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„,� � �� .,. -:,�:. <br /> � `�7t� �t��m '�`• • - <br /> , � � , �.•-�=��:� . .. <br /> , . '#� .�y:l '^"±�+ , `�'- .• '�:� . � <br /> , .. <br /> :'l.�4 . r Y� .._..._.i,. <br /> . 93-1ot�,�RS -- <br /> -” 7�0081'HBR WITH dl die impmvemaMs aow or ha�eatte�eroatod on tho propeAy.wid all a�naxt.�p�a.�ad ��,. <br /> fixtw+a now or Mea�aRer a put of �he propaly. All rcpl�camentr +md addidon� �11 d�o be cvv�rod bY tAi� 8eaulry -- <br /> -- �= � --- - - I�u�.Aii ui th iomgofn� ir��t��ai w in ii.b S�x,wriiy in�t�u�i�ot�iho 'Prop�.rty.' . <br /> = y BORROWBR COVENANTS that Bomnwer is lawfully ceiFed af the est�te hereby conveyed�nd h�thc�i�ht ta arnnt�nd _ <br /> ootway the Ptn�eny and lhat thc Propehy is unencumberod.cxcept far encumbronccs af recanl. Bomower w�rt�nu +�nd will <br /> -;; def�nd gencrally thc title ta�he Propeny agpina dl caima and d�nwnds.subjcct to any encumbranas of roco�d. �,". <br /> - --' - - THIS SFCURIi'Y INS"IRUMENT��nbi�rcs unifurn�wv�iuml�Pur�wtiuiwi uee�ulJ�a-unlfara�.wveitaat�widt limited <br /> - - '"'"�`��'"""� variations by judsdiction to coastitute n unifortn secu�ity instnimcnt mvc�ing rca+l pm�:ny. <br /> UNIFORM C�OVENANI'S,Borrowcr and Lendcr caverwnt and agroe us followe: �_�.'� <br /> '��::..�r,+'��-" ` : 1. Pqynta�t af Priac{pd su�d latera�ti �YnxM wd Lale Charg�s. Borrower s6all promptlY PpY when due Ihe � <br /> _:� ��^��::�;,�;:°,�•, priacip�l of and i�tetest oa tUe debt evidetkod by the Nok and anY P�PaYmcM and I�te ch�gaa duc unde�tha Notc. <br /> �. � y ,J jr""':�a:�:.:�=• '�•'..•s <br /> z:�r_.�•�+��,�'-jlt'",-�;,� 2. �La�tor Taxes s�l�ara�e. Subject to app1ic�Ac law or to a w�ttea waiver b�r Lendcr. 8ornower sliall p�y w �'_;: <br /> '""�``���i';,., �� Lenderan the morqhl ats are due under the Nate,w�n��l the Note is d in tLll.a sum l'Fuads') tauea <br /> �� �' Y PaYtnc P� ri•_ <br /> ��°"- -- - _ - and asse�sments w6ee:h rnay nnaim priarity over�Ms Socu�ty loun�ment ae A lien an the P�aperty;lb)yearly le�ehoid paymeMs �..,_: <br /> - �^�= 3 u�::,;;;-;r*� <br /> =:{. •, ,._(;�'U or gxuund renta on thc Property, it ar�y:(c)Yeurly hruaod or praperty insu�+.oe premiwns:ld)Yearly flood insu�noc pc.miums. �;j:;_ <br /> • .,,;j�;,� if aay;Qea yeufy mortgag� insaraanoe prcmiums,if�ny:and 1�any sums pnyable by 8om�wer to Lender. in�oco��e with ' <br />_ -�.':^:,. .• '7!�, the ru�e�ions of �a m 8 6c��i�u af the mer►t of mo» u e�nsurance iums.�'ieesr items are called'Escnow items." --- <br /> �-_ ; �� , ,,f, f P Pe 8 Ph � Pi+Y R g P�n = <br /> _ � � ' �;�Jt� f Lendor mey. at any time, and hold Funds in en amaint not to eace�l tha ma�cimurn amount a lender for a#'zde�ally -; <br /> -�..:� � � � .. relued mongagc loan may reqt�b�e PAt Bornnwer's escrow aocount uncter the federal Real Es�ate Setllem�at Pmoedures Act of � <br /> ` "' s� .�^,.,"'" 1974�s ameided frnm time to tume. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ('REaPA').unless anothcr Iaw t7�At appfies t�tltc Funds �- <br /> -�.� � ��`:��+. sas a ksser amount, If sa, Le�zlrr may. at any time. collec� and hold Fuuds In an amount nat to exc�ed tt�e Iesser amount. �--' <br /> ;1 J` Lender may estimAta the amouna oP Funds due on the b�is of current dww and naconab�e atirnatcs af expendituTes of futurc �:_:; <br /> ,� -�. Eccmw Itans or otherwise in accordance with appl icable law. "K`- <br /> V' .• c� '."�'�, <br /> =,�`�.,°:� . `"`t^�'�- ' The Funds ��@ulil be t�eld in an institutian whose deposits ane imsua.xl by a fedcrel agency, ir�s�,rumentality, or entity �� <br /> �:j,t.. _._, <br /> _ f f,�. ;;� .. (including Lender. ef�Lender is�uch An institution)or in any Faderal Hrxrm(.oan Bank.l.ender shwll�pl;;the Fund�to pay the :.-,; <br /> � ���- <br /> ;;.&...;,�+ __. �'` Escrnw ltems. I.ender mu�� ua ehnTge Borrower for holdiag and applyin�Z��M�:Funds.annually analyxing the escrow account,ue qf; <br /> �.. ..»;� -�" verifying the Escrow�acros,un7•c��Lender poys Borrower interest an the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender to a+ake such ,�'l�:;' <br /> •�:t `�' '•:' . � • a charge. Howcver.l.endcr may �t�uire Borrower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent rcal estate taa �epdrting serviue N^ <br /> -" �'���'�'�;'':�.�� used by Lender ia cc+nnec�ion with this loan, unless applicablc law provides otherwise. Unless a� agrament is nwde or ��'` <br />.. .;, ��;3:w�>Xr. °�::'�. �pplicable law regwu�s intemsl to be paid.Lender sholl not be rcquircd ta pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funda. �-�". <br /> t�� � Borrower and Lender may agree in writing.however. that interest stwll be paid on the Funds. Lender sl�ll give t��om�wer. �`- <br /> � � ,l�5i�1..�t�s:x�,.,ot'; �`': <br /> _ �� -,-. ., _-. ...ti w{tha+t.:h�rge,an annuai accuun�ing of the runds.chowirag credits uid debits ta tlse Funds as� the pn�pose for w�kh exh -- <br /> - . _ . debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additiunal security for all sums tecured by this Security lnstrurnent. <br /> .,�...1.,}.. ',, , �• If the Funds htld by Lender exceod chc�rwunts pemdtted to be held b�•appiicable luw,I.ender shall account w Bomc�wer �„_ <br /> ; '{,�. � ' for the exooss Func�s in acco�dance with thc requinementa af applicable law. ]f tl�e anwunt of the Funds held by L.ender at any <br /> '.r. <.. . <br /> ��,_��'.r:° �=L::..•. dme is not sufficient to pay 1he 6scrow Items when duc.l.erder may so notify Bomnwe�in writing.and. in such case Butrower �. <br /> '' �!'" ahall pny to Lender�he amount necesseryr to make up the defiiien¢y. Horrower s�ll tm:�G�;, up the deficiency in no raw�c Il�n � <br />°?'�;�'i '" "' !!�'"":� � twelvt monthlY PeYments,at L.endcr's sole discretion. <br />`=�''`'�� ' '"x "��`. Upon paymeM in full of all sums secured by this Secutity Instrument, l.ender shall promptly retmtd to Borrower any <br /> �!��;}�;'r i� r'r.« —— <br />- • " �� � Funds held by I.ender. If,under puagraph 21, Lender shall acquir�e or sell the Property.I..ender,priar tw�t�e acquiaitian or sole <br /> vu. . ; ...�tfx•. ,;i��„ � of the PropeRy,sltall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit asainst t�€sums secured by� <br />';�'�'. �?x►�i'�=`a'•"" Ihis Security Instrurnenl. <br /> '�:�:;,.� �' '' 3.ApplicatlonotPayme�az:.Unless applicable law prova�les otherwise,all payments receivad by I.encler un<Y�:e pa�agraphs <br />��``� 1 and 2 slwll be a lied: 6rst. ta an ne a men�ch es dur under the Note:�econd, to amoun�s a•able under ura h 2; <br />�=�1�• ;� � PP Y P P Y �8 P y P 8flP <br /> '7�`.V��_t'r:,.;i-.c o_ �,"..,. <br /> '��,r��-ri,} . ,,�,�,�;, � inte.�st drae; tourth,to principal duc;and any late charges due under the Nate. <br /> "�'� , �.•"' ''�•:"`''. ` 4.Charge�;I.ieru.Borrower shall pny all taxes, acsessments,charg�s. fines and imposi�ions attQibutablc ro the Property �'? <br /> �r',�,,;�,� 4..�;, ; ' <br /> ,,,'. .��'�. :,,_ ,�.�,�;� which rtwy attain prioriry aver this Security Instniment,and leasehold payments or ground rents. if uny. Bortov►er shall pay "���4; <br /> - ��. • ° ''�'�r these obli �tians in U�e manrer rovided in ra ra h 2,or iP nat id in�hut manner,Borrower shall a them un timc direcd <�r+r• <br /> .r.�:'''. dy.�: B P Pe 8 P Pa P Y y .. <br /> `��';�; '�..•a: .. ��! to the person owed paymeot,Borrowcr shull pmmpdy fumish to Lender nll notices of amounts to be paid under this pangraph. .•._�i <br />;E,,,:r: ' `:``:�: ' � If 8orrower makes these payments direcUy,Borrower shnll promptly furnish to l.ender receipts evidentung the payments. �- <br /> ' "� ��'� `' ' ��4� Borrower shal l mm tl disch e an lie�wbicfi ha� riorit over this Securit lnstrument unless�orrower: (a)a rees in —_ <br /> �s_,,•, , ,t .:, • P P Y �'8 Y P Y Y g � <br />---:, i�• ,7�+r.;,�,, 1M1 4.. .�r�-` r ��. . <br /> ;, s�,ti,��r ,�.,� wri t ing ta t he paymcn t o P t h e o b tiga tio n sccure d by t he!nn i n a m a n n e r a c c e p t a b l e t o L e n d e r,(b)c o n t e s i s i n g o o d f a�t h t h e l i rn •.�,: <br />',�• ` ��➢''��'��1��r� • by, �or defends egainst enforcemcnt of t he licn in, legut�roc o e dings w hic h in t h c I.en d er's op in ion opera t e ta q�reven t t h e <br /> d� •, ;: ,� . ,;�' <br /> •.��r � �,�`� • enforcement of the lien:or (c)secures frorn the holder of�he lien an agrecmem satisfactory to L.ender su b o r dinoting t he l ien to . <br /> �.r , <br />��� �• �.:�/���''Uf1 :" ,: this Securiry Instruuaent. If Lender deterrniiies that nny pa�t of the Property is subject to n lien which m�ay attain prioriry over �� <br />,,�e. • :i':� � + ��r,..:::. <br /> I�f� � r:)�" t6is Socudry Ins�na�ncnt,Lender may give. Bonnwer a ndice idcntifying the lien. Born�wer shall satisd3•1he lien or wke one or �,��., <br />• .� �' �f�.�.'��•',�'',{����:' � mor�e af the xtions set forth aha�ve wiihin 10 day� uf thc gaving of notice. C•'". <br /> �,","_t'..!.- ,tr1=f1.,i,�,.�rwV�- ' <br /> �Y ;i L(` P.. . r <br />, �!�'� ���..�,i 't��'i1�� ., �,• Fo.�.,maa s�so f <br />�,��i)'�?:: '" ��1+�G�t+�� + Q�,t a e � <br /> S�. .,�, �,� , <br />�<<;�,'':;';'' -�,�,;� ' • Mc,9o��� .. <br /> i'.r` r'1�i; 1��,. ., ,• ; ' (� . <br /> . ! (j;`'`''j.tti .:}��.f�i.••':'`�.«.w''Y:,�iS`�ri::�•j�. .. � . � . _.. .... .��,._ .�.��?1`r,Y'tiT,j`.f....—.._«,.';'j.� . . '_`. .. . .r: . <br /> i � 'y'':i f . t • ' . „ ' �.�� <br /> ' . i .� ���� . , . ' . . � � �'�•'�''��i��l�:�''���1 . •,�,., ',I'�'il�� :'� ��I.f'.' � �. . . <br /> 'f� .. •1�.�'1��� .. ' , � ... . , .. . <br /> Y�C.C'.__—_ A_ ,•�_5 . . _., .. ,�.. �. ' . . . <br /> . 1 . ' . <br /> � - .. . - . .. ' . � . <br /> �.f �• .. ' i , . . . . 1 . <br /> � , • � ' <br /> �.'.-. � . . � . . <br /> n �r • , <br /> '�.. .. .. . . . <br />' + ' .� .�'�"-�: � . ' ' . <br /> � � ���A�.� Y _ .� . . . � .. <br /> ' � .. • , �\'- � � � - ` <br /> � ` � <br /> , . . . . . .. .... .... � . . ._ 1 <br />