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,x � 1 �� ��amere.�•wxc:�.;.���c; . • ..� -- <br /> - _� •.� •3'�' ' , " <br /> , - �' `�'' .. ...- r ' 1'�ia��w_.. .. ' . . � <br /> ,� ..�. �FSaY► <br /> � �.,�. _.� , ---- 93=1o�s�� - - - __ <br /> �.—...o���� TOCi�THER WITH all�he improvemen�a r�w�r horca�fle�erocted nn the pnMerty,u�d rll carementA.�ppunen�noe�,and r <br /> -� lixwn�x naw w herrAAer a pan �i ihc pmpeny. All �cplaccmente und wWi�iuor stwll alcn i+e c�nvered hy �hio Sexurity <br /> �_ _,,s -- --- - Inp�umcnt.All af tho farcgaln�is rcPemal l�in�Mo Sccurity In�lrument w��hc "Pn►pctty.• <br /> BORROWSR COVBNANT9 tiut Barrowe�iy I�wl�lly r�ir.ud oi the cstwe hcrcby�tmvcyal and h�tho rishl�o prao�wd <br /> ,,� convey the Prqnny uxi thw Ihe Prapeny ix unen�vmbered.exrcpt fi►r enruml+rark��r af rcaml. iMrmwer wAmintr wid will <br /> defpd Qrnarwlly the�i�lo���he Pmpeny��ins�all claimr ond demanJ�.�uhj�Yt�o�ny eixumbruncew ul'rec�ird. ��_ <br /> �� THIS 3ECURITY INSTRUM�NT cambines unifonn ati►venaipr for nau�mal ure um!nnnwn�larm covarwm�wiib iimitod -- <br /> ` � v� Jurl►dic�i��n to consHtute a unffurm sccuriry intitrumem�rvcring rcal propeny. �-=--' <br /> � � UNIFORM COVgNANTS.Barrower and Le�xicr a►venqnt wd��roe A�follnwh: <br /> ,.;;;: 1. Paymmt of Principol pn� Interestt Pr+elwYmeat and I.wte Chary��. Bnnowcr �Iwll pn�mptly puy when due Ihe. <br /> � �- ',,;_....,.,.,. —._. <br />__ . Sr.,. ,,;��: pdncipol oPand interest on the debt evidenaod by the Nde ond uny prepuyment und late churges due u�xler the Note. —__ <br /> �°*'-=' ' � ��`�r'�;� 2. Fund�for TAxes aad Incurnnee.Subject to applicable law or�n a w�itten wuiver hy lxnder. Bnrmwer shall pay to <br /> __.�� � �s I.ender on�he duy monthly payments ore due under the Note. until�he Note is puid in full,u xum("Fumis")fi�r. la)yeu�ly Wxes "'� <br /> ;g�,�;�"p'°°��'' -.. . sinnd ussessments which may attuin prioritar ove��his Socur�ty Im�rument u+u lien on the Property;lb)yearly leat.ehold puyments , <br /> -�`., ,.,.'`.,�r •��s d -t'.: <br /> :�l• , • .�� or g��und rents an the Propeny,ii u�y:lcl yearly ha�anl or propehy lnaurance premium�;(d)yearly Qoal insurance premiwns, �- <br /> - ::�,;,�, �-: if any:lel yuuly mongage insuranee premium+, if anv:aad if�any sums puyable by &xrow•e�to l.cnder. in uccordunce with ---- <br /> ��' � � the provisions of parAg�ph 8, in lieu oi'the payment oi'mnrtgage insuro�,�e premiuma. These items are called"Escrow Items.' �. <br /> �� �� �''s�`-,� '` I.ender mu ut un tirne, cullert a�l hold Fund� in an amount oot to exceed thc: maaimum armwnt a lende� fur A Pederull <br /> �_- _. .,�r Y• Y y - - <br /> �,���;:.; '-.� ' ��.,• related mongage loun trwy require for BoROwer's escrow u�:.Y►uat uode�the fedend Re�l Estate Settlemrnt Procedures Act of =_ <br /> _' •;. �•�.: ,���+'', 1974 as umcnded t�an time to time. 12 U.5.C.Section 2601 rr sey. ('RESPA"1.udess anathe�law that upplies ta the Funds <br /> �:., . '�;� :. <br /> _ - ;�,�; �_____..,� set� a les�er amasnt.If so. may. sc sny� time. co!lect and!►ole! �us�d� in sss asssaunt n�n to e�ceed the tesscr arncxsm. 4 <br /> ��� l.ende�tr�a eatimute the�uraunt of Funds due on the ba�i�of cuRent ct�and te�.w�wMe eslimates oi ea uures of fulur,e <br />:.;,�,; ���.;�. :..,�- �::a Y P�. ,��'� <br /> °-'���,� ��': ,`� �` ' Escrow Items or atherwise in arcordance wilh applicablQ I:�w. - <br /> -- K �z '�.`.. <br /> �,^., a".:=''�^` . ' �. ' The Funds shall be held in un instiwlion whn,•e .te sits ure insured b .� FeJcrnl a�enc inurumtatalitv, or entit ,',,;': <br /> ,•�� ,.,3*; I� Y " b Y• Y <br /> t . �',;i�'... <br /> �ti..t.�, 4imluding l.ender,if L.e�der is�:uch�n ins�ittaairn)or in any Federul Home l.oao Bank. L.endcr shall apply tfi1�ur.Js ta pay the • <br /> ° Y'4�� '� ,"�d� ��' <br /> c �, '� ` � + ,,� Escrow Items. I.ender muy nat charge B�orr�*�ticr For holding And Applying the Funds,annually unalgz�n�Ihe t+rrnw account,or ._,--�� <br /> ;�:��.:-�� r, ,�;,�:�; <br /> f � . �, r-•��yl•� verif in the Escrow Items,unless L.endrr a�s Rarrower interest on the Funds and a bcuble IuH• rmits Lander lo make such �r� <br /> :.:�:,;1:., i�� .�.�}�,,., Y 6 �'.• pP� P� �,�; <br />"?�" � �r,,.: =��'(� ' ' a ch e However, l.ender ma r uire E#�rr;+wrr to s� u o��e-lime char e for un inde ndent rrat ests�te tax re rtin �ervice �-°'- <br /> .Y� ,r ��•�t �8 • Y e9 P Y B Pe Po 8• ,M- <br /> '/4r7'�.i•�''':f.. .�F�._. <br /> �r r;:; - usod b Lender in connection wi�h this lia�n, unless a IicuAle law rovides othervvise. Unless un a reement ia made or <br /> . ,�'�E.:i Y PP P 9 ;.�j f_-: <br />__ � x a��►+ A p p l i c a b l e l a w re q u i rc s i n t e r e s t t u b e p a i d,l.e n d�r s h a l l n o t b c re q u i re d l o p a y B o rn�w c r u n y i n t e r e s t o r e a m i n g�o n 1 h e F u n d s. .�'�_ <br /> _ .. ;. .. . . .. ..,� ., �,,.. <br /> �' �' ��"3� , Borrower and Lxnder muy agree in writins. hnweve.r, t6wt interest shall be puid an�he Funds. l�cnder vhall give to Borma�:�r, <br /> ���` � ,`'��,. °:�;:� wiihoui riwrgn. un iumuai anYUwdiug of �iir FwKis. ni�nwin�crr�Iii��u�.l�iebit��u�i�r FuuJ,au�i iiie pwpu� fi�r whici+�aci� !r�--� <br /> . ��?����.�. •�' ��° _' debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are plydged n:�additional secu�;ia� far all sum�,ocured by�l�;�S�urity In;1►u�ent. �!'��' <br /> �.� :�'"`•: ��� . � "' If the Funds heW by Lender excced the umuunts permitted to be held by opplicablc law, l.ender shaU acmunt to Horrawer f" <br /> .,.n.;� .�� . �i.,� <br /> • ���. � for the excess Funds in ticcordunce with the rcyuirement�of upplicuble luw. If the amaunt of the Funds held hy� Lender ut any ;tir: <br /> :�"�', time is not sufficiem to p�y the Exrow Items�vhen due,L.enJer muy so notify Hom►wer in writin�, and,in tiuch Bnrrower "=�' <br />� ���hLL ��JS`+i 7�� 11��""�;• shall pay to Lender�he amount necessary�tu make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the Jciiciency in no more�tiai� '"' <br /> . ,•,--� , l,�::.,,r w <br /> -��' , r�'��;�g.'":�:..''r, twelve monthl ments,at I.ender's sole discretiun. ��:_. <br /> � ;nf��� , r�' Y Pi►Y <br /> . .�,, � ,��v,_� : <br />'t���, f.�'..."y:.; �`� ���•/'f Upon payment in full of all tiumti �cureJ by thi�Security Intitrument, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any �•i~-, <br /> . ff�.ti;y ,�1�� • i T! � i� <br /> � �1'• %' ��. r Q , Funds held b Lendcr. If,undcr arn r.� fi 21. Lender tihall ur uirc ur u�ll the Pm n l.ender, nor to the ac wsuion ur sale �����:` <br /> � �ti' Y p b P 4 I� Y• P � 4 <br /> ;<<' t�.�j��s�', t�.' '.. i� . .-;; <br /> ��' :. `'*.�'�-. '�f` • of the Pra n chall u an Fund�hrl.f b�•Lendrr:p the�ime of ac uf�ition or wle a�a crcwlit ��ainst �he sums serured b r' <br /> �xy}.t!� , ,v; , -i;�' P� Y• • PP�Y Y 9 y ..��, <br />,�'t•_i'.r•.':,,- ;,.;;:'+�ir.�, this Security In.Strument. ,•+;:,�. <br /> 'r; '�t�'�`�$r.+���:.�•::' • 3.Appl3aAUan ef Poyments.UN�.+aP�+ticablc law proviJes o�lv�r�ci.�.ull payments received hy L.ender under p�r�gruphs �t,�: <br /> !.° �.�.�� .. �- <br />-?• <<�- ��`' � � l u►d? shA11 be applfeci:fir�. to uny ptepaymem cha��es due under�he Nti�te: tiectimd, to anu�unts payable wuirr paragraph�; - <br /> r Lj�Yll� 5���`'.+,' � (..:+�,. <br />:��;, , r ��,;' ti �� ��� • interest due;faun0�,t.-+prinripal due;und IA.c. to am•lu�e churges due undrr ah:�otc. � .; <br />,,,<i�. � � �,�����F =,. � 4.Cluir�es; I.tens.�r�rr.�«cr Khull �ay.dl tuxes, ,i.�.,xmentx,chargcs, fines;n�.9 im�+c�aitions attributable to the Property ?' .`• <br /> - ..�;��,•�`��.�,,t�r: ���::;:. '<<%a <br />•�` � .•�. �#.,tt,�.,(<:',i•,;; which mpy attain prinrity an•er this Secwrit} Inslrument, and Iea�eh��ld p•rynknt, ��r gmund ren+ti, if uny. Bormwer xhall puy ;, . <br />'�=:', �';:��� ,���'',�,`Ety:;t; these nbligations in the mann�r prrn�idcd in parrgruph 2.or if not paiJ in�hu�manncr. &�rcowcr shsll p�y them on time directly ��,- <br /> .'�; �;•. <br /> ` ,` •E,`'� 4 + '+' to the rwn owcvf a men�.Einrrow�r shuU rom tl 1'umish to landcr ull notirc.��f anx�unt,t+�'Fe aid undcr this ,ua ' �" <br /> •�� �S�° t P� P Y P P Y P <br /> t ,�:,�� fi P' S�• t.t <br />��;. ,.J• �'�.��:..�:.i�.3:'r���l }:r,�G� <br />., .. ,�,.� !�5 i • If Borrower malcex�he.rc patiments direcUy.&�rrower,hall prompUy furni.h to L.enJrr r�ccipts e�•idencing the paymeMs. l�„•:-: <br /> '"!r^ ��-������ Bormwcr shnll ram ti��liuhar c an lirn u�hirh h�, riorit a�•cr thi�Srrurit In�trunknt imlcss liorrowcr: lal a�rcc�in ;titT <br />,'G�•r�� . ;�,,,�•ti ti;r��o_ �,•,�, P P � 3' P � )' )� ; b .. <br /> , ;:?.��{��1:}••; writing t�i 1hc prymcm of�h�ohli�uti�xi.t cu���l by thr lien in u munncr acrrptuhl�ti►l.cnJrr:�i+�cnntes�s in g�wcl fuith thc lien 's_ <br />. � j.'•'S l• �' . 1.`:1, <br />_ . 't..�.. ::.. <br />���':•>�y� � ��;+�;�; by. ur JrfenJ, again.t enforcrnkn� oi ah� :irn in. Ir�nl pnkrrJing. which in Ihe l.rnJrr', uFinion uperute to pre�•ent t@.e —'� �_ <br /> tis?',���;�;,, �':°.�,.,�'�'� �'1�.�', enfnrcrment of thc lirn: ur (cl�erurrs fr,�»r. rh�huldrr��I'thr licn an ugrcement .•r�i�l'arwry• tu lAnder.uhar�licating the licn to <br /> .L . ';,,';,: • ,.,�..ti; this Securit Inti�rumen�. U'i.�nder detern�inc:tbat im} n ��I thr Pr�� n} i. .uh'rrl tu a licn N•hi�h m•aJ uuain r�orily u�•cr � <br />•'�°?�..�,;.' 1' t.�:�• '., �;,: , Y P� !'� I P � <br /> :,,;�.. '. ��:,•;:����i �!"'.�;'� . <br /> �1'�l... ��y,� � this Security In�lrunxnt. L�ndcr ma� gi�e R��rr��acr;� n.�u.� iJrnlif�in�,Ihr li�n. Hurruacr.hall ,a:i.i'} lhe li�n ur wkc une ur <br /> �.�''1i��'''�O°����,� more of the artinns tict torth at+o�c a�ithin In�tr}..tii tl���1110�;ul�Indl�i. � <br /> I;; : `� ','�� '`i�+,;'',n.' . <br /> ' �' fi y(1;''i�:'i:,ciil'•!' <br />`�. ',rt, ',;t,;s`;,'�'�i,•���;:t i; Form 30Y8 8190 <br /> ,. <br /> '?��•• <br /> . .��_� ...1.• P�2 ul 6 - <br /> ' j' . ' •. , ,- <br /> .�..,,�'•, , <br /> r . � <br /> �;C� f����, . '��. <br /> ::`''7t;;1,'.. ': . �y,3j�,:�,.�•�-�`.w,�iR1�r�.rY�.te�k.�l+..ns+i Y.. ...v' .,. , . . ,, . i�i A�h�.rt4r�...�.•,e � <br /> . , i. �,�.�y;,.,;,�,�. � a+,M�A++�Y�..w+�rdil�q�r,h1ltiy+;. <br /> i �±1LX�i�.t1�L:-b=-- - • ,. . . <br /> .1�S-r - 1i1'. . :— --�-- --_-' - _ , � ., • . <br /> k <br /> �� ,,, ' <br /> , . .. 1�1:.�. , , '. , , <br /> ,, ti,� r" � , <br /> �. , � � , <br /> e. i � , • <br /> �h1!:c��� j� , ,t' '�1r <br />; ; �''���„� `� ' . 1 .,' .. . . <br /> �'t t- .�f i <br />'��., ?;�;�j�,il�••.� ��s� • �:�1��;r. . �,'.L+t.,_ . � ... ��I'•�� <br /> _.'� ` t t 1 <br /> �'.� ��,�.I: •};�' , , ' . t�.';. <br /> � .;4., •!„r�'.t�. � •,, .i <br /> 4 ,'. . . , ''!, � . ��,• <br /> •.,M1-r�.� . ' . '.i:, ` �;1. . . <br /> . ,, .. <br /> .. �.. � . ., <br /> . . . . . .. . ;� i � ;t� <br /> t. ' '.. , <br /> '. . � . ' <br /> .:, <br /> :b'. ..f:�: .�. I . L.�:_._. .� _ .'-___'-___��_ _- -.._______ .___'_.___-_-'. -__ - ..-""'-___. .1.. . <br />