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� ,y�., �� : -°�r:;:.,- <br /> �: . ;i ., , <br /> • � ''''r" . ,. ... ,.,.� � <br /> �r • - <br /> - --- -__ <br /> _ - _ <br /> - _�._..2�.� .-- �� 93. lo�s��. <br /> a� Hwnl aR Prope�7y lawra»cr. Qomnwer xlull kocp �hu impmvcment� nnw axiufn� or herrsflcr erocted on�ho <br /> Pn�{+edy iowrod�ainu Inrx My firr. Iwr�rJw lnrlwla! wilhin Ihc tcrm "oRtendod c�vcrn�e•and any Wher h�rds, including <br /> `T _ ti�or�iadinp, im which i.cndcr rcquirc� imur��e.This inxuramr abaii he maiMUina1 in�iw�nH�ume wMi fi�r�ho pa�ad� <br /> Ibwt Lerwlcr roquircx. Tho inruru�w:e rarrirr pry►�iding dx� .Irull hc chnnen hy 8ormwer�ubject to I.u�wl��'.uppn►vul <br /> ___ — which rhWll nM hc unrcuM�nahly wilhhcld. U� ii�►rr.�w�r luil,tu muintuM covarugc de.K�iMcd alx�ve. I.cndcr muy, ut I.�ndcr'� <br /> :`� ap�ion.ohtuin rnvc�agc�o prc►tect l.ender'r righ�s in iha Pmpeny in ur��►niance wiih pa�ugn+ph 7. _ <br /> ,s•, All i��uPan�� pallcic�c ar�i rttkwalr.�halt ba ��pu�t�lv tu I.�:iMicr und shull im:ladc s� �,uKtwnl nx�hgage cfau�e. l.cndcr °- <br /> ! '�..____ _______•_�__-� Rhal!hxve�hc�ighl to hc►Id Ihe pc►Ncic.r und Gender requirca, Borrowcr shall promptly give tn l.e�uler u0 r�ipts af � <br /> ,� pAid pmmiuma und rcnewal natices. In the event of loss.Bornc►wer altull Qive pmmpt nutioo to Ihe insurance eaMe�and I.ender. — <br /> ;;,� I.eMer muy make pra►f of loss if nat made pmmptly by Borrowcr. -- <br />_ � Unless l..ender and Borrowe�othenvise ugree ln w�i�fng.insumace praceeds shall be app8od ta n�xtorwion or rrpuir oi�he '"' <br /> _"`� Pn�pehy damagad,if the restorntion or repuir is enxpmically feASible a�i Lender's secu�ily is nut lessened. If the r+estorn�ion or <br /> __T� tepRi�ic ni►t economically fc�ible or Lender s securily�ww�W be lesseried.the inwrarce proceals shtill be uppliad to tha sums =-__ <br /> ____ - _- securod My this Security Instn�ment. whether or nd tt�en due, with uny excess Qaid tu Borrower. If Bormwer aband�ns the '�•"•` <br /> �� �� <br /> �_ --- Pmperty. or does not w�swer wi�hin 30 d�ys a ndice fnom I.ender that�he inwauw.-e cs�rrier hus offenad to setde u cla�m. then =,_ <br />-��r� lxnde�m�y collect the incurance procerds. Leider may use the proceeds to repair or res�ore �he Pmperty or to p4y wms <br /> `-�''���'�'-•` '` s�ocu�od by this Securi�y Instn�ment.whether or na thea due.The 30-day periai will begin wlien the notice ia glven. . --- <br /> Unless l.ender and Borrawor wherwise agree in wri�ing. any applicution of pmceods to principal shnll nd extend o� �f.: <br /> -_ � �'� postpone the duo date of the monthly paYments refeRed ta in paragmphs 1 anJ 2 0�change Ihe anmunt of the payments. if -- <br /> ' under pa�raph 21 the Pmperty is acquirod by Ixnder, Borrawer's�ght to any insu��e paUcies and praceeds resultin�6QOrra �.,- <br /> *.'.. - - danLr�te w the Pn q�rny pri,r t�•�I�a�t, �vitiun siwll paxc to Le�der to the eatent of the sumc secured by tbiA S�xuri�y lo�rumenp _ <br /> � .� ' immediately prior to the acquisition. �,;�:' <br /> ��;g�, � 6.Ocepppncy.Pr�servadon�Mf�Ontenance and Protection of the I'ro�erd�+:1lNorrawer's I.oan Applicatian;I.ea.�cOrc�ids. ",; <br /> BomoKer sl�a11 occu eswblish,aQr.t use the Pro rt sas Borrower s �nci a1 residrnce wHhin sixt da s After the eaec�atian af ��- <br /> .�x;�.,...• . <br /> .:•at:%►,; PY• Pe Y p� P Y Y - - <br /> � '` ti'r; this SeraRia��lnstrument sind slwll mminue to occupy the Property;�.s�oQrower's principal residence for At least one yeaff aher �- <br />• . the date of occupuncy,unless l.ender otherwise agrees in writlo�g, w�hich c�nsent qhall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless ��._ <br /> ": :;.` exlenuetirtg rircumstan�xs exist which ure beyond Aorrower'x camml. &�rrawer shall nat des�roy, damuge or impnir the � <br /> "�-° � � ' Propeny, allow the Praperty to deteriorate, or commil waste on the 1'roperty. Bamnwer shall be in default if uny forFeiture <br />��,..K:., 1J . . - <br /> ���� " ` , action o�pTareeding. whether civil or cr�minal.ia begun that 9n l.ender's good fuith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the ��'�' <br />-=�--�' Propern .�r athervvise materially impair the Ilen creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's secu�i�y intercst. Borro�•er mny Y'� <br />__rt=;�t� • ��: <br /> � zy � cure such n dtfault and reinstate,�s provided ito parngtaph I 8,by causing the Action or praceeding to be dismissed with a rulin� ._���- <br />. :-.-.�,—; that. ia l.�ndcr's g,�ad faith d��tLr�ination. preel+�::�. forfeliura uf tiiC BurruwC�'s inlereal in�he Propeny or ather matena9 =- <br /> �a � Impairnient of the lien created by �his 5ecurity ln,trurnent or I.ender's secur+ty interest. Botrower shall also 6e in dafault!f � - <br /> � �� <br />- , �' �' ';����',. Rorcower.during the loan appl�cution procecs,guve meteriully false or inaccuPate informauon ar s�wements to L.ender(or failod ��� <br /> . �'�.;,;c�',,, 1 <br />_ ., • ,�• ,.- ,; , to provide I.ender wi�h any materiai ir+formation)in cannection with the loan evidenced h�t�he Note, including, but nnt limt�od <br /> _ �.i� :...,:K: �.r�.. . �,` <br />_::.�}�.Y,+, :�.���_ �o,representations ccx�cerning Borro«ar's occupancy of the Propeny ac a pri�cipal residence. If this Security Instrumcot is on a <br /> - ` "' %j' '' �� '-�t°" 7,� Icasehold. Borrowcr �t�aU comply with nll the pmvisions af Ihe leare. if 8,rrower s�cquires fee title to the Property, the �-== <br /> -�.;;�:;' •�:. ��..- �• <br /> ° •+ + ,ce.•:•:�:' ' leasehold and Ihe fee tiQe shall nut merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> �f � ` "�'��• 7.ProtecUon of Lender's Rlghts in the Pruperty.If Rorrawer fuils to perForm the covenants and ogreements canlAined in �•�'. <br />±�-�`y� �his Security Instrument, or there is v Iegal praceeding tiwt mu} significunQy affect l.ender's rights in the Property �such as a „�: <br /> �Y� - . <br /> ,�,� �,�; praceeding in bankruptcy,proba�e, li�r condcmnation or forieiture or to enfoTCe luws or regula�ions), then l.ender may do and <br /> ����'�'� !!. • ��`;� ' '� pay for whatever is neces�ry to pnitect the vulue ai the Propeny and I,er,�7cr's rights in Ihe Prc�pcn4. Lender's actions may •• <br />�•�" �` '/K .,`���q° ',�. include in an runu securcd b a lien whirh h�s rioril over �his S�.urit Inctrument. a <br /> '� ��` �, I�Y R !' Y P Y Y P�xaring in courl. �ayi�s <br /> u'�' �?' -��'"�; ` reuonuble anorne ti' fees and entering on the P • - <br /> � _ Y• ropeny to mnke repain.Although Lendcr ma�taf:C 5:.ivj1��wr� tLia p.uugraph ;,1,; <br /> ��� )�.r`; �� 7.Lender daes not have ro dn so. <br /> �;:•. <br />+' ~ c::q�i.�. <br /> � :�',.�_� , Any amoums disbutsed b�� Lcnilcr under this parograph 7 ,hall become additional debt of Borrower securec! hy� this <br />�'� �'�'•���--� `•� � Security Inswment. Cnless Bi�rmwer and L.enJer u rcc tn ath�r terms ol' acme m, t h e ti e a m i w n t s s h u l l b e a r i n t e r e s t f r o m t h e <br />�:'' '�,^��:•;,,.:� �. ' g p� <br />��. ,�:i-;:. �. ;.•�_, dale of disbursetnen¢ nt the Note rate unJ rhull 1►e payable, with intere�t, upon notice from I.endcr to Hamnwer requesting <br />�..° ,�:., .�._.�:,,�i;'•.,.,;�. paYment. <br /> -"� �;���..,,�a�::;�;- 8.1Yo�aRe Insurance.If Lznctzr reyuired mortgagc i nrurancc ay A�vndi�ion of making ihe In;u�secureJ by thi,S�rurity �~ <br />-:.,<c. �... <br />��= ' ;•'�'��y.4 Instrumen¢, 8c�rn,wer shnll puy Ihe premiums rcyuircd to n�aintain th� nx�rtgugr iu+uran•r in r1Yiti�. If, for any reason, the ��'•�' <br /> . : ��?��'.' i r•.•.,. <br />'-".;: ;�; � moRgage insuranre co�erage requited by l.ender lupuw or rea+es ta be in effcc�, &xrowrr shull rv the r�miums � <br /> ,. . �� ,�; p•, p ' required ro �.l�<; <br />.;.�;•t::y,F ,. :.•;., obtain wver�ge subsaa�ii�N�• equi�•alent�o�hc mongage insurarKe previoual� in effi�.t,at •r wu xub�tamially eyuivulem to the <br />'-'•��'' ` ' ����`'��`t' cost to Borrower of the mnngage in.urance pre�•iuusl�• in effect. from •rn altcmutc mi�rtgagc in,uRr upproved by L,ender. If -„�z,l <br />:;1';, ..:�'r �'�%"��;'tt•'r:•" substAntiully equivulent mortgage insurancc coverugc i� nW;��ailafile. �,n�,w«,i��u r;�y�,,►.endrrc�rh month a xu�equal to �i:;;. <br /> �"'�• '�; '� ' one-twelRh of thc c.�rl mon a c in�uix►nrc r�mium bein �•'�- <br />';f ., .. '�, Y ' Y R B P ' g pa+a h�•&�rruwer���hen�hc in,uranrc riiveruge lupsed nr ceased to , ��; <br /> = : "�=-�•`•"�'" be ire ellert.Lender will arcrpt,usr aixl retuin these payment,a. a loss �,cr�•c in licu of mongagc incurancc. Lo.; rrkn�e <br /> �.�,:,, . �, <br /> ; . _ ,�s . . • Form 3028 9/90 ' <br /> _ � P.px3_'5 :.!.�. <br /> ��'',�,:l::.i- - ::�' !�a .� <br /> :yv';; , ,4 nt' :•, ";i, ' f`._�_, <br />�,�,. ': ,n.'•,•�rr`�'�,y: �ir�._. <br /> ,�`t�.. 41 .. ��;Sti,�, rw+�� Ili�;.:y}l.r��-��w.. ..:-.J��•�.i. � �t�.�5t. <br /> , � ,�. � , °� IP�T..�4(il''• !V]�'.�-:�f+�ll�N��•� <br /> '�t` i(• .• �..Y'��.M{d�Ll'.t.'_"�_ • . .� - . . , . � � ' ' ' ' ' • . „ , •. <br /> •ID <br /> f� • v��il `7. .. . . _ _�1��'__�--_-_-__ __ , . ' ' .' � . . , . . '. - - . w� '.. : . - . — _ <br /> �� �i � <br /> �7 � -- v . ,�� ^ . .. <br /> �j,.,� - k�''r . �;, � . .� <br /> ;:�,, , , , .. <br /> . ' {�.. '' . ;'a,.��•��,'•�' � • . . . <br /> _ ''r, 'y ' _ ,�t , • �:1';'�� .!�. <br /> . • � • i%' <br /> v _ , , . ' . ' � . <br /> 7; . ,. . ' . . . .�.; ,t�. <br /> .�, .t;�. , , �' <br /> �1 � � ,'q��,� .O18?"• ,' . ,' ;,;`; ' . . , . <br /> '' '�' .�:,,� . . , .,,•. , �;>.-.� . <br /> �• • „•M„ ' • . <br /> � , . .. , � <br /> � ' r <br /> . , J <br />