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� �" Ti�,�i.i" j , . .. . ..�. <br /> :�.. �,-�,,�rti.:. ' <br /> .; . .. .. <br /> y . �.z_ , <br /> . �,�� ;,''� .. , �- <br /> . . , . - <br /> . . . __�-•- <br /> t ,. __. :._.__ <br /> �;•; <br /> �.�.� <br /> � <br /> �_ . <br /> -----=--_=_= 93:1 <br /> ¢ondenwlbn or a�udtin�of Any put of�he PropeeY•a fa�nvoyanoe In Uw of ca�lemn�tlon.aro heneby+ui�nal and <br /> �hrll be p�id to l.e��der. �hi4 . <br /> -- - ia da eve�u ot'� tad tpkin� of�ho Prnpcnty.�iw s �Nwll bu applicd ao thc suma accund by �xwitY <br /> T����,������en due� with my excess pai a Bomowor. In the event of a pphial�akinQ of the Property in <br /> 3 which tha fAir miulcet value of the Prop�erty immedia�e�Y befae�ha taki�g i�oqwl to or graater than the amount of�ho sum� <br /> securcd by�hie Secu�ity Ineuument immodlately befixe thc�ah{ng.unlass Bonower and Lender othcrwisa agroa in writing. _� <br /> ���sac�ued by 1hi:Security fnsau�slu�� be rcduc�d bY�h°Amoun�of the pru��eeds multiplied by Iho followMg <br /> - _ --- -� fractbn: (al the lutal amount of�he sumu securcd immediately bci'on thc I+dciii�.dfv(ded by(b)the fair matktt valuc oP ute _ <br /> u,-�=--'��-T-=J�-� pmpeny lmmediatcly bnfore the wkjng. Any balt+na shnll be pnid lo Bomnwer. In�he event of a paniwl taking of�he <br /> Pmperty in which the fAir rtwrkct w�lue of�he P�o�+enY immedlately bafore the uiking is kss thon�he�nw�u�t of�he sums � <br /> `-.:` secwed immediataly beto�ihe laking, uoless Borruwer wd I.endcr othcnvisc ag�ir+ writing or unicss Kpplicable I�w - <br /> .�n, otherwise pmvldec.�he p�oceedc siwll be appliod lo the sums roeu►ed by thic Secutity Incdumant wheQ�er or not the�uma nre <br /> tM�tduc. <br /> �'�� _ �f thc propeqy is ab�ada�ed by Bomnwer.or if,aftcr natice by Lcnder to Borrower thot the condemnor offe�s�o maka <br /> - - an awad or senle A claim far damoges.Romnwer fuib ta respond ta I.ender within 30 duys After thc datc the notice is given. _ <br /> 'L I.ende�ie au�horited to eollect suid upply Uic its op�bn.cilher w nestoration or rapair af thc Property or to Ure Q � <br /> sums soc,-ured by�his Security Inst�wnen�whether or not then due. _ <br /> - - U����gp�v�xcr otlrcrvvise ogrc.c in w�iting,any a�pplication of procceds to principal shall not extend or �;_ <br />�- = postpor�e ttne due dato af�he mo�Nhly�ayments refemed to in par,�rap1�1 and 2 os chau�ge the anwunt of such paymenis. �::_W <br /> ���'• 11. Blort+awer NM Rels�: �'orbarance 8y I.ender Nd • Waiver. FactrnSiaa of the �me fix payman or �- <br />- modificaion of amatizatia+of�e s.ums securcd by Uas Securiry[nsnument�ted by Lea�v to any cuccessor in interest "_` <br /> .. ;_ ��; <br /> ;�;'�:, of Borrower shall not�pete�e t�m�eQease the liebility of thc odginal 8omawor��'Bor�ower�i successors in intercst.L.ender �_ <br /> - }i:� shall not be�equire+l tn oaaeeemea�ce pmcecdings agalnst any successor in ir•cccm���retucse lo eatend dme for paymcnt or ��--- <br /> '. � ` ,-::i'� _ otherwice moAify nmorter.Ree�m6 rbr wms socurcd by Ihis Security Instrume�u tp;e mea.w��8'any dertu�xl mwle by Ilte oriQinal : <br /> ,��:`:- --- - _ -- . d.0 Bomower or Borrowerk�successu�s.i�n interest. My forbearance bp•Lender in exerri9ing;�n� right or remedy siwll rat be a �,:�,. <br /> u <br /> �5:,�.:� <br /> -�;�:.: waiver af or prcclude t0ie�+tRrsa.wc ur any right or remedy. il�+��: <br /> ' 1 12. Suocessors aa�l.4�.�a�s�iaund;Joint nnd Sevenl4inbility:Casi�ners. The covenants and agreements of tt�is ��:.�.:: <br />,,�fu.:• ,� Security Instrument�1:e1:6 bind wtd bene8t the successors e�d us'Fns af Lead�r und Bomnwer.subject to�he provisions of r''" <br /> f..11 f <br /> paragruph 17. Borrower's covenants and pgreements shall be jolnt and sevrral. My Borrower who co-signs this Securiry ��°' <br /> .r.�.�, <br />-- ° Instrument but does not execute the Nae: (a)is co-signing Ihis Secumy lnsuument only to mongage.grant and convey�hat � <br /> .. ', . ,�•� Rorrowerk interest in tho 1'roperty under the tetms of ihis Securi�y Insuument: Ib)is not personally obligeted to pay the sums �{ <br />_ �°� secu�ed by this Security lnsuumem:and(c)�grees ttiat Lender and any other Borrower may ag�ec to extend,modiiy,forbear <br /> ��-� or makc any xconur�alions wi�h regard to Ihe um�s of this Secur�ty lnsuument or the Note wiUwul that Bomnwer's �. <br /> '�:' '_)tk COII�GIII. -- <br /> ��" �• r• 13. L.oap ChAC$ea if the loan secured by thix Security Insuument is xubject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan — <br />: ''�- = shat!x�a:�ns!!y B::tc�reted�!+th++��he in�erest or other loan chnrg�s colkcted or to 6e collected in connectbn __ <br /> • ,,�r�� �'' �' with the ban exceed Ihe permined limt�s,�hen: la)any+uch loan charge shall be reduced by tlhe amaunt necessery to reduce �:� <br />` •, �lie charge ta�he pemnicteaf limir.end(b)any sums nlready collected from Borrower whicFc ek:+eeded permided flmits will be <br /> t.: <br /> :�;,:•�. �,>r, refunded to Sarowec Q..ender may choose to muke this�+efund by reducing the principal owe�under the Note or by maki��a ��`; <br />:;+•;,� , `""��` direct puymcnt ae�o�c�o�Ner. If a refund reduces principul.�he reduc�iwi w��i�,e upted a�a•�onial prepa}srent wiUwut c+a�y �~__ <br />°:;'i�.i f;;`` P�Ymcret cEiaege a�r+�¢::r ahe Note. c��-.. <br />__,;r 't- y�� 1�/, rWiees, Ac�y notice to Borrower provided for in thi+Secu�ity hesuu�a�eaaa �Iwil1 k�given by delivedng it�r by , <br />�.:r.',�'. ' mailing it by first C]�.�s J+nail unless upplicable Inw requires ure oi anothrr methac3.'Olht na�e:ce s�,nll bc directed to the f'r+�xr.ay� .�� <br /> -a,,,;. `,: Address or nny oiher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Aov�w�adcae t4*L-enc3er shall be given by first r➢asv .� <br />___ •s,�_ :�i, mail to Lenderk ad�cGc�+�sta�eJ hercin or any other udd�e4s Lender designate�c�2.r�ice tn Horrower. Any nwice provided for <br /> -q�;, �t�',��t :;.,,, in this Securiry InwnAment shull be deemed to huve been given to Bortuwer c+z l.ender when given as provided in�his , <br /> � �';i'', ` •Ar,j � 1S�Governing Law: Sevrra�llity. This Securiry Instrumem shall bc govemed h} federnl low w�d the law of the ..".� <br />��'s� 't '' --' <br /> i jurisdiction in which the Property�., locuted• !n�he event Uiut am q�+covir:ion or clause oFlLh�s Security Instrument or the Note <br /> � �•• ��' conflicts wilh npplicable IpW.���ch conflict shull not affect other r��.����ms of this Securit}•In�trument or the Nae which can "� <br />,�;.'�`1 ,.,,�, � be given effect without the conflicting provixion. Th thix end ihe prmi:ua�nc of this Security Instrummt and the Note are �; • <br />-•-`r� �,.;�J;,- � ,�.: declered to be severaL'��. ��" <br /> °"$:., �f�:'=� :.r.��'� .�.... °' <br /> .. ,.•... �. 16. Borrower'a�Copy. Borrower chufl be given one canfaen�ed copy�>6'i9�e Note and��t thix Securaa}• �lnstrument. <br /> � ,,,�. •� `�`�r j��` l�. 11r�nsfe�u�?Hie Properly or a Benefict�l laterest iw&�r►owe� If all or nny p;ut c�f Ihe Proporay or any interest in °,"-. <br /> •�''°;'?'..; �����•�;�,;,��+�'�-� it is+aVd or transiemJ (or if u heneficial interest io Borrowr�i: sold ur Iransferrcd an�1 it��rnnwer is not a nntu►al rwa) <br /> Pe� �%-. <br />_�'��s •�, ;!�'•�* without l.cnders�seior wriuen con�ent,Lender i�s optiura.�aquire immediaie payment in full of ull sums securcd by <br /> �";, •' �"!'�� ��} ^ lhis Security Inslnam�nt. However,this option shs�ll not be exereised by Leodrr if exereise is prohibited by federal luw a5 of <br /> '`' � �k` '-� the dute of this Secuc�:y Instrumem. '� <br /> r��„`•:�::_. <br /> -`�;-'�r��a �.i;�; ,..�.-.:-.. �-- ` ��. <br />-�.:+�k;cr' r.r �:�.�•..;�,,, i If Lender eaeeri:as this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice oi:Ktitiiern�ion. The notice shall provide a period of � <br /> .f�ti U' ) • �,: �;;�.�'';��`� • not less lban 30 dnys from thc dnte the notKC is delivered ur mailed within which Borrowrr must pay all sums secured by this � <br />__' //4� �����4 <br /> �, �af- Sccurity Imtrument. If Borrower fails to pny these xums prior to the expiration of�hu.period. l.ender may invoke any <br />',���i'��� � • �'t'"��-- I remedies permin�c!by this Securit�•In+uument without funher natire or Jemund on Borni�.er. �� <br />-'�;t,�t � `r`'����.,..0 _ �- . <br /> t,�.'•;1 "+ 4 ''".' "' „ ,"' . 18. Borrawera Itlqht lo Reinstote. If Burrower rt�e�.cenain condi�iom. Bom►wer shall have Ihe right lo have <br />•-����;!?i`r� ;�r. Ft� •, �.;.;,��• , eniorcemeni o6�hi>Sz�urity Instmment discuniinued nt om time prior tu�he earlier oL• lal S duy.(or tiuch aher period as �_ <br /> �w ♦ —_ <br /> :K�y�'4]; ' ;�'l` sd,�;;,,;,:. Sm�k Fmily..Ponnic�1ar+I�nddie�Wr i\IFlNi►1 IitiTRL:N�1T•-ll�:fwni Co�ena�w. 9140 �/wR�J��6�re�! �- <br /> r�±�S���� � � % <br /> :._�e;�l !.�!';�_:I, , .4;�4 � --- <br />, _ 4��t �� ,. • , ; . <br /> .. <br />;�` , <br /> . <br />__�_I';����1 �`}�Y ; ''�'� ,{:, <br /> .xtc '4 r� s ' . �?j� " ' F� "'.^,,.��`����'�,:f�t,.f.._ . ,.r;:.�,.���.�.��m; -- — — _______jd�p', <br /> ' ' � r � . �"`��p'"""n;"" ..a� <br />.i�a , '� . . ` . ' ' tilf �, " ' • � ' �. • • - - � <br /> c�: ,i4 .rr'� ?c:: � �'?. ,�. . ���' tl:. �t1�•'� . .. .. r' �`4 `'�:- <br />--it`. _ 4"' .�i,.. i.....'i__ . . . . . � � . . . . --- - � _4 <br />-_�= 9I . . _ ..i--3�------.---�""'-.- c -. . 1 . .- ._. . . . .': . ;,:�1,': ' . - .. - ' ------ <br />