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'43=io�.S <br /> --_ w�__�..�� <br /> . �pplksbin I�w m�y specify far reinstuemeotl bcfore sde oi the PrapettY pur�u�nt to�ny power af wb contdnaf In this <br /> - -- - --- Saa�ity IaHrwueat:ar!b1 rnhy aP�Judgmeat enforci�yt this Secwity Inshuma►t. 71MSe oonditions aro t1uN Bonowa: (�1 <br /> • p�ys l.ender dl wm�which tt� wauld be due wtder�hic Secudry Instrumcnl And�he Nae �c if na �ccclernlion h�d <br /> aocuned;(b)cums�ny defiult of any oiher covenant�ot�grcrnxna:(c)p�y��II expensca incumed in rnforcing lhis Savriry <br /> - -- Instiument, including,bul not limited to. n�sonabk attomeys'feos; �nd(d)�akes such Action as l.end�er may �casaiably <br /> • roquiro to�ssu�Uut the lien ot thia Socu�ity Insuumem,Lenderk rlghts in the Prapeny and Barower�s oblignion io p�y ihe <br /> - auma securcd by this Security Inshum��l ai�ail condoue unrhrng�l. Upon rziostatcmcnt by Barrowcr. ehi� Setvriiy _ <br /> _____ _ __ _ __ In�ument and Ihe oMigations secue�ed hereby ehall rcm�in iully effeclive as ii nn acceleraic�had accun�ad. Howevet tido ; <br /> ,�v �i�ht to reinstate sh�ll not�pply in the caso ot Acceleratiaa under puagrnph I7. <br /> ( 19. S�k of Notei CM��e af Lwn sen'iar. The Notc or A partial interest in the Nate pagether wNh �his Securiiy <br /> ' Instnimenq may be sold oroe or mare dmes withcwt pri�rc�wice to Borrower. A sule muy reauU in u change in Ihe rntity <br /> � <br />`T-.'` ( tknown as the"Lwn Servker")thpt collccia monlhly payments due wder the Notc and�his Serurity In�wmen�. 7t�ere a�su <br /> ' may ba ox a mom chonges of the Laan Servicer unrclwed to a side of�he Note. If there is a cl�an�ze oi Ihe Lo�n Seiriccr. <br /> �`. Bamower w�ll be giveo vircitten aatice oi Ihe change in accorda�ce wilh paragrAph Ib abave aod aipplicable law, The notice = <br /> � _ wfll state�he nartrc and add�ess of the new I.oun Servicer aM the Address 10 which poynieatv should be made.The owia will _. <br /> ----- alco contoia any dMr informatian required by Applicable law. <br /> - Z0. IlwrdoMS Sabda�e�s, Boaower shall aot cause ar pemut the p�esence,use,disposal,storrge. or rekase ot any - <br /> „�_- - - r - Haza�dous Snbstances on or in die property. iiomawer shall aot da,nor ollow onyone etse ta dn�anylhing nll'ectiag tl�c - <br />'==::s:;�: Propetty Ihat is in vioWion aPany Environrnent�l law. The precedia�Iwo sentences slwll not up�iy to We presence.use.or <br /> �,.i{{.; <br />:..,i_;:��� -- -� storage vn Ihe P1+operry of's�rtwll quantities oi Hazardous Su6suuncrs Ihat are generally recognized to bc apprupriate to nonrwl <br /> ;__� --�I residential uses and to maimenence of�he Property. _ <br /> Barower shAll prcrmptly give I.ender written noli�r of�uoy in�•estigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or dl�er acclan by any <br />«���`f~:, "� go�enu�ental or regulstory pgeacy or privale party inv��h•iaF tta iiwpeny anJ t►ny HuuwrJuus Sut►s�Ancr ax Fr�ioiranmental - <br /> �:;�;' i�� I ot whirq Hotiowe� htis actual lulowledge. if BLITfI�N'l'1'It:AAi. ur ia nwifie� by Lny �uvemmeuiul w ICt3YIilllM} <br /> .�`�° ;�, �� ��i� authority,th:;�t any removal or wt�er remediation of any HArarcbu.Su�swnce affecting the Pmpeat}is necessary.Bamwer <br /> shall prompt0y ialce All necessary remedial uctions in accadance a•i7t+E�vironmental Lnw. - <br /> �'� �� As used in this par.�-aph 20,"Haznrdous Subs�aRats"arc those substancex defined ax toxic ar hsixardouc�>ubstances by __ <br />,.,�;�. Environmental anr�1 th.:fallowing subslances: gu:+oline,kerosene,other flamnmaMle or toxic petroleurn Fuv.iucts,roxic r�_ <br /> pesticides And heti►icide::. vnlnUle solvanGs,materials containing avl+estos or furmat�t•�hyde,and radioac�ive�nateriuls. A� '-: <br />��'��'` used in this p�.u:�gtrnph..(�,�vironment:�l Law"menns federol law��and laws of Ihe jurisdiction u�h�ere the Pmperty is tocAted '=- <br /> ,i.,r,; , . <br /> "t��'` � 4j Uwt relate tcn tieafih,sefety or environmental protectian. <br />_ ;:;9,3;{ ;�,;.,.,�•.. ,'�'�' . , <br />- ++'.�. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender fuhhcr covenant and ugree as foll�v�:�. <br />- ��'' �'�:•��`` EI. Accekrntion; Remedies. Leader slwll givq qotke to Borroaver rlor to acceleraeian followlp 8orro�ver's <br /> ',.':�,. �' •h•, �. <br /> '.-�.._ <br /> breach of�ny rnveaw�t or agreement in t6is SecMrit;v O�nstrumenl Ibut na p�ior to accelers�iion nader��ph 17 . . °- <br /> =_ unler.4 s�pplilcaWe I+�v provides Wherwise).The noticc�,1w11 spscliy: IA)the defAUlf;lb)the�ntiw�required to cure tl�e <br />"�"�"�`� "" �% ddault;lc�a Cgte�aot kss lhan 30 days Irom tMe ds�te ti�e nd�ce is given lo wWich tUe defaull must t�e ' - <br /> �"` `�'�� �•��'�'�" :'''•F'� 'yl cund;And�d)fhat f�ilure to cure fhe deTault on or before th!dut�e specitied in Ihe notice maa�tsult in acceleratian o4 <br /> -_•;::ji�,.: .� ... x:. — <br />,:�.�;"� '"�"''���'�' ! the sums secured Dy this Security Inslrument and s�le nf Ihe Property. The notice shall Yuci7�er inform Borrowcr of <br /> �.�, ..�;,.,��,� ,:• o <br />:?���."��+ ' °' �=%:;;y��'�',�_ � the rtght to reinstate a�r accelerAtbn and the�tght lo bring a rnurt aMion to asseM Ihe aon�exislence of a defswlt or a_ <br /> "``a'���{ .�s'�����. . , pny other defense otl�arrK.srrr to acceleralion and sale. If tbe dePi�ult is not cured on or betore the date specifled in .u�� <br /> r� f;'-• � r•+,,. lGe aotke,I.ender t�l il.g opiion muv require immed'oa�e pnymeni in iuli uf�II�ums secured b} ta�Security Imlrmneal _ <br />-����'��'�" ��'��}t��� wNhout 11irUer demand and may in����►e the arr oP sale and �n other remedies rmitted b o licable Is�w � <br /> �;;•,,• pk'�'�rc��;'_ ,:,:;, Pp. ' Y Pe Y pP '- <br /> -- , ''�r;;•;�+a ��ii� • I.ender sl�Yl be entilled to coNect �IY expeores lqcurred in pursuing the remediex provlded in this par�grApb 21. = <br /> - ��,; Including,�ut not limited to.reASOnable altorneys'fc�rs and costs ot title evidence. �, <br /> _ , ,�.t� • B!he power ot sale is invuked,7lrustee shall�•�ecord a notkr oi'defi�uU in es�ch counly in whkh ;u+y p+art d tt�e "" <br /> �.;`�:•• �� - <br /> i =, . Pcqperty ts lacated and shall mnN copies of such mati�r ln Ihe manner prescribed by npplia�bte Inw to Bor��eWer nnd to - <br /> �= '� �,a � the other ersons resc�ibed b a licable IAw Atter the Nme ulred b A IicAble law.71rustee slwll ive blk = <br /> _� ':" . ..._.,• P P Y pP �1 Y pP � P� _ <br />_{� .:•-,=' • ' aotke of ss�aP to Ihe persons and in tbe manner prescribed by s�pplicAble law. 7tirustee.wilhoul demAnd op Burrower, <br /> ;�°� • sh�ll se111h�e�ropeMy�t public auctlon to Ihe 6t�hest bidde�al the lime and pl�ce and under tbe terms desip�ns�led ta _ <br /> ��5,� � �tt� the notice c�ti'sale in one or more pArcels aad in any arder'I�ustee determines. 7lrastee may postpone s�le ot al!ar any =_ <br /> -; parcel of Ihe Properip bti�ubllc anaouncement al the lime and place of any previously schedrled w�le. I.ender or ib ___ <br />:�v� -�. _ Y;• desl�e nwY Purcha4e Ifk Qroperty s�l anv svle. _. <br /> .,,� ,-.w:�.� . = •�-:` Upon receipt of pAyment of thn prlce bid�T�rauslee shaH deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed com•eying the _ <br /> .��;��!,: � . �: Property. 1'he recit�ls in the 7lrugtee s s]�eed sha�l be prima facie e�•adence of the truth of the slatemenfs�twde therein. _ <br /> '�;;'�'���' - �°..; ,. 'I�u�tce�Iwll apply the procecds oP tpr so9e in tire ifli�owi�artl�r: �al to all cosls and expenses of exercbin�Ihe power �` <br /> -ti�;;,��`l� �..:�•'q�, , _ <br /> r�;=� �';�,:,:i�t = <br />_ p -: , � �u,. <br /> �';�'� ��vi:' .��k.!.4' — <br /> ;�[;',v 11�y^�J':l!;i; . - <br /> ��...� ',, �� <br />���',l`11�.. �.'�� t��"��jj�4,�. +':•;:` [,, <br />. , . •,�"'yt?.e/y,'�' �'.. . •'�- -- <br />_ ���e•��:�__�.'��'. e=.. <br /> ,i�;.'�.'' � T_� ,�i'k�� Fww iA28 919U �/N�.¢e•!u�A�r;r.•. � <br /> I1�•.�: `�. , at. ..t' ;�,)1�• �. <br /> l. {} <br /> . #`•_ ''1 — <br /> �. ;t � r � <br /> S =— <br />. '�:i'�j,' •;tl ° <br /> �i�ti. . � - � ��Jt��jM;1t��it;h?r:f.r. .....1.:�S,.1e•����•K}���•::.a7�C��1���Y,��fY���y ��f tl�ra.f�� _ <br /> r �T�'�'.V''1'�}' � -� <br />��.' . _. ' ' . • . -!. . �,t �f f . �--t ��1� k'. <br /> �1.'�'iSi" .� Sri� � <br /> ,��=_:,.n:x..�11::TR%c_ n.. _ .n:�:��' :',. .1.i,i.'� _!;._.4� <br /> . <br /> -- -- - - •. _. _ . . . -- - •- <br /> -- -- <br /> �. �'•� . � ' , . . `.i���i�l, �E •�;. .' — <br /> ' ' . , �,l'',-� ' • . <br /> .. . ...'.. . . . ., • ' �" <br /> . �• ,,, � ,. ;1,�.i��i <br /> .. . . � . � . .r� , . _ <br /> '•tZ� ,•�,...� . .�' .u.b'�f. o � , .. . . . . . � . . . , . <br /> 1. .. , ... • , � . <br />- t ' � . t i ��. . . , � . �.I... . <br /> -� - j J ` :.i `t�.'��4: ..� -.J ... ' � � � .. . . . ` <br /> ..�.o �� �� ., - ' • , <br /> }�.: ' �y,.'`"i`'� . , , , ; ' ���'' • cr�. <br /> �'"�' � <br /> ' . �. ..._ __ _. .� _ . - _ _ -- - �_ ._�_ ---- - ---------- _ _ _ _ <br />