor the reesonabto cost ot�opalr or rostoraHon it Trustor Ms nd in dolnult undcr lh.3 Ctsed ot Tnisi. My "�� `;�
<br /> procends wh�ch havc►not been disbursed v+rlthfn 180 days after thoft rcxofpl and wh�h londor hns not commtticd to tho roD�r Or�8s2oratlon of
<br /> . 1ho Proporty sh�il bo usod{9rot to pny uny nmount uwing to L�nder w�ek"'r ihls Oead of Trust,thon to pay axruod Intcrosf,nnd iho ramalnder,M
<br /> any,shnll bo nppltod to tho p�nctpal bntance of tho indob'odncss. It LonHvr hoid�nny pr0000da aftor paymant in tutl oi th�Indabtednoas,sucb
<br /> �. �, � •�,. ,
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