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.:�� __ _ _. ___ <br /> ------- — 'i t _ , a- - <br /> .�,3ST"- -� _`-— . _-_ <br /> i. • , ' .'i.,`��4..I =.c - ' 9 <br /> � ,� ', .,� ..r' - , '' � . <br /> x� �.1 .��.. <br /> f.�-- . ____. ....._. <br /> s _ . _ <br /> ^ , – T _ _-- — --- - <br /> - _:...� _r.�_------�� ��- �.Ot1.S��9. - <br /> '.__ 17.Tnader ot Ibe Pe»peely or a Bene�ldal lntuesi Iq 8orn►'all c�r ony p�n c►f Iho Pr�►peny ar any Intzrcat in it <br /> ;� - is sold or tron�fenad(or iP a brneflci�l ituercst in Borrowcr i�r,old or�ran�femc�l unJ &�rmwcr iti not�nu�ural p�rson)with�wt �, <br /> L.ender's prlor writtcn ccrosent, 4cnder may. at fIF upian, requi� immoJiate paymenl in fLU of aN :wma herurcd by �his __._.. <br /> __ - -- • �r_yssfsY Issmtsstt�st. l3at+�ever.th1�optMn!he!!nM he eren�i!M_by Le�eler if r��rri.e ic pmbiAi��i My firiwal l�w na�,f�liw d�ue �__ <br /> af�hia Savrity Instrument. -- <br /> = If Lender eacrcises ihic opia►.L.endcr sfwll give �orrower notire uf urceloratian. The notire shull pn►vide A period of nw =__ <br /> -�,�-_ . less ttwn 30 days from the dute �he naice is dolivered or mxileJ wi�hin whirh Bnrn�wer mu+t pay ull sun�s secured by �his <br /> � Secud�y Instn�rt�ent. lf Barmwer fails to pay tlxse suma p�iar 1�the expiruti�n of Ihi�periad,l.end¢�may invoke my onnedies ��°'`' <br /> _a, T —' perntittcd by this Sccurity�Ittstcuaxttt without furthcr naticc or dcmand on Barmwrr. c: <br /> -��.�,-:_-- _ � � iA, ft�rrnwer•s Right to Rdnrt�ta If Bormwer mccts rcnuin ronditi�ms, &�rniwer �hall huvc the nght tu huve �- <br /> � enfamment of'this Security Instnsment discontinuod m uny iime priar ta�he earlier��f: (�1 S days lor xuch iKher periud as <br /> ''''`;,�, applicuble law may speciiy fo� reinstatement)befor+e sale of the Propeny purvuant �u siny pnwer uf+ule runtuined in this - <br /> ' � •-+ Secu�ity Iosin�ment•ar(b)rntry of u judgment enfbrcing this Secu�iry Instn�ment.Thotie conditians ure�hut Qurtower:lal puys <br /> :c Q <br /> ,,,�-�� Lender ull sums which then would be due under this Securiry In,lrument und�he Note ux if n��uccelemtian had ixcurted; Ibl �-:`� <br /> —"'i;y•• :�L �.: cures any default of any other covenants or agreeme�rts;(c)pays AU oxpcnses incurne�i in enforcing this Secur�ty Ins�n�mem. ��:•�'= <br /> �_•�.; - including but not limiled ta.�nable attonneys fees;und(d>takes such actlan ati l.enckr may reasnnAbly rcquf� ta nssu�e ' <br /> �,__; .r.w��:F°:,.':.,� Ihat the lien ofi thi�Secu�ity In�trument, l.ender's rights in �he ProNeny aid Borrower'�obligulion to puy the �ums aecured by ..��% <br /> ` r}tM,;•�,�' �his Security lnurument shall �brninue unchange�l. Up��n reinswtement by Bormwer. this Se�v�iry Instroment and the .�_� <br /> �,��,:�;,,-.�.,<<,:;',, obligatio�secured hereby shull remain fully effect8�, ac it no accelerntia�hac!ocrunecl. Ffowever.this right ta reins�we al�ll �;r�: <br /> �.. r�;.n:. .,•. , �ot app�y in ihe rnce of accelerution under pa�ugraph t�. -- <br /> � r'�= °`'"' :•. t4. Swle af NMe; Chan�e o�Iwwo Servlcer. The I�nec ar u panial interes� in t6ce '�ote Itogeth�:r with �hi+ Se�va�y � �� <br /> �1``�• ;' ' �•.µ " lnstruc�:ent�i may be sald ane ar more times witnout priorn.��tie c��8orrower. A u►le may r��uh in u chung�io ti�enlity Iknown <br /> �• �'.,. ,:_�°�,+ , <br />":"= i. : u.`:, ' us the `L�Sen�icer")thu�rnllects monthly ppyments due t+Mier the Note Aqd Ihis Secu�lt�•la.trumenl.There ul�muy be onr '",=.-� <br /> . ;;'. . "?ry�•�`D� or mare changes of tha Loan Servicer unreluteci�o A sale of 1�ae Nut�r. If there is a chunge af'the l..cwn 5en 6rer, Batmwer will be '* <br />-' ti:�' given writt�n�mHee of the change in accorduncc with para€m�h f4 above ancl ppplicabte la�. 'fiie niui.�N ill state the name uixl �= <br /> :�iti_;; .�;...ti�r.. �, �, ix� <br /> _ -- - ;r x_•,-,:,;:T Sd(�iCSti UP IIIC 11CW iw,u��Sc�vicc� w�i li��13re�s iu whici+payments shouid be m�ir. l a�c n�qire w•iii aiw contam uny rnher .�;.nr <br /> ��, �� u� <br /> .,, •f�!`�ri;�:�Y;;�:;�, <br /> � i n f o rn w t i o n re q u i re d b y a p p l i c a b l e I b w, �s•s_ <br /> , {;�°. ''• �;Y;Y: lr7�'irn�- <br /> � '•�,�. ��.;.rj; 20. Hs�zarduus Substapces. Borrower shall nni rnuse or �rmit the pQesence, usr, di,puG�l, .[t�ra�ee, or release af any �,;�� <br /> ''� "';'%� Haztudaus Substances on or in the Proper�y. B.�no�ti•er ahull not do, tr�►r ullvw anyone else lo da, any�hing uffecting the <br /> - ' Property that is i��iolation of any Envimnm�m��l l.a«�.The pTeccding twn sent�nce�shatl nnt apply m the prc�sence,use,or .u`�'= <br /> �� starnge on the Prop�.ny of smull quAntitieti of}9a�arJnuc Substanc�s 1ha3 are gcncrally recogniu�d�i� be uppropriute tu nornwl �~� <br /> �,r r`�.� . ��,... <br /> ." �•� ''" � reside�azial uses and ta muimenuncc of the Propern•. �p:; <br />_ . �� @orruwer shall prompdy give Lender written notia nf un�� inv�tigu�ion,cluim, demand. Inwcuit or aher uction by any j";: <br /> �.:-, .. ;";: <br /> . , •. �;�.,�,.;;:•• • guvemm�nt�l ar rcgulaWry ugency or privu�e pAny�involving ihe Pmpan�• nnd any Hazarduus Subuunce ur Envinmmenal Luw <br /> .,°a�;%:����". ;� : :o-' ,ot'w•hich Borrower has uctual knowled►�e. If ButTOwer Iearn�,or is no�iticci by any�overnmentul or regulutory aulhorily, thut <br />_ . ' �� uny rcanovul ar other remediulicx�af any Huwr�ku��Suhsiance aPfecting the Pruperty ix neceswry, Bnrruwer shsdl prompUy ��ke - <br /> �._ p � . . " ull nece�vary remedial uctianx in accardance with�uvirnnmen�a! e�`�,� <br /> _ e.v:_- <br /> - ` :1•,u.eed in this paragraph 20. "Hazard�uc�ubstan:e;' ar. �ho�.ub,�w�c�+Jefi�k,l u,tuxic u� huw�J�w,�ub�imKr�by �- <br /> � ��. � .�.. ;�.,� , �, <br />. _�;rti. y t, �nvironmentol Luw and the fcdlowing �ubrtuncc�: gs�+nlinc, Acrn,enc, athcr flummable ur toxic pelrolcum purluct�, toaic �„ <br /> ��� ,�,. � f•. fr,,:�t+ pcsticides und herbicides,volutile sulvems, mutcriut:cnMUini��g•r�l��to,�ir f.�rnwldehyde,:�nd rndio•rctivc muteriuls.As u�1 in �'' <br /> � �r�.((;��,�3.i� this pnrrgrnph ?0. "�Envimnmentul Luw" mean> trderal laws vnd luw� +�f ur,e juriuliction where �he Praperty is kic�ted tha <br /> ,.• �}�rjj����� 4�'+;J4�' relatc to heullh, sutiay or environnxntal nnertinn. .�.- <br /> 1�t1'�Y7i�yt�tl'tf�t:. P . <br />�'�;,'.�:•:.., , •:::;;,�,,u,f,,,,;.• NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Bnrrok�cr an�l l..cmicr 1'unhrr ru��cnnnc,md agrc::cr fntt:iw:: <br /> �.` r .. ���. <br /> :�a`;G "'�::�,,:, :1.AcceleraHon;Remedies.[.ender xhall�;f�r natice tu Burrm�er prior to ac��elerAtlon Pollow(nR &►rr+aw•er's brcach � <br />-' � ,'{,�' ot uny rnvenont or agreement in this ��curlty InKtrument �but nnt pNor tu �ccckrntion under paraRmph 17 unles.g �����' <br /> '� � � Appllcuble law pmvidcs othenvisc).7'he notice ahvll speclfy: �a) thc defitult; (b) thc aaiinn rcquired t�cure the default: <br /> ` ' ' �� ''f.?`�.1� , �• '�^•'° � (c)a date, not IesY than 30 days fti-om Ihe date the nMkr is�iven tu 8�����a•cr,b�• which the default musl be cured=and ��_ <br /> �?�;,•,' " .a�;r p��a•� (d)that failure to cure the defnult on nr beinre the date sp�rificd in the motice mey� rc�ult in acceleration uf tbe sums <br /> .e : <br /> i�;�� ��+.:,, `�`� secured by thls Securlty Inslrument und wk of tlx PropeN}•. The notire shall Purther inPorm Bamow•er of thc rlght to '�•�;; <br /> ��;, , �::�;���,;�`;;:.� �' reiaslnte ufter acccleraUon�nd Ihc rlRht to br�n� u courl uction to a*sert the non�ex�slence oP�detaull ur any other <br />--o, �: % ••�r.t!:••.•�>,;�r.�.• � d e Pe n s e o f B orrnK•er tu acce lerut ion un d su le I f I h�d e fuu lt k nW cu r e d on or befure the dAle cpecitkYl in Ihe notice� _ <br />;.��'•'.... ' l���y�; Ixnder. x► !ts optEon. �ur� rryuin immcdiutc nu�•mept in Pull nP ull sums xrurcd b�• this Securitv Inctrument without `� <br />_:�-y� :,;'�. � ,_. . fu�ther dempnd�nd mu�• invokr IIK puN•er oi wlc and am othcr remedics permitted b}•yppli��abk lae•. I.ender shWl bc ��� <br /> � �.,, <br />,�,'a?�!,^��,a;��"• .�u, .,c .., enNUed to collect s�ll expeme,�incurred in punuiou thc remedics pn�vided tn thia parngrAph 21.includitry�.but not Ilmited — <br /> "'�•�;;,s� � 1_;�. ,��*-•�'� +�-� to,rersonable attorneys'fecs and cost�oP dtle evidcnce. �� <br />-�'' ��� . -� �,; If thepuwer of�ule is invoked. Trustee shull rm�rd a nuti��c oP dcfuult in cuch count� in e�hich any part uf the �°'_-- <br />�'�''" """ � �� Prnperly is laated s�nd shull mail copii�of tiuch notke in Ihe manner prescrilxd b��upplicabk laµ to Borrower and lo �5�-_ <br /> ,. , •., ., <br />� �' '' �'� °° ° ' the other persons prescrihed b�•appllcuble lu��.At�er the tinic r��yuin�d b� upplkuble IaH.Tru.�lee slwll Rh•e public nMice <br />"�•��i i:j '' i o ., .. ��:: <br />�,_„ .%., .�,�.r� . � ; oP sale to the penons and in the manner pr��rilxd b►up�locublc 1���•. Truxtcc.��ithoul demand on Borrow•er,sludl �;eQ �_=- <br /> r,�`#��;°•�,,. .:.:aurr..�id�:':::,- the Pcnperty at publlc auctton to thc hlgh��t fdc�elcr Ht the timr and place und under Ihe terni+desi�nated in the nutice of =� <br /> s��: s; ; •••., � ,�,: <br />'•�h�i;;"�";, 3 �.•��w''�• `� ss�le In opc ur more percels und In anv or�cr�'ru�tcc dctern�la��. Tru,9�r mu,r postprnc�alr uf aU or am parecl of the ':�•' <br />�...,,,� � y„�,k�,t, :� Propen� by publlc annuunremrret a•t ifir tlinc and plece��f am prcviousl�• xhrdul��d wlc. f.endcr or its d�tgnee mey {'�` <br /> : � ',,,�'.�jI , ,',;r,�, purcba5e!he Property at any!;���. — <br /> 5 F�'r`.,7�'°';s�I'�����,f"' � � <br />��'f � ^ ' , � �., <br />` r-� '�:,-=--`.°•--,. "=-"� form 3028 8180 ' <br /> i, ,�. ' ,. 't`� V����� v.;_ <br /> iti;� �.,,: * � �.„• °k. <br /> �'�'�4;,'��,'a h.r�+. .�x. .ti <br /> ,,..,.,5,.;. -,.. ..: .. L <br /> �:���� tr,�r.:��j•» <br /> �:., : � �;;���t: <br /> � rr..' .t��:���' _i� . �:....i•�^ ��,_.. ;�rt�P4'�TY�.'. CI {0' 1 �• y, �� iiL:..:'r,. <br /> . t. . .. 'ti. ' :�'�.. ��;��1�W�Ofi�N'.. . �- ���.�,h 7'j���a�'�1':��'r p Wlt �/� �y�!� Y �r'�� <br /> t. 7 ��ta{;i;�'��':':i�L'.'C i.� � ' �r- � ��,. . I, �•• i . . I,!'^,°;�t��' `�� �Np�'1T1y��cili"•'�I�)r.'�`���(i ���':. <br /> ' 1 Y' °��iil:} �.� S��.b. , . . .���,. . � � 1�����. . i -.i. <br />:� ��� l��liJ7ft�J� � . •t�' �. � . .. ' 4� <br /> �R1 l I�. i�� � ,` :r' _ _ -�. .. , . . � , „I'' _ <br /> 4' �1� i• '''{,� _,{- . � . - . <br /> •,4; .Atii ,".�Rs.. •��+t' ' .�7, '.•�4•.. . �. .� - � , <br /> �k,y:'� ..i:;Y.:; <br /> �'.. ' ���:j ..i*��"I! �;�� "' . �: y. '.I�S�,.. . .. � ' . • <br /> 1 �'�;; <br /> :�� '�" � <br /> i� �}.-�� . , , , � <br /> ,X':�. i. . . • . . , . ,. . , <br /> .. �'• , .,} <br /> ,� , .� .i�. . . <br /> ? ! -��d'� ., ,�,,, . . . ',., <br /> ,' . . � � <br /> i � ��t��. ?� ' . 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