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' r�...i� . . .. �tl �t:f ��,��. . . .I� <br /> �fI(['.�'Y' ��' i�� l�ll:s'.: �'`{�� �r.,t�.l <br /> ��fc, , ,,.; �._.'..,'i��_,, . . . <br /> r; '•�': . � .�, . .:i�' - � - ,� - - <br /> ::{: . :�' �,d;'�';r" , <br /> • ' ,. , � _ _ -. °�c' � , . <br /> � - . � . , "�i . . <br /> ��. .. <br /> � <br /> o�-�a�,��� ����n���2 ���� o����a�r Page 2 <br /> Loan�Vo 7�3989 (Coc�4ln�ad) <br /> T�C�— ----__ �-�__ � <br /> �avrful monoy at lho UnRod�iutcs o!Rmfldcn. , <br /> " 0anatictary. Tho vtord '�onc�fldnry'meuna Flvo Polnts Bnnk,Its succossaa ond aeslgns, Flvo Potnts Bank also Is relerr�a to as'londor"in <br /> this Dcad ot Tru9t. <br /> Se2d ot YrttIIt. Th0 word4'�COd ot Tn�sl"meAn thts OrAd of Trust amonp TMtor,Lendor,rsnd Trustuo,and Includes wilhou!Ilmttatlon ali • <br /> e8slpnmonl and sc�c�ttlh+Inlerosl provislone relntin�lo ihe Personal Propo►tynnd Ae��i�. � <br /> �3u�1AfltOt. Ttw �vad 'Gun�ndoi" mptlns nnd inc�udos wilhoul Iimfladon nny and all guarantore,surotfos,and tsccommodatlon parlios tn '- <br /> •� . connooilon v�lth Ihn IndobddROS�. <br /> �� .. � �"' Improvamenta Yh;►�vord"Improvomontn"moanu and Inctudoa wNhout Umltcatbn nll ox�ating and(uturo Improvomonta,bu�idngs,atructuros, <br /> •+� mobilo homes allttod on Iho Rcy P�oparty,laelllllo�,nddlhorm,roplacomonisnndothor construotlon on the Roni Propa�ty. •-• <br /> • (rtttebtodnsQ3. Th0 v�ord'lndobtodnoso"mnnnn nll prtnclpui ond Intanr�l psyaEb u ndcr lho Noto nnd any nmounts oxpondod or advancod by • <br /> Londor to disohare0 ob�tplUOess d Trustor or oxponsos Inaurrod by Tru4t�o or LWidor lo onlorco ob�iflntlons of Trustor undor ItiN�Ocod of Truat, -. <br /> toeothor with inl�tC:tl Cn oueh anaunlo ao providad in this Qood o}Trusl. <br /> �crt0et. Tho worcl'tondar'rreoan�Flvo Polnto 8nnk,Ib euccossoro and ncslpns. <br /> Hoto. The wo�¢� "tda:�`m�ans tho Note dated MarcA e,1880,ID tii8 �7tin�ipal umaunt a4 �88,a00.QA kom Trustor and nny ' <br /> cosignom to Lond�sr,lopolno� wRh nIi ronowala,oxtonsions,modtlicatbns.ra9nnndr�as,nnd substltutlons tor tho Noto. Tha meturity dato ot this , ' <br /> ; OCESd ot Ttuitt I8 MatCh 7,2004. <br /> � � Pereoanl Property. Tho viords'PeBOnal Property'mean aN equipment,8tttures. and other aAlcies ot personal property now or hereattor .; <br /> owrtad by Trustor.an9 now a hureaflor aHaohed or aHixed to the Reai Ptopaly;togather wilh att accesslons,psrts,snd eddiUons to,au �';s`:: <br /> � repiseements oi, and ell euDS8lutlons ter,any ot auoh properhr, and tapother with a!I proCegds {Inciudir�wllhoul Ilmltalbn flil in9urnrtce •'' <br /> „� proeaods nnd rofunds of pro�niums)hom any sale or other dloposiUOn of tho PropMtZ/. •' <br /> � Properiy. Tho word'Property'means eotleoflvely the Reai PropeAy and th�Psnonat P�epa�iy. - , <br /> ,:,� Ror�P►og�Ay. Th�wa►ds'i�cial Property'mean the proparty,Intarosb+anC dgQ�b doscribed above tn the"Conveyance and Qreni"section. . ;, <br /> Ret�ed Qecumen� Tho wads 'iielated Doouments moan and Inctude w�out Ilmitallon all promissory notes, �edit egreements,toan =A� <br /> y agroomonb,envirunmonW a�resmonis,fluamnfle�,security agreamenls.mortgeges,daods of hust,end all othor Instruments,ag�eements and ::; <br /> , J dooumonis,whDthernoworheraakeroxlslfng,executedinconneetlonwithlho Indebtednass. <br /> '��� Ronta Tho word"Renffi'm�uro nil prosent and tuture renb,revenues.Incorna,Msues.royeiHes,profits,end other benefits derived hom the ' `��,�,: <br /> �� Property. , •,..,; <br /> , ' '�� TN4tE0. Tho�vOrd T�u91En" means Flve Palnts 88nk and eny substil�te or auctossor hu9laes. ��' <br /> . •:i�: <br /> . TtUO1ot. The word Trusto�'mcans eny and alI psrsons and enUties execuling tlb Deed ol Trust,Inctuding wlthoui timitallon el'frustora named ,�_ <br />„ �'' above. . . <br /> :',.;,;, <br /> TMIS DEED OF TRUST,IB�it�UDINQ THE A331GNMENT OF RENTS AND THE BECURITY INTERE8T IN THE R�NTS AND PERSONAL <br /> : .� ' TRi13 QR UNDE'R�N�TE,TNE k�ElATED OCUMEN78'ANDTHiB D�D OFTRlJ9T.RTH 3 DAEED OF TRUST S QIVEN AND ACC�8D — <br /> ���i ON YkE FOLLOVYIPIO TERtHlB: ' <br /> , . ,. �.,:.-- <br /> . �.a I PAYMGNT AND PEHFORNDbi�1CF. F�ccept as othetwise ptovlder!In this Oeed of T�ustTrustor shall pay to Landar aA amounis secured by this Oeed :<.' <br /> ' • ��; of Trust as thoy baaomo duo,artd she�sMoUy and In a tlmery manner peAOrm at of TNStors obNgsdons under the Note,this Deed of Trust,nnd the ,�;.:�,,,,,., <br /> ; . . ,� + Ro.'stod Ooaumsnm. � <br /> ,� � ROS8Eti810N AWD AltAINI'iL-1lA1iCE OF THE PROPEIiTY. Trustor agroes that Truslors posses:,lon and uso ot the Proporiy ahel be govcmad by : ��.____ <br /> th�to!lowing prov151ona: • • --_ <br /> ��{ PoaaesBlOn and Bieo. Umll the ocourrence of an Eve�t ot Delault,Trustor may(a) remaln In possess�on snd control of the Property, (b)use, ��� `-- <br /> ° � oporato or manugo tho Prope�ty,nnd (oy colleot any Ror.ts hom the Properry. "�' <br /> ``+"; <br /> IQtlty to MalnLslrt�. Tru3tor shr�l maintein the Property in tenuntebto conditlon�M promptly partorm all repairs,replacornents,and malntanonco ��::_--_ <br /> . ti nacossary to pr�anrvo ita raiuo. __ <br /> ' . i Mamrdoua 3uPt�tences.Tho tams"hexardous waste,"Tozardous substenco;'dlsposui,•'Yeieaso'snd"throntoned releasa,'as ussd In thls �;;.._ <br /> • DC�d of Truot,shnll havp Np ssmo meanings us set torlh in the Comprohenslve Envlronmentai Response,CompensaHon.and Llability Act of �;-;_ <br /> • ' • 1980,ns ttmondod,4� U,S.C.SoCtian 9601,et set�.(°CC@RCLA�,the 3upeAund Amendmenb and Reauthodzatlon Act af 1986,Pub.L.No. ,,,._ <br /> • 98-498("SARA'�,tM Hcverdous AAateriats Transportation Act,49 U,S.C.Sootion 1601,et sey.,the Resource Conservalbn and Recovery Act, ,+.��;,;;� <br /> , . . ,;•, i 42 U.3.C.Soatlon 6901.e18aq.,or plhur applicabio state ot Fodornl Isv�►s,mlc�s,or roguleHons adoptod pursuant to nny o!tAD torogoing. The �;,. <br /> .. ;��;�+;�Y=�j. , . ' terms"hazardoun wnsto"end "hnrnrdous 8ubstance"aheA ntso Inctuda,wilhout wtatlon.petroteum nnd petroteum by-producis or any Naotlon ;�.._, <br />_ ; �;,y�,,:,�,•.L .•, ihoreof and GsbCntGS. Tmstor ropresents and warcants to Lender thak (e)DurNg the pedod ot Trustors ownership ot tho Propedy,there ha8 i,�•.:_;,� <br /> • • `�� ' � ,boon no uso,gonorn�on,manNccturo,storngo,Ueatmenf,dlsposat,nlosse ar meatonod roiease ot any hererdous wc�sle or substsnco by sny ; ,, „• <br /> , ! porson on,unQor.a6cu1 a kom tho Property; (b)Trustor hns no knowledgo e�f,or raason to believe that thore has boen,exoapt as previousty ;i__;;;;: <br /> " '' z � •r disciossd lo and tl�Cke�rAedgod by Lendor In wdling, (i)any uso.generatlon, menufaClure,atorage,treatment,disposal,release,ar threatened ;''!�'��- <br /> �- • � • { �otoaso ot any haaerdaus wasto a substanco on,undor,ebout or hom the Prop�ty by any prior owners or occupanb ot tha Proporly or pi)any °����,'�,�- <br /> • notunt or thm,ntonnd Utigetlon a ctaims ot any klnd by any porson relaUng to wch mAdere;end (o)Except as prevlousty disebsed to end •;<,..:,. <br /> • � j acknowtedgod by 4oneler In wAtlne, (t)nellner Trustor nor eny tonent.contrador,egenl or other aulhortzed user ot tho Proporq+shnil uso, <br /> �j"" ,� : ; gonornto,manuhi�tura.elore. traat.dlspose ot,or roioaso nny herardous w�sta asubsiance on,un�er,about a trom the Atoperty dnd (fi)any _ <br /> , • - , suoh aCHvity sha�l IS!cmnduCtod in compllanCO with aIi applfCable faderal,atato,and locnt laws,regulaflons end ordinancos,including without ` <br /> � � Iimltmtion tho3n la�»A z�datloM,end ordlnpnces d0.5cribod abovo. T�uebr atlhorims Lender and Ils agonta to enter upon tho Proporty to '�` <br /> �,. � mnko 3uch Inupoatio:r3 end 4aw, at Trustor's oxpunse,es Lendor may deom approprlate to delermine compllanco of 1ho Property wlth thls <br /> ,_ , scsotion a}tho Oe�d o!7rust My Inspootiona cr tests m4Qo by Lender shel ba br LendoPa purposes only and shull not bo construed to ereats <br /> • • nny ro3ponsibli!ty or esoly oo Ifre part ot Londor to Trustor or to any otha psnon. The rcprnsentntlons and wartuntles conlafnod hcrofn nro <br /> basod on Truslor'�d�e dEge�aoln InvesBQating tho Properly tor hpzordouswcn9isand hamrdous substencos.Trustor l�xeby(a)retoasos end <br /> , � } walvos any futu�ro e�cirr.�egainst londor tor Indomnlry or conMbution In tAe ovenl'Tnr9lor becomes�I�bfe tor elsanup or othar oosta undor nny <br /> . suoh Iaws,[trtd (b)e,�rees to indomnity and hoid harm�ess Londa sgelnst any and aN cfaims,Iossos, Ilabilltios, dam�gos, ponNtips,nnd <br /> , � oxpan^..os whioh t�.Oro;1r�n may dh¢atly or indircotly sustain or suffer rosudrtg tom a brsaoh of this aoetion of tha Do�d of Truat or us a <br /> � .�' <br />_ � �..I . . �---- •_•__-�.------•:--- . . .. <br />. • '�"- _ ,— - . -;1,': . „ .. , -......._..,M�,L:_.. . •�'.. ,. n . <br /> .. � . .... ...... <br /> .... <br /> .. .._ . .. ,� <br />� . �.._ _ . .. .�..�.. . . <br /> . � . . � U <br /> ' '.it: . � , , , . .. <br /> . . . .. " .� " .. , � ' , <br /> .. 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