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.s��r.��t L`'""d:�L`•",'..,:: 1'L' . � ._.. . ..`�. .-..... <br /> �t� •' � ♦.. ,h�','I";�t.�4`.!.�!✓LW.. • : T` ^'.-...- _. - -• � . <br /> . _ �� . .,�1x�,'�'f«;y�;'r�,,' . <br /> , � • � "f'` '�`�t•��- �..�_U_. <br /> 17 - — _ - -- "' - --- - <br /> : 93- io�s <br /> P�4Y�s�Y���be raryind�at�he option of irender.if mo�t�e iawnoce oover�o(fn�he�naum and for tha periad _- <br /> - = dW l�de� �oqni�ea)provided by�n iaw�er�pprovod by l.eoder�Sia bocau�a Available wid is obtaiaod. Borrowcr sh�ll p�y __. <br /> �_ - - ttq pr�uiu�a raju[ead s:.rai3u�tr�c�e laasr�sscc ia to�Savke a lass resa�:e.untt!thr regceir�nt fer rssert��;e � <br /> `�o iuwnnaes eods in aoco�noe witb my w�ittea�roaaent between Burrower and Lender a�applicable law. -- <br /> .� �_ !. I�tpe�tlo�.I.ender or ib�eat m�y m�lce rrssonable atria upon and inspertions of the Property. Lender slwli�ive �' ' <br /> � at a -- <br /> � �u�.��n�17�mh��t� �p�pW�E�ppt�OC u the dme of or prbr to an in�+eCtba cpoclfyin��esfonable cause for tbe Inspactbn. �::;'_ <br /> `�� _ l0.Ceede�les. Tht psoceed�of�sy awerd or clsim�i�r dumgeR, diron�r mnr,eyuen�ial, in cau�x�ion with aay <br /> - ,;,. ,�,.��,, �_ <br /> ''•'' ooadenundon or other qtin�of any put oi the Property.or for conveyonoe in lieu oi comiemnation.arr hercby a�igned�od �^-_ <br /> �-_ <br /> ,.z�• . '"` �hatl be pild to L.ader. _ <br /> , ' �, In tha event af�taut talcing of the Prvpeny.�he pracoeds:lull be applial w the wms securod t+y this Security Instrum�eAt, " <br /> �.;.'.� �_�,; .,;� whuher or aot thea dtk.with any exass p�id ta 8ortnwer. In the event oP a pani�l talciqg of the Ptoperty in whkh the f�ir .<;:. <br /> �,�' — ;,.,.:;.:•• ' �"'e;, anwrkot v�lue of the Prapaty inuuedi�►tely befo�+e tbe talcii�g is eg�►al to or gmaoer thw thc amount of th�sums socured by thls � <br /> ----" .;s�';;.'���� Securiry lostn�me�t Imn►ediately befai+e 1he takiqg.unless Rorrawa and L.enkr athenxise qgree in w�iting.the sua�v secured by <br /> �,�cQ�; 4��(tit!,�...•.��13C <br /> r ,,�-.. ,, this Seeurity lnstrument ctwll be roe4roed by ttre sunount af the pmoaods multipfiai by ihe falbwiag fc�ction: (al the taul _ <br /> h <br /> `�?�1��L•+�,`�;��`;�;�4rM ____ <br /> -,,..��;, ,.,fr.,, amoum af tha sums sacurod immodiatdy before the tatiag.dividod by (b1 the fair ms�rket value a!'the Property immodisitely =- <br /> _�",_,Y�::� �{„':..:•�'•:,: befon tlie Wcing. My balpnoe stull 6e paid to Aorrawer. la the ewu►i of a partial taking of 1he Property io which the f�ir - <br /> pn <br /> -��, '�;• '!,:. :.� s, a�rtet v�tue of�he Property launodiately before tho taiaqg is ks�s ttwn the amount of the sums secured immedi�tely 6efare the — <br />��`�.�� � � ,. ,,.�s -' Wd ualess Barrower and La�der atberwise roe in wrlit or u�kss ! p "'-� <br /> , c q@, �S Q8 apP icabk law otherwise rov�des,the p�ooeeds slWl <br />_'`"`�����_::��; . 'i�..,� be appliod to d►a sums secured by lhis Ser.u�ity I�stn►ment whdher or not the sums are then due. �- <br /> �y .�.'.� d_.. <br /> '�'�"' � ' I f t h a P r o p e r t y i s�l w�d o n o d b y B o r ro w e r.o r i f,a ft e r n o t i o e b y l.e n d e r t o B o r ro w•e r t h a t t h e o o n d e m n o r o f f e r s t o m a l�e�n __ <br /> ``���'�`'"� ��'"�'�:�', awaid or cdtlo a elaim for daivages, Horrawer fails to rcspmd to I.en��within 30 days afte�the date the naiice is given, _ <br />.I'"r,,; �"'�`"�# .� l�ender is wthatirred to oolkct and Appty the its option.eilher to testaranon o��r of the Prnperty o�to Ihe sums - <br /> :+� <br /> :: • r.::,. a securod by this Socurity GWrument,whether or not theo due. ,T:, <br /> `� •'�'` �Iy,' Unless Lender sud Bartower dharwise rcc in writ <br /> -� �'��'�` � +� �uB� �Y aPPllcatian of proceods to principal shall noi extend or <br /> ,h.v_'d�� Tr'• iu =_- <br />. ° � E�:. poetpone the due date of the monthly psyments rcfemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 a�change the wnoum of such payments. -- <br /> '„�+� . <br />, .;,, "'" " ' 11.Borrower NM Rekased;ForbeArance By I.a�dn�Na.W�iver.Bxtengion of the time far payment or mudification °- <br /> � ''�� L? .'"'����;',' uf smorti�tion of the sums secunad by this Security Instrument gr�u►ted by l.ender to any suocessor io inter�est of Borrower clwll _ <br /> ' '���� ��'';�� � .• not to rclease the Ijabili of the ori �aal Bomowa or Borrower's suooessoB in intereat. Lender shall not be uirrd to <br /> ,. �d��,,,yl�.,;: a..;.:. �� �Y B� �W -_ <br /> ney <br /> �s;..a� �,, �, .�:... R:. <br /> , .-�.� oomnxt�oe p��a.�eedings againu any zuaoessor in intenst o�rcfuse to eatend time for paymeni or otherwise modlfy�nortia�tion - <br /> - . ��'�`.. �.��. �: �Z of the swns cxurod by this Seca�ity lnsuument by reasan af any de�rwnd m�da by the original Bormwer or Bormwer•a ""` <br /> ;�fi �' �� • � � a�ooesso�s in iaterat. My forbearwk�•by Lender in exencl�ing any dgfit or nrt�dy shall not be a w�ver of or prcclude ihc ����4 <br /> ;�._ , .., <br />�V�F:. <t • w.::.ri� <br /> : -;�. ..�. ,,..�. . � . ��of�,y�s�t a:.�ay. - <br />-';;Kl'�A� •:;r ��:� � y �11C i1$(�Cf11�tI18 OF[�1IS ---_ <br />.'`.;i: .'.i'��� 2°` 12.Suoorseoro aad Assi Bound;,Yoipt and SeverW I.i�bUlt ; Co-sl ns. The covenant:xnd �= <br /> �,�;. • Secudry Inatmment siwli bind and benefit the suaxssors and auigns of Le�xler and Horrower,subjoct to the provisions of <br /> ��'��',�t��-•',;. perag�h 17. Barrower's covcnants uid agreements shall bc Joint and several. My Borrower who casigns this Savrity _—_ <br /> •. r. . <br /> "'` ,•,:,;i�r.A � . Tnspument but does not execute tha Note: (a) is co-signing this Secudty Instrument only to mo�gago, grant And oonvey thpt �"�� <br />_:�`�'�`� � -.�,t,r.,,. .�.��4'i� 8orrower's inteoest in the Properry uader the terms of this 5ccu�ity lastrum..nt;(b)is not Rcrsunally obligatod to pay the sutr�e � <br />_ ,,� ,' �` � sxurod by thie Security Instrumenr and(c)agroes that Lender and eny other Borcower may agrao to cxtend,modify,forbr�r or t <br />�' �''S,Et,g, awlce any accommudatione with regwd to the terms of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Nate without tFwt Borrower's oonsent. c`rh' <br />_ � �• . �4���'}r.•^ 13.Loan Cbprges.If the loan socu�d by this Security Instn�ment is subjoct to a IAw which sete ma�cimum loan chA►ga, f�.:.. ` <br /> r „ ,._.� �•;��:�� ri <br />- ���ti;� �>��"' .nad!that law ls Bnally inte�preted so that the inter�est or other loen charges collected or to be collectod in oonnoctlon with tbo u�E; <br /> ������� � loan exceed the rmitWd limits. then:(a�any such loan c e shall be reduced b the amount nece ta redua the c e �"`W <br /> -� •1{ . ,,i:�ii�� <br /> • �, t;�.�„ t r i pe haB Y ��Y �6 �•_::; <br /> tii�• �)•�j�.�;���;�i',; to the petmitieol�b:iait:and(b)siny sums stLready collected from Borrower which exceoded pemuttec� limits will be refundM�o �--' <br /> ��•. ;d"`�;«�;�`r'+4 �,`; . Borrower. Lea�r enay rMnos. to�ice s�is refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by malcing A dit�ct -^: <br /> . ,,. W�, <br /> '� `� ; .;��;,"�`'�7,�-�`f��;`';��� PaS'ment to Borc�aeff. Ef a re6ue�d� irewra�es principal, tl� roduenioo wiE[ be treatod es a P�� P�Y�nt witt�out aoy :.�:, <br /> ��,5+�����,�i�''�7�;�t�+:.4�;�� P�Ymrnt chacge uara7ev aCx:�.�aY. ��v.:i <br /> . ,,. , a._, <br /> '%�,:' �< '��'�'.:; �� '4';','ti�����' 14.NoNces. 11ng naadoe t�Botru,ae��rovided for io this Sec�affr.i.y P a�trument st►a[[be give�,by delivering it or by mailing �?�:. <br /> ,�{ r �'.,,,�,. r��.:_, .. ;,�;: � <br />,�".`,{'�.,� , '.,���_; it by Brst class cra:il�nless u�placable law ear,aores use of anaher�.�c►.'tl�e notiee shal0 be dicar�d to tMe Property Addrnss ...��.:-- <br />. . ,t�h�� . . <br /> .�.4,� �,�_,%' , �.;�:v�. or any other atPdress Borrau•2r desi�aa.zs�ti• ncxice to L.ender. Any notice to l�ender sh�fC be g�in+aa by frst class mtil to ��;:;�- <br /> ;�;4 ' �r ,. ,...,b; l.eader's address suued herein or any otQ�er ad�ress L.en�r designates by notice to Bor�we�. Aa�r notioe paovu�d fvr ia this -4?,;' <br /> ' ��.'•r • �. � • Swcuriry Instrument shall be damed to I+a�•r'been giveeo w�orrower or L.ender when given aY p�vrod�d in td'us �'�'� <br /> r;�('; .,. . , . P+���. �+1.�.: <br /> 1 �' �'-. • f�4�, 15.Coveroi Law; Severabllul '�1his Secun¢ti• E�strument shall be overned fedrea� law�sd tltie 1aw ai 1�e •�'�' <br /> �, � t .. �6 }'- S b}" <br /> �� " , �'`' ,jurisdletion in which the PropeRy is lucaca:. le�the ever.;uhat any provision or clause of this Sec�miry le�umeirt ot the I�ae ��• ' <br /> ����'' s tF ti �,r� <br /> . �, , � .,,;� rnnflicts with applicable law.such con0ict sP�all not ai�°�.c�: nher provisions of this Security Insuument or the Nate wfiich pao be �t�c; <br /> t� <br /> , +:'•: � , ,'}�, given e f fec[wi t t w ut t h e con 1 3icting provision.To t hi���a h e provisions o f t his S e curity Instrument a o d T L e�ar�e derl�r�a� i f�;j; <br /> , ;.. i:� , . � . �T to be severable. t'r•, <br /> .:•.�5�, '�(d.•,. • . l•,`<< <br /> .,,y,.;� „�.,,� l6.Bon+a�ser:Cq►y.�orrower shall be given one rnnfomrd copy of the Nae and of Ihis Socurky I�trument. ��rp;� <br /> n. ,.: <br /> �fi"'� i� � �•,IVtir F�r�i0�a tHO ;:���; <br /> �`;�`f` r:.,• � • ,r, . � ;�.+�„ <br /> ��y��� •o�e <br /> ' i +�. (';I�', . . �i'����./+ •''. <br /> ►'t '%! . 'I� . <br /> j #. ,;;�,ti;r, .,. �. • ,t�';, <br /> t � .. '�Ib � <br /> ,'���%' i •i:• �a.� ��1 ;�y�'� '+�"'.�"""°`-.—.,..,�.. .�.�- . . . . . ._ . _. ,.�.����.:.r: �. <br /> .�� ��{t!'. N.`axa���6>:'+�+ <br /> J��' <br /> (:. �. r. <br /> , �. � . .- - . . . ' ' � , <br />. . �. � " , . - . . . <br /> %� .. ' <br /> � : <br /> � � .. . <br /> i « ' <br /> , . � 1� ' <br /> � � (.b . ' . . . . . <br /> �� . r^ � �- � � - . � . <br /> ,_� . 1 <br /> '� ,. . <br /> � <br />