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,. , . . . . <br /> k �:,s�'1 '' �:. , t ,,r. ,. ..:�„_.._ _ ,,,� ..... � -_--�--„�'�_-_— <br /> �K .� . <br /> .1 r�' � •��� -�?�F�.fIV MtM_J yt: '' . ._— <br /> � ' i <br /> ..�. <br /> _ <br /> __ __ _. _ _ ._ .. _.. -- <br /> _. - y., , . g3�.orrsAS ----_ <br /> , <br /> . - . N.Tn�nda�ot tbe Properly or�Ba�dId�llMer�est In Mwt+awer. If all or�ny ps�t af Ihe Propeny or�ny lntarat In it ��_�� <br /> . it cold or transfened(or if a beneticid iMerest i�Bornnwc�ie sold or t�nsfertod and Barrow�c�is nat �nsuural percon)wilhout =_--_-- - <br /> - - Lentkr'+� prior w�inen rnnsent. 1 endrr m�y, .0 ii� option, ni►e immediete �yrtr_�t in ful! oi �11 sum� secured bv this �----� <br /> . Socu�ity Instrnment.Howevw.�hi:upbn sh�ll nd Ae exercisei�y I.cmle�if exercisc is prohibitod by federnl law�r of dic dsKe <br /> of�hi:Socu�ity Inst�ument. <br /> 1 ,p.., , If L.ender ezercices this optia�i, Leiwier siwll gIve 8ornowe�notice of�celeration.The notice slwll pTOVIAC a�1Cf1(1d Of f101 <br /> ' kss tlan 30 day: irom the date tho ndice is deUverod or m�fled within which Batrower must pay All sums securod by this �= <br /> �?' z �,�, Se�;urily tn,in�o�,a.lf Bur�uwci fijis tapay these sums prior to thc czpiratian af�hi�periad.Lemteer nny invake any �emod�a � <br /> •�:�•�..,��""r.. �',���_ <br /> - - T:- ,- permlttcd b�y this Saurity Instrume�t wi�i�aut fu�ther notiue ur dcmand un Harrawe�. -��,�---jq, <br /> '";. "�: �.;.��.;°"'.� 18. Borrower's RiAbt to RdastWe. If Borrower moas oeitain conditions, Borrower s1q11 huve �ho right to iwve ---,�1.����-�- <br /> �;;;:,�,,,,,..., :..r:,,, f aifoncemeM of this Security Instrument disccwttinuad at any time p�or lo Ihe earlier of: (a1 S deys (or such ather period as .;;_;T_�`��_ <br /> applicable law rtny spocify fo� reinslatemeni) befare ss�le af the Propeny pursus�nt ta any power of sale rnntainod io thii -•Y, _-- <br /> ` f;°�-� '� '•"°�:,. Securiry Instn�ment:o�(b)entry ai a judgment enforcing thi� Secutity Inslcument.Those conditions are that Barrower. (�)psyc G:{:•,.,, <br /> .�`„y� - � .� Lender all sums which then wrould be due undtr this Secudty Instrument and tha Nate as if no aooeleration had occum�d: (b) . �" <br /> : •,.:�• : <br /> -��� . arcs eny defwit of any otl�er oovenxntc or agroements: (c) paYs all eacponses incurred ia enforcing this Secu�ity Instmment. "• �:���,':.��I�.. <br />- � ' includi Iwt not limitod ta,reasanable attome s'fees; ' ' ��" ' <br /> . n8. y and (d) takes such xtian as l.ender may neasonably require ta assure , - •_-.•<.r:�;._ <br /> �� th�t the licn oi this Secu�ity Instament. Lender's righus in Ihe Property and Bomnwer's obligation to pay thc sums secured by :,.����. <br /> �°'=-� � •� this Socudt Insirument shall continue unchan od. U a rciastatement b Borrower, this Secunty Instniment and the <br /> , .. Y 8 P� Y "•;-::„- <br /> ���; � obligsuiaos securod herefiy shall remain fully cffective as if no ac�ekration Iwd occumed. Howevet,this right ta�instate shall ;�t��.,. <br /> � �:,',> not ly in the case of aoceleraliao under parngraph 17. � -_ <br /> . 1 .� . " 1`•a! .! 5��9''��17 .- <br /> :,�: �,... ..a,. � . ;: 9. Sak ot Note;Claa�e oi l.onn Servieer. The Note ar a panial interest in thc Note(togaher with this Secu�ity �, <br /> ,�:ti �,''� ` , t;� Instrument)m�y be sold one ar ma�e times without prior notice tu Bomower.A sale may reault in a change in the emity(known ' �.` :--_ <br /> ,.,s�,�r; r:i,a7:' ��� as the'Laan Servioe�")Ihat oollects monthlY paYments duc undc�thc Note and this Security ioslrument.There also may be oae � � �° <br /> ��� ,����i� or more ciwnges of�he Laan Serviaer unr�elu[ed[o u�le oi�he Noie.If there is a change of thc i,oan Se�vicer,Honower will be tin,� �- --� <br /> . �,r ����r,N�; giveo wriiien nuiice u�fi��iw�gC{n itu;id3nci.uiih pacs3giaph!�abovC u1d applicablC t�tL•. ThC iloticr R:1!statc tfic narnc�d ���f� - <br /> �,� . ,���N°Yt ;i;►`, sddtess af the new Loan Service�and the adtl�.cs to whlch payments should be made. Ttie noticc will also ooatain any other �-� , <br /> �' f�r'` '��F'fi�,��.: infomwtion nx�uired by applicable law. ��.:` - <br />,,:�r.'�, ..,h� a-!�,; 20. 11�r+dous Sabstaaas. Borrower slwll not cause or permit the presenoe, use, releacc of any � ;;���Nj,��`•,:- <br />--- "tiit ' ,g1l�A.-. <br />-:i.'� �` y� Hazwdous 5ubstanoes on or in thc Property. Borruwer sfiall not do, nor allow tulYone else to do. anything affxting the •�''+�-- <br /> �.•� _ <br /> - : •,,� ` Property thal is in viol�tion of any Environmental Law. The preceding two centences ahaU not apply to the presenoe. use. or .' +*=.��:.: <br /> ' :341�:::.��_- <br /> " ' �, ,, ., storagc o�Ihc rty of small quantides of Ha7anious Subslances th�l are generally recugniud to be appropriale to rromnl <br /> p� ro <br />..: � a��,.„� ' , L�� }�.� r�-ra_.=� <br /> • ������ Rsldential uses and to maintenance of the rt <br /> x'�:.� �'•'r,•Y pr'oPe Y' , ',.►.� - F �J';:__ <br />`- S �' �3:�•..'° , Borrower shall rom I �ve l.ender wrinen notice of an lmesti ation.claim. demand. lawsuit or other aclion b an F'�i:`.:`'�. <br /> P P�Y B� Y 8 Y Y •f , It�, <br /> _°��� � '- " governme�u+l o�regulatory agency or privue party involving the Property and any Hazardous Subslonce ar Envlro�unental Law •.,,'.:�"�,'-'-= <br /> -�;>�.'�� , . „ . "�":,:�, <br /> � ..r,41. , '�.:.�.., of which Bamower has actual knowlalge.If Borrower learns.or is noti6od by any govcmmcntal or regul�tory authority. that ;.--- <br /> .:.�,t'., �f� , any removul or whcr remadi�tion ot'any HaTardnus Substanoe afferting the Praperty is neocssary. Borrowcr shall promptfy take �=�:�"�'";..'�. <br /> � �� � �' dl �occssarY rnnadiai actians in aocordancc wi�h Environmental Iaw. ' ,��3:fiie;r: <br /> ',: �:`:` � .p.r,�.1�j%fi.>...:, As used in this pars��aph 20. "Naxardous Substances' rue those substanves definod as toxic or hazardous substances by �'�;,�;: <br /> ' ���_;,':;; ;:�••;.�t��,,;_ •; ..,. �t�s.�,, <br /> t . .•�; ,..,�`.�,, 8nviromm�►ts►1 law and thc following substances: gasoline. kerosene, ather tlammable or toxic petroleum roducts, toxic _ __ ,. <br /> • ' pesticides and hert+icides,voletile solvents,materials containing�cbeslos or iomwldehyde.and radioaciive matenals.As usecl in � • ��- <br /> . . • .. . ;.,,Y;� .-- <br /> ..' .�.. .. , this paragmph 20. 'Environnxntal Law' means foderal Inws and laws of the jurisdiclion where Iha Property is lacated ttwt ����;,,•� - <br /> . ��:�.K�'. . .:r+r ►elate to hraUh, +�afMy or cnvimnmental pmt�xlion. �.;r�.�.tr., - <br />_:.• � �': •` • ' NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bamowcr and l.ender funher covenant and agroe as followx. .`°;^•.;;:�..- <br /> �.`,Y.. s .., . 21. Acac�eralloni Remedies.I.e�der shall glve notice to Bon+nwer prior to s�ooderation�oqowiag Borrower's brc�ach .._��..;;�;.,s ; <br />_:��, ot any cove�wat or s��eament in this Secu�ity Instnune�t (bnt oot pdor to aocderatlon uailer par�graph 17 ualess - ; <br /> _ ; �5�;::.'. . :r:�,,_, applkabk Inw pr+oWdes othenvise). The notk+e sbAll spedfyt (a1 the de� actbn req�eired to curc tbe default; ';yr•.►�.�`.�,s'y. <br /> ;... . �,�,. (c1 a date,not less thwi 30 days from the date the�atice is given to Borrower,by whkL t6e defadt must be cunedi aad . ::,:�. .��° <br /> ��"�' ,� ,�.•,�a� (d) lhat failw+e to cure the defoult on or before the date specltkd in the ratla may r+esWt In�ooderadon of the swas '' � • .. ,., : <br /> � , i ,Q��.•-': '�,.�'� �ecurod by thls Sea�o�ty I�ttument and sale ot the P�+ope�iy. 7be notioe studl further iaform Bormwer ot Ihe rlg6t to ' • � ..�- <br /> ;`., ;;4�i:z�; .;•; �dmfate oftv naeleratfon and Il�e right to bring a oourt action to a�t tIM aon�lsta�oe of a detoult or any Mda� ;:.`,:'",,;f'- <br /> '� defense of Borrower to A�oeleratien and sale. It the detoult is �wt cund on or before tde dote spodfied ia the notla <br />-��it�i�� .��.a'—tiy ',�I'1A4.�1� � ""'i 4�'._ 'n <br /> �'�� ���• � ��, �,..����;� Lender, at its option.may require immtdiate p�yment in teU of s�ll swns sa�und by ttds Security Inst�t K•ithout �... � ` <br />:_:?.�i�i. �, �" -. • �, k; tortber danAnd and ma invoke the � `�- <br /> -- t,.. 1':•�i:. . '�.. Y Power of eale and nuy other remedies perntltted by applkabtc law.[.ender sholl be �rt�., <br />- � b enUUed to oollect all expenses incumed ia pu�aiog the nmedies provlded in thl�paragrapfi 21,IndudlnQ.but oot Ilmited Q„_.,- <br /> , ���._.�-�:- <br />=�t;y�•', ;:;.'- -.,. ,, y '- <br /> •r � , � W,reasonsble attorne s' tees and costs ot title ev�dence. �- <br /> ,��� p � It tUe power ot sale is invoked.Tn�sta el�all rernrd a aoHce ot detault ia each c�ounty In wbkh nuy part at t6e �` --- <br /> :� ���,�'S�•,� A''�P�9 is located and slwll mse�l aopieg ot such nolice in tMe manner prescrlbed by applkabk IAw to Borro�e�w�d to ° •:�►�.�— <br />--- . +�Ff'°�'�� t6e ot6ar Tn�stee s6�11 ive k aotia �,�;;;';Tf`i" <br /> • '�.+i�'` jzi`��� ,�i D��P��bed by app98�able law.ARer the OLaoe reqWred by appltcable low. B Publ , .a'1"�.-� <br /> - . ��ti ; �� :'.," ��°�;:; �! ot sale to tlx p e r s o n s a n d i n t�e�a a a K r p r+e s c r l b e d b y a�p i i c a W e I n w. T n�s t e i. w i t h o u t d a n a n d o n B o r ro w e r.s f u d l s d l �• �•�s ��_ ' <br />,,:� ��� � P soas <br /> _ .,.,. � rr.�_ ��. •� tYe Pr+opMy at publ�cau�lion!m t�e �. �" ` <br /> .: � �` ��.',,;;;. : 4iAb�st 6id�ler nt tbe time�d plsoe srord under the tenns de�igoated in t6e ndlee ot � ,�:��: <br /> :�1,�1� � �!'.._ 1 j.;,. :� e�le in oae or more p�anee�s amwl dr aow, ord�r Tra�aec d�a3aes. T�asitee�oar PostPune ssde of all or any pnroel of the ' , �; � <br /> ,,� ,_�r,��i;;,.�,� PrnphtY by publk s�wrwaK+nrr�� s�the ti�e wrd plaa d�q p�rvia�asq,w �rhedukd sak. I.ender or Ite de�ee mqy � , <br /> •.�� 'r' .�''r��1'�F" ���'� ��'�1'�y Y1 iiA�'S�C. ;. ' . �'f•``.�T,_ <br /> ' •;,.t;r a' • <br /> _ • - V> , ';i�S �''•,r. . (b <br /> :..,:.�1s ��;�: �.ji�;,�.,!�.. <br /> �.;���';; ,;`'..c�.. 'Y.�'t'(-'' �, •'�',� <br />',°: :;.�, �,;�, �.t:'t�(`,���?;�,� �;: . . �3� . <br />-f7;��'`{ ��, '-'.f�� r � <br />.. '�Y� f� � ;•'„k.v f�'r.;;,;' h�w 3�� 91a0 � � <br /> - ' ,��g . . ►!..�,.�.-�. <br />.--i;,;�•',`• , ,}',���•.�,:� ;,, ycC�s.�ra � <br />"� : -: �: �i5':i�;,�;�,c ,�.t. � ������ . <br />_+�i i,yi,t; 1' �:t���'�yy;f��':i� �i���� F . <br /> _;/��'1% , • .�!, . ��.. <br />-.Sr?��'"15�, �'t},• . 'I'�!+t�Mn►II'4A�.(�•.r�.:.��., . . •1��1���� � ���� . ,� _ .. . . . ._ . ._ ... .r�.:�. <br />'�1}tyi �` `' . ' . . �'� , <br /> .i.�.5�� '�= . ,�. , <br /> .�. . <br />-�,-. - ..�T.�.—==_--.. . , <br /> , i . <br /> +F. <br /> 1r . � . <br />' � .. . ,. <br /> � _ <br /> � ��; 4� : . � .. <br /> i • � <br /> i � <br /> '�i . <br /> � ' <br /> � _ <br /> � • _ -_ , - <br />