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�� �,� �, :�;. ; ;� <br /> • � �,:r+� . .,�:Y " �; ,f,�; <br /> , �; , <br /> • �.. �� �.. , - - - - - - <br /> , . <br /> ".,u, � _ . ,i� . g�_ �oil585 � <br /> . <br /> __ _ . S. Hw�d or Propeety IMUra�oe. Bornaw� �11 Icaep tho improvaneet� now exiain�{ ar he�Rer eroctad a�p the <br /> _��,� P�npe+ty inw�od �aintit lac�by firo,ha:and�includod wllhin the term •exta�dod caver�e" md �ny aher huaids. IncUidin� <br /> —� --- ilaod�nr tivoQio�, !ar wi�k3�La�x royui�c�ii�w��co.Thic inwratttc slasll t�msfntsittcd!n the amouras artd tor the pc�ads �- <br /> - . duit L�ende�roquias.The inwn�noe aurier providia�the incuranoe sludl be siwsen by Borrowcr wbject�o l.cedcr's ppprov�l <br /> ahidt�II�ot be un�easambly withheld. lt Borrowcr f�ils to nwintain cov¢r�e dacribod abovc, Let�dc�moy,at Lerder's <br /> apUon,obWe cove�o to prutoct Lender'a riQpts in tha Property in a000Nak�e with pan�raph 7. <br /> _ All inaumme po1lcia and tenewals shall be�k ta I.snder aM! she!! include� �tu�da�d mMtgage clause. lendcr . <br /> �11 luve�he�IgM to hold the policies and KnewalR. If l.ender requircs,Qormwer�lull prom�tly givc�n l.endc�all receipts ut � <br /> � pdd p�miumt and rca�cwd notia:s.Ia the event of Ic�u.Borrower sh�ll Qive prompt notiac to the insu�ance caRier and I.ender. <br /> l�eader may m�ke proof of loss if not mde promply by Borrower. � <br /> �"� ' Unlcsi Lender and Borrower otberwisc�roe in writing.inw�proceeda chall bc�pplied to rcstamtion or repair of the ---- <br />"�� . ,�,�;�, Pn�peRy d�ed.if the�estarAtion w nep�i�is oconomically fwsible and I.ender's sav�iry is not ksscned. If�he rcstorstion ur -- <br />— . �:• •�;,t�. rcp�ir ia rwt eoonomicalty facible or Lender's secu�iry would be lessened,the iasuraace puoeads sha116e applied to the wms <br /> `�1°°`�`�� bY ty anY exaess paid to Borrower. IP Borinwer abandons the r�._- <br /> + �wa,..T.R'.-?.Y_.. i0Q11Cd f�115$8CU1� �fIWf11111ClIt, W�1Ct�1C�O� 1101 lflltl dYC. Wlt�l <br /> =����'°';"�S'�,a or does not anrwer within 30 s�aotice firom Lende�Ihat t6e insu�nce caRier has oi'feTed�o se111e a claim.�ha °�"- <br /> �•.,„• . �: �"Y• � - <br /> ���t�.r�.• L�arder may aoltect the inwranoe pracoods. Lrnder m�y use the pmcads to rr�pair or rcs[arc the Property w to pay su�as -- <br /> ��:�;- a�. <br />,r.�,� �c ` :� ; r.�, �rod Dy this Socu�iry Ipctrumcnt,whethe�or not then duc.The 30-day period will begin whero Qhe notice is given. _. <br /> � , . ., ; Uakss I.e�der �nd Bomower dheravise s�ca in writing. any application of prnceods to ptincipal sh�ll not eatenu� or -. <br /> ',�::. �::�=__. <br />.�.�. �.�} � ��r` postpone the due date of�he monthlY paYments refcmed to In pauag�phs 1 ard 2 or change the amount af che payments. If =_ <br />_ uader pangraph 21 the Pmperty is acqui�od by Lender.BomnwePs right w any insut�nce policies and proce�s rauldng fnano �r<<:` <br />-=` '"�.--'@.�'-'� ct�s�age to the Property pr�or ta the acquicitaaa shall pass to Leader to aAe extent of the sumc secureG by this 5ecurity Inst�umt:+a , =_�'�- <br /> ''�`.�F���, iaunedi�tely prior to the ac�ufsitian. ;:-_- <br /> --=;�;' 6.Qav�puK.y�Pn�rvallat,M�ula�et�aace a�d Psatecttan of t�e Praparty;Borrower's Applicallon;l.emceao0�dls. t=::_- <br /> Y F� .; �arrower slwll axupy,estublish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal rcsidence within sixty dayx a�ter the execution of ��_"� <br />:�'.��'`, c�n " ohis Sxurity lastrument �aud shall cnnrinue to occupy�he Property as Borrower's princip�l rcsidence for at teus� one yaar afler ``°"� <br /> =• . �.' the date of xcu <br /> y:�:�•�'y �, ;:�,. .. pancy.unless I.ender otherwise agro�s in writing. which consent aFwll not be unreasonably withheld.a�una�.'ss �'- <br />-_ extenuating ci�umswnces exist whlch ar�e beyond Bomower's aontrol. Bomnwer alwll �ot destroy. damage or impair the -__ <br /> °- ? Prope�ty. at�ow the Pro�xRy to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Prope�ty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfei�u� <br />`�r,. :i� ; ,�:s�` action or proatiding.whaher civil or criminol,is begun that in Lender's good frith judgment couW result in farfciture of the =- <br /> . �;'.�'. •:-�'`• ,.. Pro or otl�erwise mate�iall � r the lien c�ted b thic Securi Instrument ar L.ender's secur� mterest. Borrower ma --- <br /> . : - P�nY Y�� Y �Y �Y� Y I��;�,u <br /> ,_ , `��..�r��'�-""`,•'n� __ <br /> _ _ _���,��� ,� cu�weh a defiult and relnuate,as provided in pangraph 18,by cawing the action or pmceeding to be dismisscd with a ruling — <br /> — '— �`''`�. th�t. ie Len�er's good falt� deternvra,¢+��. precluAes fosfeltu�+e ef the Bo:rowa's lntzsat in tt�e Pro�ity os other r�..�!eri�! <br /> ns- -?.�-.,br.i 7:;.; r..• . <br /> ;,�k:��s�_��•�� ���..;�,:: impainnent of thc lia�cn�tal by tP�is Sacudty Instmment or L.ender's sxu�ity interest. Bc�rrawer shall also be in defaalt if <br /> ~ �••_�� 9orrower.during the loa�app]icalinn process,gave materially false or inaccurate infortnation or statements to Lender(or failed � <br /> . !�`:'":��'..�. � <br /> . `l�,.�e.�a`••:,��1� to provide I.ender wi�h:im}•moterial in!'omwdon) in connection with tht laur�evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br />.�- i ''•'f`•.' ' r�•'1y..' w,r+eprcseatadons cancernina Bomower's oavpancy of the Propcasy as A 4wincipal rcsidena. lf this Security Instmment is on a <br /> - '"'��'�ad'i�'�•'-'�' ���' ICasChold. Borrower shall ca I w•ith a!! the �o�fslons of the ►case. If Bacrov�er wces fa t!t!e ta the Pra tlse <br />,._�—"_-_.,�'.l�a��ey'•;;�,; mP S P ac9 � AettY. �.- <br /> ff`t�' IeacehoW and the fee tidc shall not mcrge unkss Lender agrets to ahe merger in writiag. <br />.�� ��'�'+�'"•:�:. 7.PR+ntallon ot Leada�'s Rigbto In the Pruperiy.lf Borrower fails to perform U�c oovenants and agreements oontained in -- <br />-' Y� '. • . .}:�" this Security InstruRSCnt. or there is a legal procooding that mey significantly affact Lender's rights in the Properry (such as a n-� <br /> .,;.�:r: : <br /> ���� : • .� r procieding in bankruptcy,probate. for rnndemnation or forfciture or to enforce lows or regulwions), thrn l.ender may do and <br /> - '���� ���r��` � � for wl�tever is to rotect the value of the Pro hy and Lender's ri Ms in the P rt Lender's actions m� <br /> :. �;.r�:;,4t'�;it�+h PaY �Y P Pe B � Y• Y <br /> . '' include in an sums socured b a lien which has norBi� over this Securit Inslmment. a n m coun. �n <br />,-ryi. ,t ,s�����j;•�,` PaY B Y Y P � Y PP� � � PsY� 8 " <br /> � 1 neason�ble attorn�, s'foes and enterin on the Pro R to make� airs. Althou h Lender ma take action under this ra �"�� <br />;y�,;�; ', �. 'Y F p� Y EP E Y P�S Ph <br /> - �:- <br /> -� (�'"r•:• °��`' 7.I.ender doa not have to do sa. �z za• <br /> � ��``�" � �� ' An amounts disbursed b l.ender under this ara ra h 7 sfwll become additiorwl debt of Burrowcr gecured b tl�is bi:-;,-. <br />,.=;:4'���sE{'�`.'�,.., :r:,�F.,, Y Y P � P y --- <br /> •� �: • , ' �, Security lnurument. Unless$orrower und l.cnder agree to oth�r ternu of payment, these amounts sholl bear interest frum the --- <br />.���' ��4�r"'�.'� `�•�,`��"' ' date of d'+sbursement at the Note rate and sh�ll be a able, wi�9� interest. u n notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> .;�� � �,4�,,; , P Y Po requestin� <br /> ��T' � ; �k, payrnent. __-- <br /> '•,i�.;:: ,:.:'"'�t''S"��t�> S.Mnrt e Ltsar�anee.Df 1.ender uiral mo a e ins - <br />� .{�' ,� , :;,,',�,µl g�g req �tg g urance as a condition of maki�g the loan secured by�his Securiry �.� <br /> ...M��;'��,F �:,..r ,,,,�.,t�,r• Instn�ment, Bonowtr shall pAy the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, fur any reasun, the f;;•;''' <br /> ,n �r�.; a�L.�:. <br />=n�►�i . �,., y . �,.��,, mortgage insutarue covemge tequirc�by Lender lapses or ceascs to be in effect,Bartower shall pay the premiums requirod to <br /> . ��'L..;.,�:�;�::,�•, -- <br /> '�� • ,.,•i;..;;.;, obtain ooverage suM.itan4ia�ly equivalen�t to the moA�age insurance previously in effcxt, at a cost substnntially equivalent ao tk - <br />�- ��j.�IQ•�,i�.1 '�dh °a.__. <br /> .,;;;�; Y, ,�';� cost to Bomower of t1�e mnrtg�te insurance previously in eifect, from an alternate mongage insurer appr�+ved by Ler.der. If ',�� <br /> '�}�k 4:, <., <br />--- ,;':�`4 �:)•,:,�;;',,�."., subswntially equivalent e:u+ngage insurance rnveragr is not available. Bornower shall puy to Lender cach�.x�a��sum equal to <br />_�:= t.,,� .,,,..: . ... . i�� <br /> ,�,.�j'r•;.. • ;.l.., one-twelRh of the yearl} moKgage iosurance premium being paid by Borrower when�he insurance coveragc laps0d or ceaseA to <br />•4.�, ~ f��.y'�{'';;;'.•. 'r be in effect. l.ender will �ccept.use nnd retain�hese payments a3 a lc�s reserve in lieu oi mo»ga�e inwtance. Loss Res�:rve �.. • <br />_ �.�:�i%.� •�i,: <br /> .�„,:.- <br /> '�� , •,,,-`�� -T-- �,��� Fann�o� •v0 � _, <br /> 'a. ' �,j �. � ' iJy�3 of 0 k •. <br /> • �:,4;t�5:' s ',.' MC,901�NIEJ3 ��',� <br /> <�°;; (:�. <br /> ;�., 1.:r,;'• ._`, <br /> r R i���: _,L`:,, �` .� ..:�.'.4�I': <br /> t��' , , <br /> I �'�S l4 <br /> ` i. <br /> �i �? <br /> �!:� <br />� ;� � `l, ����:';�1�. . �.Af�a�.i.r.,-.r•—I.w'..:a'i:.:,.n_•�s�1Pt.,�..... .. . ' ' . - . . .,t..r.�y.N�d�M+;I�iW,w�m�•.._......�......� :: <br /> _�, . .�i��` • . , .. ..,,.,,,,a�y����r,r,t� <br /> i ' ' �l ' • ,�;,;:�'�. <br /> '�,�� tti.�JLiiGF�Uli�.v-:- ' . � , .�,,�: <br /> •• ; � ,,�• . . , ,. . , , <br /> .,,'_ �.•� ',,' �. ,fi� • ' :. . ' , , ;]' <br /> � :. . ' ' • , ' . <br /> wt`: • ,�? . , ' ' <br /> � � .. . . . . . . , ., . <br /> �, � ., " ' .. . <br /> '� , 1 <br /> ' � �,, . . . . . <br /> R,� -a �;��.. . • . � ' . . . ._, <br /> � . � i <br /> . <br />