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`'" .�. . . . , . . . <br /> '; ., ��� jt..� �� .�+,. .' _ . .�. <br /> :. � .- _ ' <br /> -- - _ _ ---- — <br /> ___ __: <br /> .� ._ —� , . <br /> _ . ..__.------. _ 9.�_ iOf1555 <br /> pexlad�thu I.ender roquim�. Tho inRUr�nee cArtk�pmvldina�he incura+KY ch�ll he chnxn by Rorruwer subject 1n l.enAerh <br /> appmvd which�lull not bo unrn�can�bly withlkld. If&xrower f�ils ta malnuan cavc�ge de�cdbed siw�va.l.endor may.q <br /> _ _ -�. ,+ L,p�Jre•�►c,�titwn.abt�in coveraae to pratert l.ct��ler?�ri�u�!!s�p�op�et frt eccotdenc�with p�r�grarh 7. � <br /> All ipsu�nc�e poticies wM r�nowals shall t�c aooeptable to l.enckr Yand eJwll includc A�t�ndud mc►ng��e clwue. l.ender <br /> sb�ll I�ve�he ri�ht to bold the palicies and rcnowalc. If l.endcr reqrircs.Nortower�hall pmmplY give lo ixnder dl roccips <br /> _ of p�id pRmiums and rcnewal noticea. in tho evrnl ai Ic►�s.Batower xh�it Qive prompt ndice ta�he iaw�caRier and <br /> ' L+ender. L.a�der may m�ke pmaf af lor,�if not made panpiy by Barrowcr. — <br /> - Unku i.c�ier uwf Burruw�r otlierwice agri�in w�ritiag.i�twt�k�µ�w�eaic:nhpil be applied ta nestarWia�at�epair u� � <br /> �-'�_—_-.-------------= dtie dumaged. if tha restora�lon or repai� is eronamicnlly fe�.siblc and l.enderS �cru�ty is not lessened if the � <br /> n�u�on ar tepair i�nd ecanamically fea�ible ar I.enderk socurity would be les+�ened. �he lncurance proa�eds �hall 6e <br /> appliod ta�he wms seeurod by this 3ccudty Inb�rumem. whethcr wr nw �hcn duc, wi�h uny cxcess �wid io Bormwcr. If ° <br />.;�--:. Bamwer abandona tho daes nat answcr within 30 daya u naice fram I.onder�ho[ tbc ia�urancc carrie�Iws —. <br /> of�ercd to settle a cWm.then Lcndcr muy colkct thc inswuncc proceedK. Lcndcr muy use �hc procceda to rcp�ir or rcstore <br /> - �tbe Pmperty or to pay wm��ecured by thi�Secu�ity lamwnen.whether ar not then due. 71�30�day peri�d will hagin whai <br /> ,�ris. '� the noticc is given. — <br /> = Unless L.ender and Borrower othervuitie agree in wriQing,any• �cation Qt'pro��w princip�l sl�s►II nw extend ar — <br /> postpone�he dua dale af'tha mo�h1Y Pa9merMs referred ta ir�paragr p�is 1 and 2 ar ch�nge�he amou�u oi'Uie paymentn. If <br /> �»' __ under puragroph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l.ender.Barower� ngN to any inKUr,�rK�e policies ard pm��eeds rcwlting — <br /> e;� ' <<� from dam�ge to the Prope�ty prior w the acquisition slull pass to Lender to�he es�em oi'Ihe sums secwed by Utis Securiry ��:-. <br /> ;:v. •`;,,� .+ lnqnane�u immedia�ely pnor w�he acyuisi�ion. �. <br /> �r:.:: <br /> i�`t:�:i "� � �P��S'� Prtisn�vatia�. Malete+�uue �ad Proteclion d' IMe P�+ape�i�: Borro�ca"c Los� Appllcadali �`'-': <br /> :,: �� I.easeMoldi. Bamwer shaQ occupy.eswblish.�nd use U�e Praprrty a.y Brxrowerk princip+l residerec�e within sixty days after — <br /> ��`"����' �he�secutiao uf this Securi Instnupent:�ed xhall cantinue to nccu �br — <br /> ''� �Y pY �PenY as Barower�prt�ipul ocsidem.�e for at -. <br /> -�- - =- - leau nne y�ar aftK thr date o[ occapnncy, unles4 L.�mkr othenvise agrees !n wtltisg, wltich ronarm slea!! ne�t F� <br /> '=° �f�` ui�asonably wilhheld.or unless extenua�ing cdrrum.wac�:exist which are beyand Borrower:+conual. 8wmwee s�wll not �" <br /> �I��s:�roy.damage or impair the Ptopeny,ollow the Pro�n� io deteriorate,or commit wuste on the Raperty. Q�n�er shall =- <br /> be in default if any forfeitur�e uctian ar pmc�eeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun�hsu in LenrtKr�g�od fAith judgment =__ <br /> _ could rcsuk in forFeiwr�e of the Pfnpenp ur otherwise materially impai� �he lien creatcd by this Sc�curity Insdument or �-- <br /> ' ' n l.ender's securiry interest. Bomawer may cum buch a defAUh and reinstute,a�provided in paragrnp?a 18.,by causing�he action �' <br /> Y ^ or procadin8 w be dismisscd wi�h a ruling L.cnder's gaod fai�h determination,precludes forfei[ure of�he Borrowers �";� <br /> £- d.� ��F w �` ��s��?.c inte�st in the Property or a�Eccr material impairtnent of the lien crea�ed by this Serurny Inrbument or l.ender's secudry �`.ti <br /> �;N�.',�r';�t«�. ���, go�Wer slwll nlso be in default if Bormwer,durin the laan a I�cnti4m rocess. ave materiall f�lse or �'� <br /> �=��. �y;t;��•:�„i,.`.' S PP� P L' � Y . - <br /> ' ' : �.��y''�° iaaccurate infonpetfon or stetements to Lender(or failed to provide l.ender with uny material information►in cannectian w1U� <br /> ``""�f> � ,}�•a.r ° Ihe loan eviciencad b the Nae, includin but nw limited to, �c resentutiona concemin BotTawer?�occu of �he '"` <br /> ___ �� � y 8• P � P�Y <br />' y'`'''�:•r)�' i,;�}' PropeAy as a p6icecipul rcsidenca If this S�+:urity Instn�ment is on a Iens�tu.Jd.Burmwer shall compty with sdl the provisions �.:�. <br /> --�=-��j`_':�._�. of�he lesise. If Borrower xquims fce�i�k u►s7�e Propeny_tfie leacehold.MrA the fe..�uk�ahall nM t�rgP�mlt�s5 Le�+!4t!agre� <br />='"' .� '�)�i;�1�R?t � • to-9re merger in writing. r:::' <br />`" . ,��,��1�;,;;r � 7. Protection at Lende�'s Riah�.c daa ,the Peu,p�rtnti. If Borrower fails tm �et�'orrae the cavenen�s rm� aga+;rement� �A=:_ <br /> k.. ��;�'�''' �,k� , .contained in [his Security Inswmen�, ur iB�ene i,; a legal praeeding that may viu�il'icun�ly aifec�L.rnderS rights in the �� <br />°=".; �4•�, �+i Properry(such as u proceeding in bankruprcy.probate,for condemnotion or for�ehure or tn enforp:l�w;ur regulatlons),then ��< <br /> �'�''��� `` Lender may do and pay for whntever iti necrssury to protect �he value uf the Propeny und 1.e��eT's rigAtr in the Propeny. �',.i�:. <br />��-•i�7t'. JI�_�l . <br />���� " • :�• l.ender's aclions may include paying ony sums secured by a lien wbich huc prioritv�a»rr ti�i�Secusitv l�.urument,�pearing --- <br /> :�a' ''+;:�;"':y im couA,payin�reu.wnable attomeys'fee.and entering an ihe Propeny to mWce repadr;. Ahhough l.endcr mny taix action ,t;;, <br /> •r� .�'•�' wader thi4 paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do,o. <br /> :s,;� �'�,..�•,`�_�_ My amounts disbursed by Lender untler thi. parAgrnph 7 shnll hec�nm a,�din,nnaf deM of �nrcowcr secured by this ' <br /> .,� s�-e,;' - 5ecu�iry Instrumem. Unlesc Borrower und�.snder ugr�c�o nther tern�a of puyrrvena,a9�ese am.wnt+slaa!E 6eau interest from the � <br /> �- '�' �`�;,,, clete of disbursement at the Nde rate und��a!!be puyuhle,with intrr�.e, u}xm nc�tue fram I.entler to Borrower tequesting <br /> ;; ' �.,,.,:.•:, "••- <br /> .�mem. n:�:: <br />� •.:' ��`::::ti�:,._ ... <br /> i�•�� �-�' �:'�. 8. Mwtgage Insurance. If Lender requircd moc�tiage in.uruncr a�n condir.94�re of making the loun xrrurecd by this �`-`' <br /> � �'�' �S�a�ity lnstrument, Borrower shall pay the premiumx reyuired �o maintuin �he maTa_�:igr insurance in effect. ➢!, For any ` <br /> � '�� �� '' ,""'"� reason, the mortgage inxurance covera�r reyuired by Lendrr lap�c:� or ceu�r+ �o be in eff�rct. &.�ower shall pny �he �'�'' <br /> �,�','��,:. � "� premi�ims required to obtain coverage �ub.cyantially cyuivalrnt Io the munguge inxutunrc pre«��us(w� in effect, at u cos� - <br /> ' ` '�;,�. �� substantially eyuivalem to the cost�0 0�rcmwer of the mongage inwrunce prcvi��usly ia t1'Sect,from un altemate mortgage <br /> ��� �; ' ►. insw+er approved by Lender_ If su�tantiully cyuivulent m��hgagc insurwk:e roverags e,not avuilubie.Borrowe�shall pny tu --- <br /> �' ' a'.�'�`'' .� ' l.ender each monlh a surto eq�ua9 to one-twelfth of thc yrarly monguge in.uruncc prcan�,um being paid by Borrower when the == <br />�. ••' ��. .,,,�;?r:,�''` �_ <br /> �,-• :;,,._s•.-• inuta�nce coveroge I�psed cx�,xaved to b�:in rffect. l.enJer K ill acrept.u�e:u�d retuin�he,e payments�.ti u loss reserve in lieu <br />'�-� -� : ,;' ' �of nnortgage insurnnce. I.oss reserve paymenl�muy no longrr t+r reyuired,nt the oplion uf Le�i9�r,i6 moAguge insursutce ��� <br /> 'c�.. • t"� � �=_ <br /> < s,•.t__,- _: coveraBe(in tt�amuunt und for the period ihat L�nJer rryuire+l pro�•ided by un insurer upproved fiv Lender ugain hecomes -- <br /> G� <br /> „� � ': ... �.`.: avmilable an�i��btained.Borrower shu0 Qay thc prcmiumx rcyuircd tc+�esainaain rno��nge in�uranLC in�effect,or to provide a �. <br /> '���� :�:�; �IcKS reserve,umil the rcyuirement for martgage in�ur�nrr esW�in arcord:uice with any v.Ri�ten ngreemern betwct�n Borrower ��=':" <br /> :rr.;_. <br /> �;`•, �' Fr.�9'' +�n. :�nd Lenderor npplicAble Inw•. " <br /> ;:.,�,; • • � 9. 1�pectton. Lender or it+agent muy makr roa���r.�rble rnirirs u�xm:uid iia,per�i;m�of t�he!'r�peny. Lender shall <br /> �� .`-_. ��; _ . <br />:�}�' ,' . "� � give Bortower notice at the lime of or priur�o an inspexli��n,prrifyin�ma.onublr cau.r f��r the im+pecaon. - . <br /> �� '.�' 10. Condemnalbn. 't'he roccrd.09.�n rwarJ ar rlaim ti�r Jumu��. dirrrt ur con.r utnta:ir.+n conncwlinn wilh;u� `. <br /> , ,� :.y..: ... .,� ,�. y <br /> .,d ,�_�a:���_.„ ,� P 3' ' b' • y �.�.;. <br />-�. - —�5����. Sm k Famil F1+anie Mau�►eddk�loe C�IMIR111M11TRU�fE\T-•l�nd�Km('u�rnwu. 9A0 i <br /> �..,..� l� Y•• /uY�•?�qfn�iqr�� �. <br />���.• '. .)�"�f��li�.�.�',�':-A•'�- IiR�I 4ilr.&nlMa F�/�h.17 � �( <br /> Y1=,. - ,'.1� .;•�'��i't� . - . t�OuYr fiY�ti00b3P90Y3 C YAll iKH14191 c{� <br /> y .f''ll` �� r. 1. . ') Y•��,_ <br /> +� "41�� � . , 1�+►�', d�MN�i�;+�dF,��I�•;l,.;rn+..l.;�:"�l�fi.�4`�71�V1.1MTi'*'s r�7►'t/�inul�.�e•i��tfrt�nl�_ '—_ <br /> ���� � . t ':�',u '�.y�i�,sh•vYe?�s�r:�."`R. <br /> .;. <br /> �t�.,,' . ' '+ . „ • • L � u �._ <br /> ��, .s. . � _ ._ � . . . . i • � , �'�" � . . . -.+.. <br /> �. t. ' . !�•```` . 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