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� ,4. . . �• .` . . <br /> .i,` „ ' �r `7 . �:i;'. <br /> .. ��� .� �� . ��..r . <br /> • � , '� '1 " . " '. _.. ".' _' <br /> ..� . _' _ .. _ .__ - _ _. <br /> • ' —___ _. .�T�. _ — _ <br /> j���' � 93 �solts9i - .. ... <br /> .�_ �.__.:rs_��.,Yr,.,�t`_.. . <br /> p�ymrnts may oo Ia�er be rcquirod,w �hc oplion of l.eoder,if mc�h�n�e insurance rnverqQc lio Iho Amw�M and fnr�pedad <br /> Ilwt l�ender roquires)providod by an inwrer�pproved by I.anfer�rin t�Y�s�veilahlo und 1F��htained.&irmwer ctwll pAy <br /> - �he praniums required w rwintrla monWU iawrw�+e in eifat.Of 10 p1Y1VWC A IOtfi�p'iL'rVl,wuil�ho roquimn�ent fot mwtpa�o <br /> iniu�noe ends ia aoaqr�d�ncro w11h any wrinen�trement betwxn Bc�rn�we�wid l.emter ar t�ppliexble IAw. <br /> 9. la��eel{an.[.ender ar ila ngeot may makc rcasc►r�able entNes upon w�d inspecti�xis oP�he Propeny. l.a�dcr rbW!�ivo <br /> _"12 Bornawer natioa rt the time oi ar priar tu an inspo�hian r�pocifyin�r�easnnablc cause for Ihc insp�ti�ion. <br /> =- - 10. Coqde�uWlo�. Tho pra.�odc af�ny awArd ar clofm far dama�es. dirr.rt ar�YmscqueMi�l. in �Ymnahinn with any -- <br /> ,:�,. <br /> condemnatEon or othtr tWcin�af any pah af the PnMeny. �r far mnveyanca in lieu af candenuwlian. arc herehy uwiynod wd <br /> :�:-�--�-F_ - -- :----� � <br /> Flwll be to Lender. <br /> `F�`,� In the event ai a towl wking nt'Ihe Pmpe�ty.the pmcecds shall be Applied ta�he�um�recured hy�hi�Security laurun�ent. <br /> ' � % whether ar iwt�hen due, with any cxccu puid to Borrower.l�ihe event of u punial taking uf ihe Prop�ny in whirh�hu fuir <br />.,� '�,, ma�ket vAlue af 1hc PropeAy immcdiotely befare Ihe taking Is equnl �a ar greuter than�hc um�wnt oP Ihe sumc securod by thia <br />_=-"+'� Secud�y Instrumcnt immediatoly befare the takiag,unless Borcc�we�wid I.ender atherwise ugreo in w�iting.thc sumx sccured by <br /> °-�—�4x�:ara�a ° <br />�_.��;�;;;;xr;�;�;- this Si�curity I�atrumenl shnll be reduced by the amourq of tLtie pna��eeds multiplied by the faU��wing frnctlon: la)the total <br /> =`•��yw��`;�"� araounl oi thc suma secutt�d immedi�lely be�ore�Ae taking.divWesl by (b►Ihc fair market vulue ol'thc Propeny immedimely = <br /> • °',,,�, , . 6efore!he wking. Any balance slwll be paid w Borrower.In ihe event oi'A partic�ll u►kir,g ai'the Pmpeny in which�he fai� <br />_ �y S•'��•. ` market value oi 1he Property immadiately before the taking ic fess tf�an t6e unwunt of the sunu securctii immediately before the - <br /> �.` .. Y;�,�^"�?� • talcing.u�less Bornawer and Lender dhenvise agree in wniting or ur�les.+applicable law wf�erwise provides,lhe proeeede cball = <br /> r_�,� .�����'•y'��t ,f�N = <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instmment whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> z+;� �di�t�. ' If the Propetty is abandoneid by Barrower,or if.ailer notice by l.cnder to Bamnwer that the c�iemnar offers to make au <br /> .,'•'r ' -� awwd or senle a cl�im for durtu�ges,Borra�ti•er Bails.ta respotul to Lender within 30 days a4er the dute the nwice i� given, -� <br /> t��„i <br />'��''��,,�,�-f��:.:-Y �c.^,der is auth�cized to caltcci a�w1 u�►ly the.proceeds,a�is,up[iuu. CiQ�Cr lu�esloraliuu or�e�ir uf th�Pratpe�iy�n tu tbe aums = <br /> "'t; �.ecured by this Secutity Inslrument.whether a�not theae dwe. _ <br />::��f.'�i:' E.. <br />,,.�,�, Unless l.endor and Borrower othenvi,e a�me in wri�in�, any applicatio� of proceais ta principal sholl not extend or _ <br />��a�;, � postpone the d�,e date of the momhly paymen�s refcrred tn in parugrAphs ! nnd 2 or change the umaum of such paymems. �- <br />"•'^�. 's�':�• 11.Borrower Not Released= Forbea�s�nce B�•LentlerNot a�i'uivea Extension of thc timc far payment or modifiru�ion r <br /> _f V.1 Il.: �:_, <br /> -- _°� x�:� of amortizatian of the sum�secured by this S�curity Instrament granted by Lender t��uny�successor in inlerest of BoRawer shall �s' <br />:r�.,..---='='�;�'±:. �. <br />_ � ,� � not operAte to rclease the liabili�y of the original 8orruwcr or Borrawer's success�u.�n inter�st. L.endcr shnll not be required to ''�:: <br />';,,� `.�, • x4 rnmmence pracaedings against any succesw�r in imerest or refuse to extend�ime for payment or othenvise modify amonixa�ion , - <br /> �: ' ���� of the sums sccured by this Secu�ry In�zument by reason of eny demand mucte by the ariginul Borrower or Borrower's =_ <br /> ' �:: - <br />'=:�; � successors in interest. Any farbearance by Len�ler in eaercisin$eny right or remcdy shall not be a wAiver of ar preclude the - <br /> eaerci.ce of any right or remedy. e1�- <br /> _..". - ,-. -� m...�•.-: �:. <br /> � ^ 1Z. Successors arid Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Sev�tra7 l.tablllty;CasigMrs. The covenants und �pr•eements of thia � <br /> �,. � *,� � � �`;•; <br /> �w� x,;,. M4 Sccurity Instrument shall bind and benefit the auccessors and asaign.s of I.ender and 8orrower, subjcYt to the provisionc of ,,:_ <br />�,�'� : �� ��'�.,'•` '`� ara ra h 17. Borrower's cnvenants and u memenls �hall be oint nnd severol. An• Borrower who co-si ns this 5cxurit • - <br /> �,.t. ,;,��._ ;��?� . , P g P € 1 y B > �' <br /> �� '� .�,p,u�., { � Instrument buR do.c tMt execute the Notr: tu) i. co-signing�his Securilti• lnstrumera only ta mongage,gr�nt und convey �hut "_ <br /> �-�'�'�°!�� 8orrower's interc.t in thc Property underthc terms o1'this Security [nstrument; !b1 i�not personully obligste�i to pay the sums �� <br /> - -� —. <br /> . -•.FS'� <br />=;;;' ���;:�:'�.� a��:a{.,;, secured by tbis Security lnstrument: and Ic)ugrces that Lend�r und uny other Borr����er muy ngree to exlend,modify,furbear or ��� <br /> � ;°��f '�"' meke any uccommcxla�ions witfi regarJ t�►hc terms nf thi.Security[ns�rument or thr Note wilhout that 8orrower'x consent. �' <br />;;:::i•r.. ... p_.. , -`° <br />;;.�r :�,� '`•i•. , . , 13. Lown Charges.If�he Inan securcd bv this Security Inurument i+subject la u law whir7� sei. muximum loan churFeti, �, <br />- � •�'�� ,,..J i� und that law is tinaNy interpreted s�i th�t ihe imrrest or other loan rlwrgeti cullected i�r to be callerted in cannoc�ion with the � <br />.,:;tt' ,•`riY�}rf..:'�`k,'' �' <br /> :., .�,�,: a� laun eaceed the permincd limits,then:lal any such loan chargc shull bc reJur��l My tfic amaunt nereswry tn rcduce the churge � <br /> =4_ �.. �++••�!+r y� to the perntiued limit;atKl �b�m�y sums ulre:xiy cullertea from Bnrrower whirh rxceeded permiued limits wil� be refunded to [��. <br /> y: i . � d.;' . 1.. - <br /> - �,,�:� J�,,,,;,, B�r�r�wer. l.emler �twy chix�s� �o nwkc �hiti refunJ by� n�J�i��g the prin�ipul awe� iinder the N�te or by niakin� Q Jircct <br />'��` �j����;� payment to 8orrnwer. If a relund reduces principal. Ihe reducti<,n �cill 1►c t�euled a� u panial prcp�ymern witfiaut an;.• �_ <br /> � <br /> '`� '��:,,;• ,;�!f p' prepayment char�e under the Nde. � <br />_- >.�, 14.Notkes. Any rxnice to Borrowcr prin•ided ti�r in this Securiry Instrumrn�>h:dl t►,;given hy delivering it or by mai�in� <br /> � `��<`';�i„�` it by lirst clus�muil unles.:Gpplirablc luw reyuires uae of ar�ha:r meth�xi.The noticc:�ail bc directed ta che Propeny Addrcs� �.`.; <br /> '° ;c�� t�3;�,�{.r'�t;�',r'�s^',,r� �r any other uddrcss Borm�z.r designute+ by notice t�i L.�nJer. Any n�nicr to Len�:cr shall be given by iirst clatis mail to �•` <br /> � ;g.,r,�,,� - ,,r�� �:, <br /> }��. .�,,.... l.ender's uddr•ss,wted hrrein or uny uthcr uddre�� L.enJcr Jc�ignatc+by notirc t��B��rrower. Am notice pmvided far in this <br /> ' �'" Securi� Inurument shall Ix:deemeJ to ha�e hecn rven to&�rcowcr or I.cndcr when �iven u+ r����ided in this ura ru h <br /> _ r ',,;�:'���.. ;a: , Y S� b� P P R p • �_ <br />''� ` r,° '•�"; '�'': IS.Governing Law; Se�•erablllty. This Sccurily Ins�runMnt .ha�l he �, Y <br /> ,:;; }��.y ,,.,?..v��y�;�.y��, �overncvl M 1'edrrul law ;md the Inw of the �. <br />�•��' � � . �. jurisdiction in whirh the Property is I�xateJ. ln thc e�ent �h�t any pmviainn��r clau•c uf thi.r S�tiurily In�trument or the Note - <br /> � ~ �'�`���a`:j�;�� confliets wi�h upplicable I;�x. ,uch contlict shall no�aFfect c�ther pruvision���I'�hi.Scrurit��Imtrum�nt ur the h�m K•bich run be - <br /> �� ��'���•.� <br /> ;;,'.'. �;�`. . �`a�� �:� given effect without �hc r��nflic�ing prn��i�i�m. T��Ihi�cnJ th�pravi.inm of thi+Sccuritp In�trumcnt atxl thc No�c are declared � <br /> ' t � ±, . � ?H ta be severat+le. . ; <br /> ��. �" 16.8arrow�er's Cop�.&►rr�iwcr�hall b.�giv�n unc cunfiK�iurl r��p} ul Ihc Naic aiKl ul'thi+ScYUrity Insln�rncnt. �`r._ <br /> .� .�,��, <br /> �, �-' ;,'�����•'�~," Form 3026 9i90 ���`+_: <br /> r� '•_. <br /> ii�:•, .'�:r`✓-'�� �i...� Py�0o�8 1���`� <br /> i. '�f`�� p�r <br /> iA. ,,; vd <br /> . . � ��t� �: <br /> V� � �.� �;•. <br /> t� � 1�.7.w�'if}�76'.�t;�+.� .... _.... , .. . :�.i,_. . . .i���•�f Y>lj�J�.',� 7iw�n+'r4_� �y�, <br />-->�.ti � j�g�..�t"-� 'T'r. ' � .� • , ' ,' � )l 1� i .! � _-���1+! a+t}'�:'9.'�'r1F�, '-_ <br /> �:�..` ��� t'.�. -�. ;.x__ ' '" ' .' ' t �.,i <br /> ��u„o� ��•d�},:- �._�!.'� . . . I`� , ' � . . ... . e, . <br /> �—T.r -r . . . . . '_ _ ._ .. . i- �t v ;K}�t <br />��. ���' '- . ' -- _ _:_( . . .. - . '.'' . .. �r . . . � .�.} , . <br /> .. t� ��ln�. v ' � ' .. �i�i' � • . . <br /> , 1�.��r ,'�• � . � . ' �)�� . � <br /> �L �{��1��- � . . � . .•t•-, . - . . �f-l: . • • .. <br /> .i •}� '��� <br /> �_U�K-� •. 'lly;�, � : t :.�:,` � '+ <br /> .��' ���,�'i`'i�,�;•. {eF..�� "r:.' _ . � .� <br /> ;sn�. , .. ,p.� , . <br /> �i>;' . . , ,,.,:3,.; .. . <br /> ;; �� .'�j'(;��,, . . . , '. <br />, i � � �• � ; , :. ; <br /> : r r.� �',;: . " � , <br /> •'� t 01 -��: ., � - .w..,,..�- <br />� i.. `"'•:. . ' • - • .... <br /> a . . � � <br />